1 |
2 |
3 | import { Matrix4 } from "./Matrix4.js";
4 | import { Vector2 } from "./Vector2.js";
5 | import { Vector3 } from "./Vector3.js";
6 |
7 | export type Matrix3Tuple = [
8 | n11: number,
9 | n12: number,
10 | n13: number,
11 | n21: number,
12 | n22: number,
13 | n23: number,
14 | n31: number,
15 | n32: number,
16 | n33: number,
17 | ];
18 |
19 | export class Matrix3 {
20 | readonly isMatrix3: true;
21 |
22 | |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 | elements: Matrix3Tuple;
27 |
28 | |
29 |
30 |
31 | constructor();
32 | /**
33 | * Creates a 3x3 matrix with the given arguments in row-major order.
34 | */
35 | constructor(
36 | n11: number,
37 | n12: number,
38 | n13: number,
39 | n21: number,
40 | n22: number,
41 | n23: number,
42 | n31: number,
43 | n32: number,
44 | n33: number,
45 | );
46 |
47 | set(
48 | n11: number,
49 | n12: number,
50 | n13: number,
51 | n21: number,
52 | n22: number,
53 | n23: number,
54 | n31: number,
55 | n32: number,
56 | n33: number,
57 | ): Matrix3;
58 |
59 | identity(): this;
60 |
61 | copy(m: Matrix3): this;
62 |
63 | extractBasis(xAxis: Vector3, yAxis: Vector3, zAxis: Vector3): this;
64 |
65 | setFromMatrix4(m: Matrix4): Matrix3;
66 |
67 | /**
68 | * Multiplies this matrix by m.
69 | */
70 | multiply(m: Matrix3): this;
71 |
72 | premultiply(m: Matrix3): this;
73 |
74 | /**
75 | * Sets this matrix to a x b.
76 | */
77 | multiplyMatrices(a: Matrix3, b: Matrix3): this;
78 |
79 | multiplyScalar(s: number): this;
80 |
81 | determinant(): number;
82 |
83 | /**
84 | * Inverts this matrix in place.
85 | */
86 | invert(): this;
87 |
88 | /**
89 | * Transposes this matrix in place.
90 | */
91 | transpose(): this;
92 |
93 | getNormalMatrix(matrix4: Matrix4): this;
94 |
95 | /**
96 | * Transposes this matrix into the supplied array r, and returns itself.
97 | */
98 | transposeIntoArray(r: number[]): this;
99 |
100 | setUvTransform(tx: number, ty: number, sx: number, sy: number, rotation: number, cx: number, cy: number): this;
101 |
102 | scale(sx: number, sy: number): this;
103 |
104 | rotate(theta: number): this;
105 |
106 | translate(tx: number, ty: number): this;
107 |
108 | /**
109 | * Sets this matrix as a 2D translation transform:
110 | *
111 | * ```
112 | * 1, 0, x,
113 | * 0, 1, y,
114 | * 0, 0, 1
115 | * ```
116 | *
117 | * @param v the amount to translate.
118 | */
119 | makeTranslation(v: Vector2): this;
120 | /**
121 | * Sets this matrix as a 2D translation transform:
122 | *
123 | * ```
124 | * 1, 0, x,
125 | * 0, 1, y,
126 | * 0, 0, 1
127 | * ```
128 | *
129 | * @param x the amount to translate in the X axis.
130 | * @param y the amount to translate in the Y axis.
131 | */
132 | makeTranslation(x: number, y: number): this;
133 |
134 | /**
135 | * Sets this matrix as a 2D rotational transformation by theta radians. The resulting matrix will be:
136 | *
137 | * ```
138 | * cos(θ) -sin(θ) 0
139 | * sin(θ) cos(θ) 0
140 | * 0 0 1
141 | * ```
142 | *
143 | * @param theta Rotation angle in radians. Positive values rotate counterclockwise.
144 | */
145 | makeRotation(theta: number): this;
146 |
147 | /**
148 | * Sets this matrix as a 2D scale transform:
149 | *
150 | * ```
151 | * x, 0, 0,
152 | * 0, y, 0,
153 | * 0, 0, 1
154 | * ```
155 | *
156 | * @param x the amount to scale in the X axis.
157 | * @param y the amount to scale in the Y axis.
158 | */
159 | makeScale(x: number, y: number): this;
160 |
161 | equals(matrix: Matrix3): boolean;
162 |
163 | /**
164 | * Sets the values of this matrix from the provided array or array-like.
165 | * @param array the source array or array-like.
166 | * @param offset (optional) offset into the array-like. Default is 0.
167 | */
168 | fromArray(array: ArrayLike<number>, offset?: number): this;
169 |
170 | /**
171 | * Writes the elements of this matrix to an array in
172 | * {@link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Row-_and_column-major_order#Column-major_order column-major} format.
173 | */
174 | toArray(): Matrix3Tuple;
175 | /**
176 | * Writes the elements of this matrix to an array in
177 | * {@link https:
178 | * @param array array to store the resulting vector in. If not given a new array will be created.
179 | * @param offset (optional) offset in the array at which to put the result.
180 | */
181 | toArray<TArray extends ArrayLike<number>>(array: TArray, offset?: number): TArray;
182 |
183 | clone(): this;
184 | }