1 | import { Camera } from "../cameras/Camera.js";
2 | import { BufferGeometry } from "../core/BufferGeometry.js";
3 | import { Material } from "../materials/Material.js";
4 | import { Box3 } from "../math/Box3.js";
5 | import { Color } from "../math/Color.js";
6 | import { Matrix4 } from "../math/Matrix4.js";
7 | import { Sphere } from "../math/Sphere.js";
8 | import { Mesh } from "./Mesh.js";
9 |
10 | export interface BatchedMeshGeometryRange {
11 | vertexStart: number;
12 | vertexCount: number;
13 | reservedVertexCount: number;
14 | indexStart: number;
15 | indexCount: number;
16 | reservedIndexCount: number;
17 | start: number;
18 | count: number;
19 | }
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58 | declare class BatchedMesh extends Mesh<BufferGeometry, Material> {
59 | |
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64 | boundingBox: Box3 | null;
65 |
66 | |
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70 |
71 | boundingSphere: Sphere | null;
72 |
73 | customSort: ((this: this, list: Array<{ start: number; count: number; z: number }>, camera: Camera) => void) | null;
74 |
75 | /**
76 | * If true then the individual objects within the {@link BatchedMesh} are frustum culled.
77 | * @default true
78 | */
79 | perObjectFrustumCulled: boolean;
80 |
81 | /**
82 | * If true then the individual objects within the {@link BatchedMesh} are sorted to improve overdraw-related
83 | * artifacts. If the material is marked as "transparent" objects are rendered back to front and if not then they are
84 | * rendered front to back.
85 | * @default true
86 | */
87 | sortObjects: boolean;
88 |
89 | /**
90 | * The maximum number of individual geometries that can be stored in the {@link BatchedMesh}. Read only.
91 | */
92 | get maxInstanceCount(): number;
93 |
94 | get instanceCount(): number;
95 |
96 | get unusedVertexCount(): number;
97 |
98 | get unusedIndexCount(): number;
99 |
100 | /**
101 | * Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type {@link BatchedMesh}.
102 | */
103 | readonly isBatchedMesh: true;
104 |
105 | /**
106 | * @param maxInstanceCount the max number of individual geometries planned to be added.
107 | * @param maxVertexCount the max number of vertices to be used by all geometries.
108 | * @param maxIndexCount the max number of indices to be used by all geometries.
109 | * @param material an instance of {@link Material}. Default is a new {@link MeshBasicMaterial}.
110 | */
111 | constructor(maxInstanceCount: number, maxVertexCount: number, maxIndexCount?: number, material?: Material);
112 |
113 | /**
114 | * Computes the bounding box, updating {@link .boundingBox} attribute.
115 | * Bounding boxes aren't computed by default. They need to be explicitly computed, otherwise they are `null`.
116 | */
117 | computeBoundingBox(): void;
118 |
119 | /**
120 | * Computes the bounding sphere, updating {@link .boundingSphere} attribute.
121 | * Bounding spheres aren't computed by default. They need to be explicitly computed, otherwise they are `null`.
122 | */
123 | computeBoundingSphere(): void;
124 |
125 | /**
126 | * Frees the GPU-related resources allocated by this instance. Call this method whenever this instance is no longer
127 | * used in your app.
128 | */
129 | dispose(): this;
130 |
131 | /**
132 | * Takes a sort a function that is run before render. The function takes a list of instances to sort and a camera.
133 | * The objects in the list include a "z" field to perform a depth-ordered sort with.
134 | */
135 | setCustomSort(
136 | sortFunction:
137 | | ((this: this, list: Array<{ start: number; count: number; z: number }>, camera: Camera) => void)
138 | | null,
139 | ): this;
140 |
141 | /**
142 | * Get the color of the defined geometry.
143 | * @param instanceId The id of an instance to get the color of.
144 | * @param target The target object to copy the color in to.
145 | */
146 | getColorAt(instanceId: number, target: Color): void;
147 |
148 | /**
149 | * Get the local transformation matrix of the defined instance.
150 | * @param instanceId The id of an instance to get the matrix of.
151 | * @param target This 4x4 matrix will be set to the local transformation matrix of the defined instance.
152 | */
153 | getMatrixAt(instanceId: number, target: Matrix4): Matrix4;
154 |
155 | /**
156 | * Get whether the given instance is marked as "visible" or not.
157 | * @param instanceId The id of an instance to get the visibility state of.
158 | */
159 | getVisibleAt(instanceId: number): boolean;
160 |
161 | /**
162 | * Get the range representing the subset of triangles related to the attached geometry, indicating the starting
163 | * offset and count, or `null` if invalid.
164 | *
165 | * Return an object of the form: { start: Integer, count: Integer }
166 | * @param geometryId The id of the geometry to get the range of.
167 | * @param target Optional target object to copy the range in to.
168 | */
169 | getGeometryRangeAt(
170 | geometryId: number,
171 | target?: BatchedMeshGeometryRange,
172 | ): BatchedMeshGeometryRange | null;
173 |
174 | /**
175 | * Get the geometryIndex of the defined instance.
176 | * @param instanceId The id of an instance to get the geometryIndex of.
177 | */
178 | getGeometryIdAt(instanceId: number): number;
179 |
180 | /**
181 | * Sets the given color to the defined geometry instance.
182 | * @param instanceId The id of the instance to set the color of.
183 | * @param color The color to set the instance to.
184 | */
185 | setColorAt(instanceId: number, color: Color): void;
186 |
187 | /**
188 | * Sets the given local transformation matrix to the defined instance.
189 | * @param instanceId The id of an instance to set the matrix of.
190 | * @param matrix A 4x4 matrix representing the local transformation of a single instance.
191 | */
192 | setMatrixAt(instanceId: number, matrix: Matrix4): this;
193 |
194 | /**
195 | * Sets the visibility of the instance at the given index.
196 | * @param instanceId The id of the instance to set the visibility of.
197 | * @param visible A boolean value indicating the visibility state.
198 | */
199 | setVisibleAt(instanceId: number, visible: boolean): this;
200 |
201 | /**
202 | * Sets the geometryIndex of the instance at the given index.
203 | * @param instanceId The id of the instance to set the geometryIndex of.
204 | * @param geometryId The geometryIndex to be use by the instance.
205 | */
206 | setGeometryIdAt(instanceId: number, geometryId: number): this;
207 |
208 | /**
209 | * Adds the given geometry to the {@link BatchedMesh} and returns the associated index referring to it.
210 | * @param geometry The geometry to add into the {@link BatchedMesh}.
211 | * @param reservedVertexRange Optional parameter specifying the amount of vertex buffer space to reserve for the
212 | * added geometry. This is necessary if it is planned to set a new geometry at this index at a later time that is
213 | * larger than the original geometry. Defaults to the length of the given geometry vertex buffer.
214 | * @param reservedIndexRange Optional parameter specifying the amount of index buffer space to reserve for the added
215 | * geometry. This is necessary if it is planned to set a new geometry at this index at a later time that is larger
216 | * than the original geometry. Defaults to the length of the given geometry index buffer.
217 | */
218 | addGeometry(geometry: BufferGeometry, reservedVertexRange?: number, reservedIndexRange?: number): number;
219 |
220 | /**
221 | * Adds a new instance to the {@link BatchedMesh} using the geometry of the given geometryId and returns a new id
222 | * referring to the new instance to be used by other functions.
223 | * @param geometryId The id of a previously added geometry via "addGeometry" to add into the {@link BatchedMesh} to
224 | * render.
225 | */
226 | addInstance(geometryId: number): number;
227 |
228 | /**
229 | * @param geometryId The id of a geometry to remove from the [name] that was previously added via "addGeometry". Any
230 | * instances referencing this geometry will also be removed as a side effect.
231 | */
232 | deleteGeometry(geometryId: number): this;
233 |
234 | /**
235 | * Removes an existing instance from the BatchedMesh using the given instanceId.
236 | * @param instanceId The id of an instance to remove from the BatchedMesh that was previously added via
237 | * "addInstance".
238 | */
239 | deleteInstance(instanceId: number): this;
240 |
241 | /**
242 | * Replaces the geometry at `geometryId` with the provided geometry. Throws an error if there is not enough space
243 | * reserved for geometry. Calling this will change all instances that are rendering that geometry.
244 | * @param geometryId Which geometry id to replace with this geometry.
245 | * @param geometry The geometry to substitute at the given geometry id.
246 | */
247 | setGeometryAt(geometryId: number, geometry: BufferGeometry): number;
248 |
249 | /**
250 | * Repacks the sub geometries in [name] to remove any unused space remaining from previously deleted geometry,
251 | * freeing up space to add new geometry.
252 | */
253 | optimize(): this;
254 |
255 | /**
256 | * Resizes the available space in BatchedMesh's vertex and index buffer attributes to the provided sizes. If the
257 | * provided arguments shrink the geometry buffers but there is not enough unused space at the end of the geometry
258 | * attributes then an error is thrown.
259 | * @param maxVertexCount the max number of vertices to be used by all unique geometries to resize to.
260 | * @param maxIndexCount the max number of indices to be used by all unique geometries to resize to.
261 | */
262 | setGeometrySize(maxVertexCount: number, maxIndexCount: number): void;
263 |
264 | /**
265 | * Resizes the necessary buffers to support the provided number of instances. If the provided arguments shrink the
266 | * number of instances but there are not enough unused ids at the end of the list then an error is thrown.
267 | * @param maxInstanceCount the max number of individual instances that can be added and rendered by the BatchedMesh.
268 | */
269 | setInstanceCount(maxInstanceCount: number): void;
270 |
271 | getBoundingBoxAt(geometryId: number, target: Box3): Box3 | null;
272 | getBoundingSphereAt(geometryId: number, target: Sphere): Sphere | null;
273 | }
274 |
275 | export { BatchedMesh };
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