32.7 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * The `url` module provides utilities for URL resolution and parsing. It can be
3 * accessed using:
4 *
5 * ```js
6 * import url from 'url';
7 * ```
8 * @see [source](https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/v16.6.0/lib/url.js)
9 */
10declare module 'url' {
11 import { ClientRequestArgs } from 'node:http';
12 import { ParsedUrlQuery, ParsedUrlQueryInput } from 'node:querystring';
13 // Input to `url.format`
14 interface UrlObject {
15 auth?: string | null | undefined;
16 hash?: string | null | undefined;
17 host?: string | null | undefined;
18 hostname?: string | null | undefined;
19 href?: string | null | undefined;
20 pathname?: string | null | undefined;
21 protocol?: string | null | undefined;
22 search?: string | null | undefined;
23 slashes?: boolean | null | undefined;
24 port?: string | number | null | undefined;
25 query?: string | null | ParsedUrlQueryInput | undefined;
26 }
27 // Output of `url.parse`
28 interface Url {
29 auth: string | null;
30 hash: string | null;
31 host: string | null;
32 hostname: string | null;
33 href: string;
34 path: string | null;
35 pathname: string | null;
36 protocol: string | null;
37 search: string | null;
38 slashes: boolean | null;
39 port: string | null;
40 query: string | null | ParsedUrlQuery;
41 }
42 interface UrlWithParsedQuery extends Url {
43 query: ParsedUrlQuery;
44 }
45 interface UrlWithStringQuery extends Url {
46 query: string | null;
47 }
48 /**
49 * The `url.parse()` method takes a URL string, parses it, and returns a URL
50 * object.
51 *
52 * A `TypeError` is thrown if `urlString` is not a string.
53 *
54 * A `URIError` is thrown if the `auth` property is present but cannot be decoded.
55 *
56 * Use of the legacy `url.parse()` method is discouraged. Users should
57 * use the WHATWG `URL` API. Because the `url.parse()` method uses a
58 * lenient, non-standard algorithm for parsing URL strings, security
59 * issues can be introduced. Specifically, issues with [host name spoofing](https://hackerone.com/reports/678487) and
60 * incorrect handling of usernames and passwords have been identified.
61 * @since v0.1.25
62 * @deprecated Legacy: Use the WHATWG URL API instead.
63 * @param urlString The URL string to parse.
64 * @param [parseQueryString=false] If `true`, the `query` property will always be set to an object returned by the {@link querystring} module's `parse()` method. If `false`, the `query` property
65 * on the returned URL object will be an unparsed, undecoded string.
66 * @param [slashesDenoteHost=false] If `true`, the first token after the literal string `//` and preceding the next `/` will be interpreted as the `host`. For instance, given `//foo/bar`, the
67 * result would be `{host: 'foo', pathname: '/bar'}` rather than `{pathname: '//foo/bar'}`.
68 */
69 function parse(urlString: string): UrlWithStringQuery;
70 function parse(urlString: string, parseQueryString: false | undefined, slashesDenoteHost?: boolean): UrlWithStringQuery;
71 function parse(urlString: string, parseQueryString: true, slashesDenoteHost?: boolean): UrlWithParsedQuery;
72 function parse(urlString: string, parseQueryString: boolean, slashesDenoteHost?: boolean): Url;
73 /**
74 * The `url.format()` method returns a formatted URL string derived from`urlObject`.
75 *
76 * ```js
77 * const url = require('url');
78 * url.format({
79 * protocol: 'https',
80 * hostname: 'example.com',
81 * pathname: '/some/path',
82 * query: {
83 * page: 1,
84 * format: 'json'
85 * }
86 * });
87 *
88 * // => 'https://example.com/some/path?page=1&format=json'
89 * ```
90 *
91 * If `urlObject` is not an object or a string, `url.format()` will throw a `TypeError`.
92 *
93 * The formatting process operates as follows:
94 *
95 * * A new empty string `result` is created.
96 * * If `urlObject.protocol` is a string, it is appended as-is to `result`.
97 * * Otherwise, if `urlObject.protocol` is not `undefined` and is not a string, an `Error` is thrown.
98 * * For all string values of `urlObject.protocol` that _do not end_ with an ASCII
99 * colon (`:`) character, the literal string `:` will be appended to `result`.
100 * * If either of the following conditions is true, then the literal string `//`will be appended to `result`:
101 * * `urlObject.slashes` property is true;
102 * * `urlObject.protocol` begins with `http`, `https`, `ftp`, `gopher`, or`file`;
103 * * If the value of the `urlObject.auth` property is truthy, and either`urlObject.host` or `urlObject.hostname` are not `undefined`, the value of`urlObject.auth` will be coerced into a string
104 * and appended to `result`followed by the literal string `@`.
105 * * If the `urlObject.host` property is `undefined` then:
106 * * If the `urlObject.hostname` is a string, it is appended to `result`.
107 * * Otherwise, if `urlObject.hostname` is not `undefined` and is not a string,
108 * an `Error` is thrown.
109 * * If the `urlObject.port` property value is truthy, and `urlObject.hostname`is not `undefined`:
110 * * The literal string `:` is appended to `result`, and
111 * * The value of `urlObject.port` is coerced to a string and appended to`result`.
112 * * Otherwise, if the `urlObject.host` property value is truthy, the value of`urlObject.host` is coerced to a string and appended to `result`.
113 * * If the `urlObject.pathname` property is a string that is not an empty string:
114 * * If the `urlObject.pathname`_does not start_ with an ASCII forward slash
115 * (`/`), then the literal string `'/'` is appended to `result`.
116 * * The value of `urlObject.pathname` is appended to `result`.
117 * * Otherwise, if `urlObject.pathname` is not `undefined` and is not a string, an `Error` is thrown.
118 * * If the `urlObject.search` property is `undefined` and if the `urlObject.query`property is an `Object`, the literal string `?` is appended to `result`followed by the output of calling the
119 * `querystring` module's `stringify()`method passing the value of `urlObject.query`.
120 * * Otherwise, if `urlObject.search` is a string:
121 * * If the value of `urlObject.search`_does not start_ with the ASCII question
122 * mark (`?`) character, the literal string `?` is appended to `result`.
123 * * The value of `urlObject.search` is appended to `result`.
124 * * Otherwise, if `urlObject.search` is not `undefined` and is not a string, an `Error` is thrown.
125 * * If the `urlObject.hash` property is a string:
126 * * If the value of `urlObject.hash`_does not start_ with the ASCII hash (`#`)
127 * character, the literal string `#` is appended to `result`.
128 * * The value of `urlObject.hash` is appended to `result`.
129 * * Otherwise, if the `urlObject.hash` property is not `undefined` and is not a
130 * string, an `Error` is thrown.
131 * * `result` is returned.
132 * @since v0.1.25
133 * @deprecated Legacy: Use the WHATWG URL API instead.
134 * @param urlObject A URL object (as returned by `url.parse()` or constructed otherwise). If a string, it is converted to an object by passing it to `url.parse()`.
135 */
136 function format(urlObject: URL, options?: URLFormatOptions): string;
137 function format(urlObject: UrlObject | string): string;
138 /**
139 * The `url.resolve()` method resolves a target URL relative to a base URL in a
140 * manner similar to that of a Web browser resolving an anchor tag HREF.
141 *
142 * ```js
143 * const url = require('url');
144 * url.resolve('/one/two/three', 'four'); // '/one/two/four'
145 * url.resolve('http://example.com/', '/one'); // 'http://example.com/one'
146 * url.resolve('http://example.com/one', '/two'); // 'http://example.com/two'
147 * ```
148 *
149 * You can achieve the same result using the WHATWG URL API:
150 *
151 * ```js
152 * function resolve(from, to) {
153 * const resolvedUrl = new URL(to, new URL(from, 'resolve://'));
154 * if (resolvedUrl.protocol === 'resolve:') {
155 * // `from` is a relative URL.
156 * const { pathname, search, hash } = resolvedUrl;
157 * return pathname + search + hash;
158 * }
159 * return resolvedUrl.toString();
160 * }
161 *
162 * resolve('/one/two/three', 'four'); // '/one/two/four'
163 * resolve('http://example.com/', '/one'); // 'http://example.com/one'
164 * resolve('http://example.com/one', '/two'); // 'http://example.com/two'
165 * ```
166 * @since v0.1.25
167 * @deprecated Legacy: Use the WHATWG URL API instead.
168 * @param from The Base URL being resolved against.
169 * @param to The HREF URL being resolved.
170 */
171 function resolve(from: string, to: string): string;
172 /**
173 * Returns the [Punycode](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5891#section-4.4) ASCII serialization of the `domain`. If `domain` is an
174 * invalid domain, the empty string is returned.
175 *
176 * It performs the inverse operation to {@link domainToUnicode}.
177 *
178 * This feature is only available if the `node` executable was compiled with `ICU` enabled. If not, the domain names are passed through unchanged.
179 *
180 * ```js
181 * import url from 'url';
182 *
183 * console.log(url.domainToASCII('español.com'));
184 * // Prints xn--espaol-zwa.com
185 * console.log(url.domainToASCII('中文.com'));
186 * // Prints xn--fiq228c.com
187 * console.log(url.domainToASCII('xn--iñvalid.com'));
188 * // Prints an empty string
189 * ```
190 * @since v7.4.0, v6.13.0
191 */
192 function domainToASCII(domain: string): string;
193 /**
194 * Returns the Unicode serialization of the `domain`. If `domain` is an invalid
195 * domain, the empty string is returned.
196 *
197 * It performs the inverse operation to {@link domainToASCII}.
198 *
199 * This feature is only available if the `node` executable was compiled with `ICU` enabled. If not, the domain names are passed through unchanged.
200 *
201 * ```js
202 * import url from 'url';
203 *
204 * console.log(url.domainToUnicode('xn--espaol-zwa.com'));
205 * // Prints español.com
206 * console.log(url.domainToUnicode('xn--fiq228c.com'));
207 * // Prints 中文.com
208 * console.log(url.domainToUnicode('xn--iñvalid.com'));
209 * // Prints an empty string
210 * ```
211 * @since v7.4.0, v6.13.0
212 */
213 function domainToUnicode(domain: string): string;
214 /**
215 * This function ensures the correct decodings of percent-encoded characters as
216 * well as ensuring a cross-platform valid absolute path string.
217 *
218 * ```js
219 * import { fileURLToPath } from 'url';
220 *
221 * const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url);
222 *
223 * new URL('file:///C:/path/').pathname; // Incorrect: /C:/path/
224 * fileURLToPath('file:///C:/path/'); // Correct: C:\path\ (Windows)
225 *
226 * new URL('file://nas/foo.txt').pathname; // Incorrect: /foo.txt
227 * fileURLToPath('file://nas/foo.txt'); // Correct: \\nas\foo.txt (Windows)
228 *
229 * new URL('file:///你好.txt').pathname; // Incorrect: /%E4%BD%A0%E5%A5%BD.txt
230 * fileURLToPath('file:///你好.txt'); // Correct: /你好.txt (POSIX)
231 *
232 * new URL('file:///hello world').pathname; // Incorrect: /hello%20world
233 * fileURLToPath('file:///hello world'); // Correct: /hello world (POSIX)
234 * ```
235 * @since v10.12.0
236 * @param url The file URL string or URL object to convert to a path.
237 * @return The fully-resolved platform-specific Node.js file path.
238 */
239 function fileURLToPath(url: string | URL): string;
240 /**
241 * This function ensures that `path` is resolved absolutely, and that the URL
242 * control characters are correctly encoded when converting into a File URL.
243 *
244 * ```js
245 * import { pathToFileURL } from 'url';
246 *
247 * new URL('/foo#1', 'file:'); // Incorrect: file:///foo#1
248 * pathToFileURL('/foo#1'); // Correct: file:///foo%231 (POSIX)
249 *
250 * new URL('/some/path%.c', 'file:'); // Incorrect: file:///some/path%.c
251 * pathToFileURL('/some/path%.c'); // Correct: file:///some/path%25.c (POSIX)
252 * ```
253 * @since v10.12.0
254 * @param path The path to convert to a File URL.
255 * @return The file URL object.
256 */
257 function pathToFileURL(path: string): URL;
258 /**
259 * This utility function converts a URL object into an ordinary options object as
260 * expected by the `http.request()` and `https.request()` APIs.
261 *
262 * ```js
263 * import { urlToHttpOptions } from 'url';
264 * const myURL = new URL('https://a:b@測試?abc#foo');
265 *
266 * console.log(urlToHttpOptions(myUrl));
267 *
268 * {
269 * protocol: 'https:',
270 * hostname: 'xn--g6w251d',
271 * hash: '#foo',
272 * search: '?abc',
273 * pathname: '/',
274 * path: '/?abc',
275 * href: 'https://a:b@xn--g6w251d/?abc#foo',
276 * auth: 'a:b'
277 * }
278 *
279 * ```
280 * @since v15.7.0
281 * @param url The `WHATWG URL` object to convert to an options object.
282 * @return Options object
283 */
284 function urlToHttpOptions(url: URL): ClientRequestArgs;
285 interface URLFormatOptions {
286 auth?: boolean | undefined;
287 fragment?: boolean | undefined;
288 search?: boolean | undefined;
289 unicode?: boolean | undefined;
290 }
291 /**
292 * Browser-compatible `URL` class, implemented by following the WHATWG URL
293 * Standard. [Examples of parsed URLs](https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#example-url-parsing) may be found in the Standard itself.
294 * The `URL` class is also available on the global object.
295 *
296 * In accordance with browser conventions, all properties of `URL` objects
297 * are implemented as getters and setters on the class prototype, rather than as
298 * data properties on the object itself. Thus, unlike `legacy urlObject` s,
299 * using the `delete` keyword on any properties of `URL` objects (e.g. `delete myURL.protocol`, `delete myURL.pathname`, etc) has no effect but will still
300 * return `true`.
301 * @since v7.0.0, v6.13.0
302 */
303 class URL {
304 constructor(input: string, base?: string | URL);
305 /**
306 * Gets and sets the fragment portion of the URL.
307 *
308 * ```js
309 * const myURL = new URL('https://example.org/foo#bar');
310 * console.log(myURL.hash);
311 * // Prints #bar
312 *
313 * myURL.hash = 'baz';
314 * console.log(myURL.href);
315 * // Prints https://example.org/foo#baz
316 * ```
317 *
318 * Invalid URL characters included in the value assigned to the `hash` property
319 * are `percent-encoded`. The selection of which characters to
320 * percent-encode may vary somewhat from what the {@link parse} and {@link format} methods would produce.
321 */
322 hash: string;
323 /**
324 * Gets and sets the host portion of the URL.
325 *
326 * ```js
327 * const myURL = new URL('https://example.org:81/foo');
328 * console.log(myURL.host);
329 * // Prints example.org:81
330 *
331 * myURL.host = 'example.com:82';
332 * console.log(myURL.href);
333 * // Prints https://example.com:82/foo
334 * ```
335 *
336 * Invalid host values assigned to the `host` property are ignored.
337 */
338 host: string;
339 /**
340 * Gets and sets the host name portion of the URL. The key difference between`url.host` and `url.hostname` is that `url.hostname` does _not_ include the
341 * port.
342 *
343 * ```js
344 * const myURL = new URL('https://example.org:81/foo');
345 * console.log(myURL.hostname);
346 * // Prints example.org
347 *
348 * // Setting the hostname does not change the port
349 * myURL.hostname = 'example.com:82';
350 * console.log(myURL.href);
351 * // Prints https://example.com:81/foo
352 *
353 * // Use myURL.host to change the hostname and port
354 * myURL.host = 'example.org:82';
355 * console.log(myURL.href);
356 * // Prints https://example.org:82/foo
357 * ```
358 *
359 * Invalid host name values assigned to the `hostname` property are ignored.
360 */
361 hostname: string;
362 /**
363 * Gets and sets the serialized URL.
364 *
365 * ```js
366 * const myURL = new URL('https://example.org/foo');
367 * console.log(myURL.href);
368 * // Prints https://example.org/foo
369 *
370 * myURL.href = 'https://example.com/bar';
371 * console.log(myURL.href);
372 * // Prints https://example.com/bar
373 * ```
374 *
375 * Getting the value of the `href` property is equivalent to calling {@link toString}.
376 *
377 * Setting the value of this property to a new value is equivalent to creating a
378 * new `URL` object using `new URL(value)`. Each of the `URL`object's properties will be modified.
379 *
380 * If the value assigned to the `href` property is not a valid URL, a `TypeError`will be thrown.
381 */
382 href: string;
383 /**
384 * Gets the read-only serialization of the URL's origin.
385 *
386 * ```js
387 * const myURL = new URL('https://example.org/foo/bar?baz');
388 * console.log(myURL.origin);
389 * // Prints https://example.org
390 * ```
391 *
392 * ```js
393 * const idnURL = new URL('https://測試');
394 * console.log(idnURL.origin);
395 * // Prints https://xn--g6w251d
396 *
397 * console.log(idnURL.hostname);
398 * // Prints xn--g6w251d
399 * ```
400 */
401 readonly origin: string;
402 /**
403 * Gets and sets the password portion of the URL.
404 *
405 * ```js
406 * const myURL = new URL('https://abc:xyz@example.com');
407 * console.log(myURL.password);
408 * // Prints xyz
409 *
410 * myURL.password = '123';
411 * console.log(myURL.href);
412 * // Prints https://abc:123@example.com
413 * ```
414 *
415 * Invalid URL characters included in the value assigned to the `password` property
416 * are `percent-encoded`. The selection of which characters to
417 * percent-encode may vary somewhat from what the {@link parse} and {@link format} methods would produce.
418 */
419 password: string;
420 /**
421 * Gets and sets the path portion of the URL.
422 *
423 * ```js
424 * const myURL = new URL('https://example.org/abc/xyz?123');
425 * console.log(myURL.pathname);
426 * // Prints /abc/xyz
427 *
428 * myURL.pathname = '/abcdef';
429 * console.log(myURL.href);
430 * // Prints https://example.org/abcdef?123
431 * ```
432 *
433 * Invalid URL characters included in the value assigned to the `pathname`property are `percent-encoded`. The selection of which characters
434 * to percent-encode may vary somewhat from what the {@link parse} and {@link format} methods would produce.
435 */
436 pathname: string;
437 /**
438 * Gets and sets the port portion of the URL.
439 *
440 * The port value may be a number or a string containing a number in the range`0` to `65535` (inclusive). Setting the value to the default port of the`URL` objects given `protocol` will
441 * result in the `port` value becoming
442 * the empty string (`''`).
443 *
444 * The port value can be an empty string in which case the port depends on
445 * the protocol/scheme:
446 *
447 * <omitted>
448 *
449 * Upon assigning a value to the port, the value will first be converted to a
450 * string using `.toString()`.
451 *
452 * If that string is invalid but it begins with a number, the leading number is
453 * assigned to `port`.
454 * If the number lies outside the range denoted above, it is ignored.
455 *
456 * ```js
457 * const myURL = new URL('https://example.org:8888');
458 * console.log(myURL.port);
459 * // Prints 8888
460 *
461 * // Default ports are automatically transformed to the empty string
462 * // (HTTPS protocol's default port is 443)
463 * myURL.port = '443';
464 * console.log(myURL.port);
465 * // Prints the empty string
466 * console.log(myURL.href);
467 * // Prints https://example.org/
468 *
469 * myURL.port = 1234;
470 * console.log(myURL.port);
471 * // Prints 1234
472 * console.log(myURL.href);
473 * // Prints https://example.org:1234/
474 *
475 * // Completely invalid port strings are ignored
476 * myURL.port = 'abcd';
477 * console.log(myURL.port);
478 * // Prints 1234
479 *
480 * // Leading numbers are treated as a port number
481 * myURL.port = '5678abcd';
482 * console.log(myURL.port);
483 * // Prints 5678
484 *
485 * // Non-integers are truncated
486 * myURL.port = 1234.5678;
487 * console.log(myURL.port);
488 * // Prints 1234
489 *
490 * // Out-of-range numbers which are not represented in scientific notation
491 * // will be ignored.
492 * myURL.port = 1e10; // 10000000000, will be range-checked as described below
493 * console.log(myURL.port);
494 * // Prints 1234
495 * ```
496 *
497 * Numbers which contain a decimal point,
498 * such as floating-point numbers or numbers in scientific notation,
499 * are not an exception to this rule.
500 * Leading numbers up to the decimal point will be set as the URL's port,
501 * assuming they are valid:
502 *
503 * ```js
504 * myURL.port = 4.567e21;
505 * console.log(myURL.port);
506 * // Prints 4 (because it is the leading number in the string '4.567e21')
507 * ```
508 */
509 port: string;
510 /**
511 * Gets and sets the protocol portion of the URL.
512 *
513 * ```js
514 * const myURL = new URL('https://example.org');
515 * console.log(myURL.protocol);
516 * // Prints https:
517 *
518 * myURL.protocol = 'ftp';
519 * console.log(myURL.href);
520 * // Prints ftp://example.org/
521 * ```
522 *
523 * Invalid URL protocol values assigned to the `protocol` property are ignored.
524 */
525 protocol: string;
526 /**
527 * Gets and sets the serialized query portion of the URL.
528 *
529 * ```js
530 * const myURL = new URL('https://example.org/abc?123');
531 * console.log(myURL.search);
532 * // Prints ?123
533 *
534 * myURL.search = 'abc=xyz';
535 * console.log(myURL.href);
536 * // Prints https://example.org/abc?abc=xyz
537 * ```
538 *
539 * Any invalid URL characters appearing in the value assigned the `search`property will be `percent-encoded`. The selection of which
540 * characters to percent-encode may vary somewhat from what the {@link parse} and {@link format} methods would produce.
541 */
542 search: string;
543 /**
544 * Gets the `URLSearchParams` object representing the query parameters of the
545 * URL. This property is read-only but the `URLSearchParams` object it provides
546 * can be used to mutate the URL instance; to replace the entirety of query
547 * parameters of the URL, use the {@link search} setter. See `URLSearchParams` documentation for details.
548 *
549 * Use care when using `.searchParams` to modify the `URL` because,
550 * per the WHATWG specification, the `URLSearchParams` object uses
551 * different rules to determine which characters to percent-encode. For
552 * instance, the `URL` object will not percent encode the ASCII tilde (`~`)
553 * character, while `URLSearchParams` will always encode it:
554 *
555 * ```js
556 * const myUrl = new URL('https://example.org/abc?foo=~bar');
557 *
558 * console.log(myUrl.search); // prints ?foo=~bar
559 *
560 * // Modify the URL via searchParams...
561 * myUrl.searchParams.sort();
562 *
563 * console.log(myUrl.search); // prints ?foo=%7Ebar
564 * ```
565 */
566 readonly searchParams: URLSearchParams;
567 /**
568 * Gets and sets the username portion of the URL.
569 *
570 * ```js
571 * const myURL = new URL('https://abc:xyz@example.com');
572 * console.log(myURL.username);
573 * // Prints abc
574 *
575 * myURL.username = '123';
576 * console.log(myURL.href);
577 * // Prints https://123:xyz@example.com/
578 * ```
579 *
580 * Any invalid URL characters appearing in the value assigned the `username`property will be `percent-encoded`. The selection of which
581 * characters to percent-encode may vary somewhat from what the {@link parse} and {@link format} methods would produce.
582 */
583 username: string;
584 /**
585 * The `toString()` method on the `URL` object returns the serialized URL. The
586 * value returned is equivalent to that of {@link href} and {@link toJSON}.
587 */
588 toString(): string;
589 /**
590 * The `toJSON()` method on the `URL` object returns the serialized URL. The
591 * value returned is equivalent to that of {@link href} and {@link toString}.
592 *
593 * This method is automatically called when an `URL` object is serialized
594 * with [`JSON.stringify()`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/JSON/stringify).
595 *
596 * ```js
597 * const myURLs = [
598 * new URL('https://www.example.com'),
599 * new URL('https://test.example.org'),
600 * ];
601 * console.log(JSON.stringify(myURLs));
602 * // Prints ["https://www.example.com/","https://test.example.org/"]
603 * ```
604 */
605 toJSON(): string;
606 }
607 /**
608 * The `URLSearchParams` API provides read and write access to the query of a`URL`. The `URLSearchParams` class can also be used standalone with one of the
609 * four following constructors.
610 * The `URLSearchParams` class is also available on the global object.
611 *
612 * The WHATWG `URLSearchParams` interface and the `querystring` module have
613 * similar purpose, but the purpose of the `querystring` module is more
614 * general, as it allows the customization of delimiter characters (`&#x26;` and `=`).
615 * On the other hand, this API is designed purely for URL query strings.
616 *
617 * ```js
618 * const myURL = new URL('https://example.org/?abc=123');
619 * console.log(myURL.searchParams.get('abc'));
620 * // Prints 123
621 *
622 * myURL.searchParams.append('abc', 'xyz');
623 * console.log(myURL.href);
624 * // Prints https://example.org/?abc=123&#x26;abc=xyz
625 *
626 * myURL.searchParams.delete('abc');
627 * myURL.searchParams.set('a', 'b');
628 * console.log(myURL.href);
629 * // Prints https://example.org/?a=b
630 *
631 * const newSearchParams = new URLSearchParams(myURL.searchParams);
632 * // The above is equivalent to
633 * // const newSearchParams = new URLSearchParams(myURL.search);
634 *
635 * newSearchParams.append('a', 'c');
636 * console.log(myURL.href);
637 * // Prints https://example.org/?a=b
638 * console.log(newSearchParams.toString());
639 * // Prints a=b&#x26;a=c
640 *
641 * // newSearchParams.toString() is implicitly called
642 * myURL.search = newSearchParams;
643 * console.log(myURL.href);
644 * // Prints https://example.org/?a=b&#x26;a=c
645 * newSearchParams.delete('a');
646 * console.log(myURL.href);
647 * // Prints https://example.org/?a=b&#x26;a=c
648 * ```
649 * @since v7.5.0, v6.13.0
650 */
651 class URLSearchParams implements Iterable<[string, string]> {
652 constructor(init?: URLSearchParams | string | NodeJS.Dict<string | ReadonlyArray<string>> | Iterable<[string, string]> | ReadonlyArray<[string, string]>);
653 /**
654 * Append a new name-value pair to the query string.
655 */
656 append(name: string, value: string): void;
657 /**
658 * Remove all name-value pairs whose name is `name`.
659 */
660 delete(name: string): void;
661 /**
662 * Returns an ES6 `Iterator` over each of the name-value pairs in the query.
663 * Each item of the iterator is a JavaScript `Array`. The first item of the `Array`is the `name`, the second item of the `Array` is the `value`.
664 *
665 * Alias for {@link earchParams[@@iterator]}.
666 */
667 entries(): IterableIterator<[string, string]>;
668 /**
669 * Iterates over each name-value pair in the query and invokes the given function.
670 *
671 * ```js
672 * const myURL = new URL('https://example.org/?a=b&#x26;c=d');
673 * myURL.searchParams.forEach((value, name, searchParams) => {
674 * console.log(name, value, myURL.searchParams === searchParams);
675 * });
676 * // Prints:
677 * // a b true
678 * // c d true
679 * ```
680 * @param fn Invoked for each name-value pair in the query
681 * @param thisArg To be used as `this` value for when `fn` is called
682 */
683 forEach<TThis = this>(callback: (this: TThis, value: string, name: string, searchParams: this) => void, thisArg?: TThis): void;
684 /**
685 * Returns the value of the first name-value pair whose name is `name`. If there
686 * are no such pairs, `null` is returned.
687 * @return or `null` if there is no name-value pair with the given `name`.
688 */
689 get(name: string): string | null;
690 /**
691 * Returns the values of all name-value pairs whose name is `name`. If there are
692 * no such pairs, an empty array is returned.
693 */
694 getAll(name: string): string[];
695 /**
696 * Returns `true` if there is at least one name-value pair whose name is `name`.
697 */
698 has(name: string): boolean;
699 /**
700 * Returns an ES6 `Iterator` over the names of each name-value pair.
701 *
702 * ```js
703 * const params = new URLSearchParams('foo=bar&#x26;foo=baz');
704 * for (const name of params.keys()) {
705 * console.log(name);
706 * }
707 * // Prints:
708 * // foo
709 * // foo
710 * ```
711 */
712 keys(): IterableIterator<string>;
713 /**
714 * Sets the value in the `URLSearchParams` object associated with `name` to`value`. If there are any pre-existing name-value pairs whose names are `name`,
715 * set the first such pair's value to `value` and remove all others. If not,
716 * append the name-value pair to the query string.
717 *
718 * ```js
719 * const params = new URLSearchParams();
720 * params.append('foo', 'bar');
721 * params.append('foo', 'baz');
722 * params.append('abc', 'def');
723 * console.log(params.toString());
724 * // Prints foo=bar&#x26;foo=baz&#x26;abc=def
725 *
726 * params.set('foo', 'def');
727 * params.set('xyz', 'opq');
728 * console.log(params.toString());
729 * // Prints foo=def&#x26;abc=def&#x26;xyz=opq
730 * ```
731 */
732 set(name: string, value: string): void;
733 /**
734 * Sort all existing name-value pairs in-place by their names. Sorting is done
735 * with a [stable sorting algorithm](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sorting_algorithm#Stability), so relative order between name-value pairs
736 * with the same name is preserved.
737 *
738 * This method can be used, in particular, to increase cache hits.
739 *
740 * ```js
741 * const params = new URLSearchParams('query[]=abc&#x26;type=search&#x26;query[]=123');
742 * params.sort();
743 * console.log(params.toString());
744 * // Prints query%5B%5D=abc&#x26;query%5B%5D=123&#x26;type=search
745 * ```
746 * @since v7.7.0, v6.13.0
747 */
748 sort(): void;
749 /**
750 * Returns the search parameters serialized as a string, with characters
751 * percent-encoded where necessary.
752 */
753 toString(): string;
754 /**
755 * Returns an ES6 `Iterator` over the values of each name-value pair.
756 */
757 values(): IterableIterator<string>;
758 [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<[string, string]>;
759 }
761declare module 'node:url' {
762 export * from 'url';
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