1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 | import * as React from 'react';
12 | import * as moment from 'moment';
13 | import { Props as ReactOutsideClickHandlerProps } from 'react-outside-click-handler';
14 |
15 |
16 | export type RenderMonthProps =
17 | | {
18 | renderMonthText?: ((month: moment.Moment) => React.ReactNode) | null | undefined;
19 | renderMonthElement?: never | undefined;
20 | }
21 | | {
22 | renderMonthText?: never | undefined;
23 | renderMonthElement?:
24 | | ((props: {
25 | month: moment.Moment;
26 | onMonthSelect: (currentMonth: moment.Moment, newMonthVal: string) => void;
27 | onYearSelect: (currentMonth: moment.Moment, newMonthVal: string) => void;
28 | isVisible: boolean;
29 | }) => React.ReactNode)
30 | | null | undefined;
31 | };
32 |
33 | // SHAPES
34 | //
35 | // shapes/AnchorDirectionShape.js
36 | export type AnchorDirectionShape = 'left' | 'right';
37 |
38 | // shapes/CalendarInfoPositionShape.js
39 | export type CalendarInfoPositionShape = 'top' | 'bottom' | 'before' | 'after';
40 |
41 | // shapes/NavPositionShape.js
42 | export type NavPositionShape = 'navPositionTop' | 'navPositionBottom';
43 |
44 | // shapes/DateRangePickerShape.js
45 | export type DateRangePickerShape = RenderMonthProps & {
46 | // required props for a functional interactive DateRangePicker
47 | startDate: moment.Moment | null;
48 | startDateId: string;
49 | endDate: moment.Moment | null;
50 | endDateId: string;
51 | focusedInput: FocusedInputShape | null;
52 |
53 | onDatesChange: (arg: { startDate: moment.Moment | null; endDate: moment.Moment | null }) => void;
54 | onFocusChange: (arg: FocusedInputShape | null) => void;
55 |
56 | onClose?: ((final: { startDate: moment.Moment | null; endDate: moment.Moment | null }) => void) | undefined;
57 |
58 | // input related props
59 | startDatePlaceholderText?: string | undefined;
60 | startDateOffset?: ((day: moment.Moment) => moment.Moment) | undefined;
61 | endDateOffset?: ((day: moment.Moment) => moment.Moment) | undefined;
62 |
63 | endDatePlaceholderText?: string | undefined;
64 | startDateAriaLabel?: string | undefined;
65 | endDateAriaLabel?: string | undefined;
66 | disabled?: DisabledShape | undefined;
67 | required?: boolean | undefined;
68 | readOnly?: boolean | undefined;
69 | screenReaderInputMessage?: string | undefined;
70 | showClearDates?: boolean | undefined;
71 | showDefaultInputIcon?: boolean | undefined;
72 | inputIconPosition?: IconPositionShape | undefined;
73 | customInputIcon?: React.ReactNode | undefined;
74 | customArrowIcon?: React.ReactNode | undefined;
75 | customCloseIcon?: React.ReactNode | undefined;
76 | noBorder?: boolean | undefined;
77 | block?: boolean | undefined;
78 | small?: boolean | undefined;
79 | regular?: boolean | undefined;
80 | keepFocusOnInput?: boolean | undefined;
81 | // calendar presentation and interaction related props
82 | renderWeekHeaderElement?: ((day: string) => React.ReactNode) | null | undefined;
83 | orientation?: OrientationShape | undefined;
84 | anchorDirection?: AnchorDirectionShape | undefined;
85 | openDirection?: OpenDirectionShape | undefined;
86 | horizontalMargin?: number | undefined;
87 | withPortal?: boolean | undefined;
88 | withFullScreenPortal?: boolean | undefined;
89 | appendToBody?: boolean | undefined;
90 | disableScroll?: boolean | undefined;
91 | daySize?: number | undefined;
92 | isRTL?: boolean | undefined;
93 | firstDayOfWeek?: DayOfWeekShape | null | undefined;
94 | initialVisibleMonth?: (() => moment.Moment) | null | undefined;
95 | numberOfMonths?: number | undefined;
96 | keepOpenOnDateSelect?: boolean | undefined;
97 | reopenPickerOnClearDates?: boolean | undefined;
98 | renderCalendarInfo?: (() => React.ReactNode) | null | undefined;
99 | calendarInfoPosition?: CalendarInfoPositionShape | undefined;
100 | hideKeyboardShortcutsPanel?: boolean | undefined;
101 | verticalHeight?: number | null | undefined;
102 | transitionDuration?: number | undefined;
103 | horizontalMonthPadding?: number | undefined;
104 | verticalSpacing?: number | undefined;
105 |
106 | // navigation related props
107 | dayPickerNavigationInlineStyles?: Record<string, any> | null | undefined;
108 | navPosition?: NavPositionShape | undefined;
109 | navPrev?: React.ReactNode | undefined;
110 | navNext?: React.ReactNode | undefined;
111 | renderNavPrevButton?:
112 | | ((props: {
113 | ariaLabel: string;
114 | disabled: boolean;
115 | onClick?: React.MouseEventHandler | undefined;
116 | onKeyUp?: React.KeyboardEventHandler | undefined;
117 | onMouseUp?: React.MouseEventHandler | undefined;
118 | }) => React.ReactNode)
119 | | null | undefined;
120 | renderNavNextButton?:
121 | | ((props: {
122 | ariaLabel: string;
123 | disabled: boolean;
124 | onClick?: React.MouseEventHandler | undefined;
125 | onKeyUp?: React.KeyboardEventHandler | undefined;
126 | onMouseUp?: React.MouseEventHandler | undefined;
127 | }) => React.ReactNode)
128 | | null | undefined;
129 | onPrevMonthClick?: ((newCurrentMonth: moment.Moment) => void) | undefined;
130 | onNextMonthClick?: ((newCurrentMonth: moment.Moment) => void) | undefined;
131 |
132 | // day presentation and interaction related props
133 | renderCalendarDay?: ((props: CalendarDayShape) => React.ReactNode) | undefined;
134 | renderDayContents?: ((day: moment.Moment, modifiers: ModifiersShape) => React.ReactNode) | null | undefined;
135 | minimumNights?: number | undefined;
136 | minDate?: moment.Moment | undefined;
137 | maxDate?: moment.Moment | undefined;
138 | enableOutsideDays?: boolean | undefined;
139 | isDayBlocked?: ((day: moment.Moment) => boolean) | undefined;
140 | isOutsideRange?: ((day: moment.Moment) => boolean) | undefined;
141 | isDayHighlighted?: ((day: moment.Moment) => boolean) | undefined;
142 |
143 | // internationalization props
144 | displayFormat?: string | (() => string) | undefined;
145 | monthFormat?: string | undefined;
146 | weekDayFormat?: string | undefined;
147 | phrases?: DateRangePickerPhrases | undefined;
148 | dayAriaLabelFormat?: string | undefined;
149 | };
150 | export const DateRangePickerShape: DateRangePickerShape;
151 |
152 | // shapes/DayOfWeekShape.js
153 | export type DayOfWeekShape = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6;
154 |
155 | // shapes/DisabledShape.js
156 | export type DisabledShape = boolean | 'startDate' | 'endDate';
157 |
158 | // shapes/FocusedInputShape.js
159 | export type FocusedInputShape = 'startDate' | 'endDate';
160 |
161 | // shapes/IconPositionShape.js
162 | export type IconPositionShape = 'before' | 'after';
163 |
164 | // shapes/ModifiersShape.js
165 | export type ModifiersShape = Set<string>;
166 |
167 | // shapes/OpenDirectionShape.js
168 | export type OpenDirectionShape = 'down' | 'up';
169 |
170 | // shapes/OrientationShape.js
171 | export type OrientationShape = 'horizontal' | 'vertical';
172 |
173 | // shapes/ScrollableOrientationShape.js
174 | export type ScrollableOrientationShape = 'horizontal' | 'vertical' | 'verticalScrollable';
175 |
176 | // shapes/SingleDatePickerShape.js
177 | export type SingleDatePickerShape = RenderMonthProps & {
178 | id: string;
179 |
180 | // required props for a functional interactive SingleDatePicker
181 | date: moment.Moment | null;
182 | focused: boolean;
183 |
184 | onDateChange: (date: moment.Moment | null) => void;
185 | onFocusChange: (arg: { focused: boolean }) => void;
186 |
187 |
188 | placeholder?: string | undefined;
189 | ariaLabel?: string | undefined;
190 | disabled?: boolean | undefined;
191 | required?: boolean | undefined;
192 | readOnly?: boolean | undefined;
193 | screenReaderInputMessage?: string | undefined;
194 | showClearDate?: boolean | undefined;
195 | customCloseIcon?: React.ReactNode | undefined;
196 | showDefaultInputIcon?: boolean | undefined;
197 | inputIconPosition?: IconPositionShape | undefined;
198 | customInputIcon?: React.ReactNode | undefined;
199 | noBorder?: boolean | undefined;
200 | block?: boolean | undefined;
201 | small?: boolean | undefined;
202 | regular?: boolean | undefined;
203 | verticalSpacing?: number | undefined;
204 | keepFocusOnInput?: boolean | undefined;
205 |
206 |
207 | renderWeekHeaderElement?: ((day: string) => React.ReactNode) | null | undefined;
208 | orientation?: OrientationShape | undefined;
209 | anchorDirection?: AnchorDirectionShape | undefined;
210 | openDirection?: OpenDirectionShape | undefined;
211 | horizontalMargin?: number | undefined;
212 | withPortal?: boolean | undefined;
213 | withFullScreenPortal?: boolean | undefined;
214 | appendToBody?: boolean | undefined;
215 | disableScroll?: boolean | undefined;
216 | initialVisibleMonth?: (() => moment.Moment) | null | undefined;
217 | firstDayOfWeek?: DayOfWeekShape | null | undefined;
218 | numberOfMonths?: number | undefined;
219 | keepOpenOnDateSelect?: boolean | undefined;
220 | reopenPickerOnClearDate?: boolean | undefined;
221 | renderCalendarInfo?: (() => React.ReactNode) | null | undefined;
222 | calendarInfoPosition?: CalendarInfoPositionShape | undefined;
223 | hideKeyboardShortcutsPanel?: boolean | undefined;
224 | daySize?: number | undefined;
225 | isRTL?: boolean | undefined;
226 | verticalHeight?: number | undefined;
227 | transitionDuration?: number | undefined;
228 | horizontalMonthPadding?: number | undefined;
229 |
230 | // navigation related props
231 | dayPickerNavigationInlineStyles?: Record<string, any> | null | undefined;
232 | navPosition?: NavPositionShape | undefined;
233 | navPrev?: React.ReactNode | undefined;
234 | navNext?: React.ReactNode | undefined;
235 | renderNavPrevButton?:
236 | | ((props: {
237 | ariaLabel: string;
238 | disabled: boolean;
239 | onClick?: React.MouseEventHandler | undefined;
240 | onKeyUp?: React.KeyboardEventHandler | undefined;
241 | onMouseUp?: React.MouseEventHandler | undefined;
242 | }) => React.ReactNode)
243 | | null | undefined;
244 | renderNavNextButton?:
245 | | ((props: {
246 | ariaLabel: string;
247 | disabled: boolean;
248 | onClick?: React.MouseEventHandler | undefined;
249 | onKeyUp?: React.KeyboardEventHandler | undefined;
250 | onMouseUp?: React.MouseEventHandler | undefined;
251 | }) => React.ReactNode)
252 | | null | undefined;
253 | onPrevMonthClick?: ((newCurrentMonth: moment.Moment) => void) | undefined;
254 | onNextMonthClick?: ((newCurrentMonth: moment.Moment) => void) | undefined;
255 | onClose?: ((arg: { date: moment.Moment | null }) => void) | undefined;
256 |
257 | // day presentation and interaction related props
258 | renderCalendarDay?: ((props: CalendarDayShape) => React.ReactNode) | undefined;
259 | renderDayContents?: ((day: moment.Moment, modifiers: ModifiersShape) => React.ReactNode) | null | undefined;
260 | enableOutsideDays?: boolean | undefined;
261 | isDayBlocked?: ((day: moment.Moment) => boolean) | undefined;
262 | isOutsideRange?: ((day: moment.Moment) => boolean) | undefined;
263 | isDayHighlighted?: ((day: moment.Moment) => boolean) | undefined;
264 |
265 | // internationalization props
266 | displayFormat?: string | (() => string) | undefined;
267 | monthFormat?: string | undefined;
268 | weekDayFormat?: string | undefined;
269 | phrases?: SingleDatePickerPhrases | undefined;
270 | dayAriaLabelFormat?: string | undefined;
271 | };
272 | export const SingleDatePickerShape: SingleDatePickerShape;
273 |
274 | // PHRASES
275 | export interface PhraseArg {
276 | date: string;
277 | }
278 |
279 | // defaultPhrases.js
280 | export interface DateRangePickerPhrases {
281 | calendarLabel?: string | undefined;
282 | roleDescription?: string | undefined;
283 | closeDatePicker?: string | undefined;
284 | clearDates?: string | undefined;
285 | focusStartDate?: string | undefined;
286 | jumpToPrevMonth?: string | undefined;
287 | jumpToNextMonth?: string | undefined;
288 | keyboardShortcuts?: string | undefined;
289 | showKeyboardShortcutsPanel?: string | undefined;
290 | hideKeyboardShortcutsPanel?: string | undefined;
291 | openThisPanel?: string | undefined;
292 | enterKey?: string | undefined;
293 | leftArrowRightArrow?: string | undefined;
294 | upArrowDownArrow?: string | undefined;
295 | pageUpPageDown?: string | undefined;
296 | homeEnd?: string | undefined;
297 | escape?: string | undefined;
298 | questionMark?: string | undefined;
299 | selectFocusedDate?: string | undefined;
300 | moveFocusByOneDay?: string | undefined;
301 | moveFocusByOneWeek?: string | undefined;
302 | moveFocusByOneMonth?: string | undefined;
303 | moveFocustoStartAndEndOfWeek?: string | undefined;
304 | returnFocusToInput?: string | undefined;
305 | keyboardForwardNavigationInstructions?: string | undefined;
306 | keyboardBackwardNavigationInstructions?: string | undefined;
307 | chooseAvailableStartDate?: ((phraseArg: PhraseArg) => string) | undefined;
308 | chooseAvailableEndDate?: ((phraseArg: PhraseArg) => string) | undefined;
309 | dateIsUnavailable?: ((phraseArg: PhraseArg) => string) | undefined;
310 | dateIsSelected?: ((phraseArg: PhraseArg) => string) | undefined;
311 | dateIsSelectedAsStartDate?: ((phraseArg: PhraseArg) => string) | undefined;
312 | dateIsSelectedAsEndDate?: ((phraseArg: PhraseArg) => string) | undefined;
313 | }
314 |
315 | // defaultPhrases.js
316 | export interface DateRangePickerInputPhrases {
317 | focusStartDate?: string | undefined;
318 | clearDates?: string | undefined;
319 | keyboardForwardNavigationInstructions?: string | undefined;
320 | keyboardBackwardNavigationInstructions?: string | undefined;
321 | }
322 |
323 | // defaultPhrases.js
324 | export interface SingleDatePickerPhrases {
325 | calendarLabel?: string | undefined;
326 | roleDescription?: string | undefined;
327 | closeDatePicker?: string | undefined;
328 | clearDate?: string | undefined;
329 | jumpToPrevMonth?: string | undefined;
330 | jumpToNextMonth?: string | undefined;
331 | keyboardShortcuts?: string | undefined;
332 | showKeyboardShortcutsPanel?: string | undefined;
333 | hideKeyboardShortcutsPanel?: string | undefined;
334 | openThisPanel?: string | undefined;
335 | enterKey?: string | undefined;
336 | leftArrowRightArrow?: string | undefined;
337 | upArrowDownArrow?: string | undefined;
338 | pageUpPageDown?: string | undefined;
339 | homeEnd?: string | undefined;
340 | escape?: string | undefined;
341 | questionMark?: string | undefined;
342 | selectFocusedDate?: string | undefined;
343 | moveFocusByOneDay?: string | undefined;
344 | moveFocusByOneWeek?: string | undefined;
345 | moveFocusByOneMonth?: string | undefined;
346 | moveFocustoStartAndEndOfWeek?: string | undefined;
347 | returnFocusToInput?: string | undefined;
348 | keyboardForwardNavigationInstructions?: string | undefined;
349 | keyboardBackwardNavigationInstructions?: string | undefined;
350 | chooseAvailableDate?: ((phraseArg: PhraseArg) => string) | undefined;
351 | dateIsUnavailable?: ((phraseArg: PhraseArg) => string) | undefined;
352 | dateIsSelected?: ((phraseArg: PhraseArg) => string) | undefined;
353 | }
354 |
355 | // defaultPhrases.js
356 | export interface SingleDatePickerInputPhrases {
357 | clearDate?: string | undefined;
358 | keyboardForwardNavigationInstructions?: string | undefined;
359 | keyboardBackwardNavigationInstructions?: string | undefined;
360 | }
361 |
362 | // defaultPhrases.js
363 | export interface DayPickerPhrases {
364 | calendarLabel?: string | undefined;
365 | roleDescription?: string | undefined;
366 | jumpToPrevMonth?: string | undefined;
367 | jumpToNextMonth?: string | undefined;
368 | keyboardShortcuts?: string | undefined;
369 | showKeyboardShortcutsPanel?: string | undefined;
370 | hideKeyboardShortcutsPanel?: string | undefined;
371 | openThisPanel?: string | undefined;
372 | enterKey?: string | undefined;
373 | leftArrowRightArrow?: string | undefined;
374 | upArrowDownArrow?: string | undefined;
375 | pageUpPageDown?: string | undefined;
376 | homeEnd?: string | undefined;
377 | escape?: string | undefined;
378 | questionMark?: string | undefined;
379 | selectFocusedDate?: string | undefined;
380 | moveFocusByOneDay?: string | undefined;
381 | moveFocusByOneWeek?: string | undefined;
382 | moveFocusByOneMonth?: string | undefined;
383 | moveFocustoStartAndEndOfWeek?: string | undefined;
384 | returnFocusToInput?: string | undefined;
385 | chooseAvailableStartDate?: ((phraseArg: PhraseArg) => string) | undefined;
386 | chooseAvailableEndDate?: ((phraseArg: PhraseArg) => string) | undefined;
387 | chooseAvailableDate?: ((phraseArg: PhraseArg) => string) | undefined;
388 | dateIsUnavailable?: ((phraseArg: PhraseArg) => string) | undefined;
389 | dateIsSelected?: ((phraseArg: PhraseArg) => string) | undefined;
390 | dateIsSelectedAsStartDate?: ((phraseArg: PhraseArg) => string) | undefined;
391 | dateIsSelectedAsEndDate?: ((phraseArg: PhraseArg) => string) | undefined;
392 | }
393 |
394 | // defaultPhrases.js
395 | export interface DayPickerKeyboardShortcutsPhrases {
396 | keyboardShortcuts?: string | undefined;
397 | showKeyboardShortcutsPanel?: string | undefined;
398 | hideKeyboardShortcutsPanel?: string | undefined;
399 | openThisPanel?: string | undefined;
400 | enterKey?: string | undefined;
401 | leftArrowRightArrow?: string | undefined;
402 | upArrowDownArrow?: string | undefined;
403 | pageUpPageDown?: string | undefined;
404 | homeEnd?: string | undefined;
405 | escape?: string | undefined;
406 | questionMark?: string | undefined;
407 | selectFocusedDate?: string | undefined;
408 | moveFocusByOneDay?: string | undefined;
409 | moveFocusByOneWeek?: string | undefined;
410 | moveFocusByOneMonth?: string | undefined;
411 | moveFocustoStartAndEndOfWeek?: string | undefined;
412 | returnFocusToInput?: string | undefined;
413 | }
414 |
415 | // defaultPhrases.js
416 | export interface DayPickerNavigationPhrases {
417 | jumpToPrevMonth?: string | undefined;
418 | jumpToNextMonth?: string | undefined;
419 | }
420 |
421 | // defaultPhrases.js
422 | export interface CalendarDayPhrases {
423 | chooseAvailableDate?: ((phraseArg: PhraseArg) => string) | undefined;
424 | dateIsUnavailable?: ((phraseArg: PhraseArg) => string) | undefined;
425 | dateIsSelected?: ((phraseArg: PhraseArg) => string) | undefined;
426 | dateIsSelectedAsStartDate?: ((phraseArg: PhraseArg) => string) | undefined;
427 | dateIsSelectedAsEndDate?: ((phraseArg: PhraseArg) => string) | undefined;
428 | }
429 |
431 | //
432 | // components/CalendarDay.jsx
433 | export interface CalendarDayShape {
434 | day?: moment.Moment | null | undefined;
435 | daySize?: number | undefined;
436 | isOutsideDay?: boolean | undefined;
437 | modifiers?: ModifiersShape | undefined;
438 | isFocused?: boolean | undefined;
439 | tabIndex?: 0 | -1 | undefined;
440 | onDayClick?: ((day: moment.Moment, event: React.MouseEvent<HTMLTableDataCellElement>) => void) | undefined;
441 | onDayMouseEnter?: ((day: moment.Moment, event: React.MouseEvent<HTMLTableDataCellElement>) => void) | undefined;
442 | onDayMouseLeave?: ((day: moment.Moment, event: React.MouseEvent<HTMLTableDataCellElement>) => void) | undefined;
443 | renderDayContents?: ((day: moment.Moment, modifiers: ModifiersShape) => React.ReactNode) | null | undefined;
444 | ariaLabelFormat?: string | undefined;
445 |
446 | // internationalization
447 | phrases?: CalendarDayPhrases | undefined;
448 | }
449 |
450 | export type CalendarDay = React.ComponentClass<CalendarDayShape>;
451 | export const CalendarDay: React.ComponentClass<CalendarDayShape>;
452 |
453 | // components/CalendarMonth.jsx
454 | export type CalendarMonthShape = RenderMonthProps &
455 | Pick<
456 | CalendarDayShape,
457 | 'daySize' | 'onDayClick' | 'onDayMouseEnter' | 'onDayMouseLeave' | 'renderDayContents' | 'isFocused' | 'phrases'
458 | > & {
459 | month?: moment.Moment | undefined;
460 | horizontalMonthPadding?: number | undefined;
461 | isVisible?: boolean | undefined;
462 | enableOutsideDays?: boolean | undefined;
463 | modifiers?: Record<string, ModifiersShape> | undefined;
464 | orientation?: ScrollableOrientationShape | undefined;
465 | onMonthSelect?: ((currentMonth: moment.Moment, newMonthVal: string) => void) | undefined;
466 | onYearSelect?: ((currentMonth: moment.Moment, newMonthVal: string) => void) | undefined;
467 | renderCalendarDay?: ((props: CalendarDayShape) => React.ReactNode) | undefined;
468 | firstDayOfWeek?: DayOfWeekShape | null | undefined;
469 | setMonthTitleHeight?: ((captionHeight: number) => void) | null | undefined;
470 | verticalBorderSpacing?: number | undefined;
471 |
472 | focusedDate?: moment.Moment | null | undefined; // indicates focusable day
473 |
474 | // i18n
475 | monthFormat?: string | undefined;
476 | dayAriaLabelFormat?: string | undefined;
477 | };
478 |
479 | export type CalendarMonth = React.ComponentClass<CalendarMonthShape>;
480 | export const CalendarMonth: React.ComponentClass<CalendarMonthShape>;
481 |
482 | // components/CalendarMonthGrid.jsx
483 | export type CalendarMonthGridShape = RenderMonthProps &
484 | Pick<
485 | CalendarMonthShape,
486 | | 'enableOutsideDays'
487 | | 'horizontalMonthPadding'
488 | | 'onDayClick'
489 | | 'onDayMouseEnter'
490 | | 'onDayMouseLeave'
491 | | 'renderCalendarDay'
492 | | 'renderDayContents'
493 | | 'daySize'
494 | | 'focusedDate'
495 | | 'isFocused'
496 | | 'firstDayOfWeek'
497 | | 'setMonthTitleHeight'
498 | | 'verticalBorderSpacing'
499 | | 'monthFormat'
500 | | 'phrases'
501 | | 'dayAriaLabelFormat'
502 | > & {
503 | firstVisibleMonthIndex?: number | undefined;
504 | initialMonth?: moment.Moment | undefined;
505 | isAnimating?: boolean | undefined;
506 | numberOfMonths?: number | undefined;
507 | modifiers?: Record<string, Record<string, ModifiersShape>> | undefined;
508 | orientation?: ScrollableOrientationShape | undefined;
509 | onMonthTransitionEnd?: ((event?: React.TransitionEvent<HTMLDivElement>) => void) | undefined;
510 | onMonthChange?: ((newMonth: moment.Moment) => void) | undefined;
511 | onYearChange?: ((newMonth: moment.Moment) => void) | undefined;
512 | translationValue?: number | null | undefined;
513 | isRTL?: boolean | undefined;
514 | transitionDuration?: number | undefined;
515 | };
516 |
517 | export type CalendarMonthGrid = React.ComponentClass<CalendarMonthGridShape>;
518 | export const CalendarMonthGrid: React.ComponentClass<CalendarMonthGridShape>;
519 |
520 | // components/DateRangePicker.jsx
521 | export type DateRangePicker = React.ComponentClass<DateRangePickerShape>;
522 | export const DateRangePicker: React.ComponentClass<DateRangePickerShape>;
523 |
524 | // components/DateRangePickerInput.jsx
525 | export interface DateRangePickerInputShape {
526 | startDateId?: string | undefined;
527 | startDatePlaceholderText?: string | undefined;
528 | startDateAriaLabel?: string | undefined;
529 | screenReaderMessage?: string | undefined;
530 |
531 | endDateId?: string | undefined;
532 | endDatePlaceholderText?: string | undefined;
533 | endDateAriaLabel?: string | undefined;
534 |
535 | onStartDateFocus?: React.FocusEventHandler<HTMLInputElement> | undefined;
536 | onEndDateFocus?: React.FocusEventHandler<HTMLInputElement> | undefined;
537 | onStartDateChange?: ((dateString: string) => void) | undefined;
538 | onEndDateChange?: ((dateString: string) => void) | undefined;
539 | onStartDateShiftTab?: React.KeyboardEventHandler<HTMLInputElement> | undefined;
540 | onEndDateTab?: React.KeyboardEventHandler<HTMLInputElement> | undefined;
541 | onClearDates?: React.MouseEventHandler<HTMLButtonElement> | undefined;
542 | onKeyDownArrowDown?: React.KeyboardEventHandler<HTMLInputElement> | undefined;
543 | onKeyDownQuestionMark?: React.KeyboardEventHandler<HTMLInputElement> | undefined;
544 |
545 | startDate?: string | undefined;
546 | endDate?: string | undefined;
547 |
548 | isStartDateFocused?: boolean | undefined;
549 | isEndDateFocused?: boolean | undefined;
550 | showClearDates?: boolean | undefined;
551 | disabled?: DisabledShape | undefined;
552 | required?: boolean | undefined;
553 | readOnly?: boolean | undefined;
554 | openDirection?: OpenDirectionShape | undefined;
555 | showCaret?: boolean | undefined;
556 | showDefaultInputIcon?: boolean | undefined;
557 | inputIconPosition?: IconPositionShape | undefined;
558 | customInputIcon?: React.ReactNode | undefined;
559 | customArrowIcon?: React.ReactNode | undefined;
560 | customCloseIcon?: React.ReactNode | undefined;
561 | noBorder?: boolean | undefined;
562 | block?: boolean | undefined;
563 | small?: boolean | undefined;
564 | regular?: boolean | undefined;
565 | verticalSpacing?: number | undefined;
566 |
567 | // accessibility
568 | isFocused?: boolean | undefined; // describes actual DOM focus
569 |
570 | // i18n
571 | phrases?: DateRangePickerInputPhrases | undefined;
572 |
573 | isRTL?: boolean | undefined;
574 | }
575 |
576 | export type DateRangePickerInput = React.ComponentClass<DateRangePickerInputShape>;
577 | export const DateRangePickerInput: React.ComponentClass<DateRangePickerInputShape>;
578 |
579 | // components/DateRangePickerInputController.jsx
580 | export interface DateRangePickerInputControllerShape
581 | extends Pick<
582 | DateRangePickerInputShape,
583 | | 'startDateId'
584 | | 'startDatePlaceholderText'
585 | | 'isStartDateFocused'
586 | | 'startDateAriaLabel'
587 | | 'endDateId'
588 | | 'endDatePlaceholderText'
589 | | 'isEndDateFocused'
590 | | 'endDateAriaLabel'
591 | | 'screenReaderMessage'
592 | | 'showClearDates'
593 | | 'showCaret'
594 | | 'showDefaultInputIcon'
595 | | 'inputIconPosition'
596 | | 'disabled'
597 | | 'required'
598 | | 'readOnly'
599 | | 'openDirection'
600 | | 'noBorder'
601 | | 'block'
602 | | 'small'
603 | | 'regular'
604 | | 'verticalSpacing'
605 | | 'onKeyDownArrowDown'
606 | | 'onKeyDownQuestionMark'
607 | | 'customInputIcon'
608 | | 'customArrowIcon'
609 | | 'customCloseIcon'
610 | | 'isFocused'
611 | | 'phrases'
612 | | 'isRTL'
613 | > {
614 | startDate?: moment.Moment | null | undefined;
615 |
616 | endDate?: moment.Moment | null | undefined;
617 |
618 | keepOpenOnDateSelect?: boolean | undefined;
619 | reopenPickerOnClearDates?: boolean | undefined;
620 | withFullScreenPortal?: boolean | undefined;
621 | minimumNights?: number | undefined;
622 | isOutsideRange?: ((day: moment.Moment) => boolean) | undefined;
623 | displayFormat?: string | (() => string) | undefined;
624 |
625 | onFocusChange?: ((arg: FocusedInputShape | null) => void) | undefined;
626 | onClose?: ((final: { startDate: moment.Moment | null; endDate: moment.Moment | null }) => void) | undefined;
627 | onDatesChange?: ((arg: { startDate: moment.Moment | null; endDate: moment.Moment | null }) => void) | undefined;
628 | }
629 |
630 | export type DateRangePickerInputController = React.ComponentClass<DateRangePickerInputControllerShape>;
631 | export const DateRangePickerInputController: React.ComponentClass<DateRangePickerInputControllerShape>;
632 |
633 | // components/DayPicker.jsx
634 | export type DayPickerShape = RenderMonthProps &
635 | Pick<
636 | CalendarMonthGridShape,
637 | | 'enableOutsideDays'
638 | | 'firstDayOfWeek'
639 | | 'daySize'
640 | | 'isRTL'
641 | | 'transitionDuration'
642 | | 'verticalBorderSpacing'
643 | | 'horizontalMonthPadding'
644 | | 'modifiers'
645 | | 'renderCalendarDay'
646 | | 'renderDayContents'
647 | | 'onDayClick'
648 | | 'onDayMouseEnter'
649 | | 'onDayMouseLeave'
650 | | 'monthFormat'
651 | | 'dayAriaLabelFormat'
652 | > &
653 | (
654 | | { orientation?: OrientationShape | undefined; onGetNextScrollableMonths?: never | undefined; onGetPrevScrollableMonths?: never | undefined }
655 | | {
656 | orientation: 'verticalScrollable';
657 | onGetNextScrollableMonths?: ((
658 | event?: React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement> | React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLElement>,
659 | ) => void) | undefined;
660 | onGetPrevScrollableMonths?: ((
661 | event?: React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement> | React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLElement>,
662 | ) => void) | undefined;
663 | }
664 | ) & {
665 | // calendar presentation props
666 | numberOfMonths?: number | undefined;
667 | withPortal?: boolean | undefined;
668 | onOutsideClick?: ReactOutsideClickHandlerProps['onOutsideClick'] | undefined;
669 | hidden?: boolean | undefined;
670 | initialVisibleMonth?: (() => moment.Moment) | undefined;
671 | renderCalendarInfo?: (() => React.ReactNode) | null | undefined;
672 | calendarInfoPosition?: CalendarInfoPositionShape | undefined;
673 | hideKeyboardShortcutsPanel?: boolean | undefined;
674 | verticalHeight?: number | null | undefined;
675 | noBorder?: boolean | undefined;
676 | renderKeyboardShortcutsButton?: ((props: {
677 | ref: React.Ref<HTMLElement>;
678 | onClick: React.MouseEventHandler;
679 | ariaLabel: string;
680 | }) => React.ReactNode) | undefined;
681 | renderKeyboardShortcutsPanel?: ((props: {
682 | closeButtonAriaLabel: string;
683 | keyboardShortcuts: Array<Record<'unicode' | 'label' | 'action', string>>;
684 | onCloseButtonClick: React.MouseEventHandler;
685 | onKeyDown: React.KeyboardEventHandler;
686 | title: string;
687 | }) => React.ReactNode) | undefined;
688 |
689 | // navigation props
690 | dayPickerNavigationInlineStyles?: Record<string, any> | null | undefined;
691 | disablePrev?: boolean | undefined;
692 | disableNext?: boolean | undefined;
693 | navPosition?: NavPositionShape | undefined;
694 | navPrev?: React.ReactNode | undefined;
695 | navNext?: React.ReactNode | undefined;
696 | renderNavPrevButton?:
697 | | ((props: {
698 | ariaLabel: string;
699 | disabled: boolean;
700 | onClick?: React.MouseEventHandler | undefined;
701 | onKeyUp?: React.KeyboardEventHandler | undefined;
702 | onMouseUp?: React.MouseEventHandler | undefined;
703 | }) => React.ReactNode)
704 | | null | undefined;
705 | renderNavNextButton?:
706 | | ((props: {
707 | ariaLabel: string;
708 | disabled: boolean;
709 | onClick?: React.MouseEventHandler | undefined;
710 | onKeyUp?: React.KeyboardEventHandler | undefined;
711 | onMouseUp?: React.MouseEventHandler | undefined;
712 | }) => React.ReactNode)
713 | | null | undefined;
714 | noNavButtons?: boolean | undefined;
715 | noNavNextButton?: boolean | undefined;
716 | noNavPrevButton?: boolean | undefined;
717 | onPrevMonthClick?: ((newCurrentMonth: moment.Moment) => void) | undefined;
718 | onNextMonthClick?: ((newCurrentMonth: moment.Moment) => void) | undefined;
719 | onMonthChange?: ((newMonth: moment.Moment) => void) | undefined;
720 | onYearChange?: ((newMonth: moment.Moment) => void) | undefined;
721 |
722 | // month props
723 | renderWeekHeaderElement?: ((day: string) => React.ReactNode) | null | undefined;
724 |
725 | // accessibility props
726 | isFocused?: boolean | undefined;
727 | getFirstFocusableDay?: ((month: moment.Moment) => moment.Moment) | null | undefined;
728 | onBlur?: React.KeyboardEventHandler<HTMLDivElement> | undefined;
729 | showKeyboardShortcuts?: boolean | undefined;
730 | onTab?: React.KeyboardEventHandler<HTMLDivElement> | undefined;
731 | onShiftTab?: (() => void) | undefined;
732 |
733 | // internationalization
734 | weekDayFormat?: string | undefined;
735 | phrases?: DayPickerPhrases | undefined;
736 | };
737 |
738 | export type DayPicker = React.ComponentClass<DayPickerShape>;
739 | export const DayPicker: React.ComponentClass<DayPickerShape>;
740 |
741 | // components/DayPickerRangeController.jsx
742 | export type DayPickerRangeControllerShape = RenderMonthProps &
743 | Pick<
744 | DayPickerShape,
745 | | 'renderWeekHeaderElement'
746 | | 'enableOutsideDays'
747 | | 'numberOfMonths'
748 | | 'withPortal'
749 | | 'hideKeyboardShortcutsPanel'
750 | | 'daySize'
751 | | 'noBorder'
752 | | 'verticalBorderSpacing'
753 | | 'horizontalMonthPadding'
754 | | 'dayPickerNavigationInlineStyles'
755 | | 'navPosition'
756 | | 'navPrev'
757 | | 'navNext'
758 | | 'renderNavPrevButton'
759 | | 'renderNavNextButton'
760 | | 'noNavButtons'
761 | | 'noNavNextButton'
762 | | 'noNavPrevButton'
763 | | 'onOutsideClick'
764 | | 'renderCalendarDay'
765 | | 'renderDayContents'
766 | | 'renderCalendarInfo'
767 | | 'renderKeyboardShortcutsButton'
768 | | 'renderKeyboardShortcutsPanel'
769 | | 'calendarInfoPosition'
770 | | 'firstDayOfWeek'
771 | | 'verticalHeight'
772 | | 'transitionDuration'
773 | | 'onBlur'
774 | | 'isFocused'
775 | | 'showKeyboardShortcuts'
776 | | 'onTab'
777 | | 'onShiftTab'
778 | | 'monthFormat'
779 | | 'weekDayFormat'
780 | | 'phrases'
781 | | 'dayAriaLabelFormat'
782 | | 'isRTL'
783 | > & {
784 | startDate: moment.Moment | null;
785 | endDate: moment.Moment | null;
786 | onDatesChange: (arg: { startDate: moment.Moment | null; endDate: moment.Moment | null }) => void;
787 | startDateOffset?: ((day: moment.Moment) => moment.Moment) | undefined;
788 | endDateOffset?: ((day: moment.Moment) => moment.Moment) | undefined;
789 | minDate?: moment.Moment | null | undefined;
790 | maxDate?: moment.Moment | null | undefined;
791 |
792 | focusedInput: FocusedInputShape | null;
793 | onFocusChange: (arg: FocusedInputShape | null) => void;
794 | onClose?: ((final: { startDate: moment.Moment | null; endDate: moment.Moment | null }) => void) | undefined;
795 |
796 | keepOpenOnDateSelect?: boolean | undefined;
797 | minimumNights?: number | undefined;
798 | disabled?: DisabledShape | undefined;
799 | isOutsideRange?: ((day: moment.Moment) => boolean) | undefined;
800 | isDayBlocked?: ((day: moment.Moment) => boolean) | undefined;
801 | isDayHighlighted?: ((day: moment.Moment) => boolean) | undefined;
802 | getMinNightsForHoverDate?: ((day: moment.Moment) => number) | undefined;
803 | daysViolatingMinNightsCanBeClicked?: boolean | undefined;
804 |
805 | // DayPicker props
806 | initialVisibleMonth: (() => moment.Moment) | null;
807 | orientation?: ScrollableOrientationShape | undefined;
808 |
809 | onPrevMonthClick?: ((newCurrentMonth: moment.Moment) => void) | undefined;
810 | onNextMonthClick?: ((newCurrentMonth: moment.Moment) => void) | undefined;
811 | };
812 |
813 | export type DayPickerRangeController = React.ComponentClass<DayPickerRangeControllerShape>;
814 | export const DayPickerRangeController: React.ComponentClass<DayPickerRangeControllerShape>;
815 |
816 | // components/DayPickerSingleDateController.jsx
817 | export type DayPickerSingleDateControllerShape = RenderMonthProps &
818 | Pick<
819 | DayPickerShape,
820 | | 'renderWeekHeaderElement'
821 | | 'enableOutsideDays'
822 | | 'numberOfMonths'
823 | | 'withPortal'
824 | | 'hideKeyboardShortcutsPanel'
825 | | 'daySize'
826 | | 'noBorder'
827 | | 'verticalBorderSpacing'
828 | | 'horizontalMonthPadding'
829 | | 'dayPickerNavigationInlineStyles'
830 | | 'navPosition'
831 | | 'navPrev'
832 | | 'navNext'
833 | | 'renderNavPrevButton'
834 | | 'renderNavNextButton'
835 | | 'noNavButtons'
836 | | 'noNavNextButton'
837 | | 'noNavPrevButton'
838 | | 'onOutsideClick'
839 | | 'renderCalendarDay'
840 | | 'renderDayContents'
841 | | 'renderCalendarInfo'
842 | | 'calendarInfoPosition'
843 | | 'firstDayOfWeek'
844 | | 'verticalHeight'
845 | | 'transitionDuration'
846 | | 'onBlur'
847 | | 'isFocused'
848 | | 'showKeyboardShortcuts'
849 | | 'onTab'
850 | | 'onShiftTab'
851 | | 'monthFormat'
852 | | 'weekDayFormat'
853 | | 'phrases'
854 | | 'dayAriaLabelFormat'
855 | | 'isRTL'
856 | > & {
857 | date: moment.Moment | null;
858 | minDate?: moment.Moment | null | undefined;
859 | maxDate?: moment.Moment | null | undefined;
860 | onDateChange: (date: moment.Moment | null) => void;
861 |
862 | focused: boolean;
863 | onFocusChange: (arg: { focused: boolean }) => void;
864 | onClose?: ((arg: { date: moment.Moment | null }) => void) | undefined;
865 |
866 | keepOpenOnDateSelect?: boolean | undefined;
867 | isOutsideRange?: ((day: moment.Moment) => boolean) | undefined;
868 | isDayBlocked?: ((day: moment.Moment) => boolean) | undefined;
869 | isDayHighlighted?: ((day: moment.Moment) => boolean) | undefined;
870 |
871 | // DayPicker props
872 | initialVisibleMonth: (() => moment.Moment) | null;
873 | orientation?: ScrollableOrientationShape | undefined;
874 |
875 | onPrevMonthClick?: ((newCurrentMonth: moment.Moment) => void) | undefined;
876 | onNextMonthClick?: ((newCurrentMonth: moment.Moment) => void) | undefined;
877 | };
878 |
879 | export type DayPickerSingleDateController = React.ComponentClass<DayPickerSingleDateControllerShape>;
880 | export const DayPickerSingleDateController: React.ComponentClass<DayPickerSingleDateControllerShape>;
881 |
882 | // components/SingleDatePicker.jsx
883 | export type SingleDatePicker = React.ComponentClass<SingleDatePickerShape>;
884 | export const SingleDatePicker: React.ComponentClass<SingleDatePickerShape>;
885 |
886 | // components/SingleDatePickerInput.jsx
887 | export interface SingleDatePickerInputShape {
888 | id: string;
889 | placeholder?: string | undefined;
890 | ariaLabel?: string | undefined;
891 | displayValue?: string | undefined;
892 | screenReaderMessage?: string | undefined;
893 | focused?: boolean | undefined;
894 | isFocused?: boolean | undefined;
895 | disabled?: boolean | undefined;
896 | required?: boolean | undefined;
897 | readOnly?: boolean | undefined;
898 | openDirection?: OpenDirectionShape | undefined;
899 | showCaret?: boolean | undefined;
900 | showClearDate?: boolean | undefined;
901 | customCloseIcon?: React.ReactNode | undefined;
902 | showDefaultInputIcon?: boolean | undefined;
903 | inputIconPosition?: IconPositionShape | undefined;
904 | customInputIcon?: React.ReactNode | undefined;
905 | isRTL?: boolean | undefined;
906 | noBorder?: boolean | undefined;
907 | block?: boolean | undefined;
908 | small?: boolean | undefined;
909 | regular?: boolean | undefined;
910 | verticalSpacing?: number | undefined;
911 |
912 | onChange?: ((dateString: string) => void) | undefined;
913 | onClearDate?: React.MouseEventHandler<HTMLButtonElement> | undefined;
914 | onFocus?: React.FocusEventHandler<HTMLInputElement> | undefined;
915 | onKeyDownShiftTab?: React.KeyboardEventHandler<HTMLInputElement> | undefined;
916 | onKeyDownTab?: React.KeyboardEventHandler<HTMLInputElement> | undefined;
917 | onKeyDownArrowDown?: React.KeyboardEventHandler<HTMLInputElement> | undefined;
918 | onKeyDownQuestionMark?: React.KeyboardEventHandler<HTMLInputElement> | undefined;
919 |
920 | // i18n
921 | phrases?: SingleDatePickerInputPhrases | undefined;
922 | }
923 |
924 | export type SingleDatePickerInput = React.FC<SingleDatePickerInputShape>;
925 | export const SingleDatePickerInput: React.FC<SingleDatePickerInputShape>;
926 |
927 | // UTILS
928 | //
929 | // utils/isInclusivelyAfterDay.js
930 | export function isInclusivelyAfterDay(a: moment.Moment, b: moment.Moment): boolean;
931 | // utils/isInclusivelyBeforeDay.js
932 | export function isInclusivelyBeforeDay(a: moment.Moment, b: moment.Moment): boolean;
933 | // utils/isNextDay.js
934 | export function isNextDay(a: moment.Moment, b: moment.Moment): boolean;
935 | // utils/isSameDay.js
936 | export function isSameDay(a: moment.Moment, b: moment.Moment): boolean;
937 | // utils/toISODateString.js
938 | export function toISODateString(
939 | date: moment.MomentInput,
940 | currentFormat?: moment.MomentFormatSpecification,
941 | ): string | null;
942 | // utils/toLocalizedDateString.js
943 | export function toLocalizedDateString(
944 | date: moment.MomentInput,
945 | currentFormat?: moment.MomentFormatSpecification,
946 | ): string | null;
947 | // utils/toMomentObject.js
948 | export function toMomentObject(
949 | dateString: moment.MomentInput,
950 | customFormat?: moment.MomentFormatSpecification,
951 | ): moment.Moment | null;
952 |
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