1 | /**
2 | * A class containing utility functions for images.
3 | * @see {@link https://threejs.org/docs/index.html#api/en/extras/ImageUtils | Official Documentation}
4 | * @see {@link https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/master/src/extras/ImageUtils.js | Source}
5 | */
6 | declare class ImageUtils {
7 | /**
8 | * Returns a data URI containing a representation of the given image.
9 | * @param image The image object.
10 | */
11 | static getDataURL(
12 | image: HTMLImageElement | HTMLCanvasElement | CanvasImageSource | ImageBitmap | ImageData,
13 | ): string;
14 |
15 | /**
16 | * Converts the given sRGB image data to linear color space.
17 | * @param image
18 | */
19 | static sRGBToLinear(image: HTMLImageElement | HTMLCanvasElement | ImageBitmap): HTMLCanvasElement;
20 |
21 | /**
22 | * Converts the given sRGB image data to linear color space.
23 | * @param image
24 | */
25 | static sRGBToLinear(image: ImageData): {
26 | data: ImageData["data"];
27 | width: ImageData["width"];
28 | height: ImageData["height"];
29 | };
30 | }
31 |
32 | export { ImageUtils };