1 |
2 |
3 | declare function Stream<T>(): Stream<T>;
4 |
5 | declare function Stream<T>(value: T): Stream<T>;
6 |
7 | declare interface Stream<T> {
8 |
9 | (): T;
10 |
11 | (value: T): this;
12 |
13 | map<U>(f: (current: T) => U | typeof Stream.SKIP): Stream<U>;
14 | /** This method is functionally identical to stream. It exists to conform to Fantasy Land's Applicative specification. */
15 | of(val: T): Stream<T>;
16 | /** Apply. */
17 | ap<U>(f: Stream<(value: T) => U>): Stream<U>;
18 | /** A co-dependent stream that unregisters dependent streams when set to true. */
19 | end: Stream<boolean>;
20 | /** When a stream is passed as the argument to JSON.stringify(), the value of the stream is serialized. */
21 | toJSON(): string;
22 | /** Returns the value of the stream. */
23 | valueOf(): T;
24 | }
25 |
26 | declare namespace Stream {
27 | /** Creates a computed stream that reactively updates if any of its upstreams are updated. */
28 | export function combine<T>(combiner: (...streams: any[]) => T, streams: Array<Stream<any>>): Stream<T>;
29 | /** Combines the values of one or more streams into a single stream that is updated whenever one or more of the sources are updated */
30 | export function lift<S extends any[], T>(
31 | fn: (...values: S) => T,
32 | ...streams: { [I in keyof S]: Stream<S[I]> }
33 | ): Stream<T>;
34 | /** Creates a stream whose value is the array of values from an array of streams. */
35 | export function merge<S extends any[]>(streams: { [I in keyof S]: Stream<S[I]> }): Stream<{ [I in keyof S]: S[I] }>;
36 | /** Creates a new stream with the results of calling the function on every incoming stream with and accumulator and the incoming value. */
37 | export function scan<T, U>(fn: (acc: U, value: T) => U, acc: U, stream: Stream<T>): Stream<U>;
38 | /** Takes an array of pairs of streams and scan functions and merges all those streams using the given functions into a single stream. */
39 | export function scanMerge<T, U>(pairs: Array<[Stream<T>, (acc: U, value: T) => U]>, acc: U): Stream<U>;
40 | /** Takes an array of pairs of streams and scan functions and merges all those streams using the given functions into a single stream. */
41 | export function scanMerge<U>(pairs: Array<[Stream<any>, (acc: U, value: any) => U]>, acc: U): Stream<U>;
42 | /** A special value that can be returned to stream callbacks to skip execution of downstreams. */
43 | export const SKIP: unique symbol;
44 | }
45 |
46 | export = Stream;
47 |
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