9.84 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * Async Hooks module: https://nodejs.org/api/async_hooks.html
3 */
4declare module 'node:async_hooks' {
5 export * from 'async_hooks';
9 * Async Hooks module: https://nodejs.org/api/async_hooks.html
10 */
11declare module 'async_hooks' {
12 /**
13 * Returns the asyncId of the current execution context.
14 */
15 function executionAsyncId(): number;
17 /**
18 * The resource representing the current execution.
19 * Useful to store data within the resource.
20 *
21 * Resource objects returned by `executionAsyncResource()` are most often internal
22 * Node.js handle objects with undocumented APIs. Using any functions or properties
23 * on the object is likely to crash your application and should be avoided.
24 *
25 * Using `executionAsyncResource()` in the top-level execution context will
26 * return an empty object as there is no handle or request object to use,
27 * but having an object representing the top-level can be helpful.
28 */
29 function executionAsyncResource(): object;
31 /**
32 * Returns the ID of the resource responsible for calling the callback that is currently being executed.
33 */
34 function triggerAsyncId(): number;
36 interface HookCallbacks {
37 /**
38 * Called when a class is constructed that has the possibility to emit an asynchronous event.
39 * @param asyncId a unique ID for the async resource
40 * @param type the type of the async resource
41 * @param triggerAsyncId the unique ID of the async resource in whose execution context this async resource was created
42 * @param resource reference to the resource representing the async operation, needs to be released during destroy
43 */
44 init?(asyncId: number, type: string, triggerAsyncId: number, resource: object): void;
46 /**
47 * When an asynchronous operation is initiated or completes a callback is called to notify the user.
48 * The before callback is called just before said callback is executed.
49 * @param asyncId the unique identifier assigned to the resource about to execute the callback.
50 */
51 before?(asyncId: number): void;
53 /**
54 * Called immediately after the callback specified in before is completed.
55 * @param asyncId the unique identifier assigned to the resource which has executed the callback.
56 */
57 after?(asyncId: number): void;
59 /**
60 * Called when a promise has resolve() called. This may not be in the same execution id
61 * as the promise itself.
62 * @param asyncId the unique id for the promise that was resolve()d.
63 */
64 promiseResolve?(asyncId: number): void;
66 /**
67 * Called after the resource corresponding to asyncId is destroyed
68 * @param asyncId a unique ID for the async resource
69 */
70 destroy?(asyncId: number): void;
71 }
73 interface AsyncHook {
74 /**
75 * Enable the callbacks for a given AsyncHook instance. If no callbacks are provided enabling is a noop.
76 */
77 enable(): this;
79 /**
80 * Disable the callbacks for a given AsyncHook instance from the global pool of AsyncHook callbacks to be executed. Once a hook has been disabled it will not be called again until enabled.
81 */
82 disable(): this;
83 }
85 /**
86 * Registers functions to be called for different lifetime events of each async operation.
87 * @param options the callbacks to register
88 * @return an AsyncHooks instance used for disabling and enabling hooks
89 */
90 function createHook(options: HookCallbacks): AsyncHook;
92 interface AsyncResourceOptions {
93 /**
94 * The ID of the execution context that created this async event.
95 * Default: `executionAsyncId()`
96 */
97 triggerAsyncId?: number;
99 /**
100 * Disables automatic `emitDestroy` when the object is garbage collected.
101 * This usually does not need to be set (even if `emitDestroy` is called
102 * manually), unless the resource's `asyncId` is retrieved and the
103 * sensitive API's `emitDestroy` is called with it.
104 * Default: `false`
105 */
106 requireManualDestroy?: boolean;
107 }
109 /**
110 * The class AsyncResource was designed to be extended by the embedder's async resources.
111 * Using this users can easily trigger the lifetime events of their own resources.
112 */
113 class AsyncResource {
114 /**
115 * AsyncResource() is meant to be extended. Instantiating a
116 * new AsyncResource() also triggers init. If triggerAsyncId is omitted then
117 * async_hook.executionAsyncId() is used.
118 * @param type The type of async event.
119 * @param triggerAsyncId The ID of the execution context that created
120 * this async event (default: `executionAsyncId()`), or an
121 * AsyncResourceOptions object (since 9.3)
122 */
123 constructor(type: string, triggerAsyncId?: number|AsyncResourceOptions);
125 /**
126 * Binds the given function to the current execution context.
127 * @param fn The function to bind to the current execution context.
128 * @param type An optional name to associate with the underlying `AsyncResource`.
129 */
130 static bind<Func extends (...args: any[]) => any>(fn: Func, type?: string): Func & { asyncResource: AsyncResource };
132 /**
133 * Binds the given function to execute to this `AsyncResource`'s scope.
134 * @param fn The function to bind to the current `AsyncResource`.
135 */
136 bind<Func extends (...args: any[]) => any>(fn: Func): Func & { asyncResource: AsyncResource };
138 /**
139 * Call the provided function with the provided arguments in the
140 * execution context of the async resource. This will establish the
141 * context, trigger the AsyncHooks before callbacks, call the function,
142 * trigger the AsyncHooks after callbacks, and then restore the original
143 * execution context.
144 * @param fn The function to call in the execution context of this
145 * async resource.
146 * @param thisArg The receiver to be used for the function call.
147 * @param args Optional arguments to pass to the function.
148 */
149 runInAsyncScope<This, Result>(fn: (this: This, ...args: any[]) => Result, thisArg?: This, ...args: any[]): Result;
151 /**
152 * Call AsyncHooks destroy callbacks.
153 */
154 emitDestroy(): void;
156 /**
157 * @return the unique ID assigned to this AsyncResource instance.
158 */
159 asyncId(): number;
161 /**
162 * @return the trigger ID for this AsyncResource instance.
163 */
164 triggerAsyncId(): number;
165 }
167 /**
168 * When having multiple instances of `AsyncLocalStorage`, they are independent
169 * from each other. It is safe to instantiate this class multiple times.
170 */
171 class AsyncLocalStorage<T> {
172 /**
173 * This method disables the instance of `AsyncLocalStorage`. All subsequent calls
174 * to `asyncLocalStorage.getStore()` will return `undefined` until
175 * `asyncLocalStorage.run()` is called again.
176 *
177 * When calling `asyncLocalStorage.disable()`, all current contexts linked to the
178 * instance will be exited.
179 *
180 * Calling `asyncLocalStorage.disable()` is required before the
181 * `asyncLocalStorage` can be garbage collected. This does not apply to stores
182 * provided by the `asyncLocalStorage`, as those objects are garbage collected
183 * along with the corresponding async resources.
184 *
185 * This method is to be used when the `asyncLocalStorage` is not in use anymore
186 * in the current process.
187 */
188 disable(): void;
190 /**
191 * This method returns the current store. If this method is called outside of an
192 * asynchronous context initialized by calling `asyncLocalStorage.run`, it will
193 * return `undefined`.
194 */
195 getStore(): T | undefined;
197 /**
198 * This methods runs a function synchronously within a context and return its
199 * return value. The store is not accessible outside of the callback function or
200 * the asynchronous operations created within the callback.
201 *
202 * Optionally, arguments can be passed to the function. They will be passed to the
203 * callback function.
204 *
205 * I the callback function throws an error, it will be thrown by `run` too. The
206 * stacktrace will not be impacted by this call and the context will be exited.
207 */
208 // TODO: Apply generic vararg once available
209 run<R>(store: T, callback: (...args: any[]) => R, ...args: any[]): R;
211 /**
212 * This methods runs a function synchronously outside of a context and return its
213 * return value. The store is not accessible within the callback function or the
214 * asynchronous operations created within the callback.
215 *
216 * Optionally, arguments can be passed to the function. They will be passed to the
217 * callback function.
218 *
219 * If the callback function throws an error, it will be thrown by `exit` too. The
220 * stacktrace will not be impacted by this call and the context will be
221 * re-entered.
222 */
223 // TODO: Apply generic vararg once available
224 exit<R>(callback: (...args: any[]) => R, ...args: any[]): R;
226 /**
227 * Calling `asyncLocalStorage.enterWith(store)` will transition into the context
228 * for the remainder of the current synchronous execution and will persist
229 * through any following asynchronous calls.
230 */
231 enterWith(store: T): void;
232 }
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