1 | import { Vector2 } from "../../math/Vector2.js";
2 | import { Curve } from "../core/Curve.js";
3 |
4 | /**
5 | * Creates a 2d curve in the shape of an ellipse
6 | * @remarks
7 | * Setting the {@link xRadius} equal to the {@link yRadius} will result in a circle.
8 | * @example
9 | * ```typescript
10 | * const curve = new THREE.EllipseCurve(
11 | * 0, 0, // ax, aY
12 | * 10, 10, // xRadius, yRadius
13 | * 0, 2 * Math.PI, // aStartAngle, aEndAngle
14 | * false, // aClockwise
15 | * 0 // aRotation
16 | * );
17 | * const points = curve.getPoints(50);
18 | * const geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry().setFromPoints(points);
19 | * const material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({ color: 0xff0000 });
20 | * // Create the final object to add to the scene
21 | * const ellipse = new THREE.Line(geometry, material);
22 | * ```
23 | * @see {@link https://threejs.org/docs/index.html#api/en/extras/curves/EllipseCurve | Official Documentation}
24 | * @see {@link https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/master/src/extras/curves/EllipseCurve.js | Source}
25 | */
26 | export class EllipseCurve extends Curve<Vector2> {
27 | /**
28 | * This constructor creates a new {@link EllipseCurve}.
29 | * @param aX The X center of the ellipse. Expects a `Float`. Default is `0`.
30 | * @param aY The Y center of the ellipse. Expects a `Float`. Default is `0`.
31 | * @param xRadius The radius of the ellipse in the x direction. Expects a `Float`. Default is `1`.
32 | * @param yRadius The radius of the ellipse in the y direction. Expects a `Float`. Default is `1`.
33 | * @param aStartAngle The start angle of the curve in radians starting from the positive X axis. Default is `0`.
34 | * @param aEndAngle The end angle of the curve in radians starting from the positive X axis. Default is `2 x Math.PI`.
35 | * @param aClockwise Whether the ellipse is drawn clockwise. Default is `false`.
36 | * @param aRotation The rotation angle of the ellipse in radians, counterclockwise from the positive X axis. Default is `0`.
37 | */
38 | constructor(
39 | aX?: number,
40 | aY?: number,
41 | xRadius?: number,
42 | yRadius?: number,
43 | aStartAngle?: number,
44 | aEndAngle?: number,
45 | aClockwise?: boolean,
46 | aRotation?: number,
47 | );
48 |
49 | /**
50 | * Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type { EllipseCurve}.
51 | * This is a _constant_ value
52 | * `true`
53 | */
54 | readonly isEllipseCurve = true;
55 |
56 | /**
57 | * A Read-only _string_ to check if `this` object type.
58 | * @remarks Sub-classes will update this value.
59 | * @defaultValue `EllipseCurve`
60 | */
61 | override readonly type: string | "EllipseCurve";
62 |
63 | /**
64 | * The X center of the ellipse.
65 | * @remarks Expects a `Float`
66 | * @defaultValue `0`
67 | */
68 | aX: number;
69 |
70 | /**
71 | * The Y center of the ellipse.
72 | * @remarks Expects a `Float`
73 | * @defaultValue `0`
74 | */
75 | aY: number;
76 |
77 | /**
78 | * The radius of the ellipse in the x direction.
79 | * @defaultValue `1`
80 | */
81 | xRadius: number;
82 |
83 | /**
84 | * The radius of the ellipse in the y direction.
85 | * @defaultValue `1`
86 | */
87 | yRadius: number;
88 |
89 | /**
90 | * The start angle of the curve in radians starting from the middle right side.
91 | * @remarks Expects a `Float`
92 | * @defaultValue `0`
93 | */
94 | aStartAngle: number;
95 |
96 | /**
97 | * The end angle of the curve in radians starting from the middle right side.
98 | * @remarks Expects a `Float`
99 | * @defaultValue `2 * Math.PI`
100 | */
101 | aEndAngle: number;
102 |
103 | /**
104 | * Whether the ellipse is drawn clockwise.
105 | * @defaultValue `false``
106 | */
107 | aClockwise: boolean;
108 |
109 | /**
110 | * The rotation angle of the ellipse in radians, counterclockwise from the positive X axis (optional).
111 | * @remarks Expects a `Float`
112 | * @defaultValue `0`
113 | */
114 | aRotation: number;
115 | }