1 |
2 | declare global {
3 | namespace NodeJS {
4 |
5 | interface ReadableStream {}
6 | }
7 |
8 | interface ShadowRoot {}
9 | }
10 |
11 | import * as CSS from "csstype";
12 | import * as hoistNonReactStatics from "hoist-non-react-statics";
13 | import * as React from "react";
14 |
15 | export type CSSProperties = CSS.Properties<string | number>;
16 |
17 | export type CSSPseudos = { [K in CSS.Pseudos]?: CSSObject };
18 |
19 | export interface CSSObject extends CSSProperties, CSSPseudos {
20 | [key: string]: CSSObject | string | number | undefined;
21 | }
22 |
23 | export type CSSKeyframes = object & { [key: string]: CSSObject };
24 |
25 | export interface ThemeProps<T> {
26 | theme: T;
27 | }
28 |
29 | export type ThemedStyledProps<P, T> = P & ThemeProps<T>;
30 | export type StyledProps<P> = ThemedStyledProps<P, AnyIfEmpty<DefaultTheme>>;
31 | export type IntrinsicElementsKeys = keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements;
32 |
33 |
34 |
35 |
36 |
37 | type Defaultize<P, D> = P extends any ? string extends keyof P ? P
38 | :
39 | & PickU<P, Exclude<keyof P, keyof D>>
40 | & Partial<PickU<P, Extract<keyof P, keyof D>>>
41 | & Partial<PickU<D, Exclude<keyof D, keyof P>>>
42 | : never;
43 |
44 | type ReactDefaultizedProps<C, P> = C extends { defaultProps: infer D } ? Defaultize<P, D> : P;
45 |
46 | type MakeAttrsOptional<
47 | C extends string | React.ComponentType<any>,
48 | O extends object,
49 | A extends keyof P,
50 | P = React.ComponentPropsWithRef<C extends IntrinsicElementsKeys | React.ComponentType<any> ? C : never>,
51 | > =
52 |
53 | P extends any ? OmitU<ReactDefaultizedProps<C, P> & O, A> & Partial<PickU<P & O, A>> : never;
54 |
55 | export type StyledComponentProps<
56 |
57 | C extends string | React.ComponentType<any>,
58 |
59 | T extends object,
60 |
61 | O extends object,
62 |
63 | A extends keyof any,
64 |
65 | FAsC extends string | React.ComponentType<any> = C,
66 | > =
67 |
68 | O extends object ? WithOptionalTheme<
69 | MakeAttrsOptional<C, O, A> & MakeAttrsOptional<FAsC, O, A>,
70 | T
71 | >
72 | : never;
73 |
74 | type StyledComponentPropsWithAs<
75 | C extends string | React.ComponentType<any>,
76 | T extends object,
77 | O extends object,
78 | A extends keyof any,
79 | AsC extends string | React.ComponentType<any> = C,
80 | FAsC extends string | React.ComponentType<any> = C,
81 | > = StyledComponentProps<C, T, O, A, FAsC> & { as?: AsC | undefined; forwardedAs?: FAsC | undefined };
82 |
83 | export type FalseyValue = undefined | null | false;
84 | export type Interpolation<P> = InterpolationValue | InterpolationFunction<P> | FlattenInterpolation<P>;
85 |
86 |
87 | export type FlattenInterpolation<P> = ReadonlyArray<Interpolation<P>>;
88 | export type InterpolationValue = string | number | FalseyValue | Keyframes | StyledComponentInterpolation | CSSObject;
89 | export type SimpleInterpolation = InterpolationValue | FlattenSimpleInterpolation;
90 | export type FlattenSimpleInterpolation = readonly SimpleInterpolation[];
91 |
92 | export type InterpolationFunction<P> = (props: P) => Interpolation<P>;
93 |
94 | type Attrs<P, A extends Partial<P>, T> = ((props: ThemedStyledProps<P, T>) => A) | A;
95 |
96 | export type ThemedGlobalStyledClassProps<P extends { theme?: T | undefined }, T> = WithOptionalTheme<P, T> & {
97 | suppressMultiMountWarning?: boolean | undefined;
98 | };
99 |
100 | export interface GlobalStyleComponent<P extends { theme?: T | undefined }, T>
101 | extends React.ComponentClass<ThemedGlobalStyledClassProps<P, T>>
102 | {}
103 |
104 | // remove the call signature from StyledComponent so Interpolation can still infer InterpolationFunction
105 | type StyledComponentInterpolation =
106 | | PickU<StyledComponentBase<any, any, any, any>, keyof StyledComponentBase<any, any>>
107 | | PickU<StyledComponentBase<any, any, any>, keyof StyledComponentBase<any, any>>;
108 |
109 | // abuse Pick to strip the call signature from ForwardRefExoticComponent
110 | type ForwardRefExoticBase<P> = PickU<React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<P>, keyof React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<any>>;
111 |
112 | // Config to be used with withConfig
113 | export interface StyledConfig<O extends object = {}> {
114 | // TODO: Add all types from the original StyledComponentWrapperProperties
115 | componentId?: string;
116 | displayName?: string;
117 | shouldForwardProp?: ((prop: keyof O, defaultValidatorFn: (prop: keyof O) => boolean) => boolean) | undefined;
118 | }
119 |
120 | // extracts React defaultProps
121 | type ReactDefaultProps<C> = C extends { defaultProps: infer D } ? D : never;
122 |
123 | // any doesn't count as assignable to never in the extends clause, and we default A to never
124 | export type AnyStyledComponent = StyledComponent<any, any, any, any> | StyledComponent<any, any, any>;
125 |
126 | export type StyledComponent<
127 | C extends keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements | React.ComponentType<any>,
128 | T extends object,
129 | O extends object = {},
130 | A extends keyof any = never,
131 | > = // the "string" allows this to be used as an object key
132 | // I really want to avoid this if possible but it's the only way to use nesting with object styles...
133 | & string
134 | & StyledComponentBase<C, T, O, A>
135 | & hoistNonReactStatics.NonReactStatics<C extends React.ComponentType<any> ? C : never>;
136 |
137 | export interface StyledComponentBase<
138 | C extends string | React.ComponentType<any>,
139 | T extends object,
140 | O extends object = {},
141 | A extends keyof any = never,
142 | > extends ForwardRefExoticBase<StyledComponentProps<C, T, O, A>> {
143 | // add our own fake call signature to implement the polymorphic 'as' prop
144 | (
145 | props: StyledComponentProps<C, T, O, A> & { as?: never | undefined; forwardedAs?: never | undefined },
146 | ): React.ReactElement<
147 | StyledComponentProps<C, T, O, A>
148 | >;
149 | <AsC extends string | React.ComponentType<any> = C, FAsC extends string | React.ComponentType<any> = AsC>(
150 | props: StyledComponentPropsWithAs<AsC, T, O, A, AsC, FAsC>,
151 | ): React.ReactElement<StyledComponentPropsWithAs<AsC, T, O, A, AsC, FAsC>>;
152 |
153 | withComponent<WithC extends AnyStyledComponent>(
154 | component: WithC,
155 | ): StyledComponent<
156 | StyledComponentInnerComponent<WithC>,
157 | T,
158 | O & StyledComponentInnerOtherProps<WithC>,
159 | A | StyledComponentInnerAttrs<WithC>
160 | >;
161 | withComponent<WithC extends keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements | React.ComponentType<any>>(
162 | component: WithC,
163 | ): StyledComponent<WithC, T, O, A>;
164 | }
165 |
166 | export interface ThemedStyledFunctionBase<
167 | C extends keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements | React.ComponentType<any>,
168 | T extends object,
169 | O extends object = {},
170 | A extends keyof any = never,
171 | > {
172 | (first: TemplateStringsArray): StyledComponent<C, T, O, A>;
173 | (
174 | first:
175 | | TemplateStringsArray
176 | | CSSObject
177 | | InterpolationFunction<ThemedStyledProps<StyledComponentPropsWithRef<C> & O, T>>,
178 | ...rest: Array<Interpolation<ThemedStyledProps<StyledComponentPropsWithRef<C> & O, T>>>
179 | ): StyledComponent<C, T, O, A>;
180 | <U extends object>(
181 | first:
182 | | TemplateStringsArray
183 | | CSSObject
184 | | InterpolationFunction<ThemedStyledProps<StyledComponentPropsWithRef<C> & O & U, T>>,
185 | ...rest: Array<Interpolation<ThemedStyledProps<StyledComponentPropsWithRef<C> & O & U, T>>>
186 | ): StyledComponent<C, T, O & U, A>;
187 | }
188 |
189 | export interface ThemedStyledFunction<
190 | C extends keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements | React.ComponentType<any>,
191 | T extends object,
192 | O extends object = {},
193 | A extends keyof any = never,
194 | > extends ThemedStyledFunctionBase<C, T, O, A> {
195 | // Fun thing: 'attrs' can also provide a polymorphic 'as' prop
196 | // My head already hurts enough so maybe later...
197 | attrs<
198 | U,
199 | NewA extends Partial<StyledComponentPropsWithRef<C> & U> & {
200 | [others: string]: any;
201 | } = {},
202 | >(
203 | attrs: Attrs<StyledComponentPropsWithRef<C> & U, NewA, T>,
204 | ): ThemedStyledFunction<C, T, O & NewA, A | keyof NewA>;
205 |
206 | withConfig: <Props extends O = O>(
207 | config: StyledConfig<StyledComponentPropsWithRef<C> & Props>,
208 | ) => ThemedStyledFunction<C, T, Props, A>;
209 | }
210 |
211 | export type StyledFunction<C extends keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements | React.ComponentType<any>> = ThemedStyledFunction<
212 | C,
213 | any
214 | >;
215 |
216 | type ThemedStyledComponentFactories<T extends object> = {
217 | [TTag in keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements]: ThemedStyledFunction<TTag, T>;
218 | };
219 |
220 | export type StyledComponentInnerComponent<C extends React.ComponentType<any>> = C extends StyledComponent<
221 | infer I,
222 | any,
223 | any,
224 | any
225 | > ? I
226 | : C extends StyledComponent<infer I, any, any> ? I
227 | : C;
228 | export type StyledComponentPropsWithRef<
229 | C extends keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements | React.ComponentType<any>,
230 | > = C extends AnyStyledComponent ? React.ComponentPropsWithRef<StyledComponentInnerComponent<C>>
231 | : React.ComponentPropsWithRef<C>;
232 | export type StyledComponentInnerOtherProps<C extends AnyStyledComponent> = C extends StyledComponent<
233 | any,
234 | any,
235 | infer O,
236 | any
237 | > ? O
238 | : C extends StyledComponent<any, any, infer O> ? O
239 | : never;
240 | export type StyledComponentInnerAttrs<C extends AnyStyledComponent> = C extends StyledComponent<any, any, any, infer A>
241 | ? A
242 | : never;
243 |
244 | export interface ThemedBaseStyledInterface<T extends object> extends ThemedStyledComponentFactories<T> {
245 | <C extends AnyStyledComponent>(component: C): ThemedStyledFunction<
246 | StyledComponentInnerComponent<C>,
247 | T,
248 | StyledComponentInnerOtherProps<C>,
249 | StyledComponentInnerAttrs<C>
250 | >;
251 | <C extends keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements | React.ComponentType<any>>(
252 |
253 |
254 | component: C,
255 | ): ThemedStyledFunction<C, T>;
256 | }
257 |
258 | export type ThemedStyledInterface<T extends object> = ThemedBaseStyledInterface<AnyIfEmpty<T>>;
259 | export type StyledInterface = ThemedStyledInterface<DefaultTheme>;
260 |
261 | export interface BaseThemedCssFunction<T extends object> {
262 | (first: TemplateStringsArray | CSSObject, ...interpolations: SimpleInterpolation[]): FlattenSimpleInterpolation;
263 | (
264 | first: TemplateStringsArray | CSSObject | InterpolationFunction<ThemedStyledProps<{}, T>>,
265 | ...interpolations: Array<Interpolation<ThemedStyledProps<{}, T>>>
266 | ): FlattenInterpolation<ThemedStyledProps<{}, T>>;
267 | <P extends object>(
268 | first: TemplateStringsArray | CSSObject | InterpolationFunction<ThemedStyledProps<P, T>>,
269 | ...interpolations: Array<Interpolation<ThemedStyledProps<P, T>>>
270 | ): FlattenInterpolation<ThemedStyledProps<P, T>>;
271 | }
272 |
273 | export type ThemedCssFunction<T extends object> = BaseThemedCssFunction<AnyIfEmpty<T>>;
274 |
275 |
276 |
277 | export type PickU<T, K extends keyof T> = T extends any ? { [P in K]: T[P] } : never;
278 | export type OmitU<T, K extends keyof T> = T extends any ? PickU<T, Exclude<keyof T, K>> : never;
279 | type WithOptionalTheme<P extends { theme?: T | undefined }, T> = OmitU<P, "theme"> & {
280 | theme?: T | undefined;
281 | };
282 | type AnyIfEmpty<T extends object> = keyof T extends never ? any : T;
283 |
284 | export interface ThemedStyledComponentsModule<T extends object, U extends object = T> {
285 | default: ThemedStyledInterface<T>;
286 |
287 | css: ThemedCssFunction<T>;
288 |
289 |
290 | keyframes: (strings: TemplateStringsArray | CSSKeyframes, ...interpolations: SimpleInterpolation[]) => Keyframes;
291 |
292 | createGlobalStyle: <P extends object = {}>(
293 | first: TemplateStringsArray | CSSObject | InterpolationFunction<ThemedStyledProps<P, T>>,
294 | ...interpolations: Array<Interpolation<ThemedStyledProps<P, T>>>
295 | ) => GlobalStyleComponent<P, T>;
296 |
297 | withTheme: BaseWithThemeFnInterface<T>;
298 | ThemeProvider: BaseThemeProviderComponent<T, U>;
299 | ThemeConsumer: React.Consumer<T>;
300 | ThemeContext: React.Context<T>;
301 | useTheme(): T;
302 |
303 |
304 | isStyledComponent: typeof isStyledComponent;
305 |
306 | ServerStyleSheet: typeof ServerStyleSheet;
307 | StyleSheetManager: typeof StyleSheetManager;
308 | }
309 |
310 | declare const styled: StyledInterface;
311 |
312 | export const css: ThemedCssFunction<DefaultTheme>;
313 |
314 | export type BaseWithThemeFnInterface<T extends object> = <C extends React.ComponentType<any>>(
315 |
316 |
317 | component: React.ComponentProps<C> extends { theme?: T | undefined } ? C : never,
318 | ) => React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<
319 | WithOptionalTheme<JSX.LibraryManagedAttributes<C, React.ComponentPropsWithRef<C>>, T>
320 | >;
321 | export type WithThemeFnInterface<T extends object> = BaseWithThemeFnInterface<AnyIfEmpty<T>>;
322 | export const withTheme: WithThemeFnInterface<DefaultTheme>;
323 |
324 | export function useTheme(): DefaultTheme;
325 |
326 |
327 |
328 |
329 |
330 |
331 |
332 |
333 | export interface DefaultTheme {}
334 |
335 | export interface ThemeProviderProps<T extends object, U extends object = T> {
336 | children?: React.ReactNode | undefined;
337 | theme: T | ((theme: U) => T);
338 | }
339 | export type BaseThemeProviderComponent<T extends object, U extends object = T> = React.ComponentClass<
340 | ThemeProviderProps<T, U>
341 | >;
342 | export type ThemeProviderComponent<T extends object, U extends object = T> = BaseThemeProviderComponent<
343 | AnyIfEmpty<T>,
344 | AnyIfEmpty<U>
345 | >;
346 | export const ThemeProvider: ThemeProviderComponent<AnyIfEmpty<DefaultTheme>>;
347 | // NOTE: this technically starts as undefined, but allowing undefined is unhelpful when used correctly
348 | export const ThemeContext: React.Context<AnyIfEmpty<DefaultTheme>>;
349 | export const ThemeConsumer: typeof ThemeContext["Consumer"];
350 |
351 | export interface Keyframes {
352 | getName(): string;
353 | }
354 |
355 | export function keyframes(
356 | strings: TemplateStringsArray | CSSKeyframes,
357 | ...interpolations: SimpleInterpolation[]
358 | ): Keyframes;
359 |
360 | export function createGlobalStyle<P extends object = {}>(
361 | first: TemplateStringsArray | CSSObject | InterpolationFunction<ThemedStyledProps<P, DefaultTheme>>,
362 | ...interpolations: Array<Interpolation<ThemedStyledProps<P, DefaultTheme>>>
363 | ): GlobalStyleComponent<P, DefaultTheme>;
364 |
365 | export function isStyledComponent(target: any): target is StyledComponent<any, any>;
366 |
367 | export class ServerStyleSheet {
368 | collectStyles(tree: React.ReactNode): React.ReactElement<{ sheet: ServerStyleSheet }>;
369 |
370 | getStyleTags(): string;
371 | getStyleElement(): Array<React.ReactElement<{}>>;
372 | interleaveWithNodeStream(readableStream: NodeJS.ReadableStream): NodeJS.ReadableStream;
373 | readonly instance: this;
374 | seal(): void;
375 | clearTag(): void;
376 | }
377 |
378 | export type StylisPlugin = (
379 | context: number,
380 | selector: string[],
381 | parent: string[],
382 | content: string,
383 | line: number,
384 | column: number,
385 | length: number,
386 |
387 | ) => string | void;
388 |
389 | export interface StyleSheetManagerProps {
390 | children?: React.ReactNode;
391 | disableCSSOMInjection?: boolean | undefined;
392 | disableVendorPrefixes?: boolean | undefined;
393 | stylisPlugins?: StylisPlugin[] | undefined;
394 | sheet?: ServerStyleSheet | undefined;
395 | target?: HTMLElement | ShadowRoot | undefined;
396 | }
397 |
398 | export class StyleSheetManager extends React.Component<StyleSheetManagerProps> {}
399 |
400 |
401 |
402 |
403 |
404 |
405 |
406 |
407 |
408 |
409 |
410 |
411 |
412 |
413 |
414 |
415 |
416 |
417 |
418 |
419 |
420 |
421 |
422 |
423 |
424 |
425 |
426 |
427 | export type CSSProp<T = AnyIfEmpty<DefaultTheme>> = string | CSSObject | FlattenInterpolation<ThemeProps<T>>;
428 |
429 | export default styled;