3.23 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { MagnificationTextureFilter, MinificationTextureFilter, Wrapping } from "../constants.js";
2import { TextureImageData } from "./DataTexture.js";
3import { Texture } from "./Texture.js";
6 * Creates a three-dimensional texture from raw data, with parameters to divide it into width, height, and depth
7 * @example
8 * ```typescript
9 * This creates a[name] with repeating data, 0 to 255
10 * // create a buffer with some data
11 * const sizeX = 64;
12 * const sizeY = 64;
13 * const sizeZ = 64;
14 * const data = new Uint8Array(sizeX * sizeY * sizeZ);
15 * let i = 0;
16 * for (let z = 0; z & lt; sizeZ; z++) {
17 * for (let y = 0; y & lt; sizeY; y++) {
18 * for (let x = 0; x & lt; sizeX; x++) {
19 * data[i] = i % 256;
20 * i++;
21 * }
22 * }
23 * }
24 * // use the buffer to create the texture
25 * const texture = new THREE.Data3DTexture(data, sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ);
26 * texture.needsUpdate = true;
27 * ```
28 * @see Example: {@link https://threejs.org/examples/#webgl2_materials_texture3d | WebGL2 / materials / texture3d}
29 * @see Example: {@link https://threejs.org/examples/#webgl2_materials_texture3d_partialupdate | WebGL2 / materials / texture3d / partialupdate}
30 * @see Example: {@link https://threejs.org/examples/#webgl2_volume_cloud | WebGL2 / volume / cloud}
31 * @see Example: {@link https://threejs.org/examples/#webgl2_volume_perlin | WebGL2 / volume / perlin}
32 * @see {@link https://threejs.org/docs/index.html#api/en/textures/Data3DTexture | Official Documentation}
33 * @see {@link https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/master/src/textures/Data3DTexture.js | Source}
34 */
35export class Data3DTexture extends Texture {
36 /**
37 * Create a new instance of {@link Data3DTexture}
38 * @param data {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/ArrayBufferView | ArrayBufferView} of the texture. Default `null`.
39 * @param width Width of the texture. Default `1`.
40 * @param height Height of the texture. Default `1`.
41 * @param depth Depth of the texture. Default `1`.
42 */
43 constructor(data?: BufferSource | null, width?: number, height?: number, depth?: number);
45 /**
46 * Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type {@link Data3DTexture}.
47 * @remarks This is a _constant_ value
48 * @defaultValue `true`
49 */
50 readonly isData3DTexture: true;
52 /**
53 * Overridden with a record type holding data, width and height and depth.
54 * @override
55 */
56 get image(): Texture3DImageData;
57 set image(data: Texture3DImageData);
59 /**
60 * @override
61 * @defaultValue {@link THREE.NearestFilter}
62 */
63 magFilter: MagnificationTextureFilter;
65 /**
66 * @override
67 * @defaultValue {@link THREE.NearestFilter}
68 */
69 minFilter: MinificationTextureFilter;
71 /**
72 * @override
73 * @defaultValue {@link THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping}
74 */
75 wrapR: Wrapping;
77 /**
78 * @override
79 * @defaultValue `false`
80 */
81 flipY: boolean;
83 /**
84 * @override
85 * @defaultValue `false`
86 */
87 generateMipmaps: boolean;
89 /**
90 * @override
91 * @defaultValue `1`
92 */
93 unpackAlignment: number;
96export interface Texture3DImageData extends TextureImageData {
97 depth: number;