5.87 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1/// <reference types="node" />
3declare namespace signale {
4 type DefaultMethods =
5 | "await"
6 | "complete"
7 | "error"
8 | "debug"
9 | "fatal"
10 | "fav"
11 | "info"
12 | "note"
13 | "pause"
14 | "pending"
15 | "star"
16 | "start"
17 | "success"
18 | "warn"
19 | "watch"
20 | "log";
22 interface CommandType {
23 /** The icon corresponding to the logger. */
24 badge: string;
25 /**
26 * The color of the label, can be any of the foreground colors supported by
27 * [chalk](https://github.com/chalk/chalk#colors).
28 */
29 color: string;
30 /** The label used to identify the type of the logger. */
31 label: string;
32 logLevel?: string | undefined;
33 stream?: NodeJS.WriteStream | NodeJS.WriteStream[] | undefined;
34 }
36 interface SignaleConfig {
37 /** Display the scope name of the logger. */
38 displayScope?: boolean | undefined;
39 /** Display the badge of the logger. */
40 displayBadge?: boolean | undefined;
41 /** Display the current local date in `YYYY-MM-DD` format. */
42 displayDate?: boolean | undefined;
43 /** Display the name of the file that the logger is reporting from. */
44 displayFilename?: boolean | undefined;
45 /** Display the label of the logger. */
46 displayLabel?: boolean | undefined;
47 /** Display the current local time in `HH:MM:SS` format. */
48 displayTimestamp?: boolean | undefined;
49 /** Underline the logger label. */
50 underlineLabel?: boolean | undefined;
51 /** Underline the logger message. */
52 underlineMessage?: boolean | undefined;
53 underlinePrefix?: boolean | undefined;
54 underlineSuffix?: boolean | undefined;
55 uppercaseLabel?: boolean | undefined;
56 }
58 interface SignaleOptions<TTypes extends string = DefaultMethods> {
59 /** Sets the configuration of an instance overriding any existing global or local configuration. */
60 config?: SignaleConfig | undefined;
61 disabled?: boolean | undefined;
62 /**
63 * Name of the scope.
64 */
65 scope?: string | undefined;
66 /**
67 * Holds the configuration of the custom and default loggers.
68 */
69 types?: Partial<Record<TTypes, CommandType>> | undefined;
70 interactive?: boolean | undefined;
71 logLevel?: string | undefined;
72 timers?: Map<string, Date> | undefined;
73 /**
74 * Destination to which the data is written, can be any valid
75 * [Writable stream](https://nodejs.org/api/stream.html#stream_writable_streams).
76 */
77 stream?: NodeJS.WriteStream | NodeJS.WriteStream[] | undefined;
78 secrets?: Array<string | number> | undefined;
79 }
81 interface SignaleConstructor {
82 new<TTypes extends string = DefaultMethods>(options?: SignaleOptions<TTypes>): Signale<TTypes>;
83 }
85 interface SignaleBase<TTypes extends string = DefaultMethods> {
86 /**
87 * Sets the configuration of an instance overriding any existing global or local configuration.
88 *
89 * @param configObj Can hold any of the documented options.
90 */
91 config(configObj: SignaleConfig): Signale<TTypes>;
92 /**
93 * Defines the scope name of the logger.
94 *
95 * @param name Can be one or more comma delimited strings.
96 */
97 scope(...name: string[]): Signale<TTypes>;
98 /** Clears the scope name of the logger. */
99 unscope(): void;
100 /**
101 * Sets a timers and accepts an optional label. If none provided the timer will receive a unique label automatically.
102 *
103 * @param label Label corresponding to the timer. Each timer must have its own unique label.
104 * @returns a string corresponding to the timer label.
105 */
106 time(label?: string): string;
107 /**
108 * Deactivates the timer to which the given label corresponds. If no label
109 * is provided the most recent timer, that was created without providing a
110 * label, will be deactivated.
111 *
112 * @param label Label corresponding to the timer, each timer has its own unique label.
113 * @param span Total running time.
114 */
115 timeEnd(label?: string, span?: number): { label: string; span?: number | undefined };
116 /**
117 * Disables the logging functionality of all loggers belonging to a specific instance.
118 */
119 disable(): void;
120 /**
121 * Enables the logging functionality of all loggers belonging to a specific instance.
122 */
123 enable(): void;
124 /**
125 * Checks whether the logging functionality of a specific instance is enabled.
126 *
127 * @returns a boolean that describes whether or not the logger is enabled.
128 */
129 isEnabled(): boolean;
130 /**
131 * Adds new secrets/sensitive-information to the targeted Signale instance.
132 *
133 * @param secrets Array holding the secrets/sensitive-information to be filtered out.
134 */
135 addSecrets(secrets: string[] | number[]): void;
136 /**
137 * Removes all secrets/sensitive-information from the targeted Signale instance.
138 */
139 clearSecrets(): void;
140 }
142 type LoggerFunc = (message?: any, ...optionalArgs: any[]) => void;
143 type Signale<TTypes extends string = DefaultMethods> =
144 & SignaleBase<TTypes>
145 & Record<TTypes, LoggerFunc>
146 & Record<DefaultMethods, LoggerFunc>;
149declare const signale: signale.Signale<signale.DefaultMethods> & {
150 Signale: signale.SignaleConstructor;
151 SignaleConfig: signale.SignaleConfig;
152 SignaleOptions: signale.SignaleOptions;
153 DefaultMethods: signale.DefaultMethods;
156export = signale;