1 |
2 |
3 | export = mapboxgl;
4 | export as namespace mapboxgl;
5 |
6 | declare namespace mapboxgl {
7 | let accessToken: string;
8 | let version: string;
9 | let baseApiUrl: string;
10 |
11 | |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 | let workerCount: number;
16 |
17 | |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 | let maxParallelImageRequests: number;
22 |
23 | export function supported(options?: { failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat?: boolean | undefined }): boolean;
24 |
25 | |
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 | export function clearStorage(callback?: (err?: Error) => void): void;
30 |
31 | export function setRTLTextPlugin(pluginURL: string, callback: (error: Error) => void, deferred?: boolean): void;
32 | export function getRTLTextPluginStatus(): PluginStatus;
33 |
34 | |
35 |
36 |
37 |
38 |
39 |
40 |
41 |
42 |
43 |
44 |
45 |
46 |
47 |
48 |
49 |
50 |
51 | export function prewarm(): void;
52 |
53 | |
54 |
55 |
56 |
57 |
58 |
59 | export function clearPrewarmedResources(): void;
60 |
61 | type PluginStatus = "unavailable" | "loading" | "loaded" | "error";
62 |
63 | type LngLatLike = [number, number] | LngLat | { lng: number; lat: number } | { lon: number; lat: number };
64 |
65 | type LngLatBoundsLike = LngLatBounds | [LngLatLike, LngLatLike] | [number, number, number, number] | LngLatLike;
66 | type PointLike = Point | [number, number];
67 | type Offset = number | PointLike | { [_: string]: PointLike };
68 |
69 | type ExpressionName =
70 |
71 | | "array"
72 | | "boolean"
73 | | "collator"
74 | | "format"
75 | | "literal"
76 | | "number"
77 | | "number-format"
78 | | "object"
79 | | "string"
80 | | "image"
81 | | "to-boolean"
82 | | "to-color"
83 | | "to-number"
84 | | "to-string"
85 | | "typeof"
86 |
87 | | "feature-state"
88 | | "geometry-type"
89 | | "id"
90 | | "line-progress"
91 | | "properties"
92 |
93 | | "at"
94 | | "get"
95 | | "has"
96 | | "in"
97 | | "index-of"
98 | | "length"
99 | | "slice"
100 | | "config"
101 |
102 | | "!"
103 | | "!="
104 | | "<"
105 | | "<="
106 | | "=="
107 | | ">"
108 | | ">="
109 | | "all"
110 | | "any"
111 | | "case"
112 | | "match"
113 | | "coalesce"
114 | | "within"
115 |
116 | | "interpolate"
117 | | "interpolate-hcl"
118 | | "interpolate-lab"
119 | | "step"
120 |
121 | | "let"
122 | | "var"
123 |
124 | | "concat"
125 | | "downcase"
126 | | "is-supported-script"
127 | | "resolved-locale"
128 | | "upcase"
129 |
130 | | "hsl"
131 | | "hsla"
132 | | "rgb"
133 | | "rgba"
134 | | "to-rgba"
135 |
136 | | "-"
137 | | "*"
138 | | "/"
139 | | "%"
140 | | "^"
141 | | "+"
142 | | "abs"
143 | | "acos"
144 | | "asin"
145 | | "atan"
146 | | "ceil"
147 | | "cos"
148 | | "distance"
149 | | "e"
150 | | "floor"
151 | | "ln"
152 | | "ln2"
153 | | "log10"
154 | | "log2"
155 | | "max"
156 | | "min"
157 | | "pi"
158 | | "random"
159 | | "round"
160 | | "sin"
161 | | "sqrt"
162 | | "tan"
163 |
164 | | "distance-from-center"
165 | | "pitch"
166 | | "zoom"
167 | | "raster-value"
168 |
169 | | "measure-light"
170 |
171 | | "heatmap-density";
172 |
173 | type Expression = [ExpressionName, ...any[]];
174 |
175 | type Anchor =
176 | | "center"
177 | | "left"
178 | | "right"
179 | | "top"
180 | | "bottom"
181 | | "top-left"
182 | | "top-right"
183 | | "bottom-left"
184 | | "bottom-right";
185 |
186 | type DragPanOptions = {
187 | linearity?: number;
188 | easing?: (t: number) => number;
189 | deceleration?: number;
190 | maxSpeed?: number;
191 | };
192 |
193 | type InteractiveOptions = { around?: "center" };
194 |
195 | |
196 |
197 |
198 | export class Map extends Evented {
199 | constructor(options?: MapboxOptions);
200 |
201 | addControl(
202 | control: Control | IControl,
203 | position?: "top-right" | "top-left" | "bottom-right" | "bottom-left",
204 | ): this;
205 |
206 | removeControl(control: Control | IControl): this;
207 |
208 | /**
209 | * Checks if a control exists on the map.
210 | *
211 | * @param {IControl} control The {@link IControl} to check.
212 | * @returns {boolean} True if map contains control.
213 | * @example
214 | */
215 | hasControl(control: IControl): boolean;
216 |
217 | resize(eventData?: EventData): this;
218 |
219 | getBounds(): LngLatBounds;
220 |
221 | getMaxBounds(): LngLatBounds | null;
222 |
223 | setMaxBounds(lnglatbounds?: LngLatBoundsLike): this;
224 |
225 | setMinZoom(minZoom?: number | null): this;
226 |
227 | getMinZoom(): number;
228 |
229 | setMaxZoom(maxZoom?: number | null): this;
230 |
231 | getMaxZoom(): number;
232 |
233 | setMinPitch(minPitch?: number | null): this;
234 |
235 | getMinPitch(): number;
236 |
237 | setMaxPitch(maxPitch?: number | null): this;
238 |
239 | getMaxPitch(): number;
240 |
241 | getRenderWorldCopies(): boolean;
242 |
243 | setRenderWorldCopies(renderWorldCopies?: boolean): this;
244 |
245 | project(lnglat: LngLatLike): mapboxgl.Point;
246 |
247 | unproject(point: PointLike): mapboxgl.LngLat;
248 |
249 | isMoving(): boolean;
250 |
251 | isZooming(): boolean;
252 |
253 | isRotating(): boolean;
254 |
255 | |
256 |
257 |
258 |
259 |
260 |
261 |
262 |
263 |
264 |
265 |
266 |
267 |
268 |
269 |
270 |
271 |
272 |
273 |
274 |
275 |
276 |
277 | queryRenderedFeatures(
278 | pointOrBox?: PointLike | [PointLike, PointLike],
279 | options?: { layers?: string[] | undefined; filter?: any[] | undefined } & FilterOptions,
280 | ): MapboxGeoJSONFeature[];
281 |
282 | |
283 |
284 |
285 |
286 |
287 |
288 |
289 |
290 |
291 |
292 | querySourceFeatures(
293 | sourceID: string,
294 | parameters?: {
295 | sourceLayer?: string | undefined;
296 | filter?: any[] | undefined;
297 | } & FilterOptions,
298 | ): MapboxGeoJSONFeature[];
299 |
300 | setStyle(
301 | style: mapboxgl.Style | string,
302 | options?: { diff?: boolean | undefined; localIdeographFontFamily?: string | undefined },
303 | ): this;
304 |
305 | getStyle(): mapboxgl.Style;
306 |
307 | isStyleLoaded(): boolean;
308 |
309 | addSource(id: string, source: AnySourceData): this;
310 |
311 | isSourceLoaded(id: string): boolean;
312 |
313 | areTilesLoaded(): boolean;
314 |
315 | removeSource(id: string): this;
316 |
317 | getSource(id: string): AnySourceImpl;
318 |
319 | addImage(
320 | name: string,
321 | image:
322 | | HTMLImageElement
323 | | ArrayBufferView
324 | | { width: number; height: number; data: Uint8Array | Uint8ClampedArray }
325 | | ImageData
326 | | ImageBitmap,
327 | options?: {
328 | pixelRatio?: number | undefined;
329 | sdf?: boolean | undefined;
330 | stretchX?: Array<[number, number]> | undefined;
331 | stretchY?: Array<[number, number]> | undefined;
332 | content?: [number, number, number, number] | undefined;
333 | },
334 | ): void;
335 |
336 | updateImage(
337 | name: string,
338 | image:
339 | | HTMLImageElement
340 | | ArrayBufferView
341 | | { width: number; height: number; data: Uint8Array | Uint8ClampedArray }
342 | | ImageData
343 | | ImageBitmap,
344 | ): void;
345 |
346 | hasImage(name: string): boolean;
347 |
348 | removeImage(name: string): void;
349 |
350 | loadImage(url: string, callback: (error?: Error, result?: HTMLImageElement | ImageBitmap) => void): void;
351 |
352 | listImages(): string[];
353 |
354 | addLayer(layer: mapboxgl.AnyLayer, before?: string): this;
355 |
356 | moveLayer(id: string, beforeId?: string): this;
357 |
358 | removeLayer(id: string): this;
359 |
360 | getLayer(id: string): mapboxgl.AnyLayer;
361 |
362 | setFilter(layer: string, filter?: any[] | boolean | null, options?: FilterOptions | null): this;
363 |
364 | setLayerZoomRange(layerId: string, minzoom: number, maxzoom: number): this;
365 |
366 | getFilter(layer: string): any[];
367 |
368 | setPaintProperty(layer: string, name: string, value: any, options?: FilterOptions): this;
369 |
370 | getPaintProperty(layer: string, name: string): any;
371 |
372 | setLayoutProperty(layer: string, name: string, value: any, options?: FilterOptions): this;
373 |
374 | getLayoutProperty(layer: string, name: string): any;
375 |
376 | |
377 |
378 |
379 |
380 |
381 |
382 |
383 |
384 |
385 | getConfigProperty(importId: string, configName: string): any;
386 |
387 | |
388 |
389 |
390 |
391 |
392 |
393 |
394 |
395 |
396 |
397 | setConfigProperty(importId: string, configName: string, value: any): this;
398 |
399 | setLight(light: mapboxgl.Light, options?: FilterOptions): this;
400 |
401 | getLight(): mapboxgl.Light;
402 |
403 | |
404 |
405 |
406 |
407 |
408 |
409 |
410 |
411 |
412 |
413 |
414 |
415 |
416 |
417 |
418 |
419 | setTerrain(terrain?: TerrainSpecification | null): this;
420 |
421 | getTerrain(): TerrainSpecification | null;
422 |
423 | showTerrainWireframe: boolean;
424 |
425 | |
426 |
427 |
428 |
429 |
430 | queryTerrainElevation(lngLat: mapboxgl.LngLatLike, options?: ElevationQueryOptions): number | null;
431 |
432 | setFeatureState(
433 | feature: FeatureIdentifier | mapboxgl.MapboxGeoJSONFeature,
434 | state: { [key: string]: any },
435 | ): void;
436 |
437 | getFeatureState(feature: FeatureIdentifier | mapboxgl.MapboxGeoJSONFeature): { [key: string]: any };
438 |
439 | removeFeatureState(target: FeatureIdentifier | mapboxgl.MapboxGeoJSONFeature, key?: string): void;
440 |
441 | getContainer(): HTMLElement;
442 |
443 | getCanvasContainer(): HTMLElement;
444 |
445 | getCanvas(): HTMLCanvasElement;
446 |
447 | loaded(): boolean;
448 |
449 | remove(): void;
450 |
451 | triggerRepaint(): void;
452 |
453 | showTileBoundaries: boolean;
454 |
455 | showCollisionBoxes: boolean;
456 |
457 | |
458 |
459 |
460 |
461 |
462 |
463 |
464 |
465 | showPadding: boolean;
466 |
467 | repaint: boolean;
468 |
469 | getCenter(): mapboxgl.LngLat;
470 |
471 | setCenter(center: LngLatLike, eventData?: mapboxgl.EventData): this;
472 |
473 | panBy(offset: PointLike, options?: mapboxgl.AnimationOptions, eventData?: mapboxgl.EventData): this;
474 |
475 | panTo(lnglat: LngLatLike, options?: mapboxgl.AnimationOptions, eventdata?: mapboxgl.EventData): this;
476 |
477 | getZoom(): number;
478 |
479 | setZoom(zoom: number, eventData?: mapboxgl.EventData): this;
480 |
481 | zoomTo(zoom: number, options?: mapboxgl.AnimationOptions, eventData?: mapboxgl.EventData): this;
482 |
483 | zoomIn(options?: mapboxgl.AnimationOptions, eventData?: mapboxgl.EventData): this;
484 |
485 | zoomOut(options?: mapboxgl.AnimationOptions, eventData?: mapboxgl.EventData): this;
486 |
487 | getBearing(): number;
488 |
489 | setBearing(bearing: number, eventData?: mapboxgl.EventData): this;
490 |
491 | |
492 |
493 |
494 |
495 |
496 |
497 | getPadding(): PaddingOptions;
498 |
499 | |
500 |
501 |
502 |
503 |
504 |
505 |
506 |
507 |
508 |
509 |
510 |
511 |
512 |
513 |
514 | setPadding(padding: PaddingOptions, eventData?: EventData): this;
515 |
516 | rotateTo(bearing: number, options?: AnimationOptions & CameraOptions, eventData?: EventData): this;
517 |
518 | resetNorth(options?: mapboxgl.AnimationOptions, eventData?: mapboxgl.EventData): this;
519 |
520 | resetNorthPitch(options?: mapboxgl.AnimationOptions | null, eventData?: mapboxgl.EventData | null): this;
521 |
522 | snapToNorth(options?: mapboxgl.AnimationOptions, eventData?: mapboxgl.EventData): this;
523 |
524 | getPitch(): number;
525 |
526 | setPitch(pitch: number, eventData?: EventData): this;
527 |
528 | cameraForBounds(bounds: LngLatBoundsLike, options?: CameraForBoundsOptions): CameraForBoundsResult | undefined;
529 |
530 | fitBounds(bounds: LngLatBoundsLike, options?: mapboxgl.FitBoundsOptions, eventData?: mapboxgl.EventData): this;
531 |
532 | fitScreenCoordinates(
533 | p0: PointLike,
534 | p1: PointLike,
535 | bearing: number,
536 | options?: AnimationOptions & CameraOptions,
537 | eventData?: EventData,
538 | ): this;
539 |
540 | jumpTo(options: mapboxgl.CameraOptions, eventData?: mapboxgl.EventData): this;
541 |
542 | |
543 |
544 |
545 |
546 |
547 |
548 | getFreeCameraOptions(): FreeCameraOptions;
549 |
550 | |
551 |
552 |
553 |
554 |
555 |
556 |
557 |
558 |
559 |
560 |
561 |
562 |
563 |
564 |
565 |
566 |
567 |
568 |
569 |
570 |
571 |
572 |
573 | setFreeCameraOptions(options: FreeCameraOptions, eventData?: Object): this;
574 |
575 | easeTo(options: mapboxgl.EaseToOptions, eventData?: mapboxgl.EventData): this;
576 |
577 | flyTo(options: mapboxgl.FlyToOptions, eventData?: mapboxgl.EventData): this;
578 |
579 | isEasing(): boolean;
580 |
581 | stop(): this;
582 |
583 | on<T extends keyof MapLayerEventType>(
584 | type: T,
585 | layer: string | readonly string[],
586 | listener: (ev: MapLayerEventType[T] & EventData) => void,
587 | ): this;
588 | on<T extends keyof MapEventType>(type: T, listener: (ev: MapEventType[T] & EventData) => void): this;
589 | on(type: string, listener: (ev: any) => void): this;
590 |
591 | once<T extends keyof MapLayerEventType>(
592 | type: T,
593 | layer: string | readonly string[],
594 | listener: (ev: MapLayerEventType[T] & EventData) => void,
595 | ): this;
596 | once<T extends keyof MapEventType>(type: T, listener: (ev: MapEventType[T] & EventData) => void): this;
597 | once(type: string, listener: (ev: any) => void): this;
598 | once<T extends keyof MapEventType>(type: T): Promise<MapEventType[T]>;
599 |
600 | off<T extends keyof MapLayerEventType>(
601 | type: T,
602 | layer: string | readonly string[],
603 | listener: (ev: MapLayerEventType[T] & EventData) => void,
604 | ): this;
605 | off<T extends keyof MapEventType>(type: T, listener: (ev: MapEventType[T] & EventData) => void): this;
606 | off(type: string, listener: (ev: any) => void): this;
607 |
608 | scrollZoom: ScrollZoomHandler;
609 |
610 | boxZoom: BoxZoomHandler;
611 |
612 | dragRotate: DragRotateHandler;
613 |
614 | dragPan: DragPanHandler;
615 |
616 | keyboard: KeyboardHandler;
617 |
618 | doubleClickZoom: DoubleClickZoomHandler;
619 |
620 | touchZoomRotate: TouchZoomRotateHandler;
621 |
622 | touchPitch: TouchPitchHandler;
623 |
624 | getFog(): Fog | null;
625 | /**
626 | * @param fog If `null` or `undefined` is provided, function removes fog from
627 | * the map.
628 | */
629 | setFog(fog: Fog | null | undefined): this;
630 |
631 | getProjection(): Projection;
632 | setProjection(projection: Projection | string): this;
633 | }
634 |
635 | export interface MapboxOptions {
636 | /**
637 | * If specified, map will use this token instead of the one defined in mapboxgl.accessToken.
638 | *
639 | * @default null
640 | */
641 | accessToken?: string | undefined;
642 |
643 | /**
644 | * If true, the gl context will be created with MSA antialiasing, which can be useful for antialiasing custom layers.
645 | * This is false by default as a performance optimization.
646 | */
647 | antialias?: boolean | undefined;
648 |
649 | /** If true, an attribution control will be added to the map. */
650 | attributionControl?: boolean | undefined;
651 |
652 | bearing?: number | undefined;
653 |
654 | /** Snap to north threshold in degrees. */
655 | bearingSnap?: number | undefined;
656 |
657 | /** The initial bounds of the map. If bounds is specified, it overrides center and zoom constructor options. */
658 | bounds?: LngLatBoundsLike | undefined;
659 |
660 | /** If true, enable the "box zoom" interaction (see BoxZoomHandler) */
661 | boxZoom?: boolean | undefined;
662 |
663 | /** initial map center */
664 | center?: LngLatLike | undefined;
665 |
666 | /**
667 | * The max number of pixels a user can shift the mouse pointer during a click for it to be
668 | * considered a valid click (as opposed to a mouse drag).
669 | *
670 | * @default 3
671 | */
672 | clickTolerance?: number | undefined;
673 |
674 | /**
675 | * If `true`, Resource Timing API information will be collected for requests made by GeoJSON
676 | * and Vector Tile web workers (this information is normally inaccessible from the main
677 | * Javascript thread). Information will be returned in a `resourceTiming` property of
678 | * relevant `data` events.
679 | *
680 | * @default false
681 | */
682 | collectResourceTiming?: boolean | undefined;
683 |
684 | /**
685 | * The initial configuration options for the style fragments. Each key in the object is a
686 | * fragment ID (e.g., `basemap`) and each value is a configuration object.
687 | *
688 | * @default null
689 | */
690 | config?: Record<string, unknown>;
691 |
692 | /**
693 | * If `true`, symbols from multiple sources can collide with each other during collision
694 | * detection. If `false`, collision detection is run separately for the symbols in each source.
695 | *
696 | * @default true
697 | */
698 | crossSourceCollisions?: boolean | undefined;
699 |
700 | /** ID of the container element */
701 | container: string | HTMLElement;
702 |
703 | /**
704 | * If `true` , scroll zoom will require pressing the ctrl or ⌘ key while scrolling to zoom map,
705 | * and touch pan will require using two fingers while panning to move the map.
706 | * Touch pitch will require three fingers to activate if enabled.
707 | */
708 | cooperativeGestures?: boolean;
709 |
710 | /** String or strings to show in an AttributionControl.
711 | * Only applicable if options.attributionControl is `true`. */
712 | customAttribution?: string | string[] | undefined;
713 |
714 | /**
715 | * If `true`, the "drag to pan" interaction is enabled.
716 | * An `Object` value is passed as options to {@link DragPanHandler#enable}.
717 | */
718 | dragPan?: boolean | DragPanOptions | undefined;
719 |
720 | /** If true, enable the "drag to rotate" interaction (see DragRotateHandler). */
721 | dragRotate?: boolean | undefined;
722 |
723 | /** If true, enable the "double click to zoom" interaction (see DoubleClickZoomHandler). */
724 | doubleClickZoom?: boolean | undefined;
725 |
726 | /** If `true`, the map's position (zoom, center latitude, center longitude, bearing, and pitch) will be synced with the hash fragment of the page's URL.
727 | * For example, `http://path/to/my/page.html#2.59/39.26/53.07/-24.1/60`.
728 | * An additional string may optionally be provided to indicate a parameter-styled hash,
729 | * e.g. http://path/to/my/page.html#map=2.59/39.26/53.07/-24.1/60&foo=bar, where foo
730 | * is a custom parameter and bar is an arbitrary hash distinct from the map hash.
731 | */
732 | hash?: boolean | string | undefined;
733 |
734 | /**
735 | * Controls the duration of the fade-in/fade-out animation for label collisions, in milliseconds.
736 | * This setting affects all symbol layers. This setting does not affect the duration of runtime
737 | * styling transitions or raster tile cross-fading.
738 | *
739 | * @default 300
740 | */
741 | fadeDuration?: number | undefined;
742 |
743 | /** If true, map creation will fail if the implementation determines that the performance of the created WebGL context would be dramatically lower than expected. */
744 | failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat?: boolean | undefined;
745 |
746 | /** A fitBounds options object to use only when setting the bounds option. */
747 | fitBoundsOptions?: FitBoundsOptions | undefined;
748 |
749 | /** If false, no mouse, touch, or keyboard listeners are attached to the map, so it will not respond to input */
750 | interactive?: boolean | undefined;
751 |
752 | /** If true, enable keyboard shortcuts (see KeyboardHandler). */
753 | keyboard?: boolean | undefined;
754 |
755 | /**
756 | * A string with a BCP 47 language tag, or an array of such strings representing the desired
757 | * languages used for the map's labels and UI components.
758 | *
759 | * @default null
760 | */
761 | language?: "auto" | string | string[];
762 |
763 | /** A patch to apply to the default localization table for UI strings, e.g. control tooltips.
764 | * The `locale` object maps namespaced UI string IDs to translated strings in the target language;
765 | * see `src/ui/default_locale.js` for an example with all supported string IDs.
766 | * The object may specify all UI strings (thereby adding support for a new translation) or
767 | * only a subset of strings (thereby patching the default translation table).
768 | */
769 | locale?: { [key: string]: string } | undefined;
770 |
771 | /**
772 | * Overrides the generation of all glyphs and font settings except font-weight keywords
773 | * Also overrides localIdeographFontFamily
774 | * @default null
775 | */
776 | localFontFamily?: string | undefined;
777 |
778 | /**
779 | * If specified, defines a CSS font-family for locally overriding generation of glyphs in the
780 | * 'CJK Unified Ideographs' and 'Hangul Syllables' ranges. In these ranges, font settings from
781 | * the map's style will be ignored, except for font-weight keywords (light/regular/medium/bold).
782 | * The purpose of this option is to avoid bandwidth-intensive glyph server requests.
783 | *
784 | * @default null
785 | */
786 | localIdeographFontFamily?: string | undefined;
787 |
788 | /**
789 | * A string representing the position of the Mapbox wordmark on the map.
790 | *
791 | * @default "bottom-left"
792 | */
793 | logoPosition?: "top-left" | "top-right" | "bottom-left" | "bottom-right" | undefined;
794 |
795 | /** If set, the map is constrained to the given bounds. */
796 | maxBounds?: LngLatBoundsLike | undefined;
797 |
798 | /** Maximum pitch of the map. */
799 | maxPitch?: number | undefined;
800 |
801 | /**
802 | * The maximum number of tiles stored in the tile cache for a given source. If omitted, the
803 | * cache will be dynamically sized based on the current viewport.
804 | *
805 | * @default null
806 | */
807 | maxTileCacheSize?: number | undefined;
808 |
809 | /** Maximum zoom of the map. */
810 | maxZoom?: number | undefined;
811 |
812 | /** Minimum pitch of the map. */
813 | minPitch?: number | undefined;
814 |
815 | /**
816 | * The minimum number of tiles stored in the tile cache for a given source. If omitted, the
817 | * cache will be dynamically sized based on the current viewport.
818 | *
819 | * @default null
820 | */
821 | minTileCacheSize?: number | undefined;
822 |
823 | /** Minimum zoom of the map. */
824 | minZoom?: number | undefined;
825 |
826 | /**
827 | * If `true`, mapbox-gl will collect and send performance metrics.
828 | *
829 | * @default true
830 | */
831 | performanceMetricsCollection?: boolean;
832 |
833 | /** If true, The maps canvas can be exported to a PNG using map.getCanvas().toDataURL();. This is false by default as a performance optimization. */
834 | preserveDrawingBuffer?: boolean | undefined;
835 |
836 | /**
837 | * The initial pitch (tilt) of the map, measured in degrees away from the plane of the
838 | * screen (0-60).
839 | *
840 | * @default 0
841 | */
842 | pitch?: number | undefined;
843 |
844 | /**
845 | * A style's projection property sets which projection a map is rendered in.
846 | *
847 | * @default 'mercator'
848 | */
849 | projection?: Projection | Projection["name"];
850 |
851 | /**
852 | * If `false`, the map's pitch (tilt) control with "drag to rotate" interaction will be disabled.
853 | *
854 | * @default true
855 | */
856 | pitchWithRotate?: boolean | undefined;
857 |
858 | /**
859 | * If `false`, the map won't attempt to re-request tiles once they expire per their HTTP
860 | * `cacheControl`/`expires` headers.
861 | *
862 | * @default true
863 | */
864 | refreshExpiredTiles?: boolean | undefined;
865 |
866 | /**
867 | * If `true`, multiple copies of the world will be rendered, when zoomed out.
868 | *
869 | * @default true
870 | */
871 | renderWorldCopies?: boolean | undefined;
872 |
873 | /**
874 | * If set to `true`, the map will respect the user's `prefers-reduced-motion` browser
875 | * setting and apply a reduced motion mode, minimizing animations and transitions. When set
876 | * to `false` , the map will always ignore the `prefers-reduced-motion` settings, regardless
877 | * of the user's preference, making all animations essential.
878 | *
879 | * @default true
880 | */
881 | respectPrefersReducedMotion?: boolean;
882 |
883 | /**
884 | * If `true`, the "scroll to zoom" interaction is enabled.
885 | * An `Object` value is passed as options to {@link ScrollZoomHandler#enable}.
886 | */
887 | scrollZoom?: boolean | InteractiveOptions | undefined;
888 |
889 | /** stylesheet location */
890 | style?: mapboxgl.Style | string | undefined;
891 |
892 | /**
893 | * Allows for the usage of the map in automated tests without an accessToken with custom self-hosted test fixtures.
894 | *
895 | * @default null
896 | */
897 | testMode?: boolean | undefined;
898 |
899 | /** If true, the map will automatically resize when the browser window resizes */
900 | trackResize?: boolean | undefined;
901 |
902 | /**
903 | * A callback run before the Map makes a request for an external URL. The callback can be
904 | * used to modify the url, set headers, or set the credentials property for cross-origin requests.
905 | *
906 | * @default null
907 | */
908 | transformRequest?: TransformRequestFunction | undefined;
909 |
910 | /**
911 | * If `true`, the "pinch to rotate and zoom" interaction is enabled.
912 | * An `Object` value is passed as options to {@link TouchZoomRotateHandler#enable}.
913 | */
914 | touchZoomRotate?: boolean | InteractiveOptions | undefined;
915 |
916 | /**
917 | * If `true`, the "drag to pitch" interaction is enabled.
918 | * An `Object` value is passed as options to {@link TouchPitchHandler#enable}.
919 | */
920 | touchPitch?: boolean | InteractiveOptions | undefined;
921 |
922 | /**
923 | * Sets the map's worldview. A worldview determines the way that certain disputed boundaries are rendered.
924 | * By default, GL JS will not set a worldview so that the worldview of Mapbox tiles will be determined by
925 | * the vector tile source's TileJSON. Valid worldview strings must be an ISO alpha-2 country code.
926 | *
927 | * @default null
928 | */
929 | worldview?: string | undefined;
930 |
931 | /** Initial zoom level */
932 | zoom?: number | undefined;
933 | }
934 |
935 | type quat = number[];
936 | type vec3 = number[];
937 |
938 | /**
939 | * Various options for accessing physical properties of the underlying camera entity.
940 | * A direct access to these properties allows more flexible and precise controlling of the camera
941 | * while also being fully compatible and interchangeable with CameraOptions. All fields are optional.
942 | * See {@Link Camera#setFreeCameraOptions} and {@Link Camera#getFreeCameraOptions}
943 | *
944 | * @param {MercatorCoordinate} position Position of the camera in slightly modified web mercator coordinates
945 | - The size of 1 unit is the width of the projected world instead of the "mercator meter".
946 | Coordinate [0, 0, 0] is the north-west corner and [1, 1, 0] is the south-east corner.
947 | - Z coordinate is conformal and must respect minimum and maximum zoom values.
948 | - Zoom is automatically computed from the altitude (z)
949 | * @param {quat} orientation Orientation of the camera represented as a unit quaternion [x, y, z, w]
950 | in a left-handed coordinate space. Direction of the rotation is clockwise around the respective axis.
951 | The default pose of the camera is such that the forward vector is looking up the -Z axis and
952 | the up vector is aligned with north orientation of the map:
953 | forward: [0, 0, -1]
954 | up: [0, -1, 0]
955 | right [1, 0, 0]
956 | Orientation can be set freely but certain constraints still apply
957 | - Orientation must be representable with only pitch and bearing.
958 | - Pitch has an upper limit
959 | */
960 | export class FreeCameraOptions {
961 | constructor(position?: MercatorCoordinate, orientation?: quat);
962 |
963 | position: MercatorCoordinate | undefined;
964 |
965 | /**
966 | * Helper function for setting orientation of the camera by defining a focus point
967 | * on the map.
968 | *
969 | * @param {LngLatLike} location Location of the focus point on the map
970 | * @param {vec3} up Up vector of the camera is required in certain scenarios where bearing can't be deduced
971 | * from the viewing direction.
972 | */
973 | lookAtPoint(location: LngLatLike, up?: vec3): void;
974 |
975 | /**
976 | * Helper function for setting the orientation of the camera as a pitch and a bearing.
977 | *
978 | * @param {number} pitch Pitch angle in degrees
979 | * @param {number} bearing Bearing angle in degrees
980 | */
981 | setPitchBearing(pitch: number, bearing: number): void;
982 | }
983 |
984 | export type ResourceType =
985 | | "Unknown"
986 | | "Style"
987 | | "Source"
988 | | "Tile"
989 | | "Glyphs"
990 | | "SpriteImage"
991 | | "SpriteJSON"
992 | | "Image";
993 |
994 | export interface RequestParameters {
995 | /**
996 | * The URL to be requested.
997 | */
998 | url: string;
999 |
1000 | /**
1001 | * Use `'include'` to send cookies with cross-origin requests.
1002 | */
1003 | credentials?: "same-origin" | "include" | undefined;
1004 |
1005 | /**
1006 | * The headers to be sent with the request.
1007 | */
1008 | headers?: { [header: string]: any } | undefined;
1009 |
1010 | method?: "GET" | "POST" | "PUT" | undefined;
1011 |
1012 | collectResourceTiming?: boolean | undefined;
1013 | }
1014 |
1015 | export type TransformRequestFunction = (url: string, resourceType: ResourceType) => RequestParameters;
1016 |
1017 | export interface PaddingOptions {
1018 | top: number;
1019 | bottom: number;
1020 | left: number;
1021 | right: number;
1022 | }
1023 |
1024 | export interface FeatureIdentifier {
1025 | id?: string | number | undefined;
1026 | source: string;
1027 | sourceLayer?: string | undefined;
1028 | }
1029 |
1030 | |
1031 |
1032 |
1033 | export class BoxZoomHandler {
1034 | constructor(map: mapboxgl.Map);
1035 |
1036 | isEnabled(): boolean;
1037 |
1038 | isActive(): boolean;
1039 |
1040 | enable(): void;
1041 |
1042 | disable(): void;
1043 | }
1044 |
1045 | /**
1046 | * ScrollZoomHandler
1047 | */
1048 | export class ScrollZoomHandler {
1049 | constructor(map: mapboxgl.Map);
1050 |
1051 | isEnabled(): boolean;
1052 |
1053 | enable(options?: InteractiveOptions): void;
1054 |
1055 | disable(): void;
1056 |
1057 | setZoomRate(zoomRate: number): void;
1058 |
1059 | setWheelZoomRate(wheelZoomRate: number): void;
1060 | }
1061 |
1062 | /**
1063 | * DragPenHandler
1064 | */
1065 | export class DragPanHandler {
1066 | constructor(map: mapboxgl.Map);
1067 |
1068 | isEnabled(): boolean;
1069 |
1070 | isActive(): boolean;
1071 |
1072 | enable(options?: DragPanOptions): void;
1073 |
1074 | disable(): void;
1075 | }
1076 |
1077 | /**
1078 | * DragRotateHandler
1079 | */
1080 | export class DragRotateHandler {
1081 | constructor(
1082 | map: mapboxgl.Map,
1083 | options?: { bearingSnap?: number | undefined; pitchWithRotate?: boolean | undefined },
1084 | );
1085 |
1086 | isEnabled(): boolean;
1087 |
1088 | isActive(): boolean;
1089 |
1090 | enable(): void;
1091 |
1092 | disable(): void;
1093 | }
1094 |
1095 | /**
1096 | * KeyboardHandler
1097 | */
1098 | export class KeyboardHandler {
1099 | constructor(map: mapboxgl.Map);
1100 |
1101 | isEnabled(): boolean;
1102 |
1103 | enable(): void;
1104 |
1105 | disable(): void;
1106 |
1107 | /**
1108 | * Returns true if the handler is enabled and has detected the start of a
1109 | * zoom/rotate gesture.
1110 | *
1111 | * @returns {boolean} `true` if the handler is enabled and has detected the
1112 | * start of a zoom/rotate gesture.
1113 | */
1114 | isActive(): boolean;
1115 |
1116 | |
1117 |
1118 |
1119 |
1120 |
1121 |
1122 |
1123 | disableRotation(): void;
1124 |
1125 | |
1126 |
1127 |
1128 |
1129 |
1130 |
1131 |
1132 | enableRotation(): void;
1133 | }
1134 |
1135 | |
1136 |
1137 |
1138 | export class DoubleClickZoomHandler {
1139 | constructor(map: mapboxgl.Map);
1140 |
1141 | isEnabled(): boolean;
1142 |
1143 | enable(): void;
1144 |
1145 | disable(): void;
1146 | }
1147 |
1148 | /**
1149 | * TouchZoomRotateHandler
1150 | */
1151 | export class TouchZoomRotateHandler {
1152 | constructor(map: mapboxgl.Map);
1153 |
1154 | isEnabled(): boolean;
1155 |
1156 | enable(options?: InteractiveOptions): void;
1157 |
1158 | disable(): void;
1159 |
1160 | disableRotation(): void;
1161 |
1162 | enableRotation(): void;
1163 | }
1164 |
1165 | export class TouchPitchHandler {
1166 | constructor(map: mapboxgl.Map);
1167 |
1168 | enable(options?: InteractiveOptions): void;
1169 |
1170 | isActive(): boolean;
1171 |
1172 | isEnabled(): boolean;
1173 |
1174 | disable(): void;
1175 | }
1176 |
1177 | export interface IControl {
1178 | onAdd(map: Map): HTMLElement;
1179 |
1180 | onRemove(map: Map): void;
1181 |
1182 | getDefaultPosition?: (() => string) | undefined;
1183 | }
1184 |
1185 | /**
1186 | * Control
1187 | */
1188 | export class Control extends Evented implements IControl {
1189 | onAdd(map: Map): HTMLElement;
1190 | onRemove(map: Map): void;
1191 | getDefaultPosition?: (() => string) | undefined;
1192 | }
1193 |
1194 | /**
1195 | * Navigation
1196 | */
1197 | export class NavigationControl extends Control {
1198 | constructor(options?: {
1199 | showCompass?: boolean | undefined;
1200 | showZoom?: boolean | undefined;
1201 | visualizePitch?: boolean | undefined;
1202 | });
1203 | }
1204 |
1205 | export class PositionOptions {
1206 | enableHighAccuracy?: boolean | undefined;
1207 | timeout?: number | undefined;
1208 | maximumAge?: number | undefined;
1209 | }
1210 |
1211 | /**
1212 | * Geolocate
1213 | */
1214 | export class GeolocateControl extends Control {
1215 | constructor(options?: {
1216 | positionOptions?: PositionOptions | undefined;
1217 | fitBoundsOptions?: FitBoundsOptions | undefined;
1218 | trackUserLocation?: boolean | undefined;
1219 | showAccuracyCircle?: boolean | undefined;
1220 | showUserLocation?: boolean | undefined;
1221 | showUserHeading?: boolean | undefined;
1222 | geolocation?: Geolocation | undefined;
1223 | });
1224 | trigger(): boolean;
1225 | }
1226 |
1227 | /**
1228 | * Attribution
1229 | */
1230 | export class AttributionControl extends Control {
1231 | constructor(options?: { compact?: boolean | undefined; customAttribution?: string | string[] | undefined });
1232 | }
1233 |
1234 | /**
1235 | * Scale
1236 | */
1237 | export class ScaleControl extends Control {
1238 | constructor(options?: { maxWidth?: number | undefined; unit?: string | undefined });
1239 |
1240 | setUnit(unit: "imperial" | "metric" | "nautical"): void;
1241 | }
1242 |
1243 | /**
1244 | * FullscreenControl
1245 | */
1246 | export class FullscreenControl extends Control {
1247 | constructor(options?: FullscreenControlOptions | null);
1248 | }
1249 |
1250 | export interface FullscreenControlOptions {
1251 | /**
1252 | * A compatible DOM element which should be made full screen.
1253 | * By default, the map container element will be made full screen.
1254 | */
1255 | container?: HTMLElement | null | undefined;
1256 | }
1257 |
1258 | /**
1259 | * Popup
1260 | */
1261 | export class Popup extends Evented {
1262 | constructor(options?: mapboxgl.PopupOptions);
1263 |
1264 | addTo(map: mapboxgl.Map): this;
1265 |
1266 | isOpen(): boolean;
1267 |
1268 | remove(): this;
1269 |
1270 | getLngLat(): mapboxgl.LngLat;
1271 |
1272 | /**
1273 | * Sets the geographical location of the popup's anchor, and moves the popup to it. Replaces trackPointer() behavior.
1274 | *
1275 | * @param lnglat The geographical location to set as the popup's anchor.
1276 | */
1277 | setLngLat(lnglat: LngLatLike): this;
1278 |
1279 | /**
1280 | * Tracks the popup anchor to the cursor position, on screens with a pointer device (will be hidden on touchscreens). Replaces the setLngLat behavior.
1281 | * For most use cases, `closeOnClick` and `closeButton` should also be set to `false` here.
1282 | */
1283 | trackPointer(): this;
1284 |
1285 | /** Returns the `Popup`'s HTML element. */
1286 | getElement(): HTMLElement;
1287 |
1288 | setText(text: string): this;
1289 |
1290 | setHTML(html: string): this;
1291 |
1292 | setDOMContent(htmlNode: Node): this;
1293 |
1294 | getMaxWidth(): string;
1295 |
1296 | setMaxWidth(maxWidth: string): this;
1297 |
1298 | /**
1299 | * Adds a CSS class to the popup container element.
1300 | *
1301 | * @param {string} className Non-empty string with CSS class name to add to popup container
1302 | *
1303 | * @example
1304 | * let popup = new mapboxgl.Popup()
1305 | * popup.addClassName('some-class')
1306 | */
1307 | addClassName(className: string): void;
1308 |
1309 | /**
1310 | * Removes a CSS class from the popup container element.
1311 | *
1312 | * @param {string} className Non-empty string with CSS class name to remove from popup container
1313 | *
1314 | * @example
1315 | * let popup = new mapboxgl.Popup()
1316 | * popup.removeClassName('some-class')
1317 | */
1318 | removeClassName(className: string): void;
1319 |
1320 | /**
1321 | * Sets the popup's offset.
1322 | *
1323 | * @param offset Sets the popup's offset.
1324 | * @returns {Popup} `this`
1325 | */
1326 | setOffset(offset?: Offset | null): this;
1327 |
1328 | /**
1329 | * Add or remove the given CSS class on the popup container, depending on whether the container currently has that class.
1330 | *
1331 | * @param {string} className Non-empty string with CSS class name to add/remove
1332 | *
1333 | * @returns {boolean} if the class was removed return false, if class was added, then return true
1334 | *
1335 | * @example
1336 | * let popup = new mapboxgl.Popup()
1337 | * popup.toggleClassName('toggleClass')
1338 | */
1339 | toggleClassName(className: string): void;
1340 | }
1341 |
1342 | export interface PopupOptions {
1343 | closeButton?: boolean | undefined;
1344 |
1345 | closeOnClick?: boolean | undefined;
1346 |
1347 | /**
1348 | * @param {boolean} [options.closeOnMove=false] If `true`, the popup will closed when the map moves.
1349 | */
1350 | closeOnMove?: boolean | undefined;
1351 |
1352 | /**
1353 | * @param {boolean} [options.focusAfterOpen=true] If `true`, the popup will try to focus the
1354 | * first focusable element inside the popup.
1355 | */
1356 | focusAfterOpen?: boolean | null | undefined;
1357 |
1358 | anchor?: Anchor | undefined;
1359 |
1360 | offset?: Offset | null | undefined;
1361 |
1362 | className?: string | undefined;
1363 |
1364 | maxWidth?: string | undefined;
1365 | }
1366 |
1367 | export interface Style {
1368 | layers: AnyLayer[];
1369 | sources: Sources;
1370 |
1371 | bearing?: number | undefined;
1372 | center?: number[] | undefined;
1373 | fog?: Fog | undefined;
1374 | glyphs?: string | undefined;
1375 | metadata?: any;
1376 | name?: string | undefined;
1377 | pitch?: number | undefined;
1378 | light?: Light | undefined;
1379 | sprite?: string | undefined;
1380 | terrain?: TerrainSpecification | undefined;
1381 | transition?: Transition | undefined;
1382 | version: number;
1383 | zoom?: number | undefined;
1384 | }
1385 |
1386 | export interface Transition {
1387 | delay?: number | undefined;
1388 | duration?: number | undefined;
1389 | }
1390 |
1391 | export interface Light {
1392 | anchor?: "map" | "viewport" | undefined;
1393 | position?: number[] | undefined;
1394 | "position-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
1395 | color?: string | undefined;
1396 | "color-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
1397 | intensity?: number | undefined;
1398 | "intensity-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
1399 | }
1400 |
1401 | export interface Fog {
1402 | color?: string | Expression | undefined;
1403 | "horizon-blend"?: number | Expression | undefined;
1404 | range?: number[] | Expression | undefined;
1405 | "high-color"?: string | Expression | undefined;
1406 | "space-color"?: string | Expression | undefined;
1407 | "star-intensity"?: number | Expression | undefined;
1408 | }
1409 |
1410 | export interface Sources {
1411 | [sourceName: string]: AnySourceData;
1412 | }
1413 |
1414 | export type PromoteIdSpecification = { [key: string]: string } | string;
1415 |
1416 | export type AnySourceData =
1417 | | GeoJSONSourceRaw
1418 | | VideoSourceRaw
1419 | | ImageSourceRaw
1420 | | CanvasSourceRaw
1421 | | VectorSource
1422 | | RasterSource
1423 | | RasterDemSource
1424 | | CustomSourceInterface<HTMLImageElement | ImageData | ImageBitmap>;
1425 |
1426 | interface RasterSourceImpl extends RasterSource {
1427 | /**
1428 | * Reloads the source data and re-renders the map.
1429 | */
1430 | reload(): void;
1431 |
1432 | /**
1433 | * Sets the source `tiles` property and re-renders the map.
1434 | *
1435 | * @param {string[]} tiles An array of one or more tile source URLs, as in the TileJSON spec.
1436 | * @returns {RasterTileSource} this
1437 | */
1438 | setTiles(tiles: readonly string[]): RasterSourceImpl;
1439 |
1440 | /**
1441 | * Sets the source `url` property and re-renders the map.
1442 | *
1443 | * @param {string} url A URL to a TileJSON resource. Supported protocols are `http:`, `https:`, and `mapbox://<Tileset ID>`.
1444 | * @returns {RasterTileSource} this
1445 | */
1446 | setUrl(url: string): RasterSourceImpl;
1447 | }
1448 |
1449 | interface VectorSourceImpl extends VectorSource {
1450 | /**
1451 | * Reloads the source data and re-renders the map.
1452 | */
1453 | reload(): void;
1454 |
1455 | /**
1456 | * Sets the source `tiles` property and re-renders the map.
1457 | *
1458 | * @param {string[]} tiles An array of one or more tile source URLs, as in the TileJSON spec.
1459 | * @returns {VectorTileSource} this
1460 | */
1461 | setTiles(tiles: readonly string[]): VectorSourceImpl;
1462 |
1463 | /**
1464 | * Sets the source `url` property and re-renders the map.
1465 | *
1466 | * @param {string} url A URL to a TileJSON resource. Supported protocols are `http:`, `https:`, and `mapbox://<Tileset ID>`.
1467 | * @returns {VectorTileSource} this
1468 | */
1469 | setUrl(url: string): VectorSourceImpl;
1470 | }
1471 |
1472 | export type AnySourceImpl =
1473 | | GeoJSONSource
1474 | | VideoSource
1475 | | ImageSource
1476 | | CanvasSource
1477 | | VectorSourceImpl
1478 | | RasterSourceImpl
1479 | | RasterDemSource
1480 | | CustomSource<HTMLImageElement | ImageData | ImageBitmap>;
1481 |
1482 | export interface Source {
1483 | type: "vector" | "raster" | "raster-dem" | "geojson" | "image" | "video" | "canvas" | "custom";
1484 | }
1485 |
1486 | /**
1487 | * GeoJSONSource
1488 | */
1489 |
1490 | export interface GeoJSONSourceRaw extends Source, GeoJSONSourceOptions {
1491 | type: "geojson";
1492 | }
1493 |
1494 | export class GeoJSONSource implements GeoJSONSourceRaw {
1495 | type: "geojson";
1496 |
1497 | constructor(options?: mapboxgl.GeoJSONSourceOptions);
1498 |
1499 | setData(data: GeoJSON.Feature<GeoJSON.Geometry> | GeoJSON.FeatureCollection<GeoJSON.Geometry> | String): this;
1500 |
1501 | getClusterExpansionZoom(clusterId: number, callback: (error: any, zoom: number) => void): this;
1502 |
1503 | getClusterChildren(
1504 | clusterId: number,
1505 | callback: (error: any, features: Array<GeoJSON.Feature<GeoJSON.Geometry>>) => void,
1506 | ): this;
1507 |
1508 | getClusterLeaves(
1509 | cluserId: number,
1510 | limit: number,
1511 | offset: number,
1512 | callback: (error: any, features: Array<GeoJSON.Feature<GeoJSON.Geometry>>) => void,
1513 | ): this;
1514 | }
1515 |
1516 | export interface GeoJSONSourceOptions {
1517 | data?:
1518 | | GeoJSON.Feature<GeoJSON.Geometry>
1519 | | GeoJSON.FeatureCollection<GeoJSON.Geometry>
1520 | | GeoJSON.Geometry
1521 | | string
1522 | | undefined;
1523 |
1524 | maxzoom?: number | undefined;
1525 |
1526 | attribution?: string | undefined;
1527 |
1528 | buffer?: number | undefined;
1529 |
1530 | tolerance?: number | undefined;
1531 |
1532 | cluster?: number | boolean | undefined;
1533 |
1534 | clusterRadius?: number | undefined;
1535 |
1536 | clusterMaxZoom?: number | undefined;
1537 |
1538 | /**
1539 | * Minimum number of points necessary to form a cluster if clustering is enabled. Defaults to `2`.
1540 | */
1541 | clusterMinPoints?: number | undefined;
1542 |
1543 | clusterProperties?: object | undefined;
1544 |
1545 | lineMetrics?: boolean | undefined;
1546 |
1547 | generateId?: boolean | undefined;
1548 |
1549 | promoteId?: PromoteIdSpecification | undefined;
1550 |
1551 | filter?: any;
1552 | }
1553 |
1554 | /**
1555 | * VideoSource
1556 | */
1557 | export interface VideoSourceRaw extends Source, VideoSourceOptions {
1558 | type: "video";
1559 | }
1560 |
1561 | export class VideoSource implements VideoSourceRaw {
1562 | type: "video";
1563 |
1564 | constructor(options?: mapboxgl.VideoSourceOptions);
1565 |
1566 | getVideo(): HTMLVideoElement;
1567 |
1568 | setCoordinates(coordinates: number[][]): this;
1569 | }
1570 |
1571 | export interface VideoSourceOptions {
1572 | urls?: string[] | undefined;
1573 |
1574 | coordinates?: number[][] | undefined;
1575 | }
1576 |
1577 | /**
1578 | * ImageSource
1579 | */
1580 | export interface ImageSourceRaw extends Source, ImageSourceOptions {
1581 | type: "image";
1582 | }
1583 |
1584 | export class ImageSource implements ImageSourceRaw {
1585 | type: "image";
1586 |
1587 | constructor(options?: mapboxgl.ImageSourceOptions);
1588 |
1589 | updateImage(options: ImageSourceOptions): this;
1590 |
1591 | setCoordinates(coordinates: number[][]): this;
1592 | }
1593 |
1594 | export interface ImageSourceOptions {
1595 | url?: string | undefined;
1596 |
1597 | coordinates?: number[][] | undefined;
1598 | }
1599 |
1600 | /**
1601 | * CanvasSource
1602 | */
1603 | export interface CanvasSourceRaw extends Source, CanvasSourceOptions {
1604 | type: "canvas";
1605 | }
1606 |
1607 | export class CanvasSource implements CanvasSourceRaw {
1608 | type: "canvas";
1609 |
1610 | coordinates: number[][];
1611 |
1612 | canvas: string | HTMLCanvasElement;
1613 |
1614 | play(): void;
1615 |
1616 | pause(): void;
1617 |
1618 | getCanvas(): HTMLCanvasElement;
1619 |
1620 | setCoordinates(coordinates: number[][]): this;
1621 | }
1622 |
1623 | export interface CanvasSourceOptions {
1624 | coordinates: number[][];
1625 |
1626 | animate?: boolean | undefined;
1627 |
1628 | canvas: string | HTMLCanvasElement;
1629 | }
1630 |
1631 | export type CameraFunctionSpecification<T> =
1632 | | { type: "exponential"; stops: Array<[number, T]> }
1633 | | { type: "interval"; stops: Array<[number, T]> };
1634 |
1635 | export type ExpressionSpecification = unknown[];
1636 |
1637 | export type PropertyValueSpecification<T> = T | CameraFunctionSpecification<T> | ExpressionSpecification;
1638 |
1639 | export interface TerrainSpecification {
1640 | source: string;
1641 | exaggeration?: PropertyValueSpecification<number> | undefined;
1642 | }
1643 |
1644 | /**
1645 | * @see https://github.com/mapbox/tilejson-spec/tree/master/3.0.0#33-vector_layers
1646 | */
1647 | type SourceVectorLayer = {
1648 | id: string;
1649 | fields?: Record<string, string>;
1650 | description?: string;
1651 | minzoom?: number;
1652 | maxzoom?: number;
1653 |
1654 | // Non standard extensions that are valid in a Mapbox context.
1655 | source?: string;
1656 | source_name?: string;
1657 | };
1658 |
1659 | interface VectorSource extends Source {
1660 | type: "vector";
1661 | format?: "pbf";
1662 |
1663 | url?: string | undefined;
1664 | id?: string;
1665 | name?: string;
1666 |
1667 | tiles?: string[] | undefined;
1668 | bounds?: number[] | undefined;
1669 | scheme?: "xyz" | "tms" | undefined;
1670 | minzoom?: number | undefined;
1671 | maxzoom?: number | undefined;
1672 | attribution?: string | undefined;
1673 | promoteId?: PromoteIdSpecification | undefined;
1674 |
1675 | vector_layers?: SourceVectorLayer[];
1676 | }
1677 |
1678 | interface RasterSource extends Source {
1679 | name?: string;
1680 | type: "raster";
1681 | id?: string;
1682 | format?: "webp" | string;
1683 |
1684 | url?: string | undefined;
1685 | tiles?: string[] | undefined;
1686 | bounds?: number[] | undefined;
1687 | minzoom?: number | undefined;
1688 | maxzoom?: number | undefined;
1689 | tileSize?: number | undefined;
1690 | scheme?: "xyz" | "tms" | undefined;
1691 | attribution?: string | undefined;
1692 | }
1693 |
1694 | interface RasterDemSource extends Source {
1695 | name?: string;
1696 | type: "raster-dem";
1697 | id?: string;
1698 |
1699 | url?: string | undefined;
1700 | tiles?: string[] | undefined;
1701 | bounds?: number[] | undefined;
1702 | minzoom?: number | undefined;
1703 | maxzoom?: number | undefined;
1704 | tileSize?: number | undefined;
1705 | attribution?: string | undefined;
1706 | encoding?: "terrarium" | "mapbox" | undefined;
1707 | }
1708 |
1709 | interface CustomSourceInterface<T> {
1710 | id: string;
1711 | type: "custom";
1712 | dataType: "raster";
1713 | minzoom?: number;
1714 | maxzoom?: number;
1715 | scheme?: string;
1716 | tileSize?: number;
1717 | attribution?: string;
1718 | bounds?: [number, number, number, number];
1719 | hasTile?: (tileID: { z: number; x: number; y: number }) => boolean;
1720 | loadTile: (tileID: { z: number; x: number; y: number }, options: { signal: AbortSignal }) => Promise<T>;
1721 | prepareTile?: (tileID: { z: number; x: number; y: number }) => T | undefined;
1722 | unloadTile?: (tileID: { z: number; x: number; y: number }) => void;
1723 | onAdd?: (map: Map) => void;
1724 | onRemove?: (map: Map) => void;
1725 | }
1726 |
1727 | interface CustomSource<T> extends Source {
1728 | id: string;
1729 | type: "custom";
1730 | scheme: string;
1731 | minzoom: number;
1732 | maxzoom: number;
1733 | tileSize: number;
1734 | attribution: string;
1735 |
1736 | _implementation: CustomSourceInterface<T>;
1737 | }
1738 |
1739 | |
1740 |
1741 |
1742 | export class LngLat {
1743 | lng: number;
1744 | lat: number;
1745 |
1746 | constructor(lng: number, lat: number);
1747 |
1748 | /** Return a new LngLat object whose longitude is wrapped to the range (-180, 180). */
1749 | wrap(): mapboxgl.LngLat;
1750 |
1751 | /** Return a LngLat as an array */
1752 | toArray(): number[];
1753 |
1754 | /** Return a LngLat as a string */
1755 | toString(): string;
1756 |
1757 | /** Returns the approximate distance between a pair of coordinates in meters
1758 | * Uses the Haversine Formula (from R.W. Sinnott, "Virtues of the Haversine", Sky and Telescope, vol. 68, no. 2, 1984, p. 159) */
1759 | distanceTo(lngLat: LngLat): number;
1760 |
1761 | toBounds(radius: number): LngLatBounds;
1762 |
1763 | static convert(input: LngLatLike): mapboxgl.LngLat;
1764 | }
1765 |
1766 | /**
1767 | * LngLatBounds
1768 | */
1769 | export class LngLatBounds {
1770 | sw: LngLatLike;
1771 | ne: LngLatLike;
1772 | _sw: LngLat;
1773 | _ne: LngLat;
1774 |
1775 | constructor(boundsLike?: [LngLatLike, LngLatLike] | [number, number, number, number]);
1776 | constructor(sw: LngLatLike, ne: LngLatLike);
1777 |
1778 | setNorthEast(ne: LngLatLike): this;
1779 |
1780 | setSouthWest(sw: LngLatLike): this;
1781 |
1782 | /** Check if the point is within the bounding box. */
1783 | contains(lnglat: LngLatLike): boolean;
1784 |
1785 | /** Extend the bounds to include a given LngLat or LngLatBounds. */
1786 | extend(obj: mapboxgl.LngLatLike | mapboxgl.LngLatBoundsLike): this;
1787 |
1788 | /** Get the point equidistant from this box's corners */
1789 | getCenter(): mapboxgl.LngLat;
1790 |
1791 | /** Get southwest corner */
1792 | getSouthWest(): mapboxgl.LngLat;
1793 |
1794 | /** Get northeast corner */
1795 | getNorthEast(): mapboxgl.LngLat;
1796 |
1797 | /** Get northwest corner */
1798 | getNorthWest(): mapboxgl.LngLat;
1799 |
1800 | /** Get southeast corner */
1801 | getSouthEast(): mapboxgl.LngLat;
1802 |
1803 | /** Get west edge longitude */
1804 | getWest(): number;
1805 |
1806 | /** Get south edge latitude */
1807 | getSouth(): number;
1808 |
1809 | /** Get east edge longitude */
1810 | getEast(): number;
1811 |
1812 | /** Get north edge latitude */
1813 | getNorth(): number;
1814 |
1815 | /** Returns a LngLatBounds as an array */
1816 | toArray(): number[][];
1817 |
1818 | /** Return a LngLatBounds as a string */
1819 | toString(): string;
1820 |
1821 | /** Returns a boolean */
1822 | isEmpty(): boolean;
1823 |
1824 | /** Convert an array to a LngLatBounds object, or return an existing LngLatBounds object unchanged. */
1825 | static convert(input: LngLatBoundsLike): mapboxgl.LngLatBounds;
1826 | }
1827 |
1828 | /**
1829 | * Point
1830 | */
1831 | // Todo: Pull out class to seperate definition for Module "point-geometry"
1832 | export class Point {
1833 | x: number;
1834 | y: number;
1835 |
1836 | constructor(x: number, y: number);
1837 |
1838 | clone(): Point;
1839 |
1840 | add(p: Point): Point;
1841 |
1842 | sub(p: Point): Point;
1843 |
1844 | mult(k: number): Point;
1845 |
1846 | div(k: number): Point;
1847 |
1848 | rotate(a: number): Point;
1849 |
1850 | matMult(m: number): Point;
1851 |
1852 | unit(): Point;
1853 |
1854 | perp(): Point;
1855 |
1856 | round(): Point;
1857 |
1858 | mag(): number;
1859 |
1860 | equals(p: Point): boolean;
1861 |
1862 | dist(p: Point): number;
1863 |
1864 | distSqr(p: Point): number;
1865 |
1866 | angle(): number;
1867 |
1868 | angleTo(p: Point): number;
1869 |
1870 | angleWidth(p: Point): number;
1871 |
1872 | angleWithSep(x: number, y: number): number;
1873 |
1874 | static convert(a: PointLike): Point;
1875 | }
1876 |
1877 | /**
1878 | * MercatorCoordinate
1879 | */
1880 | export class MercatorCoordinate {
1881 | /** The x component of the position. */
1882 | x: number;
1883 |
1884 | /** The y component of the position. */
1885 | y: number;
1886 |
1887 | /**
1888 | * The z component of the position.
1889 | *
1890 | * @default 0
1891 | */
1892 | z?: number | undefined;
1893 |
1894 | constructor(x: number, y: number, z?: number);
1895 |
1896 | /** Returns the altitude in meters of the coordinate. */
1897 | toAltitude(): number;
1898 |
1899 | /** Returns the LngLat for the coordinate. */
1900 | toLngLat(): LngLat;
1901 |
1902 | /**
1903 | * Returns the distance of 1 meter in MercatorCoordinate units at this latitude.
1904 | *
1905 | * For coordinates in real world units using meters, this naturally provides the
1906 | * scale to transform into MercatorCoordinates.
1907 | */
1908 | meterInMercatorCoordinateUnits(): number;
1909 |
1910 | /** Project a LngLat to a MercatorCoordinate. */
1911 | static fromLngLat(lngLatLike: LngLatLike, altitude?: number): MercatorCoordinate;
1912 | }
1913 |
1914 | /**
1915 | * Marker
1916 | */
1917 | export class Marker extends Evented {
1918 | constructor(options?: mapboxgl.MarkerOptions);
1919 |
1920 | constructor(element?: HTMLElement, options?: mapboxgl.MarkerOptions);
1921 |
1922 | addTo(map: Map): this;
1923 |
1924 | remove(): this;
1925 |
1926 | getLngLat(): LngLat;
1927 |
1928 | setLngLat(lngLat: LngLatLike): this;
1929 |
1930 | getElement(): HTMLElement;
1931 |
1932 | setPopup(popup?: Popup): this;
1933 |
1934 | getPopup(): Popup;
1935 |
1936 | togglePopup(): this;
1937 |
1938 | getOffset(): PointLike;
1939 |
1940 | setOffset(offset: PointLike): this;
1941 |
1942 | setDraggable(shouldBeDraggable: boolean): this;
1943 |
1944 | isDraggable(): boolean;
1945 |
1946 | getRotation(): number;
1947 |
1948 | setRotation(rotation: number): this;
1949 |
1950 | getRotationAlignment(): Alignment;
1951 |
1952 | setRotationAlignment(alignment: Alignment): this;
1953 |
1954 | getPitchAlignment(): Alignment;
1955 |
1956 | setPitchAlignment(alignment: Alignment): this;
1957 |
1958 | getOccludedOpacity(): number;
1959 |
1960 | setOccludedOpacity(opacity: number): this;
1961 | }
1962 |
1963 | type Alignment = "map" | "viewport" | "auto";
1964 |
1965 | /** @see https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/markers/#marker-parameters */
1966 | export interface MarkerOptions {
1967 | /** DOM element to use as a marker. The default is a light blue, droplet-shaped SVG marker */
1968 | element?: HTMLElement | undefined;
1969 |
1970 | /** The offset in pixels as a PointLike object to apply relative to the element's center. Negatives indicate left and up. */
1971 | offset?: PointLike | undefined;
1972 |
1973 | /** A string indicating the part of the Marker that should be positioned closest to the coordinate set via Marker.setLngLat.
1974 | * Options are `'center'`, `'top'`, `'bottom'`, `'left'`, `'right'`, `'top-left'`, `'top-right'`, `'bottom-left'`, and `'bottom-right'`.
1975 | * The default value os `'center'`
1976 | */
1977 | anchor?: Anchor | undefined;
1978 |
1979 | /** The color to use for the default marker if options.element is not provided. The default is light blue (#3FB1CE). */
1980 | color?: string | undefined;
1981 |
1982 | /** Space-separated CSS class names to add to marker element. */
1983 | className?: string | undefined;
1984 |
1985 | /** A boolean indicating whether or not a marker is able to be dragged to a new position on the map. The default value is false */
1986 | draggable?: boolean | undefined;
1987 |
1988 | /**
1989 | * The max number of pixels a user can shift the mouse pointer during a click on the marker for it to be considered a valid click
1990 | * (as opposed to a marker drag). The default (0) is to inherit map's clickTolerance.
1991 | */
1992 | clickTolerance?: number | null | undefined;
1993 |
1994 | /** The rotation angle of the marker in degrees, relative to its `rotationAlignment` setting. A positive value will rotate the marker clockwise.
1995 | * The default value is 0.
1996 | */
1997 | rotation?: number | undefined;
1998 |
1999 | /** `map` aligns the `Marker`'s rotation relative to the map, maintaining a bearing as the map rotates.
2000 | * `viewport` aligns the `Marker`'s rotation relative to the viewport, agnostic to map rotations.
2001 | * `auto` is equivalent to `viewport`.
2002 | * The default value is `auto`
2003 | */
2004 | rotationAlignment?: Alignment | undefined;
2005 |
2006 | /** `map` aligns the `Marker` to the plane of the map.
2007 | * `viewport` aligns the `Marker` to the plane of the viewport.
2008 | * `auto` automatically matches the value of `rotationAlignment`.
2009 | * The default value is `auto`.
2010 | */
2011 | pitchAlignment?: Alignment | undefined;
2012 |
2013 | /** The scale to use for the default marker if options.element is not provided.
2014 | * The default scale (1) corresponds to a height of `41px` and a width of `27px`.
2015 | */
2016 | scale?: number | undefined;
2017 |
2018 | /**
2019 | * The opacity of a marker that's occluded by 3D terrain. Number between 0 and 1.
2020 | */
2021 | occludedOpacity?: number | undefined;
2022 | }
2023 |
2024 | type EventedListener = (object?: Object) => any;
2025 | /**
2026 | * Evented
2027 | */
2028 | export class Evented {
2029 | on(type: string, listener: EventedListener): this;
2030 |
2031 | off(type?: string | any, listener?: EventedListener): this;
2032 |
2033 | once(type: string, listener: EventedListener): this;
2034 |
2035 | // https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-js/issues/6522
2036 | fire(type: string, properties?: { [key: string]: any }): this;
2037 | }
2038 |
2039 | /**
2040 | * StyleOptions
2041 | */
2042 | export interface StyleOptions {
2043 | transition?: boolean | undefined;
2044 | }
2045 |
2046 | export type MapboxGeoJSONFeature = GeoJSON.Feature<GeoJSON.Geometry> & {
2047 | layer: Layer;
2048 | source: string;
2049 | sourceLayer: string;
2050 | state: { [key: string]: any };
2051 | };
2052 |
2053 | export type EventData = { [key: string]: any };
2054 |
2055 | export class MapboxEvent<TOrig = undefined> {
2056 | type: string;
2057 | target: Map;
2058 | originalEvent: TOrig;
2059 | }
2060 |
2061 | export class MapMouseEvent extends MapboxEvent<MouseEvent> {
2062 | type:
2063 | | "mousedown"
2064 | | "mouseup"
2065 | | "click"
2066 | | "dblclick"
2067 | | "mousemove"
2068 | | "mouseover"
2069 | | "mouseenter"
2070 | | "mouseleave"
2071 | | "mouseout"
2072 | | "contextmenu";
2073 |
2074 | point: Point;
2075 | lngLat: LngLat;
2076 |
2077 | preventDefault(): void;
2078 | defaultPrevented: boolean;
2079 | }
2080 |
2081 | export type MapLayerMouseEvent = MapMouseEvent & { features?: MapboxGeoJSONFeature[] | undefined };
2082 |
2083 | export class MapTouchEvent extends MapboxEvent<TouchEvent> {
2084 | type: "touchstart" | "touchend" | "touchcancel";
2085 |
2086 | point: Point;
2087 | lngLat: LngLat;
2088 | points: Point[];
2089 | lngLats: LngLat[];
2090 |
2091 | preventDefault(): void;
2092 | defaultPrevented: boolean;
2093 | }
2094 |
2095 | export type MapLayerTouchEvent = MapTouchEvent & { features?: MapboxGeoJSONFeature[] | undefined };
2096 |
2097 | export class MapWheelEvent extends MapboxEvent<WheelEvent> {
2098 | type: "wheel";
2099 |
2100 | preventDefault(): void;
2101 | defaultPrevented: boolean;
2102 | }
2103 |
2104 | export interface MapBoxZoomEvent extends MapboxEvent<MouseEvent> {
2105 | type: "boxzoomstart" | "boxzoomend" | "boxzoomcancel";
2106 |
2107 | boxZoomBounds: LngLatBounds;
2108 | }
2109 |
2110 | export type MapDataEvent = MapSourceDataEvent | MapStyleDataEvent;
2111 |
2112 | export interface MapStyleDataEvent extends MapboxEvent {
2113 | dataType: "style";
2114 | }
2115 |
2116 | export interface MapSourceDataEvent extends MapboxEvent {
2117 | dataType: "source";
2118 | isSourceLoaded: boolean;
2119 | source: Source;
2120 | sourceId: string;
2121 | sourceDataType: "metadata" | "content";
2122 | tile: any;
2123 | coord: Coordinate;
2124 | }
2125 |
2126 | export interface Coordinate {
2127 | canonical: CanonicalCoordinate;
2128 | wrap: number;
2129 | key: number;
2130 | }
2131 |
2132 | export interface CanonicalCoordinate {
2133 | x: number;
2134 | y: number;
2135 | z: number;
2136 | key: number;
2137 | equals(coord: CanonicalCoordinate): boolean;
2138 | }
2139 |
2140 | export interface MapContextEvent extends MapboxEvent<WebGLContextEvent> {
2141 | type: "webglcontextlost" | "webglcontextrestored";
2142 | }
2143 |
2144 | export class ErrorEvent extends MapboxEvent {
2145 | type: "error";
2146 | error: Error;
2147 | }
2148 |
2149 | |
2150 |
2151 |
2152 | export interface FilterOptions {
2153 | |
2154 |
2155 |
2156 |
2157 |
2158 | validate?: boolean | null | undefined;
2159 | }
2160 |
2161 | |
2162 |
2163 |
2164 | export interface AnimationOptions {
2165 |
2166 | duration?: number | undefined;
2167 | |
2168 |
2169 |
2170 |
2171 | easing?: ((time: number) => number) | undefined;
2172 | /** point, origin of movement relative to map center */
2173 | offset?: PointLike | undefined;
2174 | /** When set to false, no animation happens */
2175 | animate?: boolean | undefined;
2176 |
2177 | /** If `true`, then the animation is considered essential and will not be affected by `prefers-reduced-motion`.
2178 | * Otherwise, the transition will happen instantly if the user has enabled the `reduced motion` accesibility feature in their operating system.
2179 | */
2180 | essential?: boolean | undefined;
2181 | }
2182 |
2183 | /**
2184 | * CameraOptions
2185 | */
2186 | export interface CameraOptions {
2187 | /** Map center */
2188 | center?: LngLatLike | undefined;
2189 | /** Map zoom level */
2190 | zoom?: number | undefined;
2191 | /** Map rotation bearing in degrees counter-clockwise from north */
2192 | bearing?: number | undefined;
2193 | /** Map angle in degrees at which the camera is looking at the ground */
2194 | pitch?: number | undefined;
2195 | /** If zooming, the zoom center (defaults to map center) */
2196 | around?: LngLatLike | undefined;
2197 | /** Dimensions in pixels applied on each side of the viewport for shifting the vanishing point. */
2198 | padding?: number | PaddingOptions | undefined;
2199 | }
2200 |
2201 | export interface CameraForBoundsOptions extends CameraOptions {
2202 | offset?: PointLike | undefined;
2203 | maxZoom?: number | undefined;
2204 | }
2205 |
2206 | // The Mapbox docs say that if the result is defined, it will have zoom, center and bearing set.
2207 | // In practice center is always a {lat, lng} object.
2208 | export type CameraForBoundsResult = Required<Pick<CameraOptions, "zoom" | "bearing">> & {
2209 | /** Map center */
2210 | center: { lng: number; lat: number };
2211 | };
2212 |
2213 | /**
2214 | * FlyToOptions
2215 | */
2216 | export interface FlyToOptions extends AnimationOptions, CameraOptions {
2217 | curve?: number | undefined;
2218 | minZoom?: number | undefined;
2219 | speed?: number | undefined;
2220 | screenSpeed?: number | undefined;
2221 | maxDuration?: number | undefined;
2222 | }
2223 |
2224 | /**
2225 | * EaseToOptions
2226 | */
2227 | export interface EaseToOptions extends AnimationOptions, CameraOptions {
2228 | delayEndEvents?: number | undefined;
2229 | }
2230 |
2231 | export interface FitBoundsOptions extends mapboxgl.FlyToOptions {
2232 | linear?: boolean | undefined;
2233 | offset?: mapboxgl.PointLike | undefined;
2234 | maxZoom?: number | undefined;
2235 | maxDuration?: number | undefined;
2236 | }
2237 |
2238 | /**
2239 | * MapEvent
2240 | */
2241 | export type MapEventType = {
2242 | error: ErrorEvent;
2243 |
2244 | load: MapboxEvent;
2245 | idle: MapboxEvent;
2246 | remove: MapboxEvent;
2247 | render: MapboxEvent;
2248 | resize: MapboxEvent;
2249 |
2250 | webglcontextlost: MapContextEvent;
2251 | webglcontextrestored: MapContextEvent;
2252 |
2253 | dataloading: MapDataEvent;
2254 | data: MapDataEvent;
2255 | tiledataloading: MapDataEvent;
2256 | sourcedataloading: MapSourceDataEvent;
2257 | styledataloading: MapStyleDataEvent;
2258 | sourcedata: MapSourceDataEvent;
2259 | styledata: MapStyleDataEvent;
2260 | "style.load": MapboxEvent;
2261 | "style.import.load": MapboxEvent;
2262 |
2263 | boxzoomcancel: MapBoxZoomEvent;
2264 | boxzoomstart: MapBoxZoomEvent;
2265 | boxzoomend: MapBoxZoomEvent;
2266 |
2267 | touchcancel: MapTouchEvent;
2268 | touchmove: MapTouchEvent;
2269 | touchend: MapTouchEvent;
2270 | touchstart: MapTouchEvent;
2271 |
2272 | click: MapMouseEvent;
2273 | contextmenu: MapMouseEvent;
2274 | dblclick: MapMouseEvent;
2275 | mousemove: MapMouseEvent;
2276 | mouseup: MapMouseEvent;
2277 | mousedown: MapMouseEvent;
2278 | mouseout: MapMouseEvent;
2279 | mouseover: MapMouseEvent;
2280 |
2281 | movestart: MapboxEvent<MouseEvent | TouchEvent | WheelEvent | undefined>;
2282 | move: MapboxEvent<MouseEvent | TouchEvent | WheelEvent | undefined>;
2283 | moveend: MapboxEvent<MouseEvent | TouchEvent | WheelEvent | undefined>;
2284 |
2285 | zoomstart: MapboxEvent<MouseEvent | TouchEvent | WheelEvent | undefined>;
2286 | zoom: MapboxEvent<MouseEvent | TouchEvent | WheelEvent | undefined>;
2287 | zoomend: MapboxEvent<MouseEvent | TouchEvent | WheelEvent | undefined>;
2288 |
2289 | rotatestart: MapboxEvent<MouseEvent | TouchEvent | undefined>;
2290 | rotate: MapboxEvent<MouseEvent | TouchEvent | undefined>;
2291 | rotateend: MapboxEvent<MouseEvent | TouchEvent | undefined>;
2292 |
2293 | dragstart: MapboxEvent<MouseEvent | TouchEvent | undefined>;
2294 | drag: MapboxEvent<MouseEvent | TouchEvent | undefined>;
2295 | dragend: MapboxEvent<MouseEvent | TouchEvent | undefined>;
2296 |
2297 | pitchstart: MapboxEvent<MouseEvent | TouchEvent | undefined>;
2298 | pitch: MapboxEvent<MouseEvent | TouchEvent | undefined>;
2299 | pitchend: MapboxEvent<MouseEvent | TouchEvent | undefined>;
2300 |
2301 | wheel: MapWheelEvent;
2302 | };
2303 |
2304 | export type MapLayerEventType = {
2305 | click: MapLayerMouseEvent;
2306 | dblclick: MapLayerMouseEvent;
2307 | mousedown: MapLayerMouseEvent;
2308 | mouseup: MapLayerMouseEvent;
2309 | mousemove: MapLayerMouseEvent;
2310 | mouseenter: MapLayerMouseEvent;
2311 | mouseleave: MapLayerMouseEvent;
2312 | mouseover: MapLayerMouseEvent;
2313 | mouseout: MapLayerMouseEvent;
2314 | contextmenu: MapLayerMouseEvent;
2315 |
2316 | touchstart: MapLayerTouchEvent;
2317 | touchend: MapLayerTouchEvent;
2318 | touchcancel: MapLayerTouchEvent;
2319 | };
2320 |
2321 | export type AnyLayout =
2322 | | BackgroundLayout
2323 | | FillLayout
2324 | | FillExtrusionLayout
2325 | | LineLayout
2326 | | SymbolLayout
2327 | | RasterLayout
2328 | | CircleLayout
2329 | | HeatmapLayout
2330 | | HillshadeLayout
2331 | | SkyLayout;
2332 |
2333 | export type AnyPaint =
2334 | | BackgroundPaint
2335 | | FillPaint
2336 | | FillExtrusionPaint
2337 | | LinePaint
2338 | | SymbolPaint
2339 | | RasterPaint
2340 | | CirclePaint
2341 | | HeatmapPaint
2342 | | HillshadePaint
2343 | | SkyPaint;
2344 |
2345 | interface Layer {
2346 | id: string;
2347 | type: string;
2348 |
2349 | metadata?: any;
2350 | ref?: string | undefined;
2351 |
2352 | source?: string | AnySourceData | undefined;
2353 |
2354 | "source-layer"?: string | undefined;
2355 |
2356 | minzoom?: number | undefined;
2357 | maxzoom?: number | undefined;
2358 |
2359 | interactive?: boolean | undefined;
2360 |
2361 | filter?: any[] | undefined;
2362 | layout?: AnyLayout | undefined;
2363 | paint?: AnyPaint | undefined;
2364 | }
2365 |
2366 | interface BackgroundLayer extends Layer {
2367 | type: "background";
2368 | layout?: BackgroundLayout | undefined;
2369 | paint?: BackgroundPaint | undefined;
2370 | }
2371 |
2372 | interface CircleLayer extends Layer {
2373 | type: "circle";
2374 | layout?: CircleLayout | undefined;
2375 | paint?: CirclePaint | undefined;
2376 | }
2377 |
2378 | interface FillExtrusionLayer extends Layer {
2379 | type: "fill-extrusion";
2380 | layout?: FillExtrusionLayout | undefined;
2381 | paint?: FillExtrusionPaint | undefined;
2382 | }
2383 |
2384 | interface FillLayer extends Layer {
2385 | type: "fill";
2386 | layout?: FillLayout | undefined;
2387 | paint?: FillPaint | undefined;
2388 | }
2389 |
2390 | interface HeatmapLayer extends Layer {
2391 | type: "heatmap";
2392 | layout?: HeatmapLayout | undefined;
2393 | paint?: HeatmapPaint | undefined;
2394 | }
2395 |
2396 | interface HillshadeLayer extends Layer {
2397 | type: "hillshade";
2398 | layout?: HillshadeLayout | undefined;
2399 | paint?: HillshadePaint | undefined;
2400 | }
2401 |
2402 | interface LineLayer extends Layer {
2403 | type: "line";
2404 | layout?: LineLayout | undefined;
2405 | paint?: LinePaint | undefined;
2406 | }
2407 |
2408 | interface RasterLayer extends Layer {
2409 | type: "raster";
2410 | layout?: RasterLayout | undefined;
2411 | paint?: RasterPaint | undefined;
2412 | }
2413 |
2414 | interface SymbolLayer extends Layer {
2415 | type: "symbol";
2416 | layout?: SymbolLayout | undefined;
2417 | paint?: SymbolPaint | undefined;
2418 | }
2419 |
2420 | interface SkyLayer extends Layer {
2421 | type: "sky";
2422 | layout?: SkyLayout | undefined;
2423 | paint?: SkyPaint | undefined;
2424 | }
2425 |
2426 | export type AnyLayer =
2427 | | BackgroundLayer
2428 | | CircleLayer
2429 | | FillExtrusionLayer
2430 | | FillLayer
2431 | | HeatmapLayer
2432 | | HillshadeLayer
2433 | | LineLayer
2434 | | RasterLayer
2435 | | SymbolLayer
2436 | | CustomLayerInterface
2437 | | SkyLayer;
2438 |
2439 | // See https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/#customlayerinterface
2440 | export interface CustomLayerInterface {
2441 | /** A unique layer id. */
2442 | id: string;
2443 |
2444 | /* The layer's type. Must be "custom". */
2445 | type: "custom";
2446 |
2447 | /* Either "2d" or "3d". Defaults to "2d". */
2448 | renderingMode?: "2d" | "3d" | undefined;
2449 |
2450 | /**
2451 | * Optional method called when the layer has been removed from the Map with Map#removeLayer.
2452 | * This gives the layer a chance to clean up gl resources and event listeners.
2453 | * @param map The Map this custom layer was just added to.
2454 | * @param gl The gl context for the map.
2455 | */
2456 | onRemove?(map: mapboxgl.Map, gl: WebGLRenderingContext): void;
2457 |
2458 | /**
2459 | * Optional method called when the layer has been added to the Map with Map#addLayer.
2460 | * This gives the layer a chance to initialize gl resources and register event listeners.
2461 | * @param map The Map this custom layer was just added to.
2462 | * @param gl The gl context for the map.
2463 | */
2464 | onAdd?(map: mapboxgl.Map, gl: WebGLRenderingContext): void;
2465 |
2466 | /**
2467 | * Optional method called during a render frame to allow a layer to prepare resources
2468 | * or render into a texture.
2469 | *
2470 | * The layer cannot make any assumptions about the current GL state and must bind a framebuffer
2471 | * before rendering.
2472 | * @param gl The map's gl context.
2473 | * @param matrix The map's camera matrix. It projects spherical mercator coordinates to gl
2474 | * coordinates. The mercator coordinate [0, 0] represents the top left corner of
2475 | * the mercator world and [1, 1] represents the bottom right corner. When the
2476 | * renderingMode is "3d" , the z coordinate is conformal. A box with identical
2477 | * x, y, and z lengths in mercator units would be rendered as a cube.
2478 | * MercatorCoordinate .fromLatLng can be used to project a LngLat to a mercator
2479 | * coordinate.
2480 | */
2481 | prerender?(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, matrix: number[]): void;
2482 |
2483 | /**
2484 | * Called during a render frame allowing the layer to draw into the GL context.
2485 | *
2486 | * The layer can assume blending and depth state is set to allow the layer to properly blend
2487 | * and clip other layers. The layer cannot make any other assumptions about the current GL state.
2488 | *
2489 | * If the layer needs to render to a texture, it should implement the prerender method to do this
2490 | * and only use the render method for drawing directly into the main framebuffer.
2491 | *
2492 | * The blend function is set to gl.blendFunc(gl.ONE, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA). This expects
2493 | * colors to be provided in premultiplied alpha form where the r, g and b values are already
2494 | * multiplied by the a value. If you are unable to provide colors in premultiplied form you may
2495 | * want to change the blend function to
2496 | * gl.blendFuncSeparate(gl.SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA).
2497 | *
2498 | * @param gl The map's gl context.
2499 | * @param matrix The map's camera matrix. It projects spherical mercator coordinates to gl
2500 | * coordinates. The mercator coordinate [0, 0] represents the top left corner of
2501 | * the mercator world and [1, 1] represents the bottom right corner. When the
2502 | * renderingMode is "3d" , the z coordinate is conformal. A box with identical
2503 | * x, y, and z lengths in mercator units would be rendered as a cube.
2504 | * MercatorCoordinate .fromLatLng can be used to project a LngLat to a mercator
2505 | * coordinate.
2506 | */
2507 | render(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, matrix: number[]): void;
2508 | }
2509 |
2510 | export interface StyleFunction {
2511 | stops?: any[][] | undefined;
2512 | property?: string | undefined;
2513 | base?: number | undefined;
2514 | type?: "identity" | "exponential" | "interval" | "categorical" | undefined;
2515 | default?: any;
2516 | colorSpace?: "rgb" | "lab" | "hcl" | undefined;
2517 | }
2518 |
2519 | type Visibility = "visible" | "none";
2520 |
2521 | export interface Layout {
2522 | visibility?: Visibility | undefined;
2523 | }
2524 |
2525 | export interface BackgroundLayout extends Layout {}
2526 |
2527 | export interface BackgroundPaint {
2528 | "background-color"?: string | Expression | undefined;
2529 | "background-color-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2530 | "background-pattern"?: string | undefined;
2531 | "background-pattern-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2532 | "background-opacity"?: number | Expression | undefined;
2533 | "background-opacity-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2534 | "background-emissive-strength"?: number | Expression | undefined;
2535 | }
2536 |
2537 | export interface FillLayout extends Layout {
2538 | "fill-sort-key"?: number | Expression | undefined;
2539 | }
2540 |
2541 | export interface FillPaint {
2542 | "fill-antialias"?: boolean | Expression | undefined;
2543 | "fill-opacity"?: number | StyleFunction | Expression | undefined;
2544 | "fill-opacity-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2545 | "fill-color"?: string | StyleFunction | Expression | undefined;
2546 | "fill-color-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2547 | "fill-outline-color"?: string | StyleFunction | Expression | undefined;
2548 | "fill-outline-color-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2549 | "fill-translate"?: number[] | undefined;
2550 | "fill-translate-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2551 | "fill-translate-anchor"?: "map" | "viewport" | undefined;
2552 | "fill-pattern"?: string | Expression | undefined;
2553 | "fill-pattern-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2554 | "fill-emissive-strength"?: number | Expression | undefined;
2555 | "fill-extrusion-ambient-occlusion-ground-attenuation"?: number | Expression | undefined;
2556 | "fill-extrusion-ambient-occlusion-ground-radius"?: number | Expression | undefined;
2557 | "fill-extrusion-ambient-occlusion-wall-radius"?: number | Expression | undefined;
2558 | "fill-extrusion-flood-light-color"?: string | StyleFunction | Expression | undefined;
2559 | "fill-extrusion-flood-light-ground-attenuation"?: number | Expression | undefined;
2560 | "fill-extrusion-flood-light-ground-radius"?: number | Expression | undefined;
2561 | "fill-extrusion-flood-light-intensity"?: number | Expression | undefined;
2562 | "fill-extrusion-flood-light-wall-radius"?: number | Expression | undefined;
2563 | "fill-extrusion-vertical-scale"?: number | Expression | undefined;
2564 | }
2565 |
2566 | export interface FillExtrusionLayout extends Layout {}
2567 |
2568 | export interface FillExtrusionPaint {
2569 | "fill-extrusion-opacity"?: number | Expression | undefined;
2570 | "fill-extrusion-opacity-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2571 | "fill-extrusion-color"?: string | StyleFunction | Expression | undefined;
2572 | "fill-extrusion-color-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2573 | "fill-extrusion-translate"?: number[] | Expression | undefined;
2574 | "fill-extrusion-translate-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2575 | "fill-extrusion-translate-anchor"?: "map" | "viewport" | undefined;
2576 | "fill-extrusion-pattern"?: string | Expression | undefined;
2577 | "fill-extrusion-pattern-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2578 | "fill-extrusion-height"?: number | StyleFunction | Expression | undefined;
2579 | "fill-extrusion-height-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2580 | "fill-extrusion-base"?: number | StyleFunction | Expression | undefined;
2581 | "fill-extrusion-base-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2582 | "fill-extrusion-vertical-gradient"?: boolean | undefined;
2583 | }
2584 |
2585 | export interface LineLayout extends Layout {
2586 | "line-cap"?: "butt" | "round" | "square" | Expression | undefined;
2587 | "line-join"?: "bevel" | "round" | "miter" | Expression | undefined;
2588 | "line-miter-limit"?: number | Expression | undefined;
2589 | "line-round-limit"?: number | Expression | undefined;
2590 | "line-sort-key"?: number | Expression | undefined;
2591 | }
2592 |
2593 | export interface LinePaint {
2594 | "line-opacity"?: number | StyleFunction | Expression | undefined;
2595 | "line-opacity-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2596 | "line-color"?: string | StyleFunction | Expression | undefined;
2597 | "line-color-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2598 | "line-translate"?: number[] | Expression | undefined;
2599 | "line-translate-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2600 | "line-translate-anchor"?: "map" | "viewport" | undefined;
2601 | "line-width"?: number | StyleFunction | Expression | undefined;
2602 | "line-width-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2603 | "line-gap-width"?: number | StyleFunction | Expression | undefined;
2604 | "line-gap-width-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2605 | "line-offset"?: number | StyleFunction | Expression | undefined;
2606 | "line-offset-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2607 | "line-blur"?: number | StyleFunction | Expression | undefined;
2608 | "line-blur-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2609 | "line-dasharray"?: number[] | Expression | undefined;
2610 | "line-dasharray-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2611 | "line-pattern"?: string | Expression | undefined;
2612 | "line-pattern-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2613 | "line-gradient"?: Expression | undefined;
2614 | "line-emissive-strength"?: number | Expression | undefined;
2615 | }
2616 |
2617 | export interface SymbolLayout extends Layout {
2618 | "symbol-placement"?: "point" | "line" | "line-center" | undefined;
2619 | "symbol-spacing"?: number | Expression | undefined;
2620 | "symbol-avoid-edges"?: boolean | undefined;
2621 | "symbol-z-order"?: "viewport-y" | "source" | undefined;
2622 | "icon-allow-overlap"?: boolean | StyleFunction | Expression | undefined;
2623 | "icon-ignore-placement"?: boolean | Expression | undefined;
2624 | "icon-optional"?: boolean | undefined;
2625 | "icon-rotation-alignment"?: "map" | "viewport" | "auto" | undefined;
2626 | "icon-size"?: number | StyleFunction | Expression | undefined;
2627 | "icon-text-fit"?: "none" | "both" | "width" | "height" | undefined;
2628 | "icon-text-fit-padding"?: number[] | Expression | undefined;
2629 | "icon-image"?: string | StyleFunction | Expression | undefined;
2630 | "icon-rotate"?: number | StyleFunction | Expression | undefined;
2631 | "icon-padding"?: number | Expression | undefined;
2632 | "icon-keep-upright"?: boolean | undefined;
2633 | "icon-offset"?: number[] | StyleFunction | Expression | undefined;
2634 | "icon-anchor"?: Anchor | StyleFunction | Expression | undefined;
2635 | "icon-pitch-alignment"?: "map" | "viewport" | "auto" | undefined;
2636 | "text-pitch-alignment"?: "map" | "viewport" | "auto" | undefined;
2637 | "text-rotation-alignment"?: "map" | "viewport" | "auto" | undefined;
2638 | "text-field"?: string | StyleFunction | Expression | undefined;
2639 | "text-font"?: string[] | Expression | undefined;
2640 | "text-size"?: number | StyleFunction | Expression | undefined;
2641 | "text-max-width"?: number | StyleFunction | Expression | undefined;
2642 | "text-line-height"?: number | Expression | undefined;
2643 | "text-letter-spacing"?: number | Expression | undefined;
2644 | "text-justify"?: "auto" | "left" | "center" | "right" | Expression | undefined;
2645 | "text-anchor"?: Anchor | StyleFunction | Expression | undefined;
2646 | "text-max-angle"?: number | Expression | undefined;
2647 | "text-rotate"?: number | StyleFunction | Expression | undefined;
2648 | "text-padding"?: number | Expression | undefined;
2649 | "text-keep-upright"?: boolean | undefined;
2650 | "text-transform"?: "none" | "uppercase" | "lowercase" | StyleFunction | Expression | undefined;
2651 | "text-offset"?: number[] | Expression | undefined;
2652 | "text-allow-overlap"?: boolean | undefined;
2653 | "text-ignore-placement"?: boolean | undefined;
2654 | "text-optional"?: boolean | undefined;
2655 | "text-radial-offset"?: number | Expression | undefined;
2656 | "text-variable-anchor"?: Anchor[] | undefined;
2657 | "text-writing-mode"?: Array<"horizontal" | "vertical"> | undefined;
2658 | "symbol-sort-key"?: number | Expression | undefined;
2659 | }
2660 |
2661 | export interface SymbolPaint {
2662 | "icon-opacity"?: number | StyleFunction | Expression | undefined;
2663 | "icon-opacity-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2664 | "icon-color"?: string | StyleFunction | Expression | undefined;
2665 | "icon-color-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2666 | "icon-halo-color"?: string | StyleFunction | Expression | undefined;
2667 | "icon-halo-color-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2668 | "icon-halo-width"?: number | StyleFunction | Expression | undefined;
2669 | "icon-halo-width-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2670 | "icon-halo-blur"?: number | StyleFunction | Expression | undefined;
2671 | "icon-halo-blur-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2672 | "icon-translate"?: number[] | Expression | undefined;
2673 | "icon-translate-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2674 | "icon-translate-anchor"?: "map" | "viewport" | undefined;
2675 | "icon-emissive-strength"?: number | StyleFunction | Expression | undefined;
2676 | "icon-image-cross-fade"?: number | StyleFunction | Expression | undefined;
2677 | "text-opacity"?: number | StyleFunction | Expression | undefined;
2678 | "text-opacity-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2679 | "text-color"?: string | StyleFunction | Expression | undefined;
2680 | "text-color-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2681 | "text-halo-color"?: string | StyleFunction | Expression | undefined;
2682 | "text-halo-color-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2683 | "text-halo-width"?: number | StyleFunction | Expression | undefined;
2684 | "text-halo-width-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2685 | "text-halo-blur"?: number | StyleFunction | Expression | undefined;
2686 | "text-halo-blur-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2687 | "text-translate"?: number[] | Expression | undefined;
2688 | "text-translate-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2689 | "text-translate-anchor"?: "map" | "viewport" | undefined;
2690 | "text-emissive-strength"?: number | StyleFunction | Expression | undefined;
2691 | }
2692 |
2693 | export interface RasterLayout extends Layout {}
2694 |
2695 | export interface RasterPaint {
2696 | "raster-opacity"?: number | Expression | undefined;
2697 | "raster-opacity-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2698 | "raster-hue-rotate"?: number | Expression | undefined;
2699 | "raster-hue-rotate-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2700 | "raster-brightness-min"?: number | Expression | undefined;
2701 | "raster-brightness-min-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2702 | "raster-brightness-max"?: number | Expression | undefined;
2703 | "raster-brightness-max-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2704 | "raster-saturation"?: number | Expression | undefined;
2705 | "raster-saturation-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2706 | "raster-contrast"?: number | Expression | undefined;
2707 | "raster-contrast-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2708 | "raster-fade-duration"?: number | Expression | undefined;
2709 | "raster-resampling"?: "linear" | "nearest" | undefined;
2710 | "raster-color"?: string | Expression | undefined;
2711 | "raster-color-mix"?: [number, number, number, number] | Expression | undefined;
2712 | "raster-color-range"?: [number, number] | Expression | undefined;
2713 | }
2714 |
2715 | export interface CircleLayout extends Layout {
2716 | "circle-sort-key"?: number | Expression | undefined;
2717 | }
2718 |
2719 | export interface CirclePaint {
2720 | "circle-radius"?: number | StyleFunction | Expression | undefined;
2721 | "circle-radius-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2722 | "circle-color"?: string | StyleFunction | Expression | undefined;
2723 | "circle-color-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2724 | "circle-blur"?: number | StyleFunction | Expression | undefined;
2725 | "circle-blur-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2726 | "circle-opacity"?: number | StyleFunction | Expression | undefined;
2727 | "circle-opacity-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2728 | "circle-translate"?: number[] | Expression | undefined;
2729 | "circle-translate-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2730 | "circle-translate-anchor"?: "map" | "viewport" | undefined;
2731 | "circle-pitch-scale"?: "map" | "viewport" | undefined;
2732 | "circle-pitch-alignment"?: "map" | "viewport" | undefined;
2733 | "circle-stroke-width"?: number | StyleFunction | Expression | undefined;
2734 | "circle-stroke-width-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2735 | "circle-stroke-color"?: string | StyleFunction | Expression | undefined;
2736 | "circle-stroke-color-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2737 | "circle-stroke-opacity"?: number | StyleFunction | Expression | undefined;
2738 | "circle-stroke-opacity-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2739 | "circle-emissive-strength"?: number | StyleFunction | Expression | undefined;
2740 | }
2741 |
2742 | export interface HeatmapLayout extends Layout {}
2743 |
2744 | export interface HeatmapPaint {
2745 | "heatmap-radius"?: number | StyleFunction | Expression | undefined;
2746 | "heatmap-radius-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2747 | "heatmap-weight"?: number | StyleFunction | Expression | undefined;
2748 | "heatmap-intensity"?: number | StyleFunction | Expression | undefined;
2749 | "heatmap-intensity-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2750 | "heatmap-color"?: string | StyleFunction | Expression | undefined;
2751 | "heatmap-opacity"?: number | StyleFunction | Expression | undefined;
2752 | "heatmap-opacity-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2753 | }
2754 |
2755 | export interface HillshadeLayout extends Layout {}
2756 |
2757 | export interface HillshadePaint {
2758 | "hillshade-illumination-direction"?: number | Expression | undefined;
2759 | "hillshade-illumination-anchor"?: "map" | "viewport" | undefined;
2760 | "hillshade-exaggeration"?: number | Expression | undefined;
2761 | "hillshade-exaggeration-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2762 | "hillshade-shadow-color"?: string | Expression | undefined;
2763 | "hillshade-shadow-color-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2764 | "hillshade-highlight-color"?: string | Expression | undefined;
2765 | "hillshade-highlight-color-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2766 | "hillshade-accent-color"?: string | Expression | undefined;
2767 | "hillshade-accent-color-transition"?: Transition | undefined;
2768 | }
2769 |
2770 | export interface SkyLayout extends Layout {}
2771 |
2772 | export interface SkyPaint {
2773 | "sky-atmosphere-color"?: string | Expression | undefined;
2774 | "sky-atmosphere-halo-color"?: string | Expression | undefined;
2775 | "sky-atmosphere-sun"?: number[] | Expression | undefined;
2776 | "sky-atmosphere-sun-intensity"?: number | Expression | undefined;
2777 | "sky-gradient"?: string | Expression | undefined;
2778 | "sky-gradient-center"?: number[] | Expression | undefined;
2779 | "sky-gradient-radius"?: number | Expression | undefined;
2780 | "sky-opacity"?: number | Expression | undefined;
2781 | "sky-type"?: "gradient" | "atmosphere" | undefined;
2782 | }
2783 |
2784 | export type ElevationQueryOptions = {
2785 | exaggerated: boolean;
2786 | };
2787 |
2788 | export interface Projection {
2789 | name:
2790 | | "albers"
2791 | | "equalEarth"
2792 | | "equirectangular"
2793 | | "lambertConformalConic"
2794 | | "mercator"
2795 | | "naturalEarth"
2796 | | "winkelTripel"
2797 | | "globe";
2798 | center?: [number, number];
2799 | parallels?: [number, number];
2800 | }
2801 | }
2802 |
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