1 | import { Request, RequestHandler } from "express";
2 | import { Readable } from "stream";
3 |
4 | declare global {
5 | namespace Express {
6 | namespace Multer {
7 | /** Object containing file metadata and access information. */
8 | interface File {
9 | /** Name of the form field associated with this file. */
10 | fieldname: string;
11 | /** Name of the file on the uploader's computer. */
12 | originalname: string;
13 | /**
14 | * Value of the `Content-Transfer-Encoding` header for this file.
15 | * @deprecated since July 2015
16 | * @see RFC 7578, Section 4.7
17 | */
18 | encoding: string;
19 | /** Value of the `Content-Type` header for this file. */
20 | mimetype: string;
21 | /** Size of the file in bytes. */
22 | size: number;
23 | /**
24 | * A readable stream of this file. Only available to the `_handleFile`
25 | * callback for custom `StorageEngine`s.
26 | */
27 | stream: Readable;
28 | /** `DiskStorage` only: Directory to which this file has been uploaded. */
29 | destination: string;
30 | /** `DiskStorage` only: Name of this file within `destination`. */
31 | filename: string;
32 | /** `DiskStorage` only: Full path to the uploaded file. */
33 | path: string;
34 | /** `MemoryStorage` only: A Buffer containing the entire file. */
35 | buffer: Buffer;
36 | }
37 | }
38 |
39 | interface Request {
40 | /** `Multer.File` object populated by `single()` middleware. */
41 | file?: Multer.File | undefined;
42 | /**
43 | * Array or dictionary of `Multer.File` object populated by `array()`,
44 | * `fields()`, and `any()` middleware.
45 | */
46 | files?:
47 | | {
48 | [fieldname: string]: Multer.File[];
49 | }
50 | | Multer.File[]
51 | | undefined;
52 | }
53 | }
54 | }
55 |
56 | /**
57 | * Returns a Multer instance that provides several methods for generating
58 | * middleware that process files uploaded in `multipart/form-data` format.
59 | *
60 | * The `StorageEngine` specified in `storage` will be used to store files. If
61 | * `storage` is not set and `dest` is, files will be stored in `dest` on the
62 | * local file system with random names. If neither are set, files will be stored
63 | * in memory.
64 | *
65 | * In addition to files, all generated middleware process all text fields in
66 | * the request. For each non-file field, the `Request.body` object will be
67 | * populated with an entry mapping the field name to its string value, or array
68 | * of string values if multiple fields share the same name.
69 | */
70 | declare function multer(options?: multer.Options): multer.Multer;
71 |
72 | declare namespace multer {
73 | /**
74 | * @see {@link https://github.com/expressjs/multer#api}
75 | */
76 | interface Multer {
77 | /**
78 | * Returns middleware that processes a single file associated with the
79 | * given form field.
80 | *
81 | * The `Request` object will be populated with a `file` object containing
82 | * information about the processed file.
83 | *
84 | * @param fieldName Name of the multipart form field to process.
85 | */
86 | single(fieldName: string): RequestHandler;
87 | /**
88 | * Returns middleware that processes multiple files sharing the same field
89 | * name.
90 | *
91 | * The `Request` object will be populated with a `files` array containing
92 | * an information object for each processed file.
93 | *
94 | * @param fieldName Shared name of the multipart form fields to process.
95 | * @param maxCount Optional. Maximum number of files to process. (default: Infinity)
96 | * @throws `MulterError('LIMIT_UNEXPECTED_FILE')` if more than `maxCount` files are associated with `fieldName`
97 | */
98 | array(fieldName: string, maxCount?: number): RequestHandler;
99 | /**
100 | * Returns middleware that processes multiple files associated with the
101 | * given form fields.
102 | *
103 | * The `Request` object will be populated with a `files` object which
104 | * maps each field name to an array of the associated file information
105 | * objects.
106 | *
107 | * @param fields Array of `Field` objects describing multipart form fields to process.
108 | * @throws `MulterError('LIMIT_UNEXPECTED_FILE')` if more than `maxCount` files are associated with `fieldName` for any field.
109 | */
110 | fields(fields: readonly Field[]): RequestHandler;
111 | /**
112 | * Returns middleware that processes all files contained in the multipart
113 | * request.
114 | *
115 | * The `Request` object will be populated with a `files` array containing
116 | * an information object for each processed file.
117 | */
118 | any(): RequestHandler;
119 | /**
120 | * Returns middleware that accepts only non-file multipart form fields.
121 | *
122 | * @throws `MulterError('LIMIT_UNEXPECTED_FILE')` if any file is encountered.
123 | */
124 | none(): RequestHandler;
125 | }
126 |
127 | /**
128 | * Returns a `StorageEngine` implementation configured to store files on
129 | * the local file system.
130 | *
131 | * A string or function may be specified to determine the destination
132 | * directory, and a function to determine filenames. If no options are set,
133 | * files will be stored in the system's temporary directory with random 32
134 | * character filenames.
135 | */
136 | function diskStorage(options: DiskStorageOptions): StorageEngine;
137 |
138 | /**
139 | * Returns a `StorageEngine` implementation configured to store files in
140 | * memory as `Buffer` objects.
141 | */
142 | function memoryStorage(): StorageEngine;
143 |
144 | type ErrorCode =
152 |
153 | class MulterError extends Error {
154 | constructor(code: ErrorCode, field?: string);
155 | /** Name of the MulterError constructor. */
156 | name: string;
157 | /** Identifying error code. */
158 | code: ErrorCode;
159 | /** Descriptive error message. */
160 | message: string;
161 | /** Name of the multipart form field associated with this error. */
162 | field?: string | undefined;
163 | }
164 |
165 | /**
166 | * a function to control which files should be uploaded and which should be skipped
167 | * pass a boolean to indicate if the file should be accepted
168 | * pass an error if something goes wrong
169 | */
170 | interface FileFilterCallback {
171 | (error: Error): void;
172 | (error: null, acceptFile: boolean): void;
173 | }
174 |
175 | /** Options for initializing a Multer instance. */
176 | interface Options {
177 | /**
178 | * A `StorageEngine` responsible for processing files uploaded via Multer.
179 | * Takes precedence over `dest`.
180 | */
181 | storage?: StorageEngine | undefined;
182 | /**
183 | * The destination directory for uploaded files. If `storage` is not set
184 | * and `dest` is, Multer will create a `DiskStorage` instance configured
185 | * to store files at `dest` with random filenames.
186 | *
187 | * Ignored if `storage` is set.
188 | */
189 | dest?: string | undefined;
190 | /**
191 | * An object specifying various limits on incoming data. This object is
192 | * passed to Busboy directly, and the details of properties can be found
193 | * at https://github.com/mscdex/busboy#busboy-methods.
194 | */
195 | limits?: {
196 | /** Maximum size of each form field name in bytes. (Default: 100) */
197 | fieldNameSize?: number | undefined;
198 | /** Maximum size of each form field value in bytes. (Default: 1048576) */
199 | fieldSize?: number | undefined;
200 | /** Maximum number of non-file form fields. (Default: Infinity) */
201 | fields?: number | undefined;
202 | /** Maximum size of each file in bytes. (Default: Infinity) */
203 | fileSize?: number | undefined;
204 | /** Maximum number of file fields. (Default: Infinity) */
205 | files?: number | undefined;
206 | /** Maximum number of parts (non-file fields + files). (Default: Infinity) */
207 | parts?: number | undefined;
208 | /** Maximum number of headers. (Default: 2000) */
209 | headerPairs?: number | undefined;
210 | } | undefined;
211 | /** Preserve the full path of the original filename rather than the basename. (Default: false) */
212 | preservePath?: boolean | undefined;
213 | /**
214 | * Optional function to control which files are uploaded. This is called
215 | * for every file that is processed.
216 | *
217 | * @param req The Express `Request` object.
218 | * @param file Object containing information about the processed file.
219 | * @param callback a function to control which files should be uploaded and which should be skipped.
220 | */
221 | fileFilter?(
222 | req: Request,
223 | file: Express.Multer.File,
224 | callback: FileFilterCallback,
225 | ): void;
226 | }
227 |
228 | /**
229 | * Implementations of this interface are responsible for storing files
230 | * encountered by Multer and returning information on how to access them
231 | * once stored. Implementations must also provide a method for removing
232 | * files in the event that an error occurs.
233 | */
234 | interface StorageEngine {
235 | /**
236 | * Store the file described by `file`, then invoke the callback with
237 | * information about the stored file.
238 | *
239 | * File contents are available as a stream via `file.stream`. Information
240 | * passed to the callback will be merged with `file` for subsequent
241 | * middleware.
242 | *
243 | * @param req The Express `Request` object.
244 | * @param file Object with `stream`, `fieldname`, `originalname`, `encoding`, and `mimetype` defined.
245 | * @param callback Callback to specify file information.
246 | */
247 | _handleFile(
248 | req: Request,
249 | file: Express.Multer.File,
250 | callback: (error?: any, info?: Partial<Express.Multer.File>) => void,
251 | ): void;
252 | /**
253 | * Remove the file described by `file`, then invoke the callback with.
254 | *
255 | * `file` contains all the properties available to `_handleFile`, as
256 | * well as those returned by `_handleFile`.
257 | *
258 | * @param req The Express `Request` object.
259 | * @param file Object containing information about the processed file.
260 | * @param callback Callback to indicate completion.
261 | */
262 | _removeFile(
263 | req: Request,
264 | file: Express.Multer.File,
265 | callback: (error: Error | null) => void,
266 | ): void;
267 | }
268 |
269 | interface DiskStorageOptions {
270 | /**
271 | * A string or function that determines the destination path for uploaded
272 | * files. If a string is passed and the directory does not exist, Multer
273 | * attempts to create it recursively. If neither a string or a function
274 | * is passed, the destination defaults to `os.tmpdir()`.
275 | *
276 | * @param req The Express `Request` object.
277 | * @param file Object containing information about the processed file.
278 | * @param callback Callback to determine the destination path.
279 | */
280 | destination?:
281 | | string
282 | | ((
283 | req: Request,
284 | file: Express.Multer.File,
285 | callback: (error: Error | null, destination: string) => void,
286 | ) => void)
287 | | undefined;
288 | /**
289 | * A function that determines the name of the uploaded file. If nothing
290 | * is passed, Multer will generate a 32 character pseudorandom hex string
291 | * with no extension.
292 | *
293 | * @param req The Express `Request` object.
294 | * @param file Object containing information about the processed file.
295 | * @param callback Callback to determine the name of the uploaded file.
296 | */
297 | filename?(
298 | req: Request,
299 | file: Express.Multer.File,
300 | callback: (error: Error | null, filename: string) => void,
301 | ): void;
302 | }
303 |
304 | /**
305 | * An object describing a field name and the maximum number of files with
306 | * that field name to accept.
307 | */
308 | interface Field {
309 | /** The field name. */
310 | name: string;
311 | /** Optional maximum number of files per field to accept. (Default: Infinity) */
312 | maxCount?: number | undefined;
313 | }
314 | }
315 |
316 | export = multer;