1 | import type * as PropTypes from "prop-types";
2 | import { Component, JSX, PureComponent, ReactNode } from "react";
3 | import { Alignment, Index, IndexRange, OverscanIndexRange, ScrollEventData } from "../../index";
4 | import { CellMeasurerCache } from "./CellMeasurer";
5 | import { Grid, GridCoreProps } from "./Grid";
6 |
7 | export type SortParams = {
8 | defaultSortDirection: SortDirectionType;
9 | event: MouseEvent;
10 | sortBy: string;
11 | };
12 |
13 | export type SortDirectionMap = { [key: string]: SortDirectionType };
14 |
15 | export type MultiSortOptions = {
16 | defaultSortBy?: string[] | undefined;
17 | defaultSortDirection?: SortDirectionMap | undefined;
18 | };
19 |
20 | export type MultiSortReturn = {
21 | |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 | sort: (params: SortParams) => void;
26 |
27 | |
28 |
29 |
30 |
31 | sortBy: string[];
32 |
33 | |
34 |
35 |
36 | sortDirection: SortDirectionMap;
37 | };
38 |
39 | export function createMultiSort(
40 | sortCallback: (params: { sortBy: string; sortDirection: SortDirectionType }) => void,
41 | options?: MultiSortOptions,
42 | ): MultiSortReturn;
43 |
44 | export type TableCellDataGetterParams = {
45 | columnData?: any;
46 | dataKey: string;
47 | rowData: any;
48 | };
49 | export type TableCellProps = {
50 | cellData?: any;
51 | columnData?: any;
52 | columnIndex: number;
53 | dataKey: string;
54 | isScrolling: boolean;
55 | parent?: any;
56 | rowData: any;
57 | rowIndex: number;
58 | };
59 | export type TableHeaderProps = {
60 | columnData?: any;
61 | dataKey: string;
62 | disableSort?: boolean | undefined;
63 | label?: ReactNode | undefined;
64 | sortBy?: string | undefined;
65 | sortDirection?: SortDirectionType | undefined;
66 | };
67 | export type TableHeaderRowProps = {
68 | className: string;
69 | columns: React.ReactNode[];
70 | style: React.CSSProperties;
71 | scrollbarWidth: number;
72 | height: number;
73 | width: number;
74 | };
75 | export type TableRowProps = {
76 | className: string;
77 | columns: any[];
78 | index: number;
79 | isScrolling: boolean;
80 | key: string;
81 | onRowClick?: ((params: RowMouseEventHandlerParams) => void) | undefined;
82 | onRowDoubleClick?: ((params: RowMouseEventHandlerParams) => void) | undefined;
83 | onRowMouseOver?: ((params: RowMouseEventHandlerParams) => void) | undefined;
84 | onRowMouseOut?: ((params: RowMouseEventHandlerParams) => void) | undefined;
85 | onRowRightClick?: ((params: RowMouseEventHandlerParams) => void) | undefined;
86 | rowData: any;
87 | style: any;
88 | };
89 |
90 | export type TableCellDataGetter = (params: TableCellDataGetterParams) => any;
91 | export type TableCellRenderer = (props: TableCellProps) => React.ReactNode;
92 | export type TableHeaderRenderer = (props: TableHeaderProps) => React.ReactNode;
93 | export type TableHeaderRowRenderer = (props: TableHeaderRowProps) => React.ReactNode;
94 | export type TableRowRenderer = (props: TableRowProps) => React.ReactNode;
95 |
96 |
97 | export type ColumnProps = {
98 |
99 | "aria-label"?: string | undefined;
100 | |
101 |
102 |
103 |
104 | cellDataGetter?: TableCellDataGetter | undefined;
105 | |
106 |
107 |
108 |
109 | cellRenderer?: TableCellRenderer | undefined;
110 |
111 | className?: string | undefined;
112 |
113 | columnData?: any;
114 |
115 | dataKey: any;
116 |
117 | defaultSortDirection?: SortDirectionType | undefined;
118 |
119 | disableSort?: boolean | undefined;
120 |
121 | flexGrow?: number | undefined;
122 |
123 | flexShrink?: number | undefined;
124 |
125 | headerClassName?: string | undefined;
126 | |
127 |
128 |
129 |
130 | headerRenderer?: TableHeaderRenderer | undefined;
131 |
132 | headerStyle?: React.CSSProperties | undefined;
133 |
134 | id?: string | undefined;
135 |
136 | label?: ReactNode | undefined;
137 |
138 | maxWidth?: number | undefined;
139 |
140 | minWidth?: number | undefined;
141 |
142 | style?: React.CSSProperties | undefined;
143 |
144 | width: number;
145 | };
146 | export class Column extends Component<ColumnProps> {
147 | static propTypes: {
148 | "aria-label": PropTypes.Requireable<string>;
149 | cellDataGetter: PropTypes.Requireable<TableCellDataGetter>;
150 | cellRenderer: PropTypes.Requireable<TableCellRenderer>;
151 | className: PropTypes.Requireable<string>;
152 | columnData: PropTypes.Requireable<object>;
153 | dataKey: PropTypes.Validator<string>;
154 | disableSort: PropTypes.Requireable<boolean>;
155 | flexGrow: PropTypes.Requireable<number>;
156 | flexShrink: PropTypes.Requireable<number>;
157 | headerClassName: PropTypes.Requireable<string>;
158 | headerRenderer: PropTypes.Validator<TableHeaderRowRenderer>;
159 | label: PropTypes.Requireable<string>;
160 | maxWidth: PropTypes.Requireable<number>;
161 | minWidth: PropTypes.Requireable<number>;
162 | style: PropTypes.Requireable<React.CSSProperties>;
163 | width: PropTypes.Validator<number>;
164 | id: PropTypes.Requireable<string>;
165 | };
166 |
167 | static defaultProps: {
168 | cellDataGetter: TableCellDataGetter;
169 | cellRenderer: TableCellRenderer;
170 | flexGrow: 0;
171 | flexShrink: 1;
172 | headerRenderer: TableHeaderRenderer;
173 | style: {};
174 | };
175 | }
176 |
177 | export type RowMouseEventHandlerParams = {
178 | rowData: any;
179 | index: number;
180 | event: React.MouseEvent<any>;
181 | };
182 |
183 | export type HeaderMouseEventHandlerParams = {
184 | dataKey: string;
185 | columnData: any;
186 | event: React.MouseEvent<any>;
187 | };
188 |
189 |
190 | export type TableProps = GridCoreProps & {
191 | "aria-label"?: string | undefined;
192 | deferredMeasurementCache?: CellMeasurerCache | undefined;
193 | |
194 |
195 |
196 |
197 | autoHeight?: boolean | undefined;
198 |
199 | children?: React.ReactNode | undefined;
200 |
201 | className?: string | undefined;
202 |
203 | disableHeader?: boolean | undefined;
204 | |
205 |
206 |
207 |
208 | estimatedRowSize?: number | undefined;
209 |
210 | gridClassName?: string | undefined;
211 |
212 | gridStyle?: any;
213 |
214 | headerClassName?: string | undefined;
215 |
216 | headerHeight: number;
217 | |
218 |
219 |
220 |
221 |
222 |
223 |
224 |
225 | headerRowRenderer?: TableHeaderRowRenderer | undefined;
226 |
227 | headerStyle?: any;
228 |
229 | height?: number | undefined;
230 |
231 | id?: string | undefined;
232 |
233 | noRowsRenderer?: (() => JSX.Element | null) | undefined;
234 | /**
235 | * Optional callback when a column's header is clicked.
236 | * ({ columnData: any, dataKey: string }): void
237 | */
238 | onHeaderClick?: ((params: HeaderMouseEventHandlerParams) => void) | undefined;
239 | /**
240 | * Callback invoked when a user clicks on a table row.
241 | * ({ index: number }): void
242 | */
243 | onRowClick?: ((info: RowMouseEventHandlerParams) => void) | undefined;
244 | /**
245 | * Callback invoked when a user double-clicks on a table row.
246 | * ({ index: number }): void
247 | */
248 | onRowDoubleClick?: ((info: RowMouseEventHandlerParams) => void) | undefined;
249 | /**
250 | * Callback invoked when the mouse leaves a table row.
251 | * ({ index: number }): void
252 | */
253 | onRowMouseOut?: ((info: RowMouseEventHandlerParams) => void) | undefined;
254 | /**
255 | * Callback invoked when a user moves the mouse over a table row.
256 | * ({ index: number }): void
257 | */
258 | onRowMouseOver?: ((info: RowMouseEventHandlerParams) => void) | undefined;
259 | /**
260 | * Callback invoked with information about the slice of rows that were just rendered.
261 | * ({ startIndex, stopIndex }): void
262 | */
263 | onRowsRendered?: ((info: IndexRange & OverscanIndexRange) => void) | undefined;
264 | /**
265 | * Callback invoked whenever the scroll offset changes within the inner scrollable region.
266 | * This callback can be used to sync scrolling between lists, tables, or grids.
267 | * ({ clientHeight, scrollHeight, scrollTop }): void
268 | */
269 | onScroll?: ((info: ScrollEventData) => void) | undefined;
270 | /**
271 | * Number of rows to render above/below the visible bounds of the list.
272 | * These rows can help for smoother scrolling on touch devices.
273 | */
274 | overscanRowCount?: number | undefined;
275 | /**
276 | * Optional CSS class to apply to all table rows (including the header row).
277 | * This property can be a CSS class name (string) or a function that returns a class name.
278 | * If a function is provided its signature should be: ({ index: number }): string
279 | */
280 | rowClassName?: string | ((info: Index) => string) | undefined;
281 | /**
282 | * Callback responsible for returning a data row given an index.
283 | * ({ index: number }): any
284 | */
285 | rowGetter?: ((info: Index) => any) | undefined;
286 | /**
287 | * Either a fixed row height (number) or a function that returns the height of a row given its index.
288 | * ({ index: number }): number
289 | */
290 | rowHeight: number | ((info: Index) => number);
291 | /** Number of rows in table. */
292 | rowCount: number;
293 | /**
294 | * Responsible for rendering a table row given an array of columns:
295 | * Should implement the following interface: ({
296 | * className: string,
297 | * columns: Array,
298 | * index: number,
299 | * isScrolling: boolean,
300 | * onRowClick: ?Function,
301 | * onRowDoubleClick: ?Function,
302 | * onRowMouseOver: ?Function,
303 | * onRowMouseOut: ?Function,
304 | * rowData: any,
305 | * style: any
306 | * }): PropTypes.node
307 | */
308 | rowRenderer?: TableRowRenderer | undefined;
309 | /** Optional custom inline style to attach to table rows. */
310 | rowStyle?: React.CSSProperties | ((info: Index) => React.CSSProperties) | undefined;
311 | /** See Grid#scrollToAlignment */
312 | scrollToAlignment?: string | undefined;
313 | /** Row index to ensure visible (by forcefully scrolling if necessary) */
314 | scrollToIndex?: number | undefined;
315 | /** Vertical offset. */
316 | scrollTop?: number | undefined;
317 | /**
318 | * Sort function to be called if a sortable header is clicked.
319 | * ({ sortBy: string, sortDirection: SortDirection }): void
320 | */
321 | sort?: ((info: { sortBy: string; sortDirection: SortDirectionType }) => void) | undefined;
322 | /** Table data is currently sorted by this :dataKey (if it is sorted at all) */
323 | sortBy?: string | undefined;
324 | /** Table data is currently sorted in this direction (if it is sorted at all) */
325 | sortDirection?: SortDirectionType | undefined;
326 | /** Optional inline style */
327 | style?: React.CSSProperties | undefined;
328 | /** Tab index for focus */
329 | tabIndex?: number | null | undefined;
330 | /** Width of list */
331 | width?: number | undefined;
332 | };
333 |
334 | export const defaultCellDataGetter: TableCellDataGetter;
335 | export const defaultCellRenderer: TableCellRenderer;
336 | export const defaultHeaderRenderer: () => Array<React.ReactElement<TableHeaderProps>>;
337 | export const defaultHeaderRowRenderer: TableHeaderRowRenderer;
338 | export const defaultRowRenderer: TableRowRenderer;
339 |
340 | export type SortDirectionStatic = {
341 | |
342 |
343 |
344 |
345 | ASC: "ASC";
346 |
347 | |
348 |
349 |
350 |
351 | DESC: "DESC";
352 | };
353 |
354 | export const SortDirection: SortDirectionStatic;
355 |
356 | export type SortDirectionType = "ASC" | "DESC";
357 |
358 | export const SortIndicator: React.FunctionComponent<{
359 | sortDirection?: SortDirectionType | undefined;
360 | }>;
361 |
362 |
363 |
364 |
365 |
366 | export class Table extends PureComponent<TableProps> {
367 | static propTypes: {
368 | "aria-label": PropTypes.Requireable<string>;
369 | autoHeight: PropTypes.Requireable<boolean>;
370 | children: PropTypes.Validator<Column>;
371 | className: PropTypes.Requireable<string>;
372 | disableHeader: PropTypes.Requireable<boolean>;
373 | estimatedRowSize: PropTypes.Validator<number>;
374 | gridClassName: PropTypes.Requireable<string>;
375 | gridStyle: PropTypes.Requireable<React.CSSProperties>;
376 | headerClassName: PropTypes.Requireable<string>;
377 | headerHeight: PropTypes.Validator<number>;
378 | headerRowRenderer: PropTypes.Requireable<TableHeaderRowRenderer>;
379 | headerStyle: PropTypes.Requireable<React.CSSProperties>;
380 | height: PropTypes.Validator<number>;
381 | id: PropTypes.Requireable<string>;
382 | noRowsRenderer: PropTypes.Requireable<() => JSX.Element>;
383 | onHeaderClick: PropTypes.Requireable<(params: HeaderMouseEventHandlerParams) => void>;
384 | onRowClick: PropTypes.Requireable<(params: RowMouseEventHandlerParams) => void>;
385 | onRowDoubleClick: PropTypes.Requireable<(params: RowMouseEventHandlerParams) => void>;
386 | onRowMouseOut: PropTypes.Requireable<(params: RowMouseEventHandlerParams) => void>;
387 | onRowMouseOver: PropTypes.Requireable<(params: RowMouseEventHandlerParams) => void>;
388 | onRowsRendered: PropTypes.Requireable<(params: IndexRange & OverscanIndexRange) => void>;
389 | onScroll: PropTypes.Requireable<(params: ScrollEventData) => void>;
390 | overscanRowCount: PropTypes.Validator<number>;
391 | rowClassName: PropTypes.Requireable<string | ((params: Index) => string)>;
392 | rowGetter: PropTypes.Validator<(params: Index) => any>;
393 | rowHeight: PropTypes.Validator<number | ((params: Index) => number)>;
394 | rowCount: PropTypes.Validator<number>;
395 | rowRenderer: PropTypes.Requireable<(props: TableRowProps) => React.ReactNode>;
396 | rowStyle: PropTypes.Validator<React.CSSProperties | ((params: Index) => React.CSSProperties)>;
397 | scrollToAlignment: PropTypes.Validator<Alignment>;
398 | scrollToIndex: PropTypes.Validator<number>;
399 | scrollTop: PropTypes.Requireable<number>;
400 | sort: PropTypes.Requireable<(params: { sortBy: string; sortDirection: SortDirectionType }) => void>;
401 | sortBy: PropTypes.Requireable<string>;
402 | sortDirection: PropTypes.Validator<SortDirectionType>;
403 | style: PropTypes.Requireable<React.CSSProperties>;
404 | tabIndex: PropTypes.Requireable<number>;
405 | width: PropTypes.Validator<number>;
406 | };
407 |
408 | static defaultProps: {
409 | disableHeader: false;
410 | estimatedRowSize: 30;
411 | headerHeight: 0;
412 | headerStyle: {};
413 | noRowsRenderer: () => null;
414 | onRowsRendered: () => null;
415 | onScroll: () => null;
416 | overscanRowCount: 10;
417 | rowRenderer: TableRowRenderer;
418 | headerRowRenderer: TableHeaderRowRenderer;
419 | rowStyle: {};
420 | scrollToAlignment: "auto";
421 | scrollToIndex: -1;
422 | style: {};
423 | };
424 |
425 | Grid: Grid;
426 |
427 | forceUpdateGrid(): void;
428 |
429 | getScrollbarWidth(): number;
430 |
431 |
432 | getOffsetForRow(params: { alignment?: Alignment | undefined; index?: number | undefined }): number;
433 |
434 |
435 | scrollToPosition(scrollTop?: number): void;
436 |
437 |
438 | measureAllRows(): void;
439 |
440 |
441 | recomputeRowHeights(index?: number): void;
442 |
443 |
444 | scrollToRow(index?: number): void;
445 | }
446 |
447 | export default Table;