4.82 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1// Type definitions for non-npm package Node.js 14.17
2// Project: https://nodejs.org/
3// Definitions by: Microsoft TypeScript <https://github.com/Microsoft>
4// DefinitelyTyped <https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped>
5// Alberto Schiabel <https://github.com/jkomyno>
6// Alvis HT Tang <https://github.com/alvis>
7// Andrew Makarov <https://github.com/r3nya>
8// Benjamin Toueg <https://github.com/btoueg>
9// Chigozirim C. <https://github.com/smac89>
10// David Junger <https://github.com/touffy>
11// Deividas Bakanas <https://github.com/DeividasBakanas>
12// Eugene Y. Q. Shen <https://github.com/eyqs>
13// Hannes Magnusson <https://github.com/Hannes-Magnusson-CK>
14// Hoàng Văn Khải <https://github.com/KSXGitHub>
15// Huw <https://github.com/hoo29>
16// Kelvin Jin <https://github.com/kjin>
17// Klaus Meinhardt <https://github.com/ajafff>
18// Lishude <https://github.com/islishude>
19// Mariusz Wiktorczyk <https://github.com/mwiktorczyk>
20// Mohsen Azimi <https://github.com/mohsen1>
21// Nicolas Even <https://github.com/n-e>
22// Nikita Galkin <https://github.com/galkin>
23// Parambir Singh <https://github.com/parambirs>
24// Sebastian Silbermann <https://github.com/eps1lon>
25// Simon Schick <https://github.com/SimonSchick>
26// Thomas den Hollander <https://github.com/ThomasdenH>
27// Wilco Bakker <https://github.com/WilcoBakker>
28// wwwy3y3 <https://github.com/wwwy3y3>
29// Samuel Ainsworth <https://github.com/samuela>
30// Kyle Uehlein <https://github.com/kuehlein>
31// Thanik Bhongbhibhat <https://github.com/bhongy>
32// Marcin Kopacz <https://github.com/chyzwar>
33// Trivikram Kamat <https://github.com/trivikr>
34// Minh Son Nguyen <https://github.com/nguymin4>
35// Junxiao Shi <https://github.com/yoursunny>
36// Ilia Baryshnikov <https://github.com/qwelias>
37// ExE Boss <https://github.com/ExE-Boss>
38// Surasak Chaisurin <https://github.com/Ryan-Willpower>
39// Piotr Błażejewicz <https://github.com/peterblazejewicz>
40// Anna Henningsen <https://github.com/addaleax>
41// Jason Kwok <https://github.com/JasonHK>
42// Victor Perin <https://github.com/victorperin>
43// Yongsheng Zhang <https://github.com/ZYSzys>
44// Bond <https://github.com/bondz>
45// Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped
47// NOTE: These definitions support NodeJS and TypeScript 3.7+
49// Reference required types from the default lib:
50/// <reference lib="es2018" />
51/// <reference lib="esnext.asynciterable" />
52/// <reference lib="esnext.intl" />
53/// <reference lib="esnext.bigint" />
55// Base definitions for all NodeJS modules that are not specific to any version of TypeScript:
56/// <reference path="assert.d.ts" />
57/// <reference path="globals.d.ts" />
58/// <reference path="async_hooks.d.ts" />
59/// <reference path="buffer.d.ts" />
60/// <reference path="child_process.d.ts" />
61/// <reference path="cluster.d.ts" />
62/// <reference path="console.d.ts" />
63/// <reference path="constants.d.ts" />
64/// <reference path="crypto.d.ts" />
65/// <reference path="dgram.d.ts" />
66/// <reference path="dns.d.ts" />
67/// <reference path="domain.d.ts" />
68/// <reference path="events.d.ts" />
69/// <reference path="fs.d.ts" />
70/// <reference path="fs/promises.d.ts" />
71/// <reference path="http.d.ts" />
72/// <reference path="http2.d.ts" />
73/// <reference path="https.d.ts" />
74/// <reference path="inspector.d.ts" />
75/// <reference path="module.d.ts" />
76/// <reference path="net.d.ts" />
77/// <reference path="os.d.ts" />
78/// <reference path="path.d.ts" />
79/// <reference path="perf_hooks.d.ts" />
80/// <reference path="process.d.ts" />
81/// <reference path="punycode.d.ts" />
82/// <reference path="querystring.d.ts" />
83/// <reference path="readline.d.ts" />
84/// <reference path="repl.d.ts" />
85/// <reference path="stream.d.ts" />
86/// <reference path="string_decoder.d.ts" />
87/// <reference path="timers.d.ts" />
88/// <reference path="tls.d.ts" />
89/// <reference path="trace_events.d.ts" />
90/// <reference path="tty.d.ts" />
91/// <reference path="url.d.ts" />
92/// <reference path="util.d.ts" />
93/// <reference path="v8.d.ts" />
94/// <reference path="vm.d.ts" />
95/// <reference path="wasi.d.ts" />
96/// <reference path="worker_threads.d.ts" />
97/// <reference path="zlib.d.ts" />
99/// <reference path="globals.global.d.ts" />