15.7 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import RBush from 'rbush';
2import Collection from './Collection';
3import Control from './control/Control';
4import { Coordinate } from './coordinate';
5import { EventsKey } from './events';
6import BaseEvent from './events/Event';
7import { Extent } from './extent';
8import { FeatureLike } from './Feature';
9import SimpleGeometry from './geom/SimpleGeometry';
10import Interaction from './interaction/Interaction';
11import BaseLayer from './layer/Base';
12import LayerGroup from './layer/Group';
13import Layer, { State as State_1 } from './layer/Layer';
14import MapBrowserEvent from './MapBrowserEvent';
15import MapEvent from './MapEvent';
16import BaseObject, { ObjectEvent } from './Object';
17import Overlay from './Overlay';
18import { Pixel } from './pixel';
19import RenderEvent from './render/Event';
20import MapRenderer from './renderer/Map';
21import { Size } from './size';
22import Source from './source/Source';
23import Tile from './Tile';
24import TileQueue from './TileQueue';
25import { Transform } from './transform';
26import View, { State } from './View';
28export interface AtPixelOptions {
29 layerFilter?: ((p0: Layer<Source>) => boolean) | undefined;
30 hitTolerance?: number | undefined;
31 checkWrapped?: boolean | undefined;
34 * State of the current frame. Only pixelRatio, time and viewState should
35 * be used in applications.
36 */
37export interface FrameState {
38 pixelRatio: number;
39 time: number;
40 viewState: State;
41 animate: boolean;
42 coordinateToPixelTransform: Transform;
43 declutterTree: RBush<any>;
44 extent: null | Extent;
45 index: number;
46 layerStatesArray: State_1[];
47 layerIndex: number;
48 pixelToCoordinateTransform: Transform;
49 postRenderFunctions: PostRenderFunction[];
50 size: Size;
51 tileQueue: TileQueue;
52 usedTiles: { [key: string]: { [key: string]: boolean } };
53 viewHints: number[];
54 wantedTiles: { [key: string]: { [key: string]: boolean } };
57 * Object literal with config options for the map.
58 */
59export interface MapOptions {
60 controls?: Collection<Control> | Control[] | undefined;
61 pixelRatio?: number | undefined;
62 interactions?: Collection<Interaction> | Interaction[] | undefined;
63 keyboardEventTarget?: HTMLElement | Document | string | undefined;
64 layers?: BaseLayer[] | Collection<BaseLayer> | LayerGroup | undefined;
65 maxTilesLoading?: number | undefined;
66 moveTolerance?: number | undefined;
67 overlays?: Collection<Overlay> | Overlay[] | undefined;
68 target?: HTMLElement | string | undefined;
69 view?: View | undefined;
71export interface MapOptionsInternal {
72 controls?: Collection<Control> | undefined;
73 interactions?: Collection<Interaction> | undefined;
74 keyboardEventTarget: HTMLElement | Document;
75 overlays: Collection<Overlay>;
76 values: { [key: string]: any };
78export type PostRenderFunction = (p0: PluggableMap, p1: FrameState) => any;
79export default class PluggableMap extends BaseObject {
80 constructor(options: MapOptions);
81 protected controls: Collection<Control>;
82 protected interactions: Collection<Interaction>;
83 protected handlePostRender(): void;
84 /**
85 * Add the given control to the map.
86 */
87 addControl(control: Control): void;
88 /**
89 * Add the given interaction to the map. If you want to add an interaction
90 * at another point of the collection use getInteraction() and the methods
91 * available on {@link module:ol/Collection~Collection}. This can be used to
92 * stop the event propagation from the handleEvent function. The interactions
93 * get to handle the events in the reverse order of this collection.
94 */
95 addInteraction(interaction: Interaction): void;
96 /**
97 * Adds the given layer to the top of this map. If you want to add a layer
98 * elsewhere in the stack, use getLayers() and the methods available on
99 * {@link module:ol/Collection~Collection}.
100 */
101 addLayer(layer: BaseLayer): void;
102 /**
103 * Add the given overlay to the map.
104 */
105 addOverlay(overlay: Overlay): void;
106 createRenderer(): MapRenderer;
107 /**
108 * Clean up.
109 */
110 disposeInternal(): void;
111 /**
112 * Detect features that intersect a pixel on the viewport, and execute a
113 * callback with each intersecting feature. Layers included in the detection can
114 * be configured through the layerFilter option in opt_options.
115 */
116 forEachFeatureAtPixel<S, T>(
117 pixel: Pixel,
118 callback: (p0: FeatureLike, p1: Layer<Source>, p2: SimpleGeometry) => T,
119 opt_options?: AtPixelOptions,
120 ): T | undefined;
121 /**
122 * Detect layers that have a color value at a pixel on the viewport, and
123 * execute a callback with each matching layer. Layers included in the
124 * detection can be configured through opt_layerFilter.
125 * Note: this may give false positives unless the map layers have had different className
126 * properties assigned to them.
127 */
128 forEachLayerAtPixel<S, T>(
129 pixel: Pixel,
130 callback: (this: S, p0: Layer<Source>, p1: Uint8ClampedArray | Uint8Array) => T,
131 opt_options?: AtPixelOptions,
132 ): T | undefined;
133 /**
134 * Get the map controls. Modifying this collection changes the controls
135 * associated with the map.
136 */
137 getControls(): Collection<Control>;
138 /**
139 * Get the coordinate for a given pixel. This returns a coordinate in the
140 * user projection.
141 */
142 getCoordinateFromPixel(pixel: Pixel): Coordinate;
143 /**
144 * Get the coordinate for a given pixel. This returns a coordinate in the
145 * map view projection.
146 */
147 getCoordinateFromPixelInternal(pixel: Pixel): Coordinate;
148 /**
149 * Returns the coordinate in user projection for a browser event.
150 */
151 getEventCoordinate(event: MouseEvent): Coordinate;
152 /**
153 * Returns the coordinate in view projection for a browser event.
154 */
155 getEventCoordinateInternal(event: MouseEvent): Coordinate;
156 /**
157 * Returns the map pixel position for a browser event relative to the viewport.
158 */
159 getEventPixel(event: UIEvent): Pixel;
160 /**
161 * Get all features that intersect a pixel on the viewport.
162 */
163 getFeaturesAtPixel(pixel: Pixel, opt_options?: AtPixelOptions): FeatureLike[];
164 /**
165 * Get the map interactions. Modifying this collection changes the interactions
166 * associated with the map.
167 * Interactions are used for e.g. pan, zoom and rotate.
168 */
169 getInteractions(): Collection<Interaction>;
170 /**
171 * Get the layergroup associated with this map.
172 */
173 getLayerGroup(): LayerGroup;
174 /**
175 * Get the collection of layers associated with this map.
176 */
177 getLayers(): Collection<BaseLayer>;
178 getLoading(): boolean;
179 /**
180 * Get an overlay by its identifier (the value returned by overlay.getId()).
181 * Note that the index treats string and numeric identifiers as the same. So
182 * map.getOverlayById(2) will return an overlay with id '2' or 2.
183 */
184 getOverlayById(id: string | number): Overlay;
185 /**
186 * Get the element that serves as the container for overlays. Elements added to
187 * this container will let mousedown and touchstart events through to the map,
188 * so clicks and gestures on an overlay will trigger {@link module:ol/MapBrowserEvent~MapBrowserEvent}
189 * events.
190 */
191 getOverlayContainer(): HTMLElement;
192 /**
193 * Get the element that serves as a container for overlays that don't allow
194 * event propagation. Elements added to this container won't let mousedown and
195 * touchstart events through to the map, so clicks and gestures on an overlay
196 * don't trigger any {@link module:ol/MapBrowserEvent~MapBrowserEvent}.
197 */
198 getOverlayContainerStopEvent(): HTMLElement;
199 /**
200 * Get the map overlays. Modifying this collection changes the overlays
201 * associated with the map.
202 */
203 getOverlays(): Collection<Overlay>;
204 getOwnerDocument(): Document;
205 /**
206 * Get the pixel for a coordinate. This takes a coordinate in the user
207 * projection and returns the corresponding pixel.
208 */
209 getPixelFromCoordinate(coordinate: Coordinate): Pixel;
210 /**
211 * Get the pixel for a coordinate. This takes a coordinate in the map view
212 * projection and returns the corresponding pixel.
213 */
214 getPixelFromCoordinateInternal(coordinate: Coordinate): Pixel;
215 /**
216 * Get the map renderer.
217 */
218 getRenderer(): MapRenderer;
219 /**
220 * Get the size of this map.
221 */
222 getSize(): Size | undefined;
223 /**
224 * Get the target in which this map is rendered.
225 * Note that this returns what is entered as an option or in setTarget:
226 * if that was an element, it returns an element; if a string, it returns that.
227 */
228 getTarget(): HTMLElement | string | undefined;
229 /**
230 * Get the DOM element into which this map is rendered. In contrast to
231 * getTarget this method always return an Element, or null if the
232 * map has no target.
233 */
234 getTargetElement(): HTMLElement;
235 getTilePriority(tile: Tile, tileSourceKey: string, tileCenter: Coordinate, tileResolution: number): number;
236 /**
237 * Get the view associated with this map. A view manages properties such as
238 * center and resolution.
239 */
240 getView(): View;
241 /**
242 * Get the element that serves as the map viewport.
243 */
244 getViewport(): HTMLElement;
245 handleBrowserEvent(browserEvent: UIEvent, opt_type?: string): void;
246 handleMapBrowserEvent(mapBrowserEvent: MapBrowserEvent<UIEvent>): void;
247 /**
248 * Detect if features intersect a pixel on the viewport. Layers included in the
249 * detection can be configured through opt_layerFilter.
250 */
251 hasFeatureAtPixel(pixel: Pixel, opt_options?: AtPixelOptions): boolean;
252 isRendered(): boolean;
253 /**
254 * Redraws all text after new fonts have loaded
255 */
256 redrawText(): void;
257 /**
258 * Remove the given control from the map.
259 */
260 removeControl(control: Control): Control | undefined;
261 /**
262 * Remove the given interaction from the map.
263 */
264 removeInteraction(interaction: Interaction): Interaction | undefined;
265 /**
266 * Removes the given layer from the map.
267 */
268 removeLayer(layer: BaseLayer): BaseLayer | undefined;
269 /**
270 * Remove the given overlay from the map.
271 */
272 removeOverlay(overlay: Overlay): Overlay | undefined;
273 /**
274 * Request a map rendering (at the next animation frame).
275 */
276 render(): void;
277 /**
278 * Requests an immediate render in a synchronous manner.
279 */
280 renderSync(): void;
281 /**
282 * Sets the layergroup of this map.
283 */
284 setLayerGroup(layerGroup: LayerGroup): void;
285 /**
286 * Set the size of this map.
287 */
288 setSize(size: Size | undefined): void;
289 /**
290 * Set the target element to render this map into.
291 */
292 setTarget(target: HTMLElement | string | undefined): void;
293 /**
294 * Set the view for this map.
295 */
296 setView(view: View): void;
297 /**
298 * Force a recalculation of the map viewport size. This should be called when
299 * third-party code changes the size of the map viewport.
300 */
301 updateSize(): void;
302 on(type: string | string[], listener: (p0: any) => any): EventsKey | EventsKey[];
303 once(type: string | string[], listener: (p0: any) => any): EventsKey | EventsKey[];
304 un(type: string | string[], listener: (p0: any) => any): void;
305 on(type: 'change', listener: (evt: BaseEvent) => void): EventsKey;
306 once(type: 'change', listener: (evt: BaseEvent) => void): EventsKey;
307 un(type: 'change', listener: (evt: BaseEvent) => void): void;
308 on(type: 'change:layerGroup', listener: (evt: ObjectEvent) => void): EventsKey;
309 once(type: 'change:layerGroup', listener: (evt: ObjectEvent) => void): EventsKey;
310 un(type: 'change:layerGroup', listener: (evt: ObjectEvent) => void): void;
311 on(type: 'change:size', listener: (evt: ObjectEvent) => void): EventsKey;
312 once(type: 'change:size', listener: (evt: ObjectEvent) => void): EventsKey;
313 un(type: 'change:size', listener: (evt: ObjectEvent) => void): void;
314 on(type: 'change:target', listener: (evt: ObjectEvent) => void): EventsKey;
315 once(type: 'change:target', listener: (evt: ObjectEvent) => void): EventsKey;
316 un(type: 'change:target', listener: (evt: ObjectEvent) => void): void;
317 on(type: 'change:view', listener: (evt: ObjectEvent) => void): EventsKey;
318 once(type: 'change:view', listener: (evt: ObjectEvent) => void): EventsKey;
319 un(type: 'change:view', listener: (evt: ObjectEvent) => void): void;
320 on(type: 'click', listener: (evt: MapBrowserEvent<UIEvent>) => void): EventsKey;
321 once(type: 'click', listener: (evt: MapBrowserEvent<UIEvent>) => void): EventsKey;
322 un(type: 'click', listener: (evt: MapBrowserEvent<UIEvent>) => void): void;
323 on(type: 'dblclick', listener: (evt: MapBrowserEvent<UIEvent>) => void): EventsKey;
324 once(type: 'dblclick', listener: (evt: MapBrowserEvent<UIEvent>) => void): EventsKey;
325 un(type: 'dblclick', listener: (evt: MapBrowserEvent<UIEvent>) => void): void;
326 on(type: 'error', listener: (evt: BaseEvent) => void): EventsKey;
327 once(type: 'error', listener: (evt: BaseEvent) => void): EventsKey;
328 un(type: 'error', listener: (evt: BaseEvent) => void): void;
329 on(type: 'moveend', listener: (evt: MapEvent) => void): EventsKey;
330 once(type: 'moveend', listener: (evt: MapEvent) => void): EventsKey;
331 un(type: 'moveend', listener: (evt: MapEvent) => void): void;
332 on(type: 'movestart', listener: (evt: MapEvent) => void): EventsKey;
333 once(type: 'movestart', listener: (evt: MapEvent) => void): EventsKey;
334 un(type: 'movestart', listener: (evt: MapEvent) => void): void;
335 on(type: 'pointerdrag', listener: (evt: MapBrowserEvent<UIEvent>) => void): EventsKey;
336 once(type: 'pointerdrag', listener: (evt: MapBrowserEvent<UIEvent>) => void): EventsKey;
337 un(type: 'pointerdrag', listener: (evt: MapBrowserEvent<UIEvent>) => void): void;
338 on(type: 'pointermove', listener: (evt: MapBrowserEvent<UIEvent>) => void): EventsKey;
339 once(type: 'pointermove', listener: (evt: MapBrowserEvent<UIEvent>) => void): EventsKey;
340 un(type: 'pointermove', listener: (evt: MapBrowserEvent<UIEvent>) => void): void;
341 on(type: 'postcompose', listener: (evt: RenderEvent) => void): EventsKey;
342 once(type: 'postcompose', listener: (evt: RenderEvent) => void): EventsKey;
343 un(type: 'postcompose', listener: (evt: RenderEvent) => void): void;
344 on(type: 'postrender', listener: (evt: MapEvent) => void): EventsKey;
345 once(type: 'postrender', listener: (evt: MapEvent) => void): EventsKey;
346 un(type: 'postrender', listener: (evt: MapEvent) => void): void;
347 on(type: 'precompose', listener: (evt: RenderEvent) => void): EventsKey;
348 once(type: 'precompose', listener: (evt: RenderEvent) => void): EventsKey;
349 un(type: 'precompose', listener: (evt: RenderEvent) => void): void;
350 on(type: 'propertychange', listener: (evt: ObjectEvent) => void): EventsKey;
351 once(type: 'propertychange', listener: (evt: ObjectEvent) => void): EventsKey;
352 un(type: 'propertychange', listener: (evt: ObjectEvent) => void): void;
353 on(type: 'rendercomplete', listener: (evt: RenderEvent) => void): EventsKey;
354 once(type: 'rendercomplete', listener: (evt: RenderEvent) => void): EventsKey;
355 un(type: 'rendercomplete', listener: (evt: RenderEvent) => void): void;
356 on(type: 'singleclick', listener: (evt: MapBrowserEvent<UIEvent>) => void): EventsKey;
357 once(type: 'singleclick', listener: (evt: MapBrowserEvent<UIEvent>) => void): EventsKey;
358 un(type: 'singleclick', listener: (evt: MapBrowserEvent<UIEvent>) => void): void;