26.7 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * The `dgram` module provides an implementation of UDP datagram sockets.
3 *
4 * ```js
5 * import dgram from 'dgram';
6 *
7 * const server = dgram.createSocket('udp4');
8 *
9 * server.on('error', (err) => {
10 * console.log(`server error:\n${err.stack}`);
11 * server.close();
12 * });
13 *
14 * server.on('message', (msg, rinfo) => {
15 * console.log(`server got: ${msg} from ${rinfo.address}:${rinfo.port}`);
16 * });
17 *
18 * server.on('listening', () => {
19 * const address = server.address();
20 * console.log(`server listening ${address.address}:${address.port}`);
21 * });
22 *
23 * server.bind(41234);
24 * // Prints: server listening
25 * ```
26 * @see [source](https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/v16.6.0/lib/dgram.js)
27 */
28declare module 'dgram' {
29 import { AddressInfo } from 'node:net';
30 import * as dns from 'node:dns';
31 import { EventEmitter, Abortable } from 'node:events';
32 interface RemoteInfo {
33 address: string;
34 family: 'IPv4' | 'IPv6';
35 port: number;
36 size: number;
37 }
38 interface BindOptions {
39 port?: number | undefined;
40 address?: string | undefined;
41 exclusive?: boolean | undefined;
42 fd?: number | undefined;
43 }
44 type SocketType = 'udp4' | 'udp6';
45 interface SocketOptions extends Abortable {
46 type: SocketType;
47 reuseAddr?: boolean | undefined;
48 /**
49 * @default false
50 */
51 ipv6Only?: boolean | undefined;
52 recvBufferSize?: number | undefined;
53 sendBufferSize?: number | undefined;
54 lookup?: ((hostname: string, options: dns.LookupOneOptions, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, address: string, family: number) => void) => void) | undefined;
55 }
56 /**
57 * Creates a `dgram.Socket` object. Once the socket is created, calling `socket.bind()` will instruct the socket to begin listening for datagram
58 * messages. When `address` and `port` are not passed to `socket.bind()` the
59 * method will bind the socket to the "all interfaces" address on a random port
60 * (it does the right thing for both `udp4` and `udp6` sockets). The bound address
61 * and port can be retrieved using `socket.address().address` and `socket.address().port`.
62 *
63 * If the `signal` option is enabled, calling `.abort()` on the corresponding`AbortController` is similar to calling `.close()` on the socket:
64 *
65 * ```js
66 * const controller = new AbortController();
67 * const { signal } = controller;
68 * const server = dgram.createSocket({ type: 'udp4', signal });
69 * server.on('message', (msg, rinfo) => {
70 * console.log(`server got: ${msg} from ${rinfo.address}:${rinfo.port}`);
71 * });
72 * // Later, when you want to close the server.
73 * controller.abort();
74 * ```
75 * @since v0.11.13
76 * @param options Available options are:
77 * @param callback Attached as a listener for `'message'` events. Optional.
78 */
79 function createSocket(type: SocketType, callback?: (msg: Buffer, rinfo: RemoteInfo) => void): Socket;
80 function createSocket(options: SocketOptions, callback?: (msg: Buffer, rinfo: RemoteInfo) => void): Socket;
81 /**
82 * Encapsulates the datagram functionality.
83 *
84 * New instances of `dgram.Socket` are created using {@link createSocket}.
85 * The `new` keyword is not to be used to create `dgram.Socket` instances.
86 * @since v0.1.99
87 */
88 class Socket extends EventEmitter {
89 /**
90 * Tells the kernel to join a multicast group at the given `multicastAddress` and`multicastInterface` using the `IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP` socket option. If the`multicastInterface` argument is not
91 * specified, the operating system will choose
92 * one interface and will add membership to it. To add membership to every
93 * available interface, call `addMembership` multiple times, once per interface.
94 *
95 * When called on an unbound socket, this method will implicitly bind to a random
96 * port, listening on all interfaces.
97 *
98 * When sharing a UDP socket across multiple `cluster` workers, the`socket.addMembership()` function must be called only once or an`EADDRINUSE` error will occur:
99 *
100 * ```js
101 * import cluster from 'cluster';
102 * import dgram from 'dgram';
103 *
104 * if (cluster.isPrimary) {
105 * cluster.fork(); // Works ok.
106 * cluster.fork(); // Fails with EADDRINUSE.
107 * } else {
108 * const s = dgram.createSocket('udp4');
109 * s.bind(1234, () => {
110 * s.addMembership('');
111 * });
112 * }
113 * ```
114 * @since v0.6.9
115 */
116 addMembership(multicastAddress: string, multicastInterface?: string): void;
117 /**
118 * Returns an object containing the address information for a socket.
119 * For UDP sockets, this object will contain `address`, `family` and `port`properties.
120 *
121 * This method throws `EBADF` if called on an unbound socket.
122 * @since v0.1.99
123 */
124 address(): AddressInfo;
125 /**
126 * For UDP sockets, causes the `dgram.Socket` to listen for datagram
127 * messages on a named `port` and optional `address`. If `port` is not
128 * specified or is `0`, the operating system will attempt to bind to a
129 * random port. If `address` is not specified, the operating system will
130 * attempt to listen on all addresses. Once binding is complete, a`'listening'` event is emitted and the optional `callback` function is
131 * called.
132 *
133 * Specifying both a `'listening'` event listener and passing a`callback` to the `socket.bind()` method is not harmful but not very
134 * useful.
135 *
136 * A bound datagram socket keeps the Node.js process running to receive
137 * datagram messages.
138 *
139 * If binding fails, an `'error'` event is generated. In rare case (e.g.
140 * attempting to bind with a closed socket), an `Error` may be thrown.
141 *
142 * Example of a UDP server listening on port 41234:
143 *
144 * ```js
145 * import dgram from 'dgram';
146 *
147 * const server = dgram.createSocket('udp4');
148 *
149 * server.on('error', (err) => {
150 * console.log(`server error:\n${err.stack}`);
151 * server.close();
152 * });
153 *
154 * server.on('message', (msg, rinfo) => {
155 * console.log(`server got: ${msg} from ${rinfo.address}:${rinfo.port}`);
156 * });
157 *
158 * server.on('listening', () => {
159 * const address = server.address();
160 * console.log(`server listening ${address.address}:${address.port}`);
161 * });
162 *
163 * server.bind(41234);
164 * // Prints: server listening
165 * ```
166 * @since v0.1.99
167 * @param callback with no parameters. Called when binding is complete.
168 */
169 bind(port?: number, address?: string, callback?: () => void): void;
170 bind(port?: number, callback?: () => void): void;
171 bind(callback?: () => void): void;
172 bind(options: BindOptions, callback?: () => void): void;
173 /**
174 * Close the underlying socket and stop listening for data on it. If a callback is
175 * provided, it is added as a listener for the `'close'` event.
176 * @since v0.1.99
177 * @param callback Called when the socket has been closed.
178 */
179 close(callback?: () => void): void;
180 /**
181 * Associates the `dgram.Socket` to a remote address and port. Every
182 * message sent by this handle is automatically sent to that destination. Also,
183 * the socket will only receive messages from that remote peer.
184 * Trying to call `connect()` on an already connected socket will result
185 * in an `ERR_SOCKET_DGRAM_IS_CONNECTED` exception. If `address` is not
186 * provided, `''` (for `udp4` sockets) or `'::1'` (for `udp6` sockets)
187 * will be used by default. Once the connection is complete, a `'connect'` event
188 * is emitted and the optional `callback` function is called. In case of failure,
189 * the `callback` is called or, failing this, an `'error'` event is emitted.
190 * @since v12.0.0
191 * @param callback Called when the connection is completed or on error.
192 */
193 connect(port: number, address?: string, callback?: () => void): void;
194 connect(port: number, callback: () => void): void;
195 /**
196 * A synchronous function that disassociates a connected `dgram.Socket` from
197 * its remote address. Trying to call `disconnect()` on an unbound or already
198 * disconnected socket will result in an `ERR_SOCKET_DGRAM_NOT_CONNECTED` exception.
199 * @since v12.0.0
200 */
201 disconnect(): void;
202 /**
203 * Instructs the kernel to leave a multicast group at `multicastAddress` using the`IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP` socket option. This method is automatically called by the
204 * kernel when the socket is closed or the process terminates, so most apps will
205 * never have reason to call this.
206 *
207 * If `multicastInterface` is not specified, the operating system will attempt to
208 * drop membership on all valid interfaces.
209 * @since v0.6.9
210 */
211 dropMembership(multicastAddress: string, multicastInterface?: string): void;
212 /**
213 * This method throws `ERR_SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE` if called on an unbound socket.
214 * @since v8.7.0
215 * @return the `SO_RCVBUF` socket receive buffer size in bytes.
216 */
217 getRecvBufferSize(): number;
218 /**
219 * This method throws `ERR_SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE` if called on an unbound socket.
220 * @since v8.7.0
221 * @return the `SO_SNDBUF` socket send buffer size in bytes.
222 */
223 getSendBufferSize(): number;
224 /**
225 * By default, binding a socket will cause it to block the Node.js process from
226 * exiting as long as the socket is open. The `socket.unref()` method can be used
227 * to exclude the socket from the reference counting that keeps the Node.js
228 * process active. The `socket.ref()` method adds the socket back to the reference
229 * counting and restores the default behavior.
230 *
231 * Calling `socket.ref()` multiples times will have no additional effect.
232 *
233 * The `socket.ref()` method returns a reference to the socket so calls can be
234 * chained.
235 * @since v0.9.1
236 */
237 ref(): this;
238 /**
239 * Returns an object containing the `address`, `family`, and `port` of the remote
240 * endpoint. This method throws an `ERR_SOCKET_DGRAM_NOT_CONNECTED` exception
241 * if the socket is not connected.
242 * @since v12.0.0
243 */
244 remoteAddress(): AddressInfo;
245 /**
246 * Broadcasts a datagram on the socket.
247 * For connectionless sockets, the destination `port` and `address` must be
248 * specified. Connected sockets, on the other hand, will use their associated
249 * remote endpoint, so the `port` and `address` arguments must not be set.
250 *
251 * The `msg` argument contains the message to be sent.
252 * Depending on its type, different behavior can apply. If `msg` is a `Buffer`,
253 * any `TypedArray` or a `DataView`,
254 * the `offset` and `length` specify the offset within the `Buffer` where the
255 * message begins and the number of bytes in the message, respectively.
256 * If `msg` is a `String`, then it is automatically converted to a `Buffer`with `'utf8'` encoding. With messages that
257 * contain multi-byte characters, `offset` and `length` will be calculated with
258 * respect to `byte length` and not the character position.
259 * If `msg` is an array, `offset` and `length` must not be specified.
260 *
261 * The `address` argument is a string. If the value of `address` is a host name,
262 * DNS will be used to resolve the address of the host. If `address` is not
263 * provided or otherwise falsy, `''` (for `udp4` sockets) or `'::1'`(for `udp6` sockets) will be used by default.
264 *
265 * If the socket has not been previously bound with a call to `bind`, the socket
266 * is assigned a random port number and is bound to the "all interfaces" address
267 * (`''` for `udp4` sockets, `'::0'` for `udp6` sockets.)
268 *
269 * An optional `callback` function may be specified to as a way of reporting
270 * DNS errors or for determining when it is safe to reuse the `buf` object.
271 * DNS lookups delay the time to send for at least one tick of the
272 * Node.js event loop.
273 *
274 * The only way to know for sure that the datagram has been sent is by using a`callback`. If an error occurs and a `callback` is given, the error will be
275 * passed as the first argument to the `callback`. If a `callback` is not given,
276 * the error is emitted as an `'error'` event on the `socket` object.
277 *
278 * Offset and length are optional but both _must_ be set if either are used.
279 * They are supported only when the first argument is a `Buffer`, a `TypedArray`,
280 * or a `DataView`.
281 *
282 * This method throws `ERR_SOCKET_BAD_PORT` if called on an unbound socket.
283 *
284 * Example of sending a UDP packet to a port on `localhost`;
285 *
286 * ```js
287 * import dgram from 'dgram';
288 * import { Buffer } from 'buffer';
289 *
290 * const message = Buffer.from('Some bytes');
291 * const client = dgram.createSocket('udp4');
292 * client.send(message, 41234, 'localhost', (err) => {
293 * client.close();
294 * });
295 * ```
296 *
297 * Example of sending a UDP packet composed of multiple buffers to a port on``;
298 *
299 * ```js
300 * import dgram from 'dgram';
301 * import { Buffer } from 'buffer';
302 *
303 * const buf1 = Buffer.from('Some ');
304 * const buf2 = Buffer.from('bytes');
305 * const client = dgram.createSocket('udp4');
306 * client.send([buf1, buf2], 41234, (err) => {
307 * client.close();
308 * });
309 * ```
310 *
311 * Sending multiple buffers might be faster or slower depending on the
312 * application and operating system. Run benchmarks to
313 * determine the optimal strategy on a case-by-case basis. Generally speaking,
314 * however, sending multiple buffers is faster.
315 *
316 * Example of sending a UDP packet using a socket connected to a port on`localhost`:
317 *
318 * ```js
319 * import dgram from 'dgram';
320 * import { Buffer } from 'buffer';
321 *
322 * const message = Buffer.from('Some bytes');
323 * const client = dgram.createSocket('udp4');
324 * client.connect(41234, 'localhost', (err) => {
325 * client.send(message, (err) => {
326 * client.close();
327 * });
328 * });
329 * ```
330 * @since v0.1.99
331 * @param msg Message to be sent.
332 * @param offset Offset in the buffer where the message starts.
333 * @param length Number of bytes in the message.
334 * @param port Destination port.
335 * @param address Destination host name or IP address.
336 * @param callback Called when the message has been sent.
337 */
338 send(msg: string | Uint8Array | ReadonlyArray<any>, port?: number, address?: string, callback?: (error: Error | null, bytes: number) => void): void;
339 send(msg: string | Uint8Array | ReadonlyArray<any>, port?: number, callback?: (error: Error | null, bytes: number) => void): void;
340 send(msg: string | Uint8Array | ReadonlyArray<any>, callback?: (error: Error | null, bytes: number) => void): void;
341 send(msg: string | Uint8Array, offset: number, length: number, port?: number, address?: string, callback?: (error: Error | null, bytes: number) => void): void;
342 send(msg: string | Uint8Array, offset: number, length: number, port?: number, callback?: (error: Error | null, bytes: number) => void): void;
343 send(msg: string | Uint8Array, offset: number, length: number, callback?: (error: Error | null, bytes: number) => void): void;
344 /**
345 * Sets or clears the `SO_BROADCAST` socket option. When set to `true`, UDP
346 * packets may be sent to a local interface's broadcast address.
347 *
348 * This method throws `EBADF` if called on an unbound socket.
349 * @since v0.6.9
350 */
351 setBroadcast(flag: boolean): void;
352 /**
353 * _All references to scope in this section are referring to[IPv6 Zone Indices](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPv6_address#Scoped_literal_IPv6_addresses), which are defined by [RFC
354 * 4007](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4007). In string form, an IP_
355 * _with a scope index is written as `'IP%scope'` where scope is an interface name_
356 * _or interface number._
357 *
358 * Sets the default outgoing multicast interface of the socket to a chosen
359 * interface or back to system interface selection. The `multicastInterface` must
360 * be a valid string representation of an IP from the socket's family.
361 *
362 * For IPv4 sockets, this should be the IP configured for the desired physical
363 * interface. All packets sent to multicast on the socket will be sent on the
364 * interface determined by the most recent successful use of this call.
365 *
366 * For IPv6 sockets, `multicastInterface` should include a scope to indicate the
367 * interface as in the examples that follow. In IPv6, individual `send` calls can
368 * also use explicit scope in addresses, so only packets sent to a multicast
369 * address without specifying an explicit scope are affected by the most recent
370 * successful use of this call.
371 *
372 * This method throws `EBADF` if called on an unbound socket.
373 *
374 * #### Example: IPv6 outgoing multicast interface
375 *
376 * On most systems, where scope format uses the interface name:
377 *
378 * ```js
379 * const socket = dgram.createSocket('udp6');
380 *
381 * socket.bind(1234, () => {
382 * socket.setMulticastInterface('::%eth1');
383 * });
384 * ```
385 *
386 * On Windows, where scope format uses an interface number:
387 *
388 * ```js
389 * const socket = dgram.createSocket('udp6');
390 *
391 * socket.bind(1234, () => {
392 * socket.setMulticastInterface('::%2');
393 * });
394 * ```
395 *
396 * #### Example: IPv4 outgoing multicast interface
397 *
398 * All systems use an IP of the host on the desired physical interface:
399 *
400 * ```js
401 * const socket = dgram.createSocket('udp4');
402 *
403 * socket.bind(1234, () => {
404 * socket.setMulticastInterface('');
405 * });
406 * ```
407 * @since v8.6.0
408 */
409 setMulticastInterface(multicastInterface: string): void;
410 /**
411 * Sets or clears the `IP_MULTICAST_LOOP` socket option. When set to `true`,
412 * multicast packets will also be received on the local interface.
413 *
414 * This method throws `EBADF` if called on an unbound socket.
415 * @since v0.3.8
416 */
417 setMulticastLoopback(flag: boolean): void;
418 /**
419 * Sets the `IP_MULTICAST_TTL` socket option. While TTL generally stands for
420 * "Time to Live", in this context it specifies the number of IP hops that a
421 * packet is allowed to travel through, specifically for multicast traffic. Each
422 * router or gateway that forwards a packet decrements the TTL. If the TTL is
423 * decremented to 0 by a router, it will not be forwarded.
424 *
425 * The `ttl` argument may be between 0 and 255\. The default on most systems is `1`.
426 *
427 * This method throws `EBADF` if called on an unbound socket.
428 * @since v0.3.8
429 */
430 setMulticastTTL(ttl: number): void;
431 /**
432 * Sets the `SO_RCVBUF` socket option. Sets the maximum socket receive buffer
433 * in bytes.
434 *
435 * This method throws `ERR_SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE` if called on an unbound socket.
436 * @since v8.7.0
437 */
438 setRecvBufferSize(size: number): void;
439 /**
440 * Sets the `SO_SNDBUF` socket option. Sets the maximum socket send buffer
441 * in bytes.
442 *
443 * This method throws `ERR_SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE` if called on an unbound socket.
444 * @since v8.7.0
445 */
446 setSendBufferSize(size: number): void;
447 /**
448 * Sets the `IP_TTL` socket option. While TTL generally stands for "Time to Live",
449 * in this context it specifies the number of IP hops that a packet is allowed to
450 * travel through. Each router or gateway that forwards a packet decrements the
451 * TTL. If the TTL is decremented to 0 by a router, it will not be forwarded.
452 * Changing TTL values is typically done for network probes or when multicasting.
453 *
454 * The `ttl` argument may be between between 1 and 255\. The default on most systems
455 * is 64.
456 *
457 * This method throws `EBADF` if called on an unbound socket.
458 * @since v0.1.101
459 */
460 setTTL(ttl: number): void;
461 /**
462 * By default, binding a socket will cause it to block the Node.js process from
463 * exiting as long as the socket is open. The `socket.unref()` method can be used
464 * to exclude the socket from the reference counting that keeps the Node.js
465 * process active, allowing the process to exit even if the socket is still
466 * listening.
467 *
468 * Calling `socket.unref()` multiple times will have no addition effect.
469 *
470 * The `socket.unref()` method returns a reference to the socket so calls can be
471 * chained.
472 * @since v0.9.1
473 */
474 unref(): this;
475 /**
476 * Tells the kernel to join a source-specific multicast channel at the given`sourceAddress` and `groupAddress`, using the `multicastInterface` with the`IP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP` socket
477 * option. If the `multicastInterface` argument
478 * is not specified, the operating system will choose one interface and will add
479 * membership to it. To add membership to every available interface, call`socket.addSourceSpecificMembership()` multiple times, once per interface.
480 *
481 * When called on an unbound socket, this method will implicitly bind to a random
482 * port, listening on all interfaces.
483 * @since v13.1.0, v12.16.0
484 */
485 addSourceSpecificMembership(sourceAddress: string, groupAddress: string, multicastInterface?: string): void;
486 /**
487 * Instructs the kernel to leave a source-specific multicast channel at the given`sourceAddress` and `groupAddress` using the `IP_DROP_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP`socket option. This method is
488 * automatically called by the kernel when the
489 * socket is closed or the process terminates, so most apps will never have
490 * reason to call this.
491 *
492 * If `multicastInterface` is not specified, the operating system will attempt to
493 * drop membership on all valid interfaces.
494 * @since v13.1.0, v12.16.0
495 */
496 dropSourceSpecificMembership(sourceAddress: string, groupAddress: string, multicastInterface?: string): void;
497 /**
498 * events.EventEmitter
499 * 1. close
500 * 2. connect
501 * 3. error
502 * 4. listening
503 * 5. message
504 */
505 addListener(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
506 addListener(event: 'close', listener: () => void): this;
507 addListener(event: 'connect', listener: () => void): this;
508 addListener(event: 'error', listener: (err: Error) => void): this;
509 addListener(event: 'listening', listener: () => void): this;
510 addListener(event: 'message', listener: (msg: Buffer, rinfo: RemoteInfo) => void): this;
511 emit(event: string | symbol, ...args: any[]): boolean;
512 emit(event: 'close'): boolean;
513 emit(event: 'connect'): boolean;
514 emit(event: 'error', err: Error): boolean;
515 emit(event: 'listening'): boolean;
516 emit(event: 'message', msg: Buffer, rinfo: RemoteInfo): boolean;
517 on(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
518 on(event: 'close', listener: () => void): this;
519 on(event: 'connect', listener: () => void): this;
520 on(event: 'error', listener: (err: Error) => void): this;
521 on(event: 'listening', listener: () => void): this;
522 on(event: 'message', listener: (msg: Buffer, rinfo: RemoteInfo) => void): this;
523 once(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
524 once(event: 'close', listener: () => void): this;
525 once(event: 'connect', listener: () => void): this;
526 once(event: 'error', listener: (err: Error) => void): this;
527 once(event: 'listening', listener: () => void): this;
528 once(event: 'message', listener: (msg: Buffer, rinfo: RemoteInfo) => void): this;
529 prependListener(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
530 prependListener(event: 'close', listener: () => void): this;
531 prependListener(event: 'connect', listener: () => void): this;
532 prependListener(event: 'error', listener: (err: Error) => void): this;
533 prependListener(event: 'listening', listener: () => void): this;
534 prependListener(event: 'message', listener: (msg: Buffer, rinfo: RemoteInfo) => void): this;
535 prependOnceListener(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
536 prependOnceListener(event: 'close', listener: () => void): this;
537 prependOnceListener(event: 'connect', listener: () => void): this;
538 prependOnceListener(event: 'error', listener: (err: Error) => void): this;
539 prependOnceListener(event: 'listening', listener: () => void): this;
540 prependOnceListener(event: 'message', listener: (msg: Buffer, rinfo: RemoteInfo) => void): this;
541 }
543declare module 'node:dgram' {
544 export * from 'dgram';
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