6.32 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import * as express from "express-serve-static-core";
2import * as http from "http";
3import * as https from "https";
5declare namespace ParcelBundler {
6 interface HttpsOptions {
7 /**
8 * Path to custom certificate
9 *
10 * @default "./ssl/c.crt"
11 */
12 cert?: string | undefined;
13 /**
14 * Path to custom key
15 *
16 * @default "./ssl/k.key"
17 */
18 key?: string | undefined;
19 }
21 interface ParcelOptions {
22 /**
23 * The out directory to put the build files in
24 *
25 * @default "./dist"
26 */
27 outDir?: string | undefined;
28 /**
29 * The name of the outputFile
30 *
31 * @default "index.html"
32 */
33 outFile?: string | undefined;
34 /**
35 * The url to server on
36 *
37 * @default "./"
38 */
39 publicUrl?: string | undefined;
40 /**
41 * Whether to watch the files and rebuild them on change
42 *
43 * @default process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'
44 */
45 watch?: boolean | undefined;
46 /**
47 * Enabled or disables caching
48 *
49 * @default true
50 */
51 cache?: boolean | undefined;
52 /**
53 * The directory cache gets put in
54 *
55 * @default ".cache"
56 */
57 cacheDir?: string | undefined;
58 /**
59 * Disable content hash from being included on the filename
60 *
61 * @default false
62 */
63 contentHash?: boolean | undefined;
64 /**
65 * Minify files
66 *
67 * @default process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'
68 */
69 minify?: boolean | undefined;
70 /**
71 * Turn on experimental scope hoisting/tree shaking flag, for smaller production bundles
72 *
73 * @default false
74 */
75 scopeHoist?: boolean | undefined;
76 /**
77 * @default "browser"
78 */
79 target?: "browser" | "node" | "electron" | undefined;
80 /**
81 * Define a custom {key, cert} pair
82 *
83 * Use true to generate one or false to use http
84 */
85 https?:
86 | true
87 | false
88 | HttpsOptions
89 | undefined;
90 /**
91 * 3 = log everything, 2 = log warnings & errors, 1 = log errors
92 *
93 * @default 3
94 */
95 logLevel?: 3 | 2 | 1 | undefined;
96 /**
97 * The port the HMR socket runs on
98 *
99 * Defaults to a random free port (0 in node.js resolves to a random free port)
100 *
101 * @default 0
102 */
103 hmrPort?: 0 | number | undefined;
104 /**
105 * Enable or disable sourcemaps
106 *
107 * Defaults to enabled (not supported in minified builds yet)
108 *
109 * @default true
110 */
111 sourceMaps?: boolean | undefined;
112 /**
113 * A hostname for hot module reload
114 *
115 * @default ""
116 */
117 hmrHostname?: string | undefined;
118 /**
119 * Prints a detailed report of the bundles, assets, filesizes and times
120 *
121 * Reports are only printed if watch is disabled
122 *
123 * @default false
124 */
125 detailedReport?: boolean | undefined;
127 /**
128 * Expose modules as UMD under this name, disabled by default
129 */
130 global?: string | undefined;
132 /**
133 * By default, package.json dependencies are not included when using 'node' or 'electron' with the 'target' option.
134 *
135 * Set to true to add them to the bundle.
136 *
137 * @default false
138 */
139 bundleNodeModules?: true | false | undefined;
141 /**
142 * Enable or disable HMR while watching
143 *
144 * @default false
145 */
146 hmr?: true | false | undefined;
148 /**
149 * Enable or disable auto install of missing dependencies found during bundling
150 *
151 * @default true
152 */
153 autoInstall?: boolean | undefined;
154 }
156 type ParcelAsset = any;
158 interface ParcelBundle {
159 /**
160 * The type of assets it contains (e.g. js, css, map, ...)
161 */
162 type: string;
163 /**
164 * The name of the bundle (generated using Asset.generateBundleName() of entryAsset)
165 */
166 name: string;
167 /**
168 * The parent bundle, is null in case of the entry bundleany
169 */
170 parentBundle?: any;
171 /**
172 * The entryPoint of the bundle, used for generating the name and gathering assets.
173 */
174 entryAsset: any;
175 /**
176 * A Set of all assets inside the bundle
177 */
178 assets: Set<any>;
179 /**
180 * A Set of all sibling bundles
181 */
182 siblingBundles: Set<any>;
183 /**
184 * A Map<String(Type: js, css, map, ...), Bundle> of all sibling bundles
185 */
186 siblingBundlesMap: Map<string, ParcelBundle>;
187 /**
188 * A Map<Asset, number(line number inside the bundle)> of all the locations of the assets inside the bundle, used to generate accurate source maps
189 */
190 offsets: Map<ParcelAsset, number>;
192 /**
193 * A Set of all child bundles
194 */
195 childBundles: Set<any>;
196 }
199declare class ParcelBundler {
200 constructor(
201 entryFiles?: string | string[],
202 options?: ParcelBundler.ParcelOptions,
203 );
205 addAssetType(extension: string, path: string): void;
207 addPackager(type: string, packager: string): void;
209 bundle(): Promise<ParcelBundler.ParcelBundle>;
211 middleware(): (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => any;
213 serve(
214 port?: number,
215 https?: true | false | ParcelBundler.HttpsOptions,
216 host?: string,
217 ): Promise<http.Server | https.Server>;
219 on(name: "buildEnd", cb: () => void): void;
220 on(name: "bundled", cb: (bundle: ParcelBundler.ParcelBundle) => void): void;
221 on(name: "buildStart", cb: (entryPoints: string[]) => void): void;
222 on(name: "buildError", cb: (error: Error) => void): void;
224 off(name: "buildEnd" | "bundled" | "buildStart" | "buildError", cb: (...any: any[]) => void): void;
227export = ParcelBundler;