4.16 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { EventEmitter } from '../';
4 * promise
5 */
7export namespace promise {
8 // region Functions
10 /**
11 * Determines whether a {@code value} should be treated as a promise.
12 * Any object whose 'then' property is a function will be considered a
13 * promise.
14 */
15 function isPromise(value: any): boolean;
17 /**
18 * Creates a promise that will be resolved at a set time in the future.
19 */
20 function delayed(ms: number): Promise<void>;
22 /**
23 * Calls a function for each element in an array, and if the function returns
24 * true adds the element to a new array.
25 *
26 * If the return value of the filter function is a promise, this function
27 * will wait for it to be fulfilled before determining whether to insert the
28 * element into the new array.
29 *
30 * If the filter function throws or returns a rejected promise, the promise
31 * returned by this function will be rejected with the same reason. Only the
32 * first failure will be reported; all subsequent errors will be silently
33 * ignored.
34 */
35 function filter<T, V>(
36 arr: T[]|Promise<T[]>, fn: (element: T, index: number, array: T[]) => V,
37 // value
38 optSelf?: any): Promise<V[]>;
40 /**
41 * Calls a function for each element in an array and inserts the result into a
42 * new array, which is used as the fulfillment value of the promise returned
43 * by this function.
44 *
45 * If the return value of the mapping function is a promise, this function
46 * will wait for it to be fulfilled before inserting it into the new array.
47 *
48 * If the mapping function throws or returns a rejected promise, the
49 * promise returned by this function will be rejected with the same reason.
50 * Only the first failure will be reported; all subsequent errors will be
51 * silently ignored.
52 */
53 function map<T, V>(
54 arr: T[]|Promise<T[]>, fn: (self: any, type: T, index: number, array: T[]) => V,
55 optSelf?: any): Promise<V[]>;
57 /**
58 * Wraps a function that expects a node-style callback as its final
59 * argument. This callback expects two arguments: an error value (which will
60 * be null if the call succeeded), and the success value as the second
61 * argument. The callback will the resolve or reject the returned promise,
62 * based on its arguments.
63 */
64 function checkedNodeCall<T>(fn: Function, ...varArgs: any[]): Promise<T>;
66 /**
67 * Returns a promise that will be resolved with the input value in a
68 * fully-resolved state. If the value is an array, each element will be fully
69 * resolved. Likewise, if the value is an object, all keys will be fully
70 * resolved. In both cases, all nested arrays and objects will also be
71 * fully resolved. All fields are resolved in place; the returned promise
72 * will resolve on {@code value} and not a copy.
73 *
74 * Warning: This function makes no checks against objects that contain
75 * cyclical references:
76 *
77 * var value = {};
78 * value['self'] = value;
79 * promise.fullyResolved(value); // Stack overflow.
80 */
81 function fullyResolved(value: any): Promise<any>;
83 /**
84 * Registers a listener to invoke when a promise is resolved, regardless
85 * of whether the promise's value was successfully computed. This function
86 * is synonymous with the {@code finally} clause in a synchronous API:
87 *
88 * // Synchronous API:
89 * try {
90 * doSynchronousWork();
91 * } finally {
92 * cleanUp();
93 * }
94 *
95 * // Asynchronous promise API:
96 * doAsynchronousWork().finally(cleanUp);
97 *
98 * __Note:__ similar to the {@code finally} clause, if the registered
99 * callback returns a rejected promise or throws an error, it will silently
100 * replace the rejection error (if any) from this promise:
101 *
102 * try {
103 * throw Error('one');
104 * } finally {
105 * throw Error('two'); // Hides Error: one
106 * }
107 *
108 * let p = Promise.reject(Error('one'));
109 * promise.finally(p, function() {
110 * throw Error('two'); // Hides Error: one
111 * });
112 */
113 function thenFinally<R>(promise: any, callback: () => R | Promise<R>): Promise<R>;
115 // endregion