15.4 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1// Imported from: https://github.com/soywiz/typescript-node-definitions/d.ts
3/// <reference types="node" />
5import caseless = require("caseless");
6import stream = require("stream");
7import http = require("http");
8import https = require("https");
9import fs = require("fs");
10import FormData = require("form-data");
11import net = require("net");
12import tough = require("tough-cookie");
13import { Url } from "url";
15declare namespace request {
16 interface RequestAPI<TRequest extends Request, TOptions extends CoreOptions, TUriUrlOptions> {
17 defaults(options: TOptions): RequestAPI<TRequest, TOptions, RequiredUriUrl>;
18 defaults(options: RequiredUriUrl & TOptions): DefaultUriUrlRequestApi<TRequest, TOptions, OptionalUriUrl>;
20 (uri: string, options?: TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
21 (uri: string, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
22 (options: TUriUrlOptions & TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
24 get(uri: string, options?: TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
25 get(uri: string, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
26 get(options: TUriUrlOptions & TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
28 post(uri: string, options?: TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
29 post(uri: string, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
30 post(options: TUriUrlOptions & TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
32 put(uri: string, options?: TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
33 put(uri: string, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
34 put(options: TUriUrlOptions & TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
36 head(uri: string, options?: TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
37 head(uri: string, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
38 head(options: TUriUrlOptions & TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
40 patch(uri: string, options?: TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
41 patch(uri: string, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
42 patch(options: TUriUrlOptions & TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
44 del(uri: string, options?: TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
45 del(uri: string, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
46 del(options: TUriUrlOptions & TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
48 delete(uri: string, options?: TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
49 delete(uri: string, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
50 delete(options: TUriUrlOptions & TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
52 initParams(uri: string, options?: TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): RequiredUriUrl & TOptions;
53 initParams(
54 uriOrOpts: string | RequiredUriUrl & TOptions,
55 callback?: RequestCallback,
56 ): RequiredUriUrl & TOptions;
58 forever(agentOptions: any, optionsArg: any): TRequest;
59 jar(store?: any): CookieJar;
60 cookie(str: string): Cookie | undefined;
62 debug: boolean;
63 }
65 interface DefaultUriUrlRequestApi<TRequest extends Request, TOptions extends CoreOptions, TUriUrlOptions>
66 extends RequestAPI<TRequest, TOptions, TUriUrlOptions>
67 {
68 defaults(options: TOptions): DefaultUriUrlRequestApi<TRequest, TOptions, OptionalUriUrl>;
69 (callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
71 get(uri: string, options?: TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
72 get(uri: string, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
73 get(options: TUriUrlOptions & TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
74 get(callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
76 post(uri: string, options?: TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
77 post(uri: string, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
78 post(options: TUriUrlOptions & TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
79 post(callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
81 put(uri: string, options?: TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
82 put(uri: string, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
83 put(options: TUriUrlOptions & TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
84 put(callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
86 head(uri: string, options?: TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
87 head(uri: string, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
88 head(options: TUriUrlOptions & TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
89 head(callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
91 patch(uri: string, options?: TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
92 patch(uri: string, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
93 patch(options: TUriUrlOptions & TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
94 patch(callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
96 del(uri: string, options?: TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
97 del(uri: string, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
98 del(options: TUriUrlOptions & TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
99 del(callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
101 delete(uri: string, options?: TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
102 delete(uri: string, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
103 delete(options: TUriUrlOptions & TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
104 delete(callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
105 }
107 interface CoreOptions {
108 baseUrl?: string | undefined;
109 callback?: RequestCallback | undefined;
110 jar?: CookieJar | boolean | undefined;
111 formData?: { [key: string]: any } | undefined;
112 form?: { [key: string]: any } | string | undefined;
113 auth?: AuthOptions | undefined;
114 oauth?: OAuthOptions | undefined;
115 aws?: AWSOptions | undefined;
116 hawk?: HawkOptions | undefined;
117 qs?: any;
118 qsStringifyOptions?: any;
119 qsParseOptions?: any;
120 json?: any;
121 jsonReviver?: ((key: string, value: any) => any) | undefined;
122 jsonReplacer?: ((key: string, value: any) => any) | undefined;
123 multipart?: RequestPart[] | Multipart | undefined;
124 agent?: http.Agent | https.Agent | undefined;
125 agentOptions?: http.AgentOptions | https.AgentOptions | undefined;
126 agentClass?: any;
127 forever?: any;
128 host?: string | undefined;
129 port?: number | undefined;
130 method?: string | undefined;
131 headers?: Headers | undefined;
132 body?: any;
133 family?: 4 | 6 | undefined;
134 followRedirect?: boolean | ((response: http.IncomingMessage) => boolean) | undefined;
135 followAllRedirects?: boolean | undefined;
136 followOriginalHttpMethod?: boolean | undefined;
137 maxRedirects?: number | undefined;
138 removeRefererHeader?: boolean | undefined;
139 encoding?: string | null | undefined;
140 pool?: PoolOptions | undefined;
141 timeout?: number | undefined;
142 localAddress?: string | undefined;
143 proxy?: any;
144 tunnel?: boolean | undefined;
145 strictSSL?: boolean | undefined;
146 rejectUnauthorized?: boolean | undefined;
147 time?: boolean | undefined;
148 gzip?: boolean | undefined;
149 preambleCRLF?: boolean | undefined;
150 postambleCRLF?: boolean | undefined;
151 withCredentials?: boolean | undefined;
152 key?: Buffer | undefined;
153 cert?: Buffer | undefined;
154 passphrase?: string | undefined;
155 ca?: string | Buffer | string[] | Buffer[] | undefined;
156 har?: HttpArchiveRequest | undefined;
157 useQuerystring?: boolean | undefined;
158 }
160 interface UriOptions {
161 uri: string | Url;
162 }
163 interface UrlOptions {
164 url: string | Url;
165 }
166 type RequiredUriUrl = UriOptions | UrlOptions;
168 type OptionalUriUrl = RequiredUriUrl | {};
170 type OptionsWithUri = UriOptions & CoreOptions;
171 type OptionsWithUrl = UrlOptions & CoreOptions;
172 type Options = OptionsWithUri | OptionsWithUrl;
174 type MultipartBody = string | Buffer | ArrayBuffer | Uint8Array;
176 type RequestCallback = (error: any, response: Response, body: any) => void;
178 interface HttpArchiveRequest {
179 url?: string | undefined;
180 method?: string | undefined;
181 headers?: NameValuePair[] | undefined;
182 postData?: {
183 mimeType?: string | undefined;
184 params?: NameValuePair[] | undefined;
185 } | undefined;
186 }
188 interface ExtraPoolOptions {
189 maxSockets?: number | undefined;
190 }
192 type PoolOptions = false | { [key: string]: http.Agent | https.Agent } & ExtraPoolOptions | ExtraPoolOptions;
194 interface NameValuePair {
195 name: string;
196 value: string;
197 }
199 interface Multipart {
200 chunked?: boolean | undefined;
201 data?:
202 | Array<{
203 "content-type"?: string | undefined;
204 body: MultipartBody;
205 }>
206 | undefined;
207 }
209 interface RequestPart {
210 headers?: Headers | undefined;
211 body: any;
212 }
214 interface Request extends caseless.Httpified, stream.Stream {
215 readable: boolean;
216 writable: boolean;
217 explicitMethod?: true | undefined;
219 debug(...args: any[]): void;
220 pipeDest(dest: any): void;
221 qs(q: object, clobber?: boolean): Request;
222 form(): FormData;
223 form(form: any): Request;
224 multipart(multipart: RequestPart[]): Request;
225 json(val: any): Request;
226 aws(opts: AWSOptions, now?: boolean): Request;
227 hawk(opts: HawkOptions): void;
228 auth(username: string, password: string, sendImmediately?: boolean, bearer?: string): Request;
229 oauth(oauth: OAuthOptions): Request;
230 jar(jar: CookieJar): Request;
232 on(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
233 on(event: "request", listener: (req: http.ClientRequest) => void): this;
234 on(event: "response", listener: (resp: Response) => void): this;
235 on(event: "data", listener: (data: Buffer | string) => void): this;
236 on(event: "error", listener: (e: Error) => void): this;
237 on(event: "complete", listener: (resp: Response, body?: string | Buffer) => void): this;
238 on(event: "pipe", listener: (src: stream.Readable) => void): this;
239 on(event: "socket", listener: (src: net.Socket) => void): this;
241 write(buffer: Buffer | string, cb?: (err?: Error) => void): boolean;
242 write(str: string, encoding?: string, cb?: (err?: Error) => void): boolean;
243 end(cb?: () => void): any;
244 end(chunk: string | Buffer, cb?: () => void): any;
245 end(str: string, encoding?: string, cb?: () => void): any;
247 pause(): void;
248 resume(): void;
249 abort(): void;
250 destroy(): void;
251 toJSON(): RequestAsJSON;
253 // several of the CoreOptions are copied onto the request instance
254 host?: string | undefined;
255 port?: number | undefined;
256 followAllRedirects?: boolean | undefined;
257 followOriginalHttpMethod?: boolean | undefined;
258 maxRedirects?: number | undefined;
259 removeRefererHeader?: boolean | undefined;
260 encoding?: string | null | undefined;
261 timeout?: number | undefined;
262 localAddress?: string | undefined;
263 strictSSL?: boolean | undefined;
264 rejectUnauthorized?: boolean | undefined;
265 time?: boolean | undefined;
266 gzip?: boolean | undefined;
267 preambleCRLF?: boolean | undefined;
268 postambleCRLF?: boolean | undefined;
269 withCredentials?: boolean | undefined;
270 key?: Buffer | undefined;
271 cert?: Buffer | undefined;
272 passphrase?: string | undefined;
273 ca?: string | Buffer | string[] | Buffer[] | undefined;
274 har?: HttpArchiveRequest | undefined;
276 // set in `Request.prototype.init`
277 headers: Headers;
278 method: string;
279 pool: PoolOptions;
280 dests: stream.Readable[];
281 callback?: RequestCallback | undefined;
282 uri: Url & { href: string; pathname: string };
283 proxy: null | string | Url;
284 tunnel: boolean;
285 setHost: boolean;
286 path: string;
287 agent: false | http.Agent | https.Agent;
288 body: Buffer | Buffer[] | string | string[] | stream.Readable;
289 timing?: boolean | undefined;
290 src?: stream.Readable | undefined;
292 // set in `Request.prototype.start`
293 href: string;
294 startTime?: number | undefined;
295 startTimeNow?: number | undefined;
296 timings?: {
297 socket: number;
298 lookup: number;
299 connect: number;
300 response: number;
301 end: number;
302 } | undefined;
304 // set in `Request.prototype.onRequestResponse`
305 elapsedTime?: number | undefined;
306 response?: Response | undefined;
307 }
309 interface Response extends http.IncomingMessage {
310 statusCode: number;
311 statusMessage: string;
312 request: Request;
313 body: any; // Buffer, string, stream.Readable, or a plain object if `json` was truthy
314 caseless: caseless.Caseless; // case-insensitive access to headers
315 toJSON(): ResponseAsJSON;
317 timingStart?: number | undefined;
318 elapsedTime?: number | undefined;
319 timings?: {
320 socket: number;
321 lookup: number;
322 connect: number;
323 response: number;
324 end: number;
325 } | undefined;
326 timingPhases?: {
327 wait: number;
328 dns: number;
329 tcp: number;
330 firstByte: number;
331 download: number;
332 total: number;
333 } | undefined;
334 }
336 // aliases for backwards compatibility
337 type ResponseRequest = Request;
338 type RequestResponse = Response;
340 interface Headers {
341 [key: string]: any;
342 }
344 interface AuthOptions {
345 user?: string | undefined;
346 username?: string | undefined;
347 pass?: string | undefined;
348 password?: string | undefined;
349 sendImmediately?: boolean | undefined;
350 bearer?: string | (() => string) | undefined;
351 }
353 interface OAuthOptions {
354 callback?: string | undefined;
355 consumer_key?: string | undefined;
356 consumer_secret?: string | undefined;
357 token?: string | undefined;
358 token_secret?: string | undefined;
359 transport_method?: "body" | "header" | "query" | undefined;
360 verifier?: string | undefined;
361 body_hash?: true | string | undefined;
362 }
364 interface HawkOptions {
365 credentials: any;
366 }
368 interface AWSOptions {
369 secret: string;
370 bucket?: string | undefined;
371 }
373 interface RequestAsJSON {
374 uri: Url;
375 method: string;
376 headers: Headers;
377 }
379 interface ResponseAsJSON {
380 statusCode: number;
381 body: any;
382 headers: Headers;
383 request: RequestAsJSON;
384 }
386 type Cookie = tough.Cookie;
388 interface CookieJar {
389 setCookie(cookieOrStr: Cookie | string, uri: string | Url, options?: tough.CookieJar.SetCookieOptions): void;
390 getCookieString(uri: string | Url): string;
391 getCookies(uri: string | Url): Cookie[];
392 }
394declare var request: request.RequestAPI<request.Request, request.CoreOptions, request.RequiredUriUrl>;
395export = request;
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