15.8 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1// Type definitions for prismjs 1.26
2// Project: http://prismjs.com/, https://github.com/leaverou/prism
3// Definitions by: Michael Schmidt <https://github.com/RunDevelopment>
4// ExE Boss <https://github.com/ExE-Boss>
5// Erik Lieben <https://github.com/eriklieben>
6// Andre Wiggins <https://github.com/andrewiggins>
7// Michał Miszczyszyn <https://github.com/mmiszy>
8// Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped
10export as namespace Prism;
11export const languages: Languages;
12export const plugins: Record<string, any>;
15 * By default, if Prism is in a web worker, it assumes that it is in a worker it created itself, so it uses
16 * `addEventListener` to communicate with its parent instance. However, if you're using Prism manually in your
17 * own worker, you don't want it to do this.
18 *
19 * By setting this value to `true`, Prism will not add its own listeners to the worker.
20 *
21 * You obviously have to change this value before Prism executes. To do this, you can add an
22 * empty Prism object into the global scope before loading the Prism script like this:
23 *
24 * @default false
25 */
26export let disableWorkerMessageHandler: boolean | undefined;
29 * By default, Prism will attempt to highlight all code elements (by calling {@link Prism.highlightAll}) on the
30 * current page after the page finished loading. This might be a problem if e.g. you wanted to asynchronously load
31 * additional languages or plugins yourself.
32 *
33 * By setting this value to `true`, Prism will not automatically highlight all code elements on the page.
34 *
35 * You obviously have to change this value before the automatic highlighting started. To do this, you can add an
36 * empty Prism object into the global scope before loading the Prism script like this:
37 *
38 * @default false
39 */
40export let manual: boolean | undefined;
43 * A function which will be invoked after an element was successfully highlighted.
44 *
45 * @param element The element successfully highlighted.
46 */
47export type HighlightCallback = (element: Element) => void;
50 * This is the most high-level function in Prism’s API.
51 * It fetches all the elements that have a `.language-xxxx` class and then calls {@link Prism.highlightElement} on
52 * each one of them.
53 *
54 * This is equivalent to `Prism.highlightAllUnder(document, async, callback)`.
55 *
56 * @param [async=false] Same as in {@link Prism.highlightAllUnder}.
57 * @param [callback] Same as in {@link Prism.highlightAllUnder}.
58 */
59export function highlightAll(async?: boolean, callback?: HighlightCallback): void;
62 * Fetches all the descendants of `container` that have a `.language-xxxx` class and then calls
63 * {@link Prism.highlightElement} on each one of them.
64 *
65 * The following hooks will be run:
66 * 1. `before-highlightall`
67 * 2. All hooks of {@link Prism.highlightElement} for each element.
68 *
69 * @param container The root element, whose descendants that have a `.language-xxxx` class will be highlighted.
70 * @param [async=false] Whether each element is to be highlighted asynchronously using Web Workers.
71 * @param [callback] An optional callback to be invoked on each element after its highlighting is done.
72 */
73export function highlightAllUnder(container: ParentNode, async?: boolean, callback?: HighlightCallback): void;
76 * Highlights the code inside a single element.
77 *
78 * The following hooks will be run:
79 * 1. `before-sanity-check`
80 * 2. `before-highlight`
81 * 3. All hooks of {@link Prism.highlightElement}. These hooks will only be run by the current worker if `async` is `true`.
82 * 4. `before-insert`
83 * 5. `after-highlight`
84 * 6. `complete`
85 *
86 * @param element The element containing the code.
87 * It must have a class of `language-xxxx` to be processed, where `xxxx` is a valid language identifier.
88 * @param [async=false] Whether the element is to be highlighted asynchronously using Web Workers
89 * to improve performance and avoid blocking the UI when highlighting very large chunks of code. This option is
90 * [disabled by default](https://prismjs.com/faq.html#why-is-asynchronous-highlighting-disabled-by-default).
91 *
92 * Note: All language definitions required to highlight the code must be included in the main `prism.js` file for
93 * asynchronous highlighting to work. You can build your own bundle on the
94 * [Download page](https://prismjs.com/download.html).
95 * @param [callback] An optional callback to be invoked after the highlighting is done.
96 * Mostly useful when `async` is `true`, since in that case, the highlighting is done asynchronously.
97 */
98export function highlightElement(element: Element, async?: boolean, callback?: HighlightCallback): void;
101 * Low-level function, only use if you know what you’re doing. It accepts a string of text as input
102 * and the language definitions to use, and returns a string with the HTML produced.
103 *
104 * The following hooks will be run:
105 * 1. `before-tokenize`
106 * 2. `after-tokenize`
107 * 3. `wrap`: On each {@link Prism.Token}.
108 *
109 * @param text A string with the code to be highlighted.
110 * @param grammar An object containing the tokens to use.
111 *
112 * Usually a language definition like `Prism.languages.markup`.
113 * @param language The name of the language definition passed to `grammar`.
114 * @returns The highlighted HTML.
115 *
116 * @example
117 * Prism.highlight('var foo = true;', Prism.languages.js, 'js');
118 */
119export function highlight(text: string, grammar: Grammar, language: string): string;
122 * This is the heart of Prism, and the most low-level function you can use. It accepts a string of text as input
123 * and the language definitions to use, and returns an array with the tokenized code.
124 *
125 * When the language definition includes nested tokens, the function is called recursively on each of these tokens.
126 *
127 * This method could be useful in other contexts as well, as a very crude parser.
128 *
129 * @param text A string with the code to be highlighted.
130 * @param grammar An object containing the tokens to use.
131 *
132 * Usually a language definition like `Prism.languages.markup`.
133 * @returns An array of strings, tokens and other arrays.
134 */
135export function tokenize(text: string, grammar: Grammar): Array<string | Token>;
137export interface Environment extends Record<string, any> {
138 selector?: string | undefined;
139 element?: Element | undefined;
140 language?: string | undefined;
141 grammar?: Grammar | undefined;
142 code?: string | undefined;
143 highlightedCode?: string | undefined;
144 type?: string | undefined;
145 content?: string | undefined;
146 tag?: string | undefined;
147 classes?: string[] | undefined;
148 attributes?: Record<string, string> | undefined;
149 parent?: Array<string | Token> | undefined;
152export namespace util {
153 interface Identifier {
154 value: number;
155 }
157 /** Encode raw strings in tokens in preparation to display as HTML */
158 function encode(tokens: TokenStream): TokenStream;
160 /** Determine the type of the object */
161 function type(o: null): "Null";
162 function type(o: undefined): "Undefined";
163 // tslint:disable:ban-types
164 function type(o: boolean | Boolean): "Boolean";
165 function type(o: number | Number): "Number";
166 function type(o: string | String): "String";
167 function type(o: Function): "Function";
168 // tslint:enable:ban-types
169 function type(o: RegExp): "RegExp";
170 function type(o: any[]): "Array";
171 function type(o: any): string;
173 /** Get the unique id of this object or give it one if it does not have one */
174 function objId(obj: any): Identifier;
176 /** Deep clone a language definition (e.g. to extend it) */
177 function clone<T>(o: T): T;
180export type GrammarValue = RegExp | TokenObject | Array<RegExp | TokenObject>;
181export type Grammar = GrammarRest | Record<string, GrammarValue>;
182export interface GrammarRest {
183 keyword?: GrammarValue | undefined;
184 number?: GrammarValue | undefined;
185 function?: GrammarValue | undefined;
186 string?: GrammarValue | undefined;
187 boolean?: GrammarValue | undefined;
188 operator?: GrammarValue | undefined;
189 punctuation?: GrammarValue | undefined;
190 atrule?: GrammarValue | undefined;
191 url?: GrammarValue | undefined;
192 selector?: GrammarValue | undefined;
193 property?: GrammarValue | undefined;
194 important?: GrammarValue | undefined;
195 style?: GrammarValue | undefined;
196 comment?: GrammarValue | undefined;
197 "class-name"?: GrammarValue | undefined;
199 /**
200 * An optional grammar object that will appended to this grammar.
201 */
202 rest?: Grammar | undefined;
206 * The expansion of a simple `RegExp` literal to support additional properties.
207 */
208export interface TokenObject {
209 /**
210 * The regular expression of the token.
211 */
212 pattern: RegExp;
214 /**
215 * If `true`, then the first capturing group of `pattern` will (effectively) behave as a lookbehind
216 * group meaning that the captured text will not be part of the matched text of the new token.
217 */
218 lookbehind?: boolean | undefined;
220 /**
221 * Whether the token is greedy.
222 *
223 * @default false
224 */
225 greedy?: boolean | undefined;
227 /**
228 * An optional alias or list of aliases.
229 */
230 alias?: string | string[] | undefined;
232 /**
233 * The nested tokens of this token.
234 *
235 * This can be used for recursive language definitions.
236 *
237 * Note that this can cause infinite recursion.
238 */
239 inside?: Grammar | undefined;
241export type Languages = LanguageMapProtocol & LanguageMap;
242export interface LanguageMap {
243 /**
244 * Get a defined language's definition.
245 */
246 [language: string]: Grammar;
248export interface LanguageMapProtocol {
249 /**
250 * Creates a deep copy of the language with the given id and appends the given tokens.
251 *
252 * If a token in `redef` also appears in the copied language, then the existing token in the copied language
253 * will be overwritten at its original position.
254 *
255 * @param id The id of the language to extend. This has to be a key in `Prism.languages`.
256 * @param redef The new tokens to append.
257 * @returns The new language created.
258 * @example
259 * Prism.languages['css-with-colors'] = Prism.languages.extend('css', {
260 * 'color': /\b(?:red|green|blue)\b/
261 * });
262 */
263 extend(id: string, redef: Grammar): Grammar;
265 /**
266 * Inserts tokens _before_ another token in a language definition or any other grammar.
267 *
268 * As this needs to recreate the object (we cannot actually insert before keys in object literals),
269 * we cannot just provide an object, we need an object and a key.
270 *
271 * If the grammar of `inside` and `insert` have tokens with the same name, the tokens in `inside` will be ignored.
272 *
273 * All references of the old object accessible from `Prism.languages` or `insert` will be replace with the new one.
274 *
275 * @param inside The property of `root` that contains the object to be modified.
276 *
277 * This is usually a language id.
278 * @param before The key to insert before.
279 * @param insert An object containing the key-value pairs to be inserted.
280 * @param [root] The object containing `inside`, i.e. the object that contains the object that will be modified.
281 *
282 * Defaults to `Prism.languages`.
283 * @returns The new grammar created.
284 * @example
285 * Prism.languages.insertBefore('markup', 'cdata', {
286 * 'style': { ... }
287 * });
288 */
289 insertBefore(inside: string, before: string, insert: Grammar, root?: LanguageMap): Grammar;
292export namespace hooks {
293 /**
294 * @param env The environment variables of the hook.
295 */
296 type HookCallback = (env: Environment) => void;
297 type HookTypes = keyof HookEnvironmentMap;
299 interface HookEnvironmentMap {
300 "before-highlightall": RequiredEnvironment<"selector">;
302 "before-sanity-check": ElementEnvironment;
303 "before-highlight": ElementEnvironment;
305 "before-insert": ElementHighlightedEnvironment;
306 "after-highlight": ElementHighlightedEnvironment;
307 complete: ElementHighlightedEnvironment;
309 "before-tokenize": TokenizeEnvironment;
310 "after-tokenize": TokenizeEnvironment;
312 wrap: RequiredEnvironment<"type" | "content" | "tag" | "classes" | "attributes" | "language">;
313 }
315 type RequiredEnvironment<T extends keyof Environment, U extends Environment = Environment> =
316 & U
317 & Required<Pick<U, T>>;
318 type ElementEnvironment = RequiredEnvironment<"element" | "language" | "grammar" | "code">;
319 type ElementHighlightedEnvironment = RequiredEnvironment<"highlightedCode", ElementEnvironment>;
320 type TokenizeEnvironment = RequiredEnvironment<"code" | "grammar" | "language">;
322 interface RegisteredHooks {
323 [hook: string]: HookCallback[];
324 }
326 const all: RegisteredHooks;
328 /**
329 * Adds the given callback to the list of callbacks for the given hook.
330 *
331 * The callback will be invoked when the hook it is registered for is run.
332 * Hooks are usually directly run by a highlight function but you can also run hooks yourself.
333 *
334 * One callback function can be registered to multiple hooks and the same hook multiple times.
335 *
336 * @param name The name of the hook.
337 * @param callback The callback function which is given environment variables.
338 */
339 function add<K extends keyof HookEnvironmentMap>(name: K, callback: (env: HookEnvironmentMap[K]) => void): void;
340 function add(name: string, callback: HookCallback): void;
342 /**
343 * Runs a hook invoking all registered callbacks with the given environment variables.
344 *
345 * Callbacks will be invoked synchronously and in the order in which they were registered.
346 *
347 * @param name The name of the hook.
348 * @param env The environment variables of the hook passed to all callbacks registered.
349 */
350 function run<K extends keyof HookEnvironmentMap>(name: K, env: HookEnvironmentMap[K]): void;
351 function run(name: string, env: Environment): void;
354export type TokenStream = string | Token | Array<string | Token>;
356export class Token {
357 /**
358 * Creates a new token.
359 *
360 * @param type See {@link Prism.Token#type type}
361 * @param content See {@link Prism.Token#content content}
362 * @param [alias] The alias(es) of the token.
363 * @param [matchedStr=""] A copy of the full string this token was created from.
364 * @param [greedy=false] See {@link Prism.Token#greedy greedy}
365 */
366 constructor(type: string, content: TokenStream, alias?: string | string[], matchedStr?: string, greedy?: boolean);
368 /**
369 * The type of the token.
370 *
371 * This is usually the key of a pattern in a {@link Grammar}.
372 */
373 type: string;
375 /**
376 * The strings or tokens contained by this token.
377 *
378 * This will be a token stream if the pattern matched also defined an `inside` grammar.
379 */
380 content: TokenStream;
382 /**
383 * The alias(es) of the token.
384 *
385 * @see TokenObject
386 */
387 alias: string | string[];
389 /**
390 * The length of the matched string or 0.
391 */
392 length: number;
394 /**
395 * Whether the pattern that created this token is greedy or not.
396 *
397 * @see TokenObject
398 */
399 greedy: boolean;
401 /**
402 * Converts the given token or token stream to an HTML representation.
403 *
404 * The following hooks will be run:
405 * 1. `wrap`: On each {@link Prism.Token}.
406 *
407 * @param token The token or token stream to be converted.
408 * @param language The name of current language.
409 * @param [parent] The parent token stream, if any.
410 * @return The HTML representation of the token or token stream.
411 */
412 static stringify(token: TokenStream, language: string, parent?: Array<string | Token>): string;