2.91 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1// NOTE: These definitions support NodeJS and TypeScript 3.6 and earlier.
3// NOTE: TypeScript version-specific augmentations can be found in the following paths:
4// - ~/base.d.ts - Shared definitions common to all TypeScript versions
5// - ~/index.d.ts - Definitions specific to TypeScript 3.7 and above
6// - ~/ts3.6/base.d.ts - Definitions specific to TypeScript 3.6 and earlier
7// - ~/ts3.6/index.d.ts - Definitions specific to TypeScript 3.6 and earlier with assert pulled in
9// Reference required types from the default lib:
10/// <reference lib="es2018" />
11/// <reference lib="esnext.asynciterable" />
12/// <reference lib="esnext.intl" />
13/// <reference lib="esnext.bigint" />
15// Base definitions for all NodeJS modules that are not specific to any version of TypeScript:
16/// <reference path="../assert/strict.d.ts" />
17/// <reference path="../globals.d.ts" />
18/// <reference path="../async_hooks.d.ts" />
19/// <reference path="../buffer.d.ts" />
20/// <reference path="../child_process.d.ts" />
21/// <reference path="../cluster.d.ts" />
22/// <reference path="../console.d.ts" />
23/// <reference path="../constants.d.ts" />
24/// <reference path="../crypto.d.ts" />
25/// <reference path="../dgram.d.ts" />
26/// <reference path="../diagnostics_channel.d.ts" />
27/// <reference path="../dns.d.ts" />
28/// <reference path="../dns/promises.d.ts" />
29/// <reference path="../dns/promises.d.ts" />
30/// <reference path="../domain.d.ts" />
31/// <reference path="../events.d.ts" />
32/// <reference path="../fs.d.ts" />
33/// <reference path="../fs/promises.d.ts" />
34/// <reference path="../http.d.ts" />
35/// <reference path="../http2.d.ts" />
36/// <reference path="../https.d.ts" />
37/// <reference path="../inspector.d.ts" />
38/// <reference path="../module.d.ts" />
39/// <reference path="../net.d.ts" />
40/// <reference path="../os.d.ts" />
41/// <reference path="../path.d.ts" />
42/// <reference path="../perf_hooks.d.ts" />
43/// <reference path="../process.d.ts" />
44/// <reference path="../punycode.d.ts" />
45/// <reference path="../querystring.d.ts" />
46/// <reference path="../readline.d.ts" />
47/// <reference path="../repl.d.ts" />
48/// <reference path="../stream.d.ts" />
49/// <reference path="../stream/promises.d.ts" />
50/// <reference path="../string_decoder.d.ts" />
51/// <reference path="../timers.d.ts" />
52/// <reference path="../timers/promises.d.ts" />
53/// <reference path="../tls.d.ts" />
54/// <reference path="../trace_events.d.ts" />
55/// <reference path="../tty.d.ts" />
56/// <reference path="../url.d.ts" />
57/// <reference path="../util.d.ts" />
58/// <reference path="../v8.d.ts" />
59/// <reference path="../vm.d.ts" />
60/// <reference path="../worker_threads.d.ts" />
61/// <reference path="../zlib.d.ts" />
63// TypeScript 3.6-specific augmentations:
64/// <reference path="../globals.global.d.ts" />
66// TypeScript 3.6-specific augmentations:
67/// <reference path="../wasi.d.ts" />