1 | import { Vector3 } from "./Vector3.js";
2 |
3 | export class SphericalHarmonics3 {
4 | constructor();
5 |
6 | /**
7 | * @default [new THREE.Vector3(), new THREE.Vector3(), new THREE.Vector3(), new THREE.Vector3(),
8 | * new THREE.Vector3(), new THREE.Vector3(), new THREE.Vector3(), new THREE.Vector3(), new THREE.Vector3()]
9 | */
10 | coefficients: Vector3[];
11 | readonly isSphericalHarmonics3: true;
12 |
13 | set(coefficients: Vector3[]): SphericalHarmonics3;
14 | zero(): SphericalHarmonics3;
15 | add(sh: SphericalHarmonics3): SphericalHarmonics3;
16 | addScaledSH(sh: SphericalHarmonics3, s: number): SphericalHarmonics3;
17 | scale(s: number): SphericalHarmonics3;
18 | lerp(sh: SphericalHarmonics3, alpha: number): SphericalHarmonics3;
19 | equals(sh: SphericalHarmonics3): boolean;
20 | copy(sh: SphericalHarmonics3): SphericalHarmonics3;
21 | clone(): this;
22 |
23 | /**
24 | * Sets the values of this spherical harmonics from the provided array or array-like.
25 | * @param array the source array or array-like.
26 | * @param offset (optional) offset into the array. Default is 0.
27 | */
28 | fromArray(array: number[] | ArrayLike<number>, offset?: number): this;
29 |
30 | /**
31 | * Returns an array with the values of this spherical harmonics, or copies them into the provided array.
32 | * @param array (optional) array to store the spherical harmonics to. If this is not provided, a new array will be created.
33 | * @param offset (optional) optional offset into the array.
34 | * @return The created or provided array.
35 | */
36 | toArray(array?: number[], offset?: number): number[];
37 |
38 | /**
39 | * Returns an array with the values of this spherical harmonics, or copies them into the provided array-like.
40 | * @param array array-like to store the spherical harmonics to.
41 | * @param offset (optional) optional offset into the array-like.
42 | * @return The provided array-like.
43 | */
44 | toArray(array: ArrayLike<number>, offset?: number): ArrayLike<number>;
45 |
46 | getAt(normal: Vector3, target: Vector3): Vector3;
47 | getIrradianceAt(normal: Vector3, target: Vector3): Vector3;
48 |
49 | static getBasisAt(normal: Vector3, shBasis: number[]): void;
50 | }