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16 |
17 | import events = require('events');
18 | import { Readable, ReadableOptions } from 'stream';
19 | import tds = require('tedious');
20 | import { Pool } from 'tarn';
21 | import { CallbackOrPromise, PoolOptions } from 'tarn/dist/Pool';
22 | export interface ISqlType {
23 | type: ISqlTypeFactory;
24 | }
25 | export interface ISqlTypeWithNoParams extends ISqlType { type: ISqlTypeFactoryWithNoParams }
26 | export interface ISqlTypeWithLength extends ISqlType { type: ISqlTypeFactoryWithLength; length: number }
27 | export interface ISqlTypeWithScale extends ISqlType { type: ISqlTypeFactoryWithScale; scale: number }
28 | export interface ISqlTypeWithPrecisionScale extends ISqlType { type: ISqlTypeFactoryWithPrecisionScale; precision: number, scale: number }
29 | export interface ISqlTypeWithTvpType extends ISqlType { type: ISqlTypeFactoryWithTvpType; tvpType: any }
30 |
31 | export interface ISqlTypeFactory {
32 | }
33 | export interface ISqlTypeFactoryWithNoParams extends ISqlTypeFactory { (): ISqlTypeWithNoParams; }
34 | export interface ISqlTypeFactoryWithLength extends ISqlTypeFactory { (length?: number): ISqlTypeWithLength }
35 | export interface ISqlTypeFactoryWithScale extends ISqlTypeFactory { (scale?: number): ISqlTypeWithScale }
36 | export interface ISqlTypeFactoryWithPrecisionScale extends ISqlTypeFactory { (precision?: number, scale?: number): ISqlTypeWithPrecisionScale; }
37 | export interface ISqlTypeFactoryWithTvpType extends ISqlTypeFactory { (tvpType?: any): ISqlTypeWithTvpType }
38 |
39 |
40 | export declare var VarChar: ISqlTypeFactoryWithLength;
41 | export declare var NVarChar: ISqlTypeFactoryWithLength;
42 | export declare var Text: ISqlTypeFactoryWithNoParams;
43 | export declare var Int: ISqlTypeFactoryWithNoParams;
44 | export declare var BigInt: ISqlTypeFactoryWithNoParams;
45 | export declare var TinyInt: ISqlTypeFactoryWithNoParams;
46 | export declare var SmallInt: ISqlTypeFactoryWithNoParams;
47 | export declare var Bit: ISqlTypeFactoryWithNoParams;
48 | export declare var Float: ISqlTypeFactoryWithNoParams;
49 | export declare var Numeric: ISqlTypeFactoryWithPrecisionScale;
50 | export declare var Decimal: ISqlTypeFactoryWithPrecisionScale;
51 | export declare var Real: ISqlTypeFactoryWithNoParams;
52 | export declare var Date: ISqlTypeFactoryWithNoParams;
53 | export declare var DateTime: ISqlTypeFactoryWithNoParams;
54 | export declare var DateTime2: ISqlTypeFactoryWithScale;
55 | export declare var DateTimeOffset: ISqlTypeFactoryWithScale;
56 | export declare var SmallDateTime: ISqlTypeFactoryWithNoParams;
57 | export declare var Time: ISqlTypeFactoryWithScale;
58 | export declare var UniqueIdentifier: ISqlTypeFactoryWithNoParams;
59 | export declare var SmallMoney: ISqlTypeFactoryWithNoParams;
60 | export declare var Money: ISqlTypeFactoryWithNoParams;
61 | export declare var Binary: ISqlTypeFactoryWithNoParams;
62 | export declare var VarBinary: ISqlTypeFactoryWithLength;
63 | export declare var Image: ISqlTypeFactoryWithNoParams;
64 | export declare var Xml: ISqlTypeFactoryWithNoParams;
65 | export declare var Char: ISqlTypeFactoryWithLength;
66 | export declare var NChar: ISqlTypeFactoryWithLength;
67 | export declare var NText: ISqlTypeFactoryWithNoParams;
68 | export declare var TVP: ISqlTypeFactoryWithTvpType;
69 | export declare var UDT: ISqlTypeFactoryWithNoParams;
70 | export declare var Geography: ISqlTypeFactoryWithNoParams;
71 | export declare var Geometry: ISqlTypeFactoryWithNoParams;
72 | export declare var Variant: ISqlTypeFactoryWithNoParams;
73 |
74 | export type Connection = tds.Connection;
75 |
76 | export declare var TYPES: {
77 | VarChar: ISqlTypeFactoryWithLength;
78 | NVarChar: ISqlTypeFactoryWithLength;
79 | Text: ISqlTypeFactoryWithNoParams;
80 | Int: ISqlTypeFactoryWithNoParams;
81 | BigInt: ISqlTypeFactoryWithNoParams;
82 | TinyInt: ISqlTypeFactoryWithNoParams;
83 | SmallInt: ISqlTypeFactoryWithNoParams;
84 | Bit: ISqlTypeFactoryWithNoParams;
85 | Float: ISqlTypeFactoryWithNoParams;
86 | Numeric: ISqlTypeFactoryWithPrecisionScale;
87 | Decimal: ISqlTypeFactoryWithPrecisionScale;
88 | Real: ISqlTypeFactoryWithNoParams;
89 | Date: ISqlTypeFactoryWithNoParams;
90 | DateTime: ISqlTypeFactoryWithNoParams;
91 | DateTime2: ISqlTypeFactoryWithScale;
92 | DateTimeOffset: ISqlTypeFactoryWithScale;
93 | SmallDateTime: ISqlTypeFactoryWithNoParams;
94 | Time: ISqlTypeFactoryWithScale;
95 | UniqueIdentifier: ISqlTypeFactoryWithNoParams;
96 | SmallMoney: ISqlTypeFactoryWithNoParams;
97 | Money: ISqlTypeFactoryWithNoParams;
98 | Binary: ISqlTypeFactoryWithNoParams;
99 | VarBinary: ISqlTypeFactoryWithLength;
100 | Image: ISqlTypeFactoryWithNoParams;
101 | Xml: ISqlTypeFactoryWithNoParams;
102 | Char: ISqlTypeFactoryWithLength;
103 | NChar: ISqlTypeFactoryWithLength;
104 | NText: ISqlTypeFactoryWithNoParams;
105 | TVP: ISqlTypeFactoryWithTvpType;
106 | UDT: ISqlTypeFactoryWithNoParams;
107 | Geography: ISqlTypeFactoryWithNoParams;
108 | Geometry: ISqlTypeFactoryWithNoParams;
109 | Variant: ISqlTypeFactoryWithNoParams;
110 | };
111 |
112 | export declare var MAX: number;
113 | export declare var fix: boolean;
114 | export declare var Promise: any;
115 |
116 | interface IMap extends Array<{ js: any, sql: any }> {
117 | register(jstype: any, sql: any): void;
118 | }
119 |
120 | export declare var map: IMap;
121 |
122 | export declare var DRIVERS: string[];
123 | export interface IColumnMetadata {
124 | [name: string]: {
125 | index: number;
126 | name: string;
127 | length: number;
128 | type: (() => ISqlType) | ISqlType;
129 | udt?: any;
130 | scale?: number | undefined;
131 | precision?: number | undefined;
132 | nullable: boolean;
133 | caseSensitive: boolean;
134 | identity: boolean;
135 | readOnly: boolean;
136 | }
137 | }
138 | export interface IResult<T> {
139 | recordsets: T extends Array<any> ? { [P in keyof T]: IRecordSet<T[P]> } : IRecordSet<T>[];
140 | recordset: IRecordSet<T extends Array<any> ? T[0] : T>;
141 | rowsAffected: number[],
142 | output: { [key: string]: any };
143 | }
144 |
145 | export interface IBulkResult {
146 | rowsAffected: number;
147 | }
148 |
149 | export interface IProcedureResult<T> extends IResult<T> {
150 | returnValue: any;
151 | }
152 | export interface IRecordSet<T> extends Array<T> {
153 | columns: IColumnMetadata;
154 | toTable(name?: string): Table;
155 | }
156 |
157 | type IIsolationLevel = number;
158 |
159 | export declare var ISOLATION_LEVEL: {
160 | READ_UNCOMMITTED: IIsolationLevel
161 | READ_COMMITTED: IIsolationLevel
162 | REPEATABLE_READ: IIsolationLevel
163 | SERIALIZABLE: IIsolationLevel
164 | SNAPSHOT: IIsolationLevel
165 | }
166 |
167 | export interface IOptions extends Omit<tds.ConnectionOptions, 'useColumnNames'> {
168 | beforeConnect?: void | undefined;
169 | connectionString?: string | undefined;
170 | trustedConnection?: boolean | undefined;
171 | }
172 |
173 | export declare var pool: ConnectionPool;
174 |
175 | export interface PoolOpts<T> extends Omit<PoolOptions<T>, 'create' | 'destroy' | 'min' | 'max'> {
176 | create?: CallbackOrPromise<T> | undefined;
177 | destroy?: ((resource: T) => any) | undefined;
178 | min?: number | undefined;
179 | max?: number | undefined;
180 | }
181 |
182 | export interface config {
183 | driver?: string | undefined;
184 | user?: string | undefined;
185 | password?: string | undefined;
186 | server: string;
187 | port?: number | undefined;
188 | domain?: string | undefined;
189 | database?: string | undefined;
190 | connectionTimeout?: number | undefined;
191 | requestTimeout?: number | undefined;
192 | stream?: boolean | undefined;
193 | parseJSON?: boolean | undefined;
194 | options?: IOptions | undefined;
195 | pool?: PoolOpts<Connection> | undefined;
196 | arrayRowMode?: boolean | undefined;
197 | authentication?: tds.ConnectionAuthentication | undefined;
198 | /**
199 | * Invoked before opening the connection. The parameter conn is the configured
200 | * tedious Connection. It can be used for attaching event handlers.
201 | */
202 | beforeConnect?: ((conn: Connection) => void) | undefined
203 | }
204 |
205 | export declare class MSSQLError extends Error {
206 | constructor(message: Error | string, code?: string);
207 | public code: string;
208 | public name: string;
209 | public originalError?: Error | undefined;
210 | }
211 |
212 | export declare class ConnectionPool extends events.EventEmitter {
213 | public readonly connected: boolean;
214 | public readonly connecting: boolean;
215 | public readonly healthy: boolean;
216 | public readonly driver: string;
217 | public readonly size: number;
218 | public readonly available: number;
219 | public readonly pending: number;
220 | public readonly borrowed: number;
221 | public readonly pool: Pool<Connection>;
222 | public static parseConnectionString(connectionString: string): config & { options: IOptions, pool: Partial<PoolOpts<Connection>> };
223 | public constructor(config: config, callback?: (err?: any) => void);
224 | public constructor(connectionString: string, callback?: (err?: any) => void);
225 | public query(command: string): Promise<IResult<any>>;
226 | public query(strings: TemplateStringsArray, ...interpolations: any[]): Promise<IResult<any>>;
227 | public query<Entity>(command: string): Promise<IResult<Entity>>;
228 | public query<Entity>(strings: TemplateStringsArray, ...interpolations: any[]): Promise<IResult<Entity>>;
229 | public query<Entity>(command: string, callback: (err?: Error, recordset?: IResult<Entity>) => void): void;
230 | public batch(batch: string): Promise<IResult<any>>;
231 | public batch(strings: TemplateStringsArray, ...interpolations: any[]): Promise<IResult<any>>;
232 | public batch(batch: string, callback: (err?: Error, recordset?: IResult<any>) => void): void;
233 | public batch<Entity>(batch: string): Promise<IResult<Entity>>;
234 | public batch<Entity>(strings: TemplateStringsArray, ...interpolations: any[]): Promise<IResult<Entity>>;
235 | public connect(): Promise<ConnectionPool>;
236 | public connect(callback: (err: any) => void): void;
237 | public close(): Promise<void>;
238 | public close(callback: (err: any) => void): void;
239 | public request(): Request;
240 | public transaction(): Transaction;
241 | }
242 |
243 | export declare class ConnectionError extends MSSQLError {}
244 |
245 | export interface IColumnOptions {
246 | nullable?: boolean | undefined;
247 | primary?: boolean | undefined;
248 | identity?: boolean | undefined;
249 | readOnly?: boolean | undefined;
250 | length?: number | undefined
251 | }
252 |
253 | export interface IColumn extends ISqlType {
254 | name: string;
255 | nullable: boolean;
256 | primary: boolean;
257 | }
258 |
259 | declare class columns extends Array<IColumn> {
260 | public add(name: string, type: (() => ISqlType) | ISqlType, options?: IColumnOptions): number;
261 | }
262 |
263 | type IRow = (string | number | boolean | Date | Buffer | undefined | null)[];
264 |
265 | declare class rows extends Array<IRow> {
266 | public add(...row: IRow): number;
267 | }
268 |
269 | export declare class Table {
270 | public create: boolean;
271 | public columns: columns;
272 | public rows: rows;
273 | public constructor(tableName?: string);
274 | public schema?: string | undefined;
275 | public database?: string | undefined;
276 | public name?: string | undefined;
277 | public path?: string | undefined;
278 | public temporary?: boolean | undefined;
279 | }
280 |
281 | interface IRequestParameters {
282 | [name: string]: {
283 | name: string;
284 | type: (() => ISqlType) | ISqlType;
285 | io: number;
286 | value: any;
287 | length: number;
288 | scale: number;
289 | precision: number;
290 | tvpType: any;
291 | }
292 | }
293 |
294 | /**
295 | * Options object to be passed through to driver (currently tedious only)
296 | */
297 | export interface IBulkOptions {
298 | /** Honors constraints during bulk load, using T-SQL CHECK_CONSTRAINTS. (default: false) */
299 | checkConstraints?: boolean | undefined;
300 | /** Honors insert triggers during bulk load, using the T-SQL FIRE_TRIGGERS. (default: false) */
301 | fireTriggers?: boolean | undefined;
302 | /** Honors null value passed, ignores the default values set on table, using T-SQL KEEP_NULLS. (default: false) */
303 | keepNulls?: boolean | undefined;
304 | /** Places a bulk update(BU) lock on table while performing bulk load, using T-SQL TABLOCK. (default: false) */
305 | tableLock?: boolean | undefined;
306 | }
307 |
308 | export declare class Request extends events.EventEmitter {
309 | public transaction: Transaction;
310 | public pstatement: PreparedStatement;
311 | public parameters: IRequestParameters;
312 | public verbose: boolean;
313 | public canceled: boolean;
314 | public multiple: boolean;
315 | public stream: any;
316 | public constructor(connection?: ConnectionPool);
317 | public constructor(transaction: Transaction);
318 | public constructor(preparedStatement: PreparedStatement);
319 | public execute(procedure: string): Promise<IProcedureResult<any>>;
320 | public execute<Entity>(procedure: string): Promise<IProcedureResult<Entity>>;
321 | public execute<Entity>(procedure: string, callback: (err?: any, recordsets?: IProcedureResult<Entity>, returnValue?: any) => void): void;
322 | public input(name: string, value: any): Request;
323 | public input(name: string, type: (() => ISqlType) | ISqlType, value: any): Request;
324 | public replaceInput(name: string, value: any): Request;
325 | public replaceInput(name: string, type: (() => ISqlType) | ISqlType, value: any): Request;
326 | public output(name: string, type: (() => ISqlType) | ISqlType, value?: any): Request;
327 | public pipe(stream: NodeJS.WritableStream): NodeJS.WritableStream;
328 | public query(command: string): Promise<IResult<any>>;
329 | public query(command: TemplateStringsArray, ...interpolations: any[]): Promise<IResult<any>>;
330 | public query<Entity>(command: string): Promise<IResult<Entity>>;
331 | public query<Entity>(command: TemplateStringsArray, ...interpolations: any[]): Promise<IResult<Entity>>;
332 | public query<Entity>(command: string, callback: (err?: Error, recordset?: IResult<Entity>) => void): void;
333 | public batch(batch: string): Promise<IResult<any>>;
334 | public batch(strings: TemplateStringsArray, ...interpolations: any[]): Promise<IResult<any>>;
335 | public batch(batch: string, callback: (err?: Error, recordset?: IResult<any>) => void): void;
336 | public batch<Entity>(batch: string): Promise<IResult<Entity>>;
337 | public batch<Entity>(strings: TemplateStringsArray, ...interpolations: any[]): Promise<IResult<Entity>>;
338 | public batch<Entity>(batch: string, callback: (err?: any, recordset?: IResult<Entity>) => void): void;
339 | public bulk(table: Table): Promise<IBulkResult>;
340 | public bulk(table: Table, options: IBulkOptions): Promise<IBulkResult>;
341 | public bulk(table: Table, callback: (err: Error, result: IBulkResult) => void): void;
342 | public bulk(table: Table, options: IBulkOptions, callback: (err: Error, result: IBulkResult) => void): void;
343 | public cancel(): void;
344 | public pause(): boolean;
345 | public resume(): boolean;
346 | public toReadableStream(streamOptions?: ReadableOptions): Readable;
347 | }
348 |
349 | export declare class RequestError extends MSSQLError {
350 | public number?: number | undefined;
351 | public lineNumber?: number | undefined;
352 | public state?: string | undefined;
353 | public class?: string | undefined;
354 | public serverName?: string | undefined;
355 | public procName?: string | undefined;
356 | }
357 |
358 | export declare class Transaction extends events.EventEmitter {
359 | public isolationLevel: IIsolationLevel;
360 | public constructor(connection?: ConnectionPool);
361 | /**
362 | * Begin a transaction.
363 | * @param [isolationLevel] - Controls the locking and row versioning behavior of TSQL statements issued by a connection.
364 | * @param [callback] A callback which is called after transaction has began, or an error has occurred. If omited, method returns Promise.
365 | */
366 | public begin(isolationLevel?: IIsolationLevel): Promise<Transaction>;
367 | public begin(isolationLevel?: IIsolationLevel, callback?: (err?: ConnectionError | TransactionError) => void): Transaction;
368 | public commit(): Promise<void>;
369 | public commit(callback: (err?: any) => void): void;
370 | public rollback(): Promise<void>;
371 | public rollback(callback: (err?: any) => void): void;
372 | public request(): Request;
373 | }
374 |
375 | export declare class TransactionError extends MSSQLError {}
376 |
377 | export declare class PreparedStatement extends events.EventEmitter {
378 | public transaction: Transaction;
379 | public prepared: boolean;
380 | public statement: string;
381 | public parameters: IRequestParameters;
382 | public stream: any;
383 | public constructor(connection?: ConnectionPool);
384 | public constructor(transaction: Transaction);
385 | public input(name: string, type: (() => ISqlType) | ISqlType): PreparedStatement;
386 | public output(name: string, type: (() => ISqlType) | ISqlType): PreparedStatement;
387 | public prepare(statement?: string): Promise<void>;
388 | public prepare(statement?: string, callback?: (err?: Error) => void): PreparedStatement;
389 | public execute(values: Object): Promise<IProcedureResult<any>>;
390 | public execute<Entity>(values: Object): Promise<IProcedureResult<Entity>>;
391 | public execute(values: Object, callback: (err?: Error, result?: IProcedureResult<any>) => void): Request;
392 | public execute<Entity>(values: Object, callback: (err?: Error, result?: IProcedureResult<Entity>) => void): Request;
393 | public unprepare(): Promise<void>;
394 | public unprepare(callback: (err?: Error) => void): PreparedStatement;
395 | }
396 |
397 | export declare class PreparedStatementError extends MSSQLError {}
398 |
399 | /**
400 | * Open global connection pool.
401 | * @param config Connection configuration object or connection string
402 | */
403 | export declare function connect(config: config | string): Promise<ConnectionPool>;
404 |
405 | /**
406 | * Open global connection pool.
407 | * @param config Connection configuration object or connection string.
408 | * @param callback A callback which is called after connection has established, or an error has occurred
409 | */
410 | export declare function connect(config: config | string, callback?: (err?: Error) => void): void;
411 |
412 |
413 | export declare function query(command: string): Promise<IResult<any>>;
414 | export declare function query(command: TemplateStringsArray, ...interpolations: any[]): Promise<IResult<any>>;
415 | export declare function query<Entity>(command: string): Promise<IResult<Entity>>;
416 | export declare function query<Entity>(command: TemplateStringsArray, ...interpolations: any[]): Promise<IResult<Entity>>;
417 | export declare function query<Entity>(command: string, callback: (err?: Error, recordset?: IResult<Entity>) => void): void;
418 |
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