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1// Type definitions for UglifyJS 3.13
2// Project: https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS
3// Definitions by: Alan Agius <https://github.com/alan-agius4>
4// Tanguy Krotoff <https://github.com/tkrotoff>
5// John Reilly <https://github.com/johnnyreilly>
6// Piotr Błażejewicz <https://github.com/peterblazejewicz>
7// Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped
9import { RawSourceMap } from 'source-map';
10export interface ParseOptions {
11 /**
12 * Support top level `return` statements
13 * @default false
14 */
15 bare_returns?: boolean;
16 /** @default true */
17 html5_comments?: boolean;
18 /**
19 * Support `#!command` as the first line
20 * @default true
21 */
22 shebang?: boolean;
25export interface CompressOptions {
26 /**
27 * Replace `arguments[index]` with function parameter name whenever possible.
28 * @default true
29 */
30 arguments?: boolean;
31 /**
32 * Apply optimizations to assignment expressions
33 * @default ture
34 */
35 assignments?: boolean;
36 /**
37 * Various optimizations for boolean context, for example `!!a ? b : c → a ? b : c`
38 * @default true
39 */
40 booleans?: boolean;
41 /**
42 * Collapse single-use non-constant variables, side effects permitting.
43 * @default true
44 */
45 collapse_vars?: boolean;
46 /**
47 * Apply certain optimizations to binary nodes, e.g. `!(a <= b) → a > b,` attempts to negate binary nodes, e.g. `a = !b && !c && !d && !e → a=!(b||c||d||e)` etc
48 * @default true
49 */
50 comparisons?: boolean;
51 /**
52 * Apply optimizations for `if-s` and conditional expressions.
53 * @default true
54 */
55 conditionals?: boolean;
56 /**
57 * Remove unreachable code
58 * @default true
59 */
60 dead_code?: boolean;
61 /**
62 * remove redundant or non-standard directives
63 * @default true
64 */
65 directives?: boolean;
66 /**
67 * Pass `true` to discard calls to console.* functions.
68 * If you wish to drop a specific function call such as `console.info` and/or retain side effects from function
69 * arguments after dropping the function call then use `pure_funcs` instead.
70 * @default true
71 */
72 drop_console?: boolean;
73 /**
74 * Remove `debugger;` statements
75 * @default true
76 */
77 drop_debugger?: boolean;
78 /**
79 * Attempt to evaluate constant expressions
80 * @default true
81 */
82 evaluate?: boolean;
83 /**
84 * Pass `true` to preserve completion values from terminal statements without `return`, e.g. in bookmarklets.
85 * @default false
86 */
87 expression?: boolean;
88 /**
89 * convert declarations from varto function whenever possible
90 * @default true
91 */
92 functions?: boolean;
93 /**
94 * @default {}
95 */
96 global_defs?: object;
97 /**
98 * hoist function declarations
99 * @default false
100 */
102 /**
103 * hoist `export` statements to facilitate various `compress` and `mangle` optimizations.
104 * @default true
105 */
106 hoist_exports?: boolean;
107 hoist_funs?: boolean;
108 /**
109 * Hoist properties from constant object and array literals into regular variables subject to a set of constraints.
110 * For example: `var o={p:1, q:2}; f(o.p, o.q);` is converted to `f(1, 2);`. Note: `hoist_props` works best with mangle enabled,
111 * the compress option passes set to 2 or higher, and the compress option toplevel enabled.
112 * @default true
113 */
114 hoist_props?: boolean;
115 /**
116 * Hoist var declarations (this is `false` by default because it seems to increase the size of the output in general)
117 * @default false
118 */
119 hoist_vars?: boolean;
120 /**
121 * Optimizations for if/return and if/continue
122 * @default true
123 */
124 if_return?: boolean;
125 /**
126 * drop unreferenced import symbols when used with `unused`
127 * @default true
128 */
129 imports?: boolean;
130 /**
131 * Inline calls to function with simple/return statement
132 * - false -- same as `Disabled`
133 * - `Disabled` -- disabled inlining
134 * - `SimpleFunctions` -- inline simple functions
135 * - `WithArguments` -- inline functions with arguments
136 * - `WithArgumentsAndVariables` -- inline functions with arguments and variables
137 * - true -- same as `WithArgumentsAndVariables`
138 * @default true
139 */
140 inline?: boolean | InlineFunctions;
141 /**
142 * join consecutive `var` statements
143 * @default true
144 */
145 join_vars?: boolean;
146 /**
147 * Prevents the compressor from discarding unused function arguments.
148 * You need this for code which relies on `Function.length`
149 * @default 'strict'
150 */
151 keep_fargs?: 'strict' | boolean;
152 /**
153 * Pass true to prevent the compressor from discarding function names.
154 * Useful for code relying on `Function.prototype.name`.
155 * @default false
156 */
157 keep_fnames?: boolean;
158 /**
159 * Pass true to prevent Infinity from being compressed into `1/0`, which may cause performance issues on `Chrome`
160 * @default false
161 */
162 keep_infinity?: boolean;
163 /**
164 * Optimizations for `do`, `while` and `for` loops when we can statically determine the condition.
165 * @default true
166 */
167 loops?: boolean;
168 /**
169 * combine and reuse variables.
170 * @default true
171 */
172 merge_vars?: boolean;
173 /**
174 * negate `Immediately-Called Function Expressions` where the return value is discarded,
175 * to avoid the parens that the code generator would insert.
176 * @default true
177 */
178 negate_iife?: boolean;
179 /**
180 * compact duplicate keys in object literals
181 * @default true
182 */
183 objects?: boolean;
184 /**
185 * The maximum number of times to run compress.
186 * In some cases more than one pass leads to further compressed code.
187 * Keep in mind more passes will take more time.
188 * @default 1
189 */
190 passes?: number;
191 /**
192 * Rewrite property access using the dot notation, for example `foo["bar"]` to `foo.bar`
193 * @default true
194 */
195 properties?: boolean;
196 /**
197 * An array of names and UglifyJS will assume that those functions do not produce side effects.
198 * DANGER: will not check if the name is redefined in scope.
199 * An example case here, for instance `var q = Math.floor(a/b)`.
200 * If variable q is not used elsewhere, UglifyJS will drop it, but will still keep the `Math.floor(a/b)`,
201 * not knowing what it does. You can pass `pure_funcs: [ 'Math.floor' ]` to let it know that this function
202 * won't produce any side effect, in which case the whole statement would get discarded. The current
203 * implementation adds some overhead (compression will be slower).
204 * @default null
205 */
206 pure_funcs?: string[] | null;
207 /**
208 * If you pass true for this, UglifyJS will assume that object property access
209 * (e.g. foo.bar or foo["bar"]) doesn't have any side effects.
210 * Specify "strict" to treat foo.bar as side-effect-free only when foo is certain to not throw,
211 * i.e. not null or undefine
212 * @default 'strict'
213 */
214 pure_getters?: boolean | 'strict';
215 /**
216 * Allows single-use functions to be inlined as function expressions when permissible allowing further optimization.
217 * Enabled by default. Option depends on reduce_vars being enabled. Some code runs faster in the Chrome V8 engine if
218 * this option is disabled. Does not negatively impact other major browsers.
219 * @default true
220 */
221 reduce_funcs?: boolean;
222 /**
223 * Improve optimization on variables assigned with and used as constant values.
224 * @default true
225 */
226 reduce_vars?: boolean;
227 /**
228 * join consecutive simple statements using the comma operator.
229 * May be set to a positive integer to specify the maximum number of
230 * consecutive comma sequences that will be generated.
231 * If this option is set to true then the default sequences limit is 200.
232 * Set option to false or 0 to disable. The smallest sequences length is 2.
233 * A sequences value of 1 is grandfathered to be equivalent to true and as such means 200.
234 * On rare occasions the default sequences limit leads to very slow compress times in which case
235 * a value of 20 or less is recommended
236 * @default true
237 */
238 sequences?: boolean;
239 /**
240 * Pass false to disable potentially dropping functions marked as "pure".
241 * @default true
242 */
243 side_effects?: boolean;
244 /**
245 * compact string concatenations
246 * @default true
247 */
248 strings?: boolean;
249 /**
250 * De-duplicate and remove unreachable `switch` branches.
251 * @default true
252 */
253 switches?: boolean;
254 /**
255 * Compact template literals by embedding expressions and/or converting to string literals, e.g. `foo ${42}` → "foo 42"
256 * @default true
257 */
258 templates?: boolean;
259 /**
260 * Drop unreferenced functions ("funcs") and/or variables ("vars") in the top level scope (false by default,
261 * true to drop both unreferenced functions and variables)
262 * @default false
263 */
264 toplevel?: boolean;
265 /**
266 * Prevent specific toplevel functions and variables from unused removal
267 * (can be array, comma-separated, RegExp or function. Implies toplevel)
268 * @default null
269 */
270 top_retain?: boolean | null;
271 /**
272 * Transforms typeof foo == "undefined" into foo === void 0.
273 * Note: recommend to set this value to false for IE10 and earlier versions due to known issues
274 * @default true
275 */
276 typeofs?: boolean;
277 /**
278 * apply "unsafe" transformations (discussion below)
279 * @default false
280 */
281 unsafe?: boolean;
282 /**
283 * Compress expressions like a `<= b` assuming none of the operands can be (coerced to) `NaN`.
284 * @default false
285 */
286 unsafe_comps?: boolean;
287 /**
288 * Compress and mangle `Function(args, code)` when both args and code are string literals.
289 * @default false
290 */
291 unsafe_Function?: boolean;
292 /**
293 * Optimize numerical expressions like `2 * x * 3` into `6 * x`,
294 * which may give imprecise floating point results.
295 * @default false
296 */
297 unsafe_math?: boolean;
298 /**
299 * Optimize expressions like `Array.prototype.slice.call(a)` into `[].slice.call(a)`
300 * @default false
301 */
302 unsafe_proto?: boolean;
303 /**
304 * Enable substitutions of variables with `RegExp` values the same way as if they are constants.
305 * @default false
306 */
307 unsafe_regexp?: boolean;
308 /**
309 * substitute void 0 if there is a variable named undefined in scope
310 * (variable name will be mangled, typically reduced to a single character)
311 * @default false
312 */
313 unsafe_undefined?: boolean;
314 /**
315 * drop unreferenced functions and variables
316 * (simple direct variable assignments do not count as references unless set to "keep_assign")
317 * @default true
318 */
319 unused?: boolean;
320 /**
321 * convert block-scoped declaractions into `var`
322 * whenever safe to do so
323 * @default true
324 */
325 varify?: boolean;
328export enum InlineFunctions {
329 Disabled = 0,
330 SimpleFunctions = 1,
331 WithArguments = 2,
332 WithArgumentsAndVariables = 3,
334export interface MangleOptions {
335 /** Pass true to mangle names visible in scopes where `eval` or with are used. */
336 eval?: boolean;
337 /** Pass true to not mangle function names. Useful for code relying on `Function.prototype.name`. */
338 keep_fnames?: boolean;
339 /** Pass an array of identifiers that should be excluded from mangling. Example: `["foo", "bar"]`. */
340 reserved?: string[];
341 /** Pass true to mangle names declared in the top level scope. */
342 toplevel?: boolean;
343 properties?: boolean | ManglePropertiesOptions;
346export interface ManglePropertiesOptions {
347 /** Use true to allow the mangling of builtin DOM properties. Not recommended to override this setting. */
348 builtins?: boolean;
349 /** Mangle names with the original name still present. Pass an empty string "" to enable, or a non-empty string to set the debug suffix. */
350 debug?: boolean;
351 /** Only mangle unquoted property names */
352 keep_quoted?: boolean;
353 /** Pass a RegExp literal to only mangle property names matching the regular expression. */
354 regex?: RegExp;
355 /** Do not mangle property names listed in the reserved array */
356 reserved?: string[];
359export interface OutputOptions {
360 ascii_only?: boolean;
361 beautify?: boolean;
362 braces?: boolean;
363 comments?: boolean | 'all' | 'some' | RegExp;
364 indent_level?: number;
365 indent_start?: boolean;
366 inline_script?: boolean;
367 keep_quoted_props?: boolean;
368 max_line_len?: boolean | number;
369 preamble?: string;
370 preserve_line?: boolean;
371 quote_keys?: boolean;
372 quote_style?: OutputQuoteStyle;
373 semicolons?: boolean;
374 shebang?: boolean;
375 webkit?: boolean;
376 width?: number;
377 wrap_iife?: boolean;
380export enum OutputQuoteStyle {
381 PreferDouble = 0,
382 AlwaysSingle = 1,
383 AlwaysDouble = 2,
384 AlwaysOriginal = 3,
387export interface MinifyOptions {
388 /**
389 * Pass `true` to return compressor warnings in result.warnings.
390 * Use the value `verbose` for more detailed warnings.
391 * @default false
392 */
393 warnings?: boolean | 'verbose';
394 /**
395 * Pass an object if you wish to specify some additional parse options.
396 */
397 parse?: ParseOptions;
398 /**
399 * Pass `false` to skip compressing entirely.
400 * Pass an object to specify custom compress options.
401 * @default {}
402 */
403 compress?: false | CompressOptions;
404 /**
405 * Pass `false` to skip mangling names,
406 * or pass an object to specify mangle options (see below).
407 * @default true
408 */
409 mangle?: boolean | MangleOptions;
410 /**
411 * Pass an object if you wish to specify additional output options.
412 * The defaults are optimized for best compression
413 */
414 output?: OutputOptions;
415 /**
416 * Pass an object if you wish to specify source map options.
417 * @default false
418 */
419 sourceMap?: boolean | SourceMapOptions;
420 /**
421 * Set to `true` if you wish to enable top level variable and function name mangling
422 * and to drop unused variables and functions.
423 * @default false
424 */
425 toplevel?: boolean;
426 /**
427 * Pass an empty object {} or a previously used nameCache object
428 * if you wish to cache mangled variable and property names across multiple invocations of minify().
429 * Note: this is a read/write property. `minify()` will read the name cache state of this object
430 * and update it during minification so that it may be reused or externally persisted by the user
431 */
432 nameCache?: object;
433 /**
434 * Set to true to support IE8
435 * @default false
436 */
437 ie8?: boolean;
438 /**
439 * Pass true to prevent discarding or mangling of function names.
440 * Useful for code relying on Function.prototype.name.
441 * @default false
442 */
443 keep_fnames?: boolean;
446export interface MinifyOutput {
447 error?: Error;
448 warnings?: string[];
449 code: string;
450 map: string;
453export interface SourceMapOptions {
454 includeSources?: boolean;
455 filename?: string;
456 /**
457 * Include symbol names in the source map
458 * @default true
459 */
460 names?: boolean;
461 url?: string | 'inline';
462 root?: string;
463 content?: RawSourceMap | 'inline';
466export function minify(files: string | string[] | { [file: string]: string }, options?: MinifyOptions): MinifyOutput;