16.2 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1/// <reference types="node" />
3export {};
5type TypedArray =
6 | Int8Array
7 | Uint8Array
8 | Uint8ClampedArray
9 | Int16Array
10 | Uint16Array
11 | Int32Array
12 | Uint32Array
13 | Float32Array
14 | Float64Array;
16export interface ModuleConfiguration {
17 /**
18 * Path to OpenSSL binaries
19 */
20 pathOpenSSL: string;
23export type PrivateKeyCipher =
24 | "aes128"
25 | "aes192"
26 | "aes256"
27 | "camellia128"
28 | "camellia192"
29 | "camellia256"
30 | "des"
31 | "des3"
32 | "idea"
33 | string; // allow for additions in future
35export interface PrivateKeyCreationOptions {
36 cipher: PrivateKeyCipher;
37 password: string;
40export interface Pkcs12CreationOptions {
41 cipher?: PrivateKeyCipher | undefined;
42 clientKeyPassword?: string | undefined;
43 certFiles?: string[] | undefined;
46export interface Pkcs12ReadOptions {
47 p12Password?: string | undefined;
48 clientKeyPassword?: string | undefined;
51export type HashFunction = "md5" | "sha1" | "sha256" | string;
52export interface CSRCreationOptions {
53 /**
54 * Optional client key to use
55 */
56 clientKey?: string | undefined;
57 clientKeyPassword?: string | undefined;
58 /**
59 * If clientKey is undefined, bit size to use for generating a new key (defaults to 2048)
60 */
61 keyBitsize?: number | undefined;
62 /**
63 * Hash function to use, defaults to sha256
64 */
65 hash?: HashFunction | undefined;
66 /**
67 * CSR country field
68 */
69 country?: string | undefined;
70 /**
71 * CSR state field
72 */
73 state?: string | undefined;
74 /**
75 * CSR locality field
76 */
77 locality?: string | undefined;
78 /**
79 * CSR organization field
80 */
81 organization?: string | undefined;
82 /**
83 * CSR organizational unit field
84 */
85 organizationUnit?: string | undefined;
86 /**
87 * CSR common name field, defaults to 'localhost'
88 */
89 commonName?: string | undefined;
90 /**
91 * CSR email address field
92 */
93 emailAddress?: string | undefined;
94 /**
95 * CSR config file
96 */
97 csrConfigFile?: string | undefined;
98 /**
99 * A list of subjectAltNames in the subjectAltName field
100 */
101 altNames?: string[] | undefined;
104export interface CertificateCreationOptions extends CSRCreationOptions {
105 /**
106 * Private key for signing the certificate, if not defined a new one is generated
107 */
108 serviceKey?: string | undefined;
109 /**
110 * Password of the service key
111 */
112 serviceKeyPassword?: string | undefined;
113 serviceCertificate?: any;
114 serial?: any;
115 /**
116 * If set to true and serviceKey is not defined, use clientKey for signing
117 */
118 selfSigned?: boolean | undefined;
119 /**
120 * CSR for the certificate, if not defined a new one is generated from the provided parameters
121 */
122 csr?: string | undefined;
123 /**
124 * Certificate expire time in days, defaults to 365
125 */
126 days?: number | undefined;
127 /**
128 * Password of the client key
129 */
130 clientKeyPassword?: string | undefined;
131 /**
132 * extension config file - without '-extensions v3_req'
133 */
134 extFile?: string | undefined;
135 /**
136 * extension config file - with '-extensions v3_req'
137 */
138 config?: string | undefined;
141export interface CertificateCreationResult {
142 certificate: any;
143 csr: string;
144 clientKey: string;
145 serviceKey: string;
148export interface CertificateSubjectReadResult {
149 country: string;
150 state: string;
151 locality: string;
152 organization: string;
153 organizationUnit: string;
154 commonName: string;
155 emailAddress: string;
158export interface Pkcs12ReadResult {
159 key: string;
160 cert: string;
161 ca: string[];
164export type Callback<T> = (error: any, result: T) => any;
167 * Creates a private key
168 *
169 * @param [keyBitsize=2048] Size of the key, defaults to 2048bit (can also be a function)
170 * @param [options] private key encryption settings, defaults to empty object (no enryption)
171 * @param callback Callback function with an error object and {key}
172 */
173export function createPrivateKey(
174 keyBitsize: number,
175 options: PrivateKeyCreationOptions,
176 callback: Callback<{ key: string }>,
177): void;
178export function createPrivateKey(
179 optionsOrKeyBitsize: number | PrivateKeyCreationOptions,
180 callback: Callback<{ key: string }>,
181): void;
182export function createPrivateKey(callback: Callback<{ key: string }>): void;
185 * Creates a dhparam key
186 *
187 * @param [keyBitsize=512] Size of the key, defaults to 512bit
188 * @param callback Callback function with an error object and {dhparam}
189 */
190export function createDhparam(keyBitsize: number, callback: Callback<{ dhparam: string }>): void;
191export function createDhparam(callback: Callback<{ dhparam: string }>): void;
194 * Creates a ecparam key
195 *
196 * @param [keyName=secp256k1] Name of the key, defaults to secp256k1
197 * @param [paramEnc=explicit] Encoding of the elliptic curve parameters, defaults to explicit
198 * @param [noOut=false] This option inhibits the output of the encoded version of the parameters.
199 * @param callback Callback function with an error object and {ecparam}
200 */
201export function createEcparam(
202 keyName: string,
203 paramEnc: string,
204 noOut: boolean,
205 callback: Callback<{ ecparam: string }>,
206): void;
207export function createEcparam(callback: Callback<{ ecparam: string }>): void;
210 * Creates a Certificate Signing Request
211 *
212 * If options.clientKey is undefined, a new key is created automatically. The used key is included
213 * in the callback return as clientKey
214 *
215 * @param [options] Optional options object
216 * @param callback Callback function with an error object and {csr, clientKey}
217 */
218export function createCSR(options: CSRCreationOptions, callback: Callback<{ csr: string; clientKey: string }>): void;
219export function createCSR(callback: Callback<{ csr: string; clientKey: string }>): void;
222 * Creates a certificate based on a CSR. If CSR is not defined, a new one
223 * will be generated automatically. For CSR generation all the options values
224 * can be used as with createCSR.
225 *
226 * @param [CertificateCreationOptions] Optional options object
227 * @param callback Callback function with an error object and {certificate, csr, clientKey, serviceKey}
228 */
229export function createCertificate(
230 options: CertificateCreationOptions,
231 callback: Callback<CertificateCreationResult>,
232): void;
233export function createCertificate(callback: Callback<CertificateCreationResult>): void;
236 * Reads subject data from a certificate or a CSR
237 *
238 * @param certificate PEM encoded CSR or certificate
239 * @param callback Callback function with an error object and {country, state, locality, organization, organizationUnit, commonName, emailAddress}
240 */
241export function readCertificateInfo(certificate: string, callback: Callback<CertificateSubjectReadResult>): void;
242export function readCertificateInfo(callback: Callback<CertificateSubjectReadResult>): void;
245 * Exports a public key from a private key, CSR or certificate
246 *
247 * @param certificate PEM encoded private key, CSR or certificate
248 * @param callback Callback function with an error object and {publicKey}
249 */
250export function getPublicKey(certificate: string, callback: Callback<{ publicKey: string }>): void;
251export function getPublicKey(callback: Callback<{ publicKey: string }>): void;
254 * Gets the fingerprint for a certificate
255 *
256 * @param certificate PEM encoded certificate
257 * @param hash Hash function to use (either md5 sha1 or sha256, defaults to sha256)
258 * @param callback Callback function with an error object and {fingerprint}
259 */
260export function getFingerprint(
261 certificate: string,
262 hash: HashFunction,
263 callback: Callback<{ fingerprint: string }>,
264): void;
265export function getFingerprint(certificate: string, callback: Callback<{ fingerprint: string }>): void;
266export function getFingerprint(callback: Callback<{ fingerprint: string }>): void;
269 * Gets the modulus from a certificate, a CSR or a private key
270 *
271 * @param certificate PEM encoded, CSR PEM encoded, or private key
272 * @param password password for the certificate
273 * @param callback Callback function with an error object and {modulus}
274 */
275export function getModulus(certificate: string, password: string, callback: Callback<{ modulus: any }>): void;
276export function getModulus(certificate: string, callback: Callback<{ modulus: any }>): void;
279 * Gets the size and prime of DH parameters
280 *
281 * @param dh DH parameters PEM encoded
282 * @param callback Callback function with an error object and {size, prime}
283 */
284export function getDhparamInfo(dh: string, callback: Callback<{ size: any; prime: any }>): void;
287 * Exports private key and certificate to a PKCS12 keystore
288 *
289 * @param key PEM encoded private key
290 * @param certificate PEM encoded certificate
291 * @param password Password of the result PKCS12 file
292 * @param [options] object of cipher and optional client key password {cipher:'aes128', clientKeyPassword: 'xxx'}
293 * @param callback Callback function with an error object and {pkcs12}
294 */
295export function createPkcs12(
296 key: string,
297 certificate: string,
298 password: string,
299 options: Pkcs12CreationOptions,
300 callback: Callback<{ pkcs12: any }>,
301): void;
302export function createPkcs12(
303 key: string,
304 certificate: string,
305 password: string,
306 callback: Callback<{ pkcs12: any }>,
307): void;
310 * Reads private key and certificate from a PKCS12 keystore
311 * @param callback Callback function with an error object and {pkcs12}
312 * @returns the result of the callback
313 */
314export function readPkcs12(
315 bufferOrPath: Buffer | string,
316 options: Pkcs12ReadOptions,
317 callback: Callback<Pkcs12ReadResult>,
318): any;
319export function readPkcs12(bufferOrPath: Buffer | string, callback: Callback<Pkcs12ReadResult>): any;
322 * Verifies the signing chain of the passed certificate
323 *
324 * @param certificate PEM encoded certificate
325 * @param ca List of CA certificates
326 * @param callback Callback function with an error object and a boolean valid
327 */
328export function verifySigningChain(certificate: string, ca: string[], callback: Callback<boolean>): void;
331 * Check a certificate
332 *
333 * @param certificate PEM encoded certificate
334 * @param [passphrase] password for the certificate
335 * @param callback Callback function with an error object and a boolean valid
336 */
337export function checkCertificate(certificate: string, passphrase: string, callback: Callback<boolean>): void;
338export function checkCertificate(certificate: string, callback: Callback<boolean>): void;
341 * check a PKCS#12 file (.pfx or.p12)
342 *
343 * @param bufferOrPath PKCS#12 certificate
344 * @param [passphrase] optional passphrase which will be used to open the keystore
345 * @param callback Callback function with an error object and a boolean valid
346 */
347export function checkPkcs12(bufferOrPath: Buffer | string, passphrase: string, callback: Callback<boolean>): void;
348export function checkPkcs12(bufferOrPath: Buffer | string, callback: Callback<boolean>): void;
351 * config the pem module
352 */
353export function config(options: ModuleConfiguration): void;
355export namespace promisified {
356 /**
357 * Creates a private key
358 *
359 * @param [keyBitsize=2048] Size of the key, defaults to 2048bit (can also be a function)
360 * @param [options] private key encryption settings, defaults to empty object (no enryption)
361 * @returns
362 */
363 function createPrivateKey(keyBitsize: number, options: PrivateKeyCreationOptions): Promise<{ key: string }>;
364 function createPrivateKey(optionsOrKeyBitsize?: number | PrivateKeyCreationOptions): Promise<{ key: string }>;
366 /**
367 * Creates a dhparam key
368 *
369 * @param [keyBitsize=512] Size of the key, defaults to 512bit
370 * @returns
371 */
372 function createDhparam(keyBitsize?: number): Promise<{ dhparam: string }>;
374 /**
375 * Creates a ecparam key
376 *
377 * @param [keyName=secp256k1] Name of the key, defaults to secp256k1
378 * @param [paramEnc=explicit] Encoding of the elliptic curve parameters, defaults to explicit
379 * @param [noOut=false] This option inhibits the output of the encoded version of the parameters.
380 * @returns
381 */
382 function createEcparam(keyName?: string, paramEnc?: string, noOut?: boolean): Promise<{ ecparam: string }>;
384 /**
385 * Creates a Certificate Signing Request
386 *
387 * If options.clientKey is undefined, a new key is created automatically. The used key is included
388 * in the callback return as clientKey
389 *
390 * @param [options] Optional options object
391 * @returns
392 */
393 function createCSR(options?: CSRCreationOptions): Promise<{ csr: string; clientKey: string }>;
395 /**
396 * Creates a certificate based on a CSR. If CSR is not defined, a new one
397 * will be generated automatically. For CSR generation all the options values
398 * can be used as with createCSR.
399 *
400 * @param [CertificateCreationOptions] Optional options object
401 * @returns
402 */
403 function createCertificate(options?: CertificateCreationOptions): Promise<CertificateCreationResult>;
405 /**
406 * Reads subject data from a certificate or a CSR
407 *
408 * @param certificate PEM encoded CSR or certificate
409 * @returns
410 */
411 function readCertificateInfo(certificate: string): Promise<CertificateSubjectReadResult>;
413 /**
414 * Exports a public key from a private key, CSR or certificate
415 *
416 * @param certificate PEM encoded private key, CSR or certificate
417 * @returns
418 */
419 function getPublicKey(certificate: string): Promise<{ publicKey: string }>;
421 /**
422 * Gets the fingerprint for a certificate
423 *
424 * @param certificate PEM encoded certificate
425 * @param hash Hash function to use (either md5 sha1 or sha256, defaults to sha256)
426 * @returns
427 */
428 function getFingerprint(
429 certificate: string | Buffer | DataView | TypedArray,
430 hash?: HashFunction,
431 ): Promise<{ fingerprint: string }>;
433 /**
434 * Gets the modulus from a certificate, a CSR or a private key
435 *
436 * @param certificate PEM encoded, CSR PEM encoded, or private key
437 * @param password password for the certificate
438 * @returns
439 */
440 function getModulus(certificate: string, password?: string): Promise<{ modulus: any }>;
442 /**
443 * Gets the size and prime of DH parameters
444 *
445 * @param dh DH parameters PEM encoded
446 * @returns
447 */
448 function getDhparamInfo(dh: string): Promise<{ size: any; prime: any }>;
450 /**
451 * Exports private key and certificate to a PKCS12 keystore
452 *
453 * @param key PEM encoded private key
454 * @param certificate PEM encoded certificate
455 * @param password Password of the result PKCS12 file
456 * @param [options] object of cipher and optional client key password {cipher:'aes128', clientKeyPassword: 'xxx'}
457 * @returns
458 */
459 function createPkcs12(
460 key: string,
461 certificate: string,
462 password: string,
463 options?: Pkcs12CreationOptions,
464 ): Promise<{ pkcs12: any }>;
466 /**
467 * Reads private key and certificate from a PKCS12 keystore
468 * @returns
469 */
470 function readPkcs12(bufferOrPath: Buffer | string, options?: Pkcs12ReadOptions): Promise<Pkcs12ReadResult>;
472 /**
473 * Check a certificate
474 *
475 * @param certificate PEM encoded certificate
476 * @param [passphrase] password for the certificate
477 * @returns
478 */
479 function checkCertificate(certificate: string, passphrase?: string): Promise<boolean>;
481 /**
482 * check a PKCS#12 file (.pfx or.p12)
483 *
484 * @param bufferOrPath PKCS#12 certificate
485 * @param [passphrase] optional passphrase which will be used to open the keystore
486 * @param callback Callback function with an error object and a boolean valid
487 */
488 function checkPkcs12(bufferOrPath: Buffer | string, passphrase?: string): Promise<boolean>;
490 /**
491 * Verifies the signing chain of the passed certificate
492 *
493 * @param certificate PEM encoded certificate
494 * @param ca List of CA certificates
495 * @returns
496 */
497 function verifySigningChain(certificate: string, ca: string[]): Promise<boolean>;