1 |
2 | export = PropTypes;
3 |
4 | declare namespace PropTypes {
5 | type ReactComponentLike =
6 | | string
7 | | ((props: any) => any)
8 | | (new(props: any) => any);
9 |
10 | interface ReactElementLike {
11 | type: ReactComponentLike;
12 | props: unknown;
13 | key: string | null;
14 | }
15 |
16 | interface ReactNodeArray extends Iterable<ReactNodeLike> {}
17 |
18 | /**
19 | * @internal Use `Awaited<ReactNodeLike>` instead
20 | */
21 | // Helper type to enable `Awaited<ReactNodeLike>`.
22 | // Must be a copy of the non-thenables of `ReactNodeLike`.
23 | type AwaitedReactNodeLike =
24 | | ReactElementLike
25 | | string
26 | | number
27 | | bigint
28 | | ReactNodeArray
29 | | boolean
30 | | null
31 | | undefined;
32 |
33 | type ReactNodeLike =
34 | | ReactElementLike
35 | | ReactNodeArray
36 | | string
37 | | number
38 | | bigint
39 | | boolean
40 | | null
41 | | undefined
42 | | Promise<AwaitedReactNodeLike>;
43 |
44 | const nominalTypeHack: unique symbol;
45 |
46 | type IsOptional<T> = undefined extends T ? true : false;
47 |
48 | type RequiredKeys<V> = {
49 | [K in keyof V]-?: Exclude<V[K], undefined> extends Validator<infer T> ? IsOptional<T> extends true ? never : K
50 | : never;
51 | }[keyof V];
52 | type OptionalKeys<V> = Exclude<keyof V, RequiredKeys<V>>;
53 | type InferPropsInner<V> = { [K in keyof V]-?: InferType<V[K]> };
54 |
55 | interface Validator<T> {
56 | (
57 | props: { [key: string]: any },
58 | propName: string,
59 | componentName: string,
60 | location: string,
61 | propFullName: string,
62 | ): Error | null;
63 | [nominalTypeHack]?: {
64 | type: T;
65 | } | undefined;
66 | }
67 |
68 | interface Requireable<T> extends Validator<T | undefined | null> {
69 | isRequired: Validator<NonNullable<T>>;
70 | }
71 |
72 | type ValidationMap<T> = { [K in keyof T]?: Validator<T[K]> };
73 |
74 | /**
75 | * Like {@link ValidationMap} but treats `undefined`, `null` and optional properties the same.
76 | * This type is only added as a migration path in React 19 where this type was removed from React.
77 | * Runtime and compile time types would mismatch since you could see `undefined` at runtime when your types don't expect this type.
78 | */
79 | type WeakValidationMap<T> = {
80 | [K in keyof T]?: null extends T[K] ? Validator<T[K] | null | undefined>
81 | : undefined extends T[K] ? Validator<T[K] | null | undefined>
82 | : Validator<T[K]>;
83 | };
84 |
85 | type InferType<V> = V extends Validator<infer T> ? T : any;
86 | type InferProps<V> =
87 | & InferPropsInner<Pick<V, RequiredKeys<V>>>
88 | & Partial<InferPropsInner<Pick<V, OptionalKeys<V>>>>;
89 |
90 | const any: Requireable<any>;
91 | const array: Requireable<any[]>;
92 | const bool: Requireable<boolean>;
93 | const func: Requireable<(...args: any[]) => any>;
94 | const number: Requireable<number>;
95 | const object: Requireable<object>;
96 | const string: Requireable<string>;
97 | const node: Requireable<ReactNodeLike>;
98 | const element: Requireable<ReactElementLike>;
99 | const symbol: Requireable<symbol>;
100 | const elementType: Requireable<ReactComponentLike>;
101 | function instanceOf<T>(expectedClass: new(...args: any[]) => T): Requireable<T>;
102 | function oneOf<T>(types: readonly T[]): Requireable<T>;
103 | function oneOfType<T extends Validator<any>>(types: T[]): Requireable<NonNullable<InferType<T>>>;
104 | function arrayOf<T>(type: Validator<T>): Requireable<T[]>;
105 | function objectOf<T>(type: Validator<T>): Requireable<{ [K in keyof any]: T }>;
106 | function shape<P extends ValidationMap<any>>(type: P): Requireable<InferProps<P>>;
107 | function exact<P extends ValidationMap<any>>(type: P): Requireable<Required<InferProps<P>>>;
108 |
109 | |
110 |
111 |
112 |
113 |
114 |
115 |
116 |
117 |
118 |
119 | function checkPropTypes(
120 | typeSpecs: any,
121 | values: any,
122 | location: string,
123 | componentName: string,
124 | getStack?: () => any,
125 | ): void;
126 |
127 | |
128 |
129 |
130 | function resetWarningCache(): void;
131 | }