1 | /// <reference types="node" />
2 |
3 | import { ServerResponse } from "http";
4 | import { Readable, Stream } from "stream";
5 |
6 | /**
7 | * Injects a fake request into an HTTP server.
8 | * @param dispatchFunc listener function. The same as you would pass to Http.createServer when making a node HTTP server. @see IListener
9 | * @param options request options object @see RequestOptions
10 | * @see {@link https://github.com/hapijs/shot/blob/master/API.md#shotinjectdispatchfunc-options-callback}
11 | */
12 | export function inject(dispatchFunc: Listener, options: RequestOptions): Promise<ResponseObject>;
13 |
14 | /**
15 | * Checks if given object obj is a Shot Request object.
16 | * @see {@link https://github.com/hapijs/shot/blob/master/API.md#shotisinjectionobj}
17 | */
18 | export function isInjection(obj: any): boolean;
19 |
20 | /**
21 | * listener function. The same as you would pass to Http.createServer when making a node HTTP server. Has the signature function (req, res) where:
22 | * * req - a simulated request object. Inherits from Stream.Readable.
23 | * * res - a simulated response object. Inherits from node's Http.ServerResponse.
24 | * @see {@link https://github.com/hapijs/shot/blob/master/API.md#shotinjectdispatchfunc-options-callback}
25 | */
26 | export type Listener = (req: SimulatedRequestObject, res: SimulatedResponseObject) => void;
27 |
28 | /**
29 | * a simulated request object. Inherits from Stream.Readable.
30 | * @see {@link https://github.com/hapijs/shot/blob/master/API.md#shotinjectdispatchfunc-options-callback}
31 | */
32 | // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface
33 | export interface SimulatedRequestObject extends Readable {}
34 |
35 | /**
36 | * a simulated response object. Inherits from node's Http.ServerResponse.
37 | * @see {@link https://github.com/hapijs/shot/blob/master/API.md#shotinjectdispatchfunc-options-callback}
38 | */
39 | // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface
40 | export interface SimulatedResponseObject extends ServerResponse {}
41 |
42 | /**
43 | * @see {@link https://github.com/hapijs/shot/blob/master/API.md#shotinjectdispatchfunc-options-callback}
44 | */
45 | export interface RequestOptions {
46 | /** a string specifying the request URL. */
47 | url: string;
48 | /** a string specifying the HTTP request method, defaulting to 'GET'. */
49 | method?: string | undefined;
50 | /** a string specifying the HTTP HOST header value to be used if no header is provided, and the url does not include an authority component. Defaults to 'localhost'. */
51 | authority?: string | undefined;
52 | /** an optional object containing request headers. */
53 | headers?: Headers | undefined;
54 | /** an optional string specifying the client remote address. Defaults to ''. */
55 | remoteAddress?: string | undefined;
56 | /** an optional request payload. Can be a string, Buffer, Stream or object. */
57 | payload?: string | Buffer | Stream | object | undefined;
58 | /** an object containing flags to simulate various conditions: */
59 | simulate?: {
60 | /** indicates whether the request will fire an end event. Defaults to undefined, meaning an end event will fire. */
61 | end?: boolean | undefined;
62 | /** indicates whether the request payload will be split into chunks. Defaults to `undefined`, meaning payload will not be chunked. */
63 | split?: boolean | undefined;
64 | /** whether the request will emit an error event. Defaults to undefined, meaning no error event will be emitted. If set to true, the emitted error will have a message of 'Simulated'. */
65 | error?: boolean | undefined;
66 | /** whether the request will emit a close event. Defaults to undefined, meaning no close event will be emitted. */
67 | close?: boolean | undefined;
68 | } | undefined;
69 | /** Optional flag to validate this options object. Defaults to true. */
70 | validate?: boolean | undefined;
71 | }
72 |
73 | export interface Headers {
74 | [header: string]: string | string[];
75 | }
76 |
77 | /**
78 | * @see {@link https://github.com/hapijs/shot/blob/master/API.md#shotinjectdispatchfunc-options-callback}
79 | */
80 | export interface ResponseObject {
81 | /** an object containing the raw request and response objects where: */
82 | raw: {
83 | /** the simulated request object. */
84 | req: SimulatedRequestObject;
85 | /** the simulated response object. */
86 | res: SimulatedResponseObject;
87 | };
88 | /** an object containing the response headers. */
89 | headers: Headers;
90 | /** the HTTP status code. */
91 | statusCode: number;
92 | /** the HTTP status message. */
93 | statusMessage: string;
94 | /** the payload as a UTF-8 encoded string. */
95 | payload: string;
96 | /** the raw payload as a Buffer. */
97 | rawPayload: Buffer;
98 | /** an object containing the response trailers. */
99 | trailers: { [index: string]: any };
100 | }