47.2 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1// Type definitions for react-reconciler 0.28
2// Project: https://reactjs.org/
3// Definitions by: Nathan Bierema <https://github.com/Methuselah96>
4// Zhang Haocong <https://github.com/zhanghaocong>
5// Mathieu Dutour <https://github.com/mathieudutour>
6// Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped
7// TypeScript Version: 2.8
9import { Component, ReactNode } from 'react';
11declare function ReactReconciler<
12 Type,
13 Props,
14 Container,
15 Instance,
16 TextInstance,
17 SuspenseInstance,
18 HydratableInstance,
19 PublicInstance,
20 HostContext,
21 UpdatePayload,
22 ChildSet,
23 TimeoutHandle,
24 NoTimeout,
26 config: ReactReconciler.HostConfig<
27 /* eslint-disable no-unnecessary-generics */
28 Type,
29 Props,
30 Container,
31 Instance,
32 TextInstance,
33 SuspenseInstance,
34 HydratableInstance,
35 PublicInstance,
36 HostContext,
37 UpdatePayload,
38 ChildSet,
39 TimeoutHandle,
40 NoTimeout
41 /* eslint-enable no-unnecessary-generics */
42 >,
43): ReactReconciler.Reconciler<Container, Instance, TextInstance, SuspenseInstance, PublicInstance>;
45declare namespace ReactReconciler {
46 interface HostConfig<
47 Type,
48 Props,
49 Container,
50 Instance,
51 TextInstance,
52 SuspenseInstance,
53 HydratableInstance,
54 PublicInstance,
55 HostContext,
56 UpdatePayload,
57 ChildSet,
58 TimeoutHandle,
59 NoTimeout,
60 > {
61 // -------------------
62 // Modes
63 // -------------------
64 // tslint:disable:max-line-length
65 /**
66 *
67 * The reconciler has two modes: mutation mode and persistent mode. You must specify one of them.
68 *
69 * If your target platform is similar to the DOM and has methods similar to `appendChild`, `removeChild`, and so on, you'll want to use the **mutation mode**. This is the same mode used by React DOM, React ART, and the classic React Native renderer.
70 *
71 * ```js
72 * const HostConfig = {
73 * // ...
74 * supportsMutation: true,
75 * // ...
76 * }
77 * ```
78 *
79 * Depending on the mode, the reconciler will call different methods on your host config.
80 *
81 * If you're not sure which one you want, you likely need the mutation mode.
82 */
83 // tslint:enable:max-line-length
84 supportsMutation: boolean;
86 // tslint:disable:max-line-length
87 /**
88 *
89 * The reconciler has two modes: mutation mode and persistent mode. You must specify one of them.
90 *
91 * If your target platform has immutable trees, you'll want the **persistent mode** instead. In that mode, existing nodes are never mutated, and instead every change clones the parent tree and then replaces the whole parent tree at the root. This is the node used by the new React Native renderer, codenamed "Fabric".
92 *
93 * ```js
94 * const HostConfig = {
95 * // ...
96 * supportsPersistence: true,
97 * // ...
98 * }
99 * ```
100 *
101 * Depending on the mode, the reconciler will call different methods on your host config.
102 *
103 * If you're not sure which one you want, you likely need the mutation mode.
104 */
105 // tslint:enable:max-line-length
106 supportsPersistence: boolean;
108 // -------------------
109 // Core Methods
110 // -------------------
112 // tslint:disable:max-line-length
113 /**
114 * This method should return a newly created node. For example, the DOM renderer would call `document.createElement(type)` here and then set the properties from `props`.
115 *
116 * You can use `rootContainer` to access the root container associated with that tree. For example, in the DOM renderer, this is useful to get the correct `document` reference that the root belongs to.
117 *
118 * The `hostContext` parameter lets you keep track of some information about your current place in the tree. To learn more about it, see `getChildHostContext` below.
119 *
120 * The `internalHandle` data structure is meant to be opaque. If you bend the rules and rely on its internal fields, be aware that it may change significantly between versions. You're taking on additional maintenance risk by reading from it, and giving up all guarantees if you write something to it.
121 *
122 * This method happens **in the render phase**. It can (and usually should) mutate the node it has just created before returning it, but it must not modify any other nodes. It must not register any event handlers on the parent tree. This is because an instance being created doesn't guarantee it would be placed in the tree — it could be left unused and later collected by GC. If you need to do something when an instance is definitely in the tree, look at `commitMount` instead.
123 */
124 // tslint:enable:max-line-length
125 createInstance(
126 type: Type,
127 props: Props,
128 rootContainer: Container,
129 hostContext: HostContext,
130 internalHandle: OpaqueHandle,
131 ): Instance;
133 // tslint:disable:max-line-length
134 /**
135 * Same as `createInstance`, but for text nodes. If your renderer doesn't support text nodes, you can throw here.
136 */
137 // tslint:enable:max-line-length
138 createTextInstance(
139 text: string,
140 rootContainer: Container,
141 hostContext: HostContext,
142 internalHandle: OpaqueHandle,
143 ): TextInstance;
145 // tslint:disable:max-line-length
146 /**
147 * This method should mutate the `parentInstance` and add the child to its list of children. For example, in the DOM this would translate to a `parentInstance.appendChild(child)` call.
148 *
149 * This method happens **in the render phase**. It can mutate `parentInstance` and `child`, but it must not modify any other nodes. It's called while the tree is still being built up and not connected to the actual tree on the screen.
150 */
151 // tslint:enable:max-line-length
152 appendInitialChild(parentInstance: Instance, child: Instance | TextInstance): void;
154 // tslint:disable:max-line-length
155 /**
156 * In this method, you can perform some final mutations on the `instance`. Unlike with `createInstance`, by the time `finalizeInitialChildren` is called, all the initial children have already been added to the `instance`, but the instance itself has not yet been connected to the tree on the screen.
157 *
158 * This method happens **in the render phase**. It can mutate `instance`, but it must not modify any other nodes. It's called while the tree is still being built up and not connected to the actual tree on the screen.
159 *
160 * There is a second purpose to this method. It lets you specify whether there is some work that needs to happen when the node is connected to the tree on the screen. If you return `true`, the instance will receive a `commitMount` call later. See its documentation below.
161 *
162 * If you don't want to do anything here, you should return `false`.
163 */
164 // tslint:enable:max-line-length
165 finalizeInitialChildren(
166 instance: Instance,
167 type: Type,
168 props: Props,
169 rootContainer: Container,
170 hostContext: HostContext,
171 ): boolean;
173 // tslint:disable:max-line-length
174 /**
175 * React calls this method so that you can compare the previous and the next props, and decide whether you need to update the underlying instance or not. If you don't need to update it, return `null`. If you need to update it, you can return an arbitrary object representing the changes that need to happen. Then in `commitUpdate` you would need to apply those changes to the instance.
176 *
177 * This method happens **in the render phase**. It should only *calculate* the update — but not apply it! For example, the DOM renderer returns an array that looks like `[prop1, value1, prop2, value2, ...]` for all props that have actually changed. And only in `commitUpdate` it applies those changes. You should calculate as much as you can in `prepareUpdate` so that `commitUpdate` can be very fast and straightforward.
178 *
179 * See the meaning of `rootContainer` and `hostContext` in the `createInstance` documentation.
180 */
181 // tslint:enable:max-line-length
182 prepareUpdate(
183 instance: Instance,
184 type: Type,
185 oldProps: Props,
186 newProps: Props,
187 rootContainer: Container,
188 hostContext: HostContext,
189 ): UpdatePayload | null;
191 // tslint:disable:max-line-length
192 /**
193 * Some target platforms support setting an instance's text content without manually creating a text node. For example, in the DOM, you can set `node.textContent` instead of creating a text node and appending it.
194 *
195 * If you return `true` from this method, React will assume that this node's children are text, and will not create nodes for them. It will instead rely on you to have filled that text during `createInstance`. This is a performance optimization. For example, the DOM renderer returns `true` only if `type` is a known text-only parent (like `'textarea'`) or if `props.children` has a `'string'` type. If you return `true`, you will need to implement `resetTextContent` too.
196 *
197 * If you don't want to do anything here, you should return `false`.
198 *
199 * This method happens **in the render phase**. Do not mutate the tree from it.
200 */
201 // tslint:enable:max-line-length
202 shouldSetTextContent(type: Type, props: Props): boolean;
204 // tslint:disable:max-line-length
205 /**
206 * This method lets you return the initial host context from the root of the tree. See `getChildHostContext` for the explanation of host context.
207 *
208 * If you don't intend to use host context, you can return `null`.
209 *
210 * This method happens **in the render phase**. Do not mutate the tree from it.
211 */
212 // tslint:enable:max-line-length
213 getRootHostContext(rootContainer: Container): HostContext | null;
215 // tslint:disable:max-line-length
216 /**
217 * Host context lets you track some information about where you are in the tree so that it's available inside `createInstance` as the `hostContext` parameter. For example, the DOM renderer uses it to track whether it's inside an HTML or an SVG tree, because `createInstance` implementation needs to be different for them.
218 *
219 * If the node of this `type` does not influence the context you want to pass down, you can return `parentHostContext`. Alternatively, you can return any custom object representing the information you want to pass down.
220 *
221 * If you don't want to do anything here, return `parentHostContext`.
222 *
223 * This method happens **in the render phase**. Do not mutate the tree from it.
224 */
225 // tslint:enable:max-line-length
226 getChildHostContext(parentHostContext: HostContext, type: Type, rootContainer: Container): HostContext;
228 // tslint:disable:max-line-length
229 /**
230 * Determines what object gets exposed as a ref. You'll likely want to return the `instance` itself. But in some cases it might make sense to only expose some part of it.
231 *
232 * If you don't want to do anything here, return `instance`.
233 */
234 // tslint:enable:max-line-length
235 getPublicInstance(instance: Instance | TextInstance): PublicInstance;
237 // tslint:disable:max-line-length
238 /**
239 * This method lets you store some information before React starts making changes to the tree on the screen. For example, the DOM renderer stores the current text selection so that it can later restore it. This method is mirrored by `resetAfterCommit`.
240 *
241 * Even if you don't want to do anything here, you need to return `null` from it.
242 */
243 // tslint:enable:max-line-length
244 prepareForCommit(containerInfo: Container): Record<string, any> | null;
246 // tslint:disable:max-line-length
247 /**
248 * This method is called right after React has performed the tree mutations. You can use it to restore something you've stored in `prepareForCommit` — for example, text selection.
249 *
250 * You can leave it empty.
251 */
252 // tslint:enable:max-line-length
253 resetAfterCommit(containerInfo: Container): void;
255 /**
256 * This method is called for a container that's used as a portal target. Usually you can leave it empty.
257 */
258 preparePortalMount(containerInfo: Container): void;
260 /**
261 * You can proxy this to `setTimeout` or its equivalent in your environment.
262 */
263 scheduleTimeout(fn: (...args: unknown[]) => unknown, delay?: number): TimeoutHandle;
265 /**
266 * You can proxy this to `clearTimeout` or its equivalent in your environment.
267 */
268 cancelTimeout(id: TimeoutHandle): void;
270 /**
271 * This is a property (not a function) that should be set to something that can never be a valid timeout ID. For example, you can set it to `-1`.
272 */
273 noTimeout: NoTimeout;
275 // tslint:disable:max-line-length
276 /**
277 * Set this to `true` to indicate that your renderer supports `scheduleMicrotask`. We use microtasks as part of our discrete event implementation in React DOM. If you're not sure if your renderer should support this, you probably should. The option to not implement `scheduleMicrotask` exists so that platforms with more control over user events, like React Native, can choose to use a different mechanism.
278 */
279 // tslint:enable:max-line-length
280 supportsMicrotasks?: boolean;
282 /**
283 * Optional. You can proxy this to `queueMicrotask` or its equivalent in your environment.
284 */
285 scheduleMicrotask?(fn: () => unknown): void;
287 // tslint:disable:max-line-length
288 /**
289 * This is a property (not a function) that should be set to `true` if your renderer is the main one on the page. For example, if you're writing a renderer for the Terminal, it makes sense to set it to `true`, but if your renderer is used *on top of* React DOM or some other existing renderer, set it to `false`.
290 */
291 // tslint:enable:max-line-length
292 isPrimaryRenderer: boolean;
294 /**
295 * Whether the renderer shouldn't trigger missing `act()` warnings
296 */
297 warnsIfNotActing?: boolean;
299 // tslint:disable:max-line-length
300 /**
301 * To implement this method, you'll need some constants available on the special `react-reconciler/constants` entry point:
302 *
303 * ```
304 * import {
305 * DiscreteEventPriority,
306 * ContinuousEventPriority,
307 * DefaultEventPriority,
308 * } from 'react-reconciler/constants';
309 *
310 * const HostConfig = {
311 * // ...
312 * getCurrentEventPriority() {
313 * return DefaultEventPriority;
314 * },
315 * // ...
316 * }
317 *
318 * const MyRenderer = Reconciler(HostConfig);
319 * ```
320 *
321 * The constant you return depends on which event, if any, is being handled right now. (In the browser, you can check this using `window.event && window.event.type`).
322 *
323 * - **Discrete events**: If the active event is directly caused by the user (such as mouse and keyboard events) and each event in a sequence is intentional (e.g. click), return DiscreteEventPriority. This tells React that they should interrupt any background work and cannot be batched across time.
324 *
325 * - **Continuous events**: If the active event is directly caused by the user but the user can't distinguish between individual events in a sequence (e.g. mouseover), return ContinuousEventPriority. This tells React they should interrupt any background work but can be batched across time.
326 *
327 * - **Other events / No active event**: In all other cases, return DefaultEventPriority. This tells React that this event is considered background work, and interactive events will be prioritized over it.
328 *
329 * You can consult the `getCurrentEventPriority()` implementation in `ReactDOMHostConfig.js` for a reference implementation.
330 */
331 // tslint:enable:max-line-length
332 getCurrentEventPriority(): Lane;
334 getInstanceFromNode(node: any): Fiber | null | undefined;
336 beforeActiveInstanceBlur(): void;
338 afterActiveInstanceBlur(): void;
340 prepareScopeUpdate(scopeInstance: any, instance: any): void;
342 getInstanceFromScope(scopeInstance: any): null | Instance;
344 detachDeletedInstance(node: Instance): void;
346 // -------------------
347 // Mutation Methods
348 // (optional)
349 // If you're using React in mutation mode (you probably do), you'll need to implement a few more methods.
350 // -------------------
352 // tslint:disable:max-line-length
353 /**
354 * This method should mutate the `parentInstance` and add the child to its list of children. For example, in the DOM this would translate to a `parentInstance.appendChild(child)` call.
355 *
356 * Although this method currently runs in the commit phase, you still should not mutate any other nodes in it. If you need to do some additional work when a node is definitely connected to the visible tree, look at `commitMount`.
357 */
358 // tslint:enable:max-line-length
359 appendChild?(parentInstance: Instance, child: Instance | TextInstance): void;
361 // tslint:disable:max-line-length
362 /**
363 * Same as `appendChild`, but for when a node is attached to the root container. This is useful if attaching to the root has a slightly different implementation, or if the root container nodes are of a different type than the rest of the tree.
364 */
365 // tslint:enable:max-line-length
366 appendChildToContainer?(container: Container, child: Instance | TextInstance): void;
368 // tslint:disable:max-line-length
369 /**
370 * This method should mutate the `parentInstance` and place the `child` before `beforeChild` in the list of its children. For example, in the DOM this would translate to a `parentInstance.insertBefore(child, beforeChild)` call.
371 *
372 * Note that React uses this method both for insertions and for reordering nodes. Similar to DOM, it is expected that you can call `insertBefore` to reposition an existing child. Do not mutate any other parts of the tree from it.
373 */
374 // tslint:enable:max-line-length
375 insertBefore?(
376 parentInstance: Instance,
377 child: Instance | TextInstance,
378 beforeChild: Instance | TextInstance | SuspenseInstance,
379 ): void;
381 // tslint:disable:max-line-length
382 /**
383 * Same as `insertBefore`, but for when a node is attached to the root container. This is useful if attaching to the root has a slightly different implementation, or if the root container nodes are of a different type than the rest of the tree.
384 */
385 // tslint:enable:max-line-length
386 insertInContainerBefore?(
387 container: Container,
388 child: Instance | TextInstance,
389 beforeChild: Instance | TextInstance | SuspenseInstance,
390 ): void;
392 // tslint:disable:max-line-length
393 /**
394 * This method should mutate the `parentInstance` to remove the `child` from the list of its children.
395 *
396 * React will only call it for the top-level node that is being removed. It is expected that garbage collection would take care of the whole subtree. You are not expected to traverse the child tree in it.
397 */
398 // tslint:enable:max-line-length
399 removeChild?(parentInstance: Instance, child: Instance | TextInstance | SuspenseInstance): void;
401 // tslint:disable:max-line-length
402 /**
403 * Same as `removeChild`, but for when a node is detached from the root container. This is useful if attaching to the root has a slightly different implementation, or if the root container nodes are of a different type than the rest of the tree.
404 */
405 // tslint:enable:max-line-length
406 removeChildFromContainer?(container: Container, child: Instance | TextInstance | SuspenseInstance): void;
408 // tslint:disable:max-line-length
409 /**
410 * If you returned `true` from `shouldSetTextContent` for the previous props, but returned `false` from `shouldSetTextContent` for the next props, React will call this method so that you can clear the text content you were managing manually. For example, in the DOM you could set `node.textContent = ''`.
411 *
412 * If you never return `true` from `shouldSetTextContent`, you can leave it empty.
413 */
414 // tslint:enable:max-line-length
415 resetTextContent?(instance: Instance): void;
417 /**
418 * This method should mutate the `textInstance` and update its text content to `nextText`.
419 *
420 * Here, `textInstance` is a node created by `createTextInstance`.
421 */
422 commitTextUpdate?(textInstance: TextInstance, oldText: string, newText: string): void;
424 // tslint:disable:max-line-length
425 /**
426 * This method is only called if you returned `true` from `finalizeInitialChildren` for this instance.
427 *
428 * It lets you do some additional work after the node is actually attached to the tree on the screen for the first time. For example, the DOM renderer uses it to trigger focus on nodes with the `autoFocus` attribute.
429 *
430 * Note that `commitMount` does not mirror `removeChild` one to one because `removeChild` is only called for the top-level removed node. This is why ideally `commitMount` should not mutate any nodes other than the `instance` itself. For example, if it registers some events on some node above, it will be your responsibility to traverse the tree in `removeChild` and clean them up, which is not ideal.
431 *
432 * The `internalHandle` data structure is meant to be opaque. If you bend the rules and rely on its internal fields, be aware that it may change significantly between versions. You're taking on additional maintenance risk by reading from it, and giving up all guarantees if you write something to it.
433 *
434 * If you never return `true` from `finalizeInitialChildren`, you can leave it empty.
435 */
436 // tslint:enable:max-line-length
437 commitMount?(instance: Instance, type: Type, props: Props, internalInstanceHandle: OpaqueHandle): void;
439 // tslint:disable:max-line-length
440 /**
441 * This method should mutate the `instance` according to the set of changes in `updatePayload`. Here, `updatePayload` is the object that you've returned from `prepareUpdate` and has an arbitrary structure that makes sense for your renderer. For example, the DOM renderer returns an update payload like `[prop1, value1, prop2, value2, ...]` from `prepareUpdate`, and that structure gets passed into `commitUpdate`. Ideally, all the diffing and calculation should happen inside `prepareUpdate` so that `commitUpdate` can be fast and straightforward.
442 *
443 * The `internalHandle` data structure is meant to be opaque. If you bend the rules and rely on its internal fields, be aware that it may change significantly between versions. You're taking on additional maintenance risk by reading from it, and giving up all guarantees if you write something to it.
444 */
445 // tslint:enable:max-line-length
446 commitUpdate?(
447 instance: Instance,
448 updatePayload: UpdatePayload,
449 type: Type,
450 prevProps: Props,
451 nextProps: Props,
452 internalHandle: OpaqueHandle,
453 ): void;
455 // tslint:disable:max-line-length
456 /**
457 * This method should make the `instance` invisible without removing it from the tree. For example, it can apply visual styling to hide it. It is used by Suspense to hide the tree while the fallback is visible.
458 */
459 // tslint:enable:max-line-length
460 hideInstance?(instance: Instance): void;
462 /**
463 * Same as `hideInstance`, but for nodes created by `createTextInstance`.
464 */
465 hideTextInstance?(textInstance: TextInstance): void;
467 /**
468 * This method should make the `instance` visible, undoing what `hideInstance` did.
469 */
470 unhideInstance?(instance: Instance, props: Props): void;
472 /**
473 * Same as `unhideInstance`, but for nodes created by `createTextInstance`.
474 */
475 unhideTextInstance?(textInstance: TextInstance, text: string): void;
477 /**
478 * This method should mutate the `container` root node and remove all children from it.
479 */
480 clearContainer?(container: Container): void;
482 // tslint:disable:max-line-length
483 // -------------------
484 // Persistence Methods
485 // (optional)
486 // If you use the persistent mode instead of the mutation mode, you would still need the "Core Methods". However, instead of the Mutation Methods above you will implement a different set of methods that performs cloning nodes and replacing them at the root level. You can find a list of them in the "Persistence" section [listed in this file](https://github.com/facebook/react/blob/master/packages/react-reconciler/src/forks/ReactFiberHostConfig.custom.js). File an issue if you need help.
487 // -------------------
488 // tslint:enable:max-line-length
489 cloneInstance?(
490 instance: Instance,
491 updatePayload: UpdatePayload,
492 type: Type,
493 oldProps: Props,
494 newProps: Props,
495 internalInstanceHandle: OpaqueHandle,
496 keepChildren: boolean,
497 recyclableInstance: null | Instance,
498 ): Instance;
499 createContainerChildSet?(container: Container): ChildSet;
500 appendChildToContainerChildSet?(childSet: ChildSet, child: Instance | TextInstance): void;
501 finalizeContainerChildren?(container: Container, newChildren: ChildSet): void;
502 replaceContainerChildren?(container: Container, newChildren: ChildSet): void;
503 cloneHiddenInstance?(
504 instance: Instance,
505 type: Type,
506 props: Props,
507 internalInstanceHandle: OpaqueHandle,
508 ): Instance;
509 cloneHiddenTextInstance?(instance: Instance, text: Type, internalInstanceHandle: OpaqueHandle): TextInstance;
511 // tslint:disable:max-line-length
512 // -------------------
513 // Hydration Methods
514 // (optional)
515 // You can optionally implement hydration to "attach" to the existing tree during the initial render instead of creating it from scratch. For example, the DOM renderer uses this to attach to an HTML markup.
516 //
517 // To support hydration, you need to declare `supportsHydration: true` and then implement the methods in the "Hydration" section [listed in this file](https://github.com/facebook/react/blob/master/packages/react-reconciler/src/forks/ReactFiberHostConfig.custom.js). File an issue if you need help.
518 // -------------------
519 // tslint:enable:max-line-length
520 supportsHydration: boolean;
522 canHydrateInstance?(instance: HydratableInstance, type: Type, props: Props): null | Instance;
524 canHydrateTextInstance?(instance: HydratableInstance, text: string): null | TextInstance;
526 canHydrateSuspenseInstance?(instance: HydratableInstance): null | SuspenseInstance;
528 isSuspenseInstancePending?(instance: SuspenseInstance): boolean;
530 isSuspenseInstanceFallback?(instance: SuspenseInstance): boolean;
532 registerSuspenseInstanceRetry?(instance: SuspenseInstance, callback: () => void): void;
534 getNextHydratableSibling?(instance: HydratableInstance): null | HydratableInstance;
536 getFirstHydratableChild?(parentInstance: Container | Instance): null | HydratableInstance;
538 hydrateInstance?(
539 instance: Instance,
540 type: Type,
541 props: Props,
542 rootContainerInstance: Container,
543 hostContext: HostContext,
544 internalInstanceHandle: any,
545 ): null | any[];
547 hydrateTextInstance?(textInstance: TextInstance, text: string, internalInstanceHandle: any): boolean;
549 hydrateSuspenseInstance?(suspenseInstance: SuspenseInstance, internalInstanceHandle: any): void;
551 getNextHydratableInstanceAfterSuspenseInstance?(suspenseInstance: SuspenseInstance): null | HydratableInstance;
553 // Returns the SuspenseInstance if this node is a direct child of a
554 // SuspenseInstance. I.e. if its previous sibling is a Comment with
555 // SUSPENSE_x_START_DATA. Otherwise, null.
556 getParentSuspenseInstance?(targetInstance: any): null | SuspenseInstance;
558 commitHydratedContainer?(container: Container): void;
560 commitHydratedSuspenseInstance?(suspenseInstance: SuspenseInstance): void;
562 didNotMatchHydratedContainerTextInstance?(
563 parentContainer: Container,
564 textInstance: TextInstance,
565 text: string,
566 ): void;
568 didNotMatchHydratedTextInstance?(
569 parentType: Type,
570 parentProps: Props,
571 parentInstance: Instance,
572 textInstance: TextInstance,
573 text: string,
574 ): void;
576 didNotHydrateContainerInstance?(parentContainer: Container, instance: HydratableInstance): void;
578 didNotHydrateInstance?(
579 parentType: Type,
580 parentProps: Props,
581 parentInstance: Instance,
582 instance: HydratableInstance,
583 ): void;
585 didNotFindHydratableContainerInstance?(parentContainer: Container, type: Type, props: Props): void;
587 didNotFindHydratableContainerTextInstance?(parentContainer: Container, text: string): void;
589 didNotFindHydratableContainerSuspenseInstance?(parentContainer: Container): void;
591 didNotFindHydratableInstance?(
592 parentType: Type,
593 parentProps: Props,
594 parentInstance: Instance,
595 type: Type,
596 props: Props,
597 ): void;
599 didNotFindHydratableTextInstance?(
600 parentType: Type,
601 parentProps: Props,
602 parentInstance: Instance,
603 text: string,
604 ): void;
606 didNotFindHydratableSuspenseInstance?(parentType: Type, parentProps: Props, parentInstance: Instance): void;
608 errorHydratingContainer?(parentContainer: Container): void;
609 }
611 interface Thenable<T> {
612 then(resolve: () => T, reject?: () => T): T;
613 }
615 type RootTag = 0 | 1 | 2;
617 type WorkTag =
618 | 0
619 | 1
620 | 2
621 | 3
622 | 4
623 | 5
624 | 6
625 | 7
626 | 8
627 | 9
628 | 10
629 | 11
630 | 12
631 | 13
632 | 14
633 | 15
634 | 16
635 | 17
636 | 18
637 | 19
638 | 20
639 | 21
640 | 22
641 | 23
642 | 24;
644 type HookType =
645 | 'useState'
646 | 'useReducer'
647 | 'useContext'
648 | 'useRef'
649 | 'useEffect'
650 | 'useLayoutEffect'
651 | 'useCallback'
652 | 'useMemo'
653 | 'useImperativeHandle'
654 | 'useDebugValue'
655 | 'useDeferredValue'
656 | 'useTransition'
657 | 'useMutableSource'
658 | 'useOpaqueIdentifier'
659 | 'useCacheRefresh';
661 interface Source {
662 fileName: string;
663 lineNumber: number;
664 }
666 // TODO: Ideally these types would be opaque but that doesn't work well with
667 // our reconciler fork infra, since these leak into non-reconciler packages.
668 type LanePriority = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17;
670 type Lanes = number;
671 type Lane = number;
673 type Flags = number;
675 type TypeOfMode = number;
677 interface ReactProvider<T> {
678 $$typeof: symbol | number;
679 type: ReactProviderType<T>;
680 key: null | string;
681 ref: null;
682 props: {
683 value: T;
684 children?: ReactNode;
685 };
686 }
688 interface ReactProviderType<T> {
689 $$typeof: symbol | number;
690 _context: ReactContext<T>;
691 }
693 interface ReactConsumer<T> {
694 $$typeof: symbol | number;
695 type: ReactContext<T>;
696 key: null | string;
697 ref: null;
698 props: {
699 children: (value: T) => ReactNode;
700 unstable_observedBits?: number;
701 };
702 }
704 interface ReactContext<T> {
705 $$typeof: symbol | number;
706 Consumer: ReactContext<T>;
707 Provider: ReactProviderType<T>;
708 _calculateChangedBits: ((a: T, b: T) => number) | null;
709 _currentValue: T;
710 _currentValue2: T;
711 _threadCount: number;
712 // DEV only
713 _currentRenderer?: {
714 [key: string]: any;
715 } | null;
716 _currentRenderer2?: {
717 [key: string]: any;
718 } | null;
719 // This value may be added by application code
720 // to improve DEV tooling display names
721 displayName?: string;
722 }
724 interface ReactPortal {
725 $$typeof: symbol | number;
726 key: null | string;
727 containerInfo: any;
728 children: ReactNode;
729 // TODO: figure out the API for cross-renderer implementation.
730 implementation: any;
731 }
733 interface RefObject {
734 current: any;
735 }
737 interface ContextDependency<T> {
738 context: ReactContext<T>;
739 observedBits: number;
740 next: ContextDependency<unknown> | null;
741 }
743 interface Dependencies {
744 lanes: Lanes;
745 firstContext: ContextDependency<unknown> | null;
746 }
748 interface Fiber {
749 // These first fields are conceptually members of an Instance. This used to
750 // be split into a separate type and intersected with the other Fiber fields,
751 // but until Flow fixes its intersection bugs, we've merged them into a
752 // single type.
754 // An Instance is shared between all versions of a component. We can easily
755 // break this out into a separate object to avoid copying so much to the
756 // alternate versions of the tree. We put this on a single object for now to
757 // minimize the number of objects created during the initial render.
759 // Tag identifying the type of fiber.
760 tag: WorkTag;
762 // Unique identifier of this child.
763 key: null | string;
765 // The value of element.type which is used to preserve the identity during
766 // reconciliation of this child.
767 elementType: any;
769 // The resolved function/class/ associated with this fiber.
770 type: any;
772 // The local state associated with this fiber.
773 stateNode: any;
775 // Conceptual aliases
776 // parent : Instance -> return The parent happens to be the same as the
777 // return fiber since we've merged the fiber and instance.
779 // Remaining fields belong to Fiber
781 // The Fiber to return to after finishing processing this one.
782 // This is effectively the parent, but there can be multiple parents (two)
783 // so this is only the parent of the thing we're currently processing.
784 // It is conceptually the same as the return address of a stack frame.
785 return: Fiber | null;
787 // Singly Linked List Tree Structure.
788 child: Fiber | null;
789 sibling: Fiber | null;
790 index: number;
792 // The ref last used to attach this node.
793 // I'll avoid adding an owner field for prod and model that as functions.
794 ref:
795 | null
796 | (((handle: unknown) => void) & {
797 _stringRef?: string | null;
798 })
799 | RefObject;
801 // Input is the data coming into process this fiber. Arguments. Props.
802 pendingProps: any; // This type will be more specific once we overload the tag.
803 memoizedProps: any; // The props used to create the output.
805 // A queue of state updates and callbacks.
806 updateQueue: unknown;
808 // The state used to create the output
809 memoizedState: any;
811 // Dependencies (contexts, events) for this fiber, if it has any
812 dependencies: Dependencies | null;
814 // Bitfield that describes properties about the fiber and its subtree. E.g.
815 // the ConcurrentMode flag indicates whether the subtree should be async-by-
816 // default. When a fiber is created, it inherits the mode of its
817 // parent. Additional flags can be set at creation time, but after that the
818 // value should remain unchanged throughout the fiber's lifetime, particularly
819 // before its child fibers are created.
820 mode: TypeOfMode;
822 // Effect
823 flags: Flags;
824 subtreeFlags: Flags;
825 deletions: Fiber[] | null;
827 // Singly linked list fast path to the next fiber with side-effects.
828 nextEffect: Fiber | null;
830 // The first and last fiber with side-effect within this subtree. This allows
831 // us to reuse a slice of the linked list when we reuse the work done within
832 // this fiber.
833 firstEffect: Fiber | null;
834 lastEffect: Fiber | null;
836 lanes: Lanes;
837 childLanes: Lanes;
839 // This is a pooled version of a Fiber. Every fiber that gets updated will
840 // eventually have a pair. There are cases when we can clean up pairs to save
841 // memory if we need to.
842 alternate: Fiber | null;
844 // Time spent rendering this Fiber and its descendants for the current update.
845 // This tells us how well the tree makes use of sCU for memoization.
846 // It is reset to 0 each time we render and only updated when we don't bailout.
847 // This field is only set when the enableProfilerTimer flag is enabled.
848 actualDuration?: number;
850 // If the Fiber is currently active in the "render" phase,
851 // This marks the time at which the work began.
852 // This field is only set when the enableProfilerTimer flag is enabled.
853 actualStartTime?: number;
855 // Duration of the most recent render time for this Fiber.
856 // This value is not updated when we bailout for memoization purposes.
857 // This field is only set when the enableProfilerTimer flag is enabled.
858 selfBaseDuration?: number;
860 // Sum of base times for all descendants of this Fiber.
861 // This value bubbles up during the "complete" phase.
862 // This field is only set when the enableProfilerTimer flag is enabled.
863 treeBaseDuration?: number;
865 // Conceptual aliases
866 // workInProgress : Fiber -> alternate The alternate used for reuse happens
867 // to be the same as work in progress.
868 // __DEV__ only
869 _debugID?: number;
870 _debugSource?: Source | null;
871 _debugOwner?: Fiber | null;
872 _debugIsCurrentlyTiming?: boolean;
873 _debugNeedsRemount?: boolean;
875 // Used to verify that the order of hooks does not change between renders.
876 _debugHookTypes?: HookType[] | null;
877 }
879 type FiberRoot = any;
881 // Concurrent related struct
882 type MutableSource = any;
884 type OpaqueHandle = any;
885 type OpaqueRoot = any;
887 // 0 is PROD, 1 is DEV.
888 // Might add PROFILE later.
889 type BundleType = 0 | 1;
891 interface DevToolsConfig<Instance, TextInstance, RendererInspectionConfig> {
892 bundleType: BundleType;
893 version: string;
894 rendererPackageName: string;
895 // Note: this actually *does* depend on Fiber internal fields.
896 // Used by "inspect clicked DOM element" in React DevTools.
897 findFiberByHostInstance?: (instance: Instance | TextInstance) => Fiber | null;
898 rendererConfig?: RendererInspectionConfig;
899 }
901 interface SuspenseHydrationCallbacks<SuspenseInstance> {
902 onHydrated?: (suspenseInstance: SuspenseInstance) => void;
903 onDeleted?: (suspenseInstance: SuspenseInstance) => void;
904 }
906 interface TransitionTracingCallbacks {
907 onTransitionStart?: (transitionName: string, startTime: number) => void;
908 onTransitionProgress?: (
909 transitionName: string,
910 startTime: number,
911 currentTime: number,
912 pending: Array<{ name: null | string }>,
913 ) => void;
914 onTransitionIncomplete?: (
915 transitionName: string,
916 startTime: number,
917 deletions: Array<{
918 type: string;
919 name?: string;
920 newName?: string;
921 endTime: number;
922 }>,
923 ) => void;
924 onTransitionComplete?: (transitionName: string, startTime: number, endTime: number) => void;
925 onMarkerProgress?: (
926 transitionName: string,
927 marker: string,
928 startTime: number,
929 currentTime: number,
930 pending: Array<{ name: null | string }>,
931 ) => void;
932 onMarkerIncomplete?: (
933 transitionName: string,
934 marker: string,
935 startTime: number,
936 deletions: Array<{
937 type: string;
938 name?: string;
939 newName?: string;
940 endTime: number;
941 }>,
942 ) => void;
943 onMarkerComplete?: (transitionName: string, marker: string, startTime: number, endTime: number) => void;
944 }
946 interface ComponentSelector {
947 $$typeof: symbol | number;
948 value: React$AbstractComponent<never, unknown>;
949 }
951 interface HasPseudoClassSelector {
952 $$typeof: symbol | number;
953 value: Selector[];
954 }
956 interface RoleSelector {
957 $$typeof: symbol | number;
958 value: string;
959 }
961 interface TextSelector {
962 $$typeof: symbol | number;
963 value: string;
964 }
966 interface TestNameSelector {
967 $$typeof: symbol | number;
968 value: string;
969 }
971 type Selector = ComponentSelector | HasPseudoClassSelector | RoleSelector | TextSelector | TestNameSelector;
973 // TODO can not find React$AbstractComponent def
974 type React$AbstractComponent<Config, Instance = any> = any;
976 interface BoundingRect {
977 x: number;
978 y: number;
979 width: number;
980 height: number;
981 }
983 type IntersectionObserverOptions = any;
985 interface Reconciler<Container, Instance, TextInstance, SuspenseInstance, PublicInstance> {
986 createContainer(
987 containerInfo: Container,
988 tag: RootTag,
989 hydrationCallbacks: null | SuspenseHydrationCallbacks<SuspenseInstance>,
990 isStrictMode: boolean,
991 concurrentUpdatesByDefaultOverride: null | boolean,
992 identifierPrefix: string,
993 onRecoverableError: (error: Error) => void,
994 transitionCallbacks: null | TransitionTracingCallbacks,
995 ): OpaqueRoot;
997 createPortal(
998 children: ReactNode,
999 containerInfo: any, // TODO: figure out the API for cross-renderer implementation.
1000 implementation: any,
1001 key?: string | null,
1002 ): ReactPortal;
1004 registerMutableSourceForHydration(root: FiberRoot, mutableSource: MutableSource): void;
1006 createComponentSelector(component: React$AbstractComponent<never, unknown>): ComponentSelector;
1008 createHasPseudoClassSelector(selectors: Selector[]): HasPseudoClassSelector;
1010 createRoleSelector(role: string): RoleSelector;
1012 createTextSelector(text: string): TextSelector;
1014 createTestNameSelector(id: string): TestNameSelector;
1016 getFindAllNodesFailureDescription(hostRoot: Instance, selectors: Selector[]): string | null;
1018 findAllNodes(hostRoot: Instance, selectors: Selector[]): Instance[];
1020 findBoundingRects(hostRoot: Instance, selectors: Selector[]): BoundingRect[];
1022 focusWithin(hostRoot: Instance, selectors: Selector[]): boolean;
1024 observeVisibleRects(
1025 hostRoot: Instance,
1026 selectors: Selector[],
1027 callback: (intersections: Array<{ ratio: number; rect: BoundingRect }>) => void,
1028 options?: IntersectionObserverOptions,
1029 ): { disconnect: () => void };
1031 createHydrationContainer(
1032 initialChildren: ReactNode,
1033 callback: (() => void) | null | undefined,
1034 containerInfo: Container,
1035 tag: RootTag,
1036 hydrationCallbacks: null | SuspenseHydrationCallbacks<SuspenseInstance>,
1037 isStrictMode: boolean,
1038 concurrentUpdatesByDefaultOverride: null | boolean,
1039 identifierPrefix: string,
1040 onRecoverableError: (error: Error) => void,
1041 transitionCallbacks: null | TransitionTracingCallbacks,
1042 ): OpaqueRoot;
1044 updateContainer(
1045 element: ReactNode,
1046 container: OpaqueRoot,
1047 parentComponent?: Component<any, any> | null,
1048 callback?: (() => void) | null,
1049 ): Lane;
1051 batchedUpdates<A, R>(fn: (a: A) => R, a: A): R;
1053 deferredUpdates<A>(fn: () => A): A;
1055 discreteUpdates<A, B, C, D, R>(fn: (arg0: A, arg1: B, arg2: C, arg3: D) => R, a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D): R;
1057 flushControlled(fn: () => any): void;
1059 flushSync(): void;
1060 flushSync<R>(fn: () => R): R;
1062 isAlreadyRendering(): boolean;
1064 flushPassiveEffects(): boolean;
1066 getPublicRootInstance(container: OpaqueRoot): Component<any, any> | PublicInstance | null;
1068 attemptSynchronousHydration(fiber: Fiber): void;
1070 attemptDiscreteHydration(fiber: Fiber): void;
1072 attemptContinuousHydration(fiber: Fiber): void;
1074 attemptHydrationAtCurrentPriority(fiber: Fiber): void;
1076 getCurrentUpdatePriority(): LanePriority;
1078 runWithPriority<T>(priority: LanePriority, fn: () => T): T;
1080 findHostInstance(component: any): PublicInstance | null;
1082 findHostInstanceWithWarning(component: any, methodName: string): PublicInstance | null;
1084 findHostInstanceWithNoPortals(fiber: Fiber): PublicInstance | null;
1086 shouldError(fiber: Fiber): boolean | undefined;
1088 shouldSuspend(fiber: Fiber): boolean;
1090 injectIntoDevTools(devToolsConfig: DevToolsConfig<Instance, TextInstance, any>): boolean;
1091 }
1094export = ReactReconciler;
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