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1// Type definitions for react-loadable 5.5
2// Project: https://github.com/thejameskyle/react-loadable#readme
3// Definitions by: Jessica Franco <https://github.com/Jessidhia>
4// Oden S. <https://github.com/odensc>
5// Ian Ker-Seymer <https://github.com/ianks>
6// Tomek Łaziuk <https://github.com/tlaziuk>
7// Ian Mobley <https://github.com/iMobs>
8// Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped
9// TypeScript Version: 3.7
11/// <reference types="react" />
13declare namespace LoadableExport {
14 interface LoadingComponentProps {
15 isLoading: boolean;
16 pastDelay: boolean;
17 timedOut: boolean;
18 error: any;
19 retry: () => void;
20 }
22 type Options<Props, Exports extends object> = OptionsWithoutRender<Props> | OptionsWithRender<Props, Exports>;
24 interface CommonOptions {
25 /**
26 * React component displayed after delay until loader() succeeds. Also responsible for displaying errors.
27 *
28 * If you don't want to render anything you can pass a function that returns null
29 * (this is considered a valid React component).
30 */
31 loading: React.ComponentType<LoadingComponentProps>;
32 /**
33 * Defaults to 200, in milliseconds.
34 *
35 * Only show the loading component if the loader() has taken this long to succeed or error.
36 */
37 delay?: number | false | null | undefined;
38 /**
39 * Disabled by default.
40 *
41 * After the specified time in milliseconds passes, the component's `timedOut` prop will be set to true.
42 */
43 timeout?: number | false | null | undefined;
45 /**
46 * Optional array of module paths that `Loadable.Capture`'s `report` function will be applied on during
47 * server-side rendering. This helps the server know which modules were imported/used during SSR.
48 * ```ts
49 * Loadable({
50 * loader: () => import('./my-component'),
51 * modules: ['./my-component'],
52 * });
53 * ```
54 */
55 modules?: string[] | undefined;
57 /**
58 * An optional function which returns an array of Webpack module ids which you can get
59 * with require.resolveWeak. This is used by the client (inside `Loadable.preloadReady`) to
60 * guarantee each webpack module is preloaded before the first client render.
61 * ```ts
62 * Loadable({
63 * loader: () => import('./Foo'),
64 * webpack: () => [require.resolveWeak('./Foo')],
65 * });
66 * ```
67 */
68 webpack?: (() => Array<string | number>) | undefined;
69 }
71 interface OptionsWithoutRender<Props> extends CommonOptions {
72 /**
73 * Function returning a promise which returns a React component displayed on success.
74 *
75 * Resulting React component receives all the props passed to the generated component.
76 */
77 loader(): Promise<React.ComponentType<Props> | { default: React.ComponentType<Props> }>;
78 }
80 interface OptionsWithRender<Props, Exports extends object> extends CommonOptions {
81 /**
82 * Function returning a promise which returns an object to be passed to `render` on success.
83 */
84 loader(): Promise<Exports>;
85 /**
86 * If you want to customize what gets rendered from your loader you can also pass `render`.
87 *
88 * Note: If you want to load multiple resources at once, you can also use `Loadable.Map`.
89 *
90 * ```ts
91 * Loadable({
92 * // ...
93 * render(loaded, props) {
94 * const Component = loaded.default;
95 * return <Component {...props} />
96 * }
97 * });
98 * ```
99 */
100 render(loaded: Exports, props: Props): React.ReactNode;
102 // NOTE: render is not optional if the loader return type is not compatible with the type
103 // expected in `OptionsWithoutRender`. If you do not want to provide a render function, ensure that your
104 // function is returning a promise for a React.ComponentType or is the result of import()ing a module
105 // that has a component as its `default` export.
106 }
108 interface OptionsWithMap<Props, Exports extends { [key: string]: any }> extends CommonOptions {
109 /**
110 * An object containing functions which return promises, which resolve to an object to be passed to `render` on success.
111 */
112 loader: {
113 [P in keyof Exports]: () => Promise<Exports[P]>
114 };
115 /**
116 * If you want to customize what gets rendered from your loader you can also pass `render`.
117 *
118 * Note: If you want to load multiple resources at once, you can also use `Loadable.Map`.
119 *
120 * ```ts
121 * Loadable({
122 * // ...
123 * render(loaded, props) {
124 * const Component = loaded.default;
125 * return <Component {...props} />
126 * }
127 * });
128 * ```
129 */
130 render(loaded: Exports, props: Props): React.ReactNode;
131 }
133 interface LoadableComponent {
134 /**
135 * The generated component has a static method preload() for calling the loader function ahead of time.
136 * This is useful for scenarios where you think the user might do something next and want to load the
137 * next component eagerly.
138 *
139 * Note: preload() intentionally does not return a promise. You should not be depending on the timing of
140 * preload(). It's meant as a performance optimization, not for creating UI logic.
141 */
142 preload(): void;
143 }
145 interface LoadableCaptureProps {
146 /**
147 * Function called for every moduleName that is rendered via React Loadable.
148 */
149 report: (moduleName: string) => void;
150 }
152 interface Loadable {
153 <Props, Exports extends object>(options: Options<Props, Exports>): React.ComponentType<Props> & LoadableComponent;
154 Map<Props, Exports extends { [key: string]: any }>(options: OptionsWithMap<Props, Exports>): React.ComponentType<Props> & LoadableComponent;
156 /**
157 * This will call all of the LoadableComponent.preload methods recursively until they are all
158 * resolved. Allowing you to preload all of your dynamic modules in environments like the server.
159 * ```ts
160 * Loadable.preloadAll().then(() => {
161 * app.listen(3000, () => {
162 * console.log('Running on http://localhost:3000/');
163 * });
164 * });
165 * ```
166 */
167 preloadAll(): Promise<void>;
169 /**
170 * Check for modules that are already loaded in the browser and call the matching
171 * `LoadableComponent.preload` methods.
172 * ```ts
173 * window.main = () => {
174 * Loadable.preloadReady().then(() => {
175 * ReactDOM.hydrate(
176 * <App/>,
177 * document.getElementById('app'),
178 * );
179 * });
180 * };
181 * ```
182 */
183 preloadReady(): Promise<void>;
185 Capture: React.ComponentType<LoadableCaptureProps>;
186 }
189declare const LoadableExport: LoadableExport.Loadable;
191/* eslint-disable-next-line @definitelytyped/no-declare-current-package */
192declare module "react-loadable" {
193 export = LoadableExport;