1 | import * as _isBoolean from "./lib/isBoolean";
2 | import * as _isEmail from "./lib/isEmail";
3 | import * as _isFQDN from "./lib/isFQDN";
4 | import * as _isIBAN from "./lib/isIBAN";
5 | import * as _isISO31661Alpha2 from "./lib/isISO31661Alpha2";
6 | import * as _isISO4217 from "./lib/isISO4217";
7 | import * as _isISO6391 from "./lib/isISO6391";
8 | import * as _isTaxID from "./lib/isTaxID";
9 | import * as _isURL from "./lib/isURL";
10 |
11 | declare namespace validator {
12 | export const version: string;
13 |
14 | /******************
15 | *** Validators ***
16 | ******************/
17 |
18 | export interface ContainsOptions {
19 | /**
20 | * @default false
21 | */
22 | ignoreCase?: boolean | undefined;
23 | /**
24 | * @default 1
25 | */
26 | minOccurrences?: number | undefined;
27 | }
28 |
29 | /**
30 | * Check if the string contains the seed.
31 | *
32 | * @param seed - Seed
33 | */
34 | export function contains(str: string, seed: any, options?: ContainsOptions): boolean;
35 |
36 | /**
37 | * Check if the string matches the comparison.
38 | *
39 | * @param comparison - String to compare
40 | */
41 | export function equals(str: string, comparison: string): boolean;
42 |
43 | /**
44 | * Check if the string is an ABA routing number for US bank account / cheque.
45 | */
46 | export function isAbaRouting(str: string): boolean;
47 |
48 | /**
49 | * Check if the string is a date that's after the specified date.
50 | *
51 | * @param [date] - Date string (defaults to now)
52 | */
53 | export function isAfter(str: string, date?: string): boolean;
54 |
55 | export type AlphaLocale =
56 | | "en-US"
57 | | "bg-BG"
58 | | "cs-CZ"
59 | | "da-DK"
60 | | "de-DE"
61 | | "el-GR"
62 | | "es-AR"
63 | | "es-ES"
64 | | "fr-FR"
65 | | "it-IT"
66 | | "nb-NO"
67 | | "nl-NL"
68 | | "nn-NO"
69 | | "hu-HU"
70 | | "pl-PL"
71 | | "pt-PT"
72 | | "ru-RU"
73 | | "sl-SI"
74 | | "sk-SK"
75 | | "sr-RS@latin"
76 | | "sr-RS"
77 | | "sv-SE"
78 | | "tr-TR"
79 | | "uk-UA"
80 | | "ku-IQ"
81 | | "ar"
82 | | "he"
83 | | "fa-IR"
84 | | "en-AU"
85 | | "en-GB"
86 | | "en-HK"
87 | | "en-IN"
88 | | "en-NZ"
89 | | "en-ZA"
90 | | "en-ZM"
91 | | "ar-AE"
92 | | "ar-BH"
93 | | "ar-DZ"
94 | | "ar-EG"
95 | | "ar-IQ"
96 | | "ar-JO"
97 | | "ar-KW"
98 | | "ar-LB"
99 | | "ar-LY"
100 | | "ar-MA"
101 | | "ar-QM"
102 | | "ar-QA"
103 | | "ar-SA"
104 | | "ar-SD"
105 | | "ar-SY"
106 | | "ar-TN"
107 | | "ar-YE"
108 | | "pt-BR"
109 | | "pl-Pl";
110 |
111 | export const isAlphaLocales: AlphaLocale[];
112 |
113 | export interface IsAlphaOptions {
114 | /**
115 | * @default undefined
116 | */
117 | ignore?: string | RegExp | undefined;
118 | }
119 |
120 | /**
121 | * Check if the string contains only letters (a-zA-Z).
122 | *
123 | * @param [locale] - AlphaLocale
124 | * @param [options] - IsAlphaOptions
125 | */
126 | export function isAlpha(str: string, locale?: AlphaLocale, options?: IsAlphaOptions): boolean;
127 |
128 | export type AlphanumericLocale =
129 | | "en-US"
130 | | "bg-BG"
131 | | "cs-CZ"
132 | | "da-DK"
133 | | "de-DE"
134 | | "el-GR"
135 | | "es-AR"
136 | | "es-ES"
137 | | "fr-FR"
138 | | "it-IT"
139 | | "hu-HU"
140 | | "nb-NO"
141 | | "nl-NL"
142 | | "nn-NO"
143 | | "pl-PL"
144 | | "pt-PT"
145 | | "ru-RU"
146 | | "sl-SI"
147 | | "sk-SK"
148 | | "sr-RS@latin"
149 | | "sr-RS"
150 | | "sv-SE"
151 | | "tr-TR"
152 | | "uk-UA"
153 | | "ku-IQ"
154 | | "ar"
155 | | "he"
156 | | "fa-IR"
157 | | "en-AU"
158 | | "en-GB"
159 | | "en-HK"
160 | | "en-IN"
161 | | "en-NZ"
162 | | "en-ZA"
163 | | "en-ZM"
164 | | "ar-AE"
165 | | "ar-BH"
166 | | "ar-DZ"
167 | | "ar-EG"
168 | | "ar-IQ"
169 | | "ar-JO"
170 | | "ar-KW"
171 | | "ar-LB"
172 | | "ar-LY"
173 | | "ar-MA"
174 | | "ar-QM"
175 | | "ar-QA"
176 | | "ar-SA"
177 | | "ar-SD"
178 | | "ar-SY"
179 | | "ar-TN"
180 | | "ar-YE"
181 | | "pt-BR"
182 | | "pl-Pl";
183 |
184 | export const isAlphanumericLocales: AlphanumericLocale[];
185 |
186 | export interface IsAlphanumericOptions {
187 | /**
188 | * @default undefined
189 | */
190 | ignore?: string | RegExp | undefined;
191 | }
192 |
193 | /**
194 | * Check if the string contains only letters and numbers.
195 | *
196 | * @param [locale] - AlphanumericLocale
197 | * @param [options] - IsAlphanumericOptions
198 | */
199 | export function isAlphanumeric(str: string, locale?: AlphanumericLocale, options?: IsAlphanumericOptions): boolean;
200 |
201 | /**
202 | * Check if the string contains ASCII chars only.
203 | */
204 | export function isAscii(str: string): boolean;
205 |
206 | /**
207 | * Check if a string is base32 encoded.
208 | */
209 | export function isBase32(str: string): boolean;
210 | /**
211 | * check if a string is base58 encoded
212 | */
213 | export function isBase58(str: string): boolean;
214 |
215 | export interface IsBase64Options {
216 | /**
217 | * @default false
218 | */
219 | urlSafe?: boolean | undefined;
220 | }
221 |
222 | /**
223 | * Check if a string is base64 encoded.
224 | *
225 | * @param [options] - Options
226 | */
227 | export function isBase64(str: string, options?: IsBase64Options): boolean;
228 |
229 | /**
230 | * Check if the string is a date that's before the specified date.
231 | *
232 | * @param [date] - Date string (defaults to now)
233 | */
234 | export function isBefore(str: string, date?: string): boolean;
235 |
236 | export const isIBAN: typeof _isIBAN.default;
237 | export const ibanLocales: typeof _isIBAN.locales;
238 |
239 | /**
240 | * Check if a string is a BIC (Bank Identification Code) or SWIFT code.
241 | */
242 | export function isBIC(str: string): boolean;
243 |
244 | export const isBoolean: typeof _isBoolean.default;
245 |
246 | export interface IsByteLengthOptions {
247 | /**
248 | * @default 0
249 | */
250 | min?: number | undefined;
251 | /**
252 | * @default undefined
253 | */
254 | max?: number | undefined;
255 | }
256 |
257 | /**
258 | * Check if the string's length (in UTF-8 bytes) falls in a range.
259 | *
260 | * @param [options] - Options
261 | */
262 | export function isByteLength(str: string, options?: IsByteLengthOptions): boolean;
263 |
264 | export interface IsCreditCardOptions {
265 | /**
266 | * @default undefined
267 | */
268 | provider?: "amex" | "dinersclub" | "discover" | "jcb" | "mastercard" | "unionpay" | "visa" | "";
269 | }
270 |
271 | /**
272 | * Check if the string is a credit card.
273 | */
274 | export function isCreditCard(str: string, options?: IsCreditCardOptions): boolean;
275 |
276 | export interface IsCurrencyOptions {
277 | /**
278 | * @default '$'
279 | */
280 | symbol?: string | undefined;
281 | /**
282 | * @default false
283 | */
284 | require_symbol?: boolean | undefined;
285 | /**
286 | * @default false
287 | */
288 | allow_space_after_symbol?: boolean | undefined;
289 | /**
290 | * @default false
291 | */
292 | symbol_after_digits?: boolean | undefined;
293 | /**
294 | * @default true
295 | */
296 | allow_negatives?: boolean | undefined;
297 | /**
298 | * @default false
299 | */
300 | parens_for_negatives?: boolean | undefined;
301 | /**
302 | * @default false
303 | */
304 | negative_sign_before_digits?: boolean | undefined;
305 | /**
306 | * @default false
307 | */
308 | negative_sign_after_digits?: boolean | undefined;
309 | /**
310 | * @default false
311 | */
312 | allow_negative_sign_placeholder?: boolean | undefined;
313 | /**
314 | * @default ','
315 | */
316 | thousands_separator?: string | undefined;
317 | /**
318 | * @default '.'
319 | */
320 | decimal_separator?: string | undefined;
321 | /**
322 | * @default true
323 | */
324 | allow_decimal?: boolean | undefined;
325 | /**
326 | * @default false
327 | */
328 | require_decimal?: boolean | undefined;
329 | /**
330 | * The array `digits_after_decimal` is filled with the exact number of digits allowed not a range, for example a range `1` to `3` will be given as `[1, 2, 3]`.
331 | *
332 | * @default [2]
333 | */
334 | digits_after_decimal?: number[] | undefined;
335 | /**
336 | * @default false
337 | */
338 | allow_space_after_digits?: boolean | undefined;
339 | }
340 |
341 | /**
342 | * Check if the string is a valid currency amount.
343 | *
344 | * @param [options] - Options
345 | */
346 | export function isCurrency(str: string, options?: IsCurrencyOptions): boolean;
347 |
348 | /**
349 | * Check if the string is an [Ethereum](https://ethereum.org/) address using basic regex. Does not validate address checksums.
350 | */
351 | export function isEthereumAddress(str: string): boolean;
352 |
353 | /**
354 | * Check if the string is a valid BTC address.
355 | */
356 | export function isBtcAddress(str: string): boolean;
357 |
358 | /**
359 | * Check if the string is a [data uri format](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/data_URIs).
360 | */
361 | export function isDataURI(str: string): boolean;
362 |
363 | export interface IsDateOptions {
364 | /**
365 | * @default false
366 | */
367 | format?: string | undefined;
368 | /**
369 | * If strictMode is set to true,
370 | * the validator will reject inputs different from format.
371 | *
372 | * @default false
373 | */
374 | strictMode?: boolean | undefined;
375 | /**
376 | * `delimiters` is an array of allowed date delimiters
377 | *
378 | * @default ['/', '-']
379 | */
380 | delimiters?: string[] | undefined;
381 | }
382 |
383 | /**
384 | * Check if the string is a valid date.
385 | */
386 | export function isDate(str: string, options?: IsDateOptions): boolean;
387 |
388 | export type DecimalLocale = FloatLocale;
389 |
390 | export interface IsDecimalOptions {
391 | /**
392 | * @default false
393 | */
394 | force_decimal?: boolean | undefined;
395 | /**
396 | * `decimal_digits` is given as a range like `'1,3'`,
397 | * a specific value like `'3'` or min like `'1,'`
398 | *
399 | * @default '1,'
400 | */
401 | decimal_digits?: string | undefined;
402 | /**
403 | * DecimalLocale
404 | *
405 | * @default 'en-US'
406 | */
407 | locale?: DecimalLocale | undefined;
408 | }
409 |
410 | /**
411 | * Check if the string represents a decimal number,
412 | * such as `0.1`, `.3`, `1.1`, `1.00003`, `4.0` etc.
413 | *
414 | * @param [options] - Options
415 | */
416 | export function isDecimal(str: string, options?: IsDecimalOptions): boolean;
417 |
418 | /**
419 | * Check if the string is a number that's divisible by another.
420 | *
421 | * @param number - Divider number
422 | */
423 | export function isDivisibleBy(str: string, number: number): boolean;
424 |
425 | export type IsEmailOptions = _isEmail.IsEmailOptions;
426 | export const isEmail: typeof _isEmail.default;
427 |
428 | /**
429 | * check if the string is a [Magnet URI format][Mailto URI Format].<br/><br/>`options` is an object of validating emails inside the URI (check `isEmail`s options for details).
430 | * @param str
431 | * @param [options]
432 | */
433 | export function isMailtoURI(str: string, options?: IsEmailOptions): boolean;
434 |
435 | export interface IsEmptyOptions {
436 | /**
437 | * @default false
438 | */
439 | ignore_whitespace?: boolean | undefined;
440 | }
441 |
442 | /**
443 | * Check if the string has a length of zero.
444 | *
445 | * @param [options] - Options
446 | */
447 | export function isEmpty(str: string, options?: IsEmptyOptions): boolean;
448 |
449 | export type FloatLocale =
450 | | "en-US"
451 | | "ar"
452 | | "en-AU"
453 | | "en-GB"
454 | | "en-HK"
455 | | "en-IN"
456 | | "en-NZ"
457 | | "en-ZA"
458 | | "en-ZM"
459 | | "ar-AE"
460 | | "ar-BH"
461 | | "ar-DZ"
462 | | "ar-EG"
463 | | "ar-IQ"
464 | | "ar-JO"
465 | | "ar-KW"
466 | | "ar-LB"
467 | | "ar-LY"
468 | | "ar-MA"
469 | | "ar-QM"
470 | | "ar-QA"
471 | | "ar-SA"
472 | | "ar-SD"
473 | | "ar-SY"
474 | | "ar-TN"
475 | | "ar-YE"
476 | | "bg-BG"
477 | | "cs-CZ"
478 | | "da-DK"
479 | | "de-DE"
480 | | "el-GR"
481 | | "es-ES"
482 | | "fr-FR"
483 | | "it-IT"
484 | | "ku-IQ"
485 | | "hu-HU"
486 | | "nb-NO"
487 | | "nn-NO"
488 | | "nl-NL"
489 | | "pl-PL"
490 | | "pt-PT"
491 | | "ru-RU"
492 | | "sl-SI"
493 | | "sr-RS@latin"
494 | | "sr-RS"
495 | | "sv-SE"
496 | | "tr-TR"
497 | | "uk-UA"
498 | | "pt-BR"
499 | | "pl-Pl";
500 |
501 | export const isFloatLocales: FloatLocale[];
502 |
503 | export interface IsFloatOptions {
504 | /**
505 | * less or equal
506 | */
507 | min?: number | undefined;
508 | /**
509 | * greater or equal
510 | */
511 | max?: number | undefined;
512 | /**
513 | * greater than
514 | */
515 | gt?: number | undefined;
516 | /**
517 | * less than
518 | */
519 | lt?: number | undefined;
520 | /**
521 | * FloatLocale
522 | */
523 | locale?: FloatLocale | undefined;
524 | }
525 |
526 | /**
527 | * Check if the string is a float.
528 | *
529 | * @param [options] - Options
530 | */
531 | export function isFloat(str: string, options?: IsFloatOptions): boolean;
532 |
533 | export type IsFQDNOptions = _isFQDN.IsFQDNOptions;
534 | export const isFQDN: typeof _isFQDN.default;
535 |
536 | /**
537 | * Check if the string contains any full-width chars.
538 | */
539 | export function isFullWidth(str: string): boolean;
540 |
541 | /**
542 | * Check if the string contains any half-width chars.
543 | */
544 | export function isHalfWidth(str: string): boolean;
545 |
546 | export type HashAlgorithm =
547 | | "md4"
548 | | "md5"
549 | | "sha1"
550 | | "sha256"
551 | | "sha384"
552 | | "sha512"
553 | | "ripemd128"
554 | | "ripemd160"
555 | | "tiger128"
556 | | "tiger160"
557 | | "tiger192"
558 | | "crc32"
559 | | "crc32b";
560 |
561 | /**
562 | * Check if the string is a hash of export type algorithm.
563 | *
564 | * @param algorithm - HashAlgorithm
565 | */
566 | export function isHash(str: string, algorithm: HashAlgorithm): boolean;
567 |
568 | /**
569 | * Check if the string is a hexadecimal number.
570 | */
571 | export function isHexadecimal(str: string): boolean;
572 |
573 | /**
574 | * Check if the string is a hexadecimal color.
575 | */
576 | export function isHexColor(str: string): boolean;
577 |
578 | /**
579 | * Check if the string is an HSL (hue, saturation, lightness, optional alpha) color based on CSS Colors Level 4 specification.
580 | * Comma-separated format supported. Space-separated format supported with the exception of a few edge cases (ex: hsl(200grad+.1%62%/1)).
581 | */
582 | export function isHSL(str: string): boolean;
583 |
584 | /**
585 | * Check if the string is a rgb or rgba color.
586 | *
587 | * @param [includePercentValues=true] - If you don't want to allow to set rgb or rgba values with percents, like rgb(5%,5%,5%), or rgba(90%,90%,90%,.3), then set it to false. (defaults to true)
588 | */
589 | export function isRgbColor(str: string, includePercentValues?: boolean): boolean;
590 |
591 | export type IdentityCardLocale =
592 | | "ar-LY"
593 | | "ar-TN"
594 | | "ES"
595 | | "FI"
596 | | "he-IL"
597 | | "IN"
598 | | "IR"
599 | | "IT"
600 | | "LK"
601 | | "NO"
602 | | "PL"
603 | | "TH"
604 | | "zh-CN"
605 | | "zh-HK"
606 | | "zh-TW";
607 |
608 | /**
609 | * Check if the string is a valid identity card code.
610 | *
611 | * @param [locale="any"] - IdentityCardLocale
612 | */
613 | export function isIdentityCard(str: string, locale?: "any" | IdentityCardLocale): boolean;
614 |
615 | export interface IsIMEIOptions {
616 | /**
617 | * This value is `false` by default. Set to `true` to allow IMEI with hyphens.
618 | */
619 | allow_hyphens?: boolean | undefined;
620 | }
621 |
622 | /**
623 | * Check if the string is a valid IMEI.
624 | * Non-hyphenated (`###############`) only is supported by default.
625 | * Use the `options` param to enable hyphenated (`##-######-######-#`) support.
626 | *
627 | * @param [options] - Options
628 | */
629 | export function isIMEI(str: string, options?: IsIMEIOptions): boolean;
630 |
631 | /**
632 | * Check if the string is in a array of allowed values.
633 | *
634 | * @param values - Allowed values.
635 | */
636 | export function isIn(str: string, values: any[]): boolean;
637 |
638 | export interface IsIntOptions {
639 | /**
640 | * to check the integer min boundary
641 | */
642 | min?: number | undefined;
643 | /**
644 | * to check the integer max boundary
645 | */
646 | max?: number | undefined;
647 | /**
648 | * if `false`, will disallow integer values with leading zeroes
649 | * @default true
650 | */
651 | allow_leading_zeroes?: boolean | undefined;
652 | /**
653 | * enforce integers being greater than the value provided
654 | */
655 | lt?: number | undefined;
656 | /**
657 | * enforce integers being less than the value provided
658 | */
659 | gt?: number | undefined;
660 | }
661 |
662 | /**
663 | * Check if the string is an integer.
664 | *
665 | * @param [options] - Options
666 | */
667 | export function isInt(str: string, options?: IsIntOptions): boolean;
668 |
669 | export type IPVersion = "4" | "6" | 4 | 6;
670 |
671 | /**
672 | * Check if the string is an IP (version 4 or 6).
673 | *
674 | * @param [version] - IP Version
675 | */
676 | export function isIP(str: string, version?: IPVersion): boolean;
677 |
678 | /**
679 | * Check if the string is an IP Range (version 4 or 6).
680 | */
681 | export function isIPRange(str: string, version?: IPVersion): boolean;
682 |
683 | export type ISBNVersion = "10" | "13" | 10 | 13;
684 |
685 | /**
686 | * Check if the string is an ISBN (version 10 or 13).
687 | *
688 | * @param [version] - ISBN Version
689 | */
690 | export function isISBN(str: string, version?: ISBNVersion): boolean;
691 |
692 | /**
693 | * Check if the string is an EAN (European Article Number).
694 | */
695 | export function isEAN(str: string): boolean;
696 |
697 | /**
698 | * Check if the string is an [ISIN](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Securities_Identification_Number) (stock/security identifier).
699 | */
700 | export function isISIN(str: string): boolean;
701 |
702 | export const isISO31661Alpha2: typeof _isISO31661Alpha2.default;
703 |
704 | /**
705 | * Check if the string is a valid [ISO 3166-1 alpha-3](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-3) officially assigned country code.
706 | */
707 | export function isISO31661Alpha3(str: string): boolean;
708 |
709 | /**
710 | * check if the string is a valid [ISO 6346](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_6346) shipping container identification.
711 | * @param str
712 | */
713 | export function isISO6346(str: string): boolean;
714 |
715 | /**
716 | * alias for `isISO6346`, check if the string is a valid [ISO 6346](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_6346) shipping container identification.
717 | */
718 | export const isFreightContainerID: typeof isISO6346;
719 |
720 | /**
721 | * Check if the string is a valid [ISO 639-1](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_639-1) officially assigned language code.
722 | */
723 | export const isISO6391: typeof _isISO6391.default;
724 |
725 | export interface IsISO8601Options {
726 | /**
727 | * If `strict` is `true`, performs additional checks for valid dates,
728 | * e.g. invalidates dates like `2009-02-29`.
729 | *
730 | * @default false
731 | */
732 | strict?: boolean | undefined;
733 | /**
734 | * If `strictSeparator` is true, date strings with date and time separated
735 | * by anything other than a T will be invalid
736 | */
737 | strictSeparator?: boolean | undefined;
738 | }
739 |
740 | /**
741 | * Check if the string is a valid [ISO 8601](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601) date.
742 | *
743 | * @param [options] - Options
744 | */
745 | export function isISO8601(str: string, options?: IsISO8601Options): boolean;
746 |
747 | export interface IsISSNOptions {
748 | /**
749 | * If `case_sensitive` is `true`, ISSNs with a lowercase `x` as the check digit are rejected.
750 | *
751 | * @default false
752 | */
753 | case_sensitive?: boolean | undefined;
754 | /**
755 | * @default false
756 | */
757 | require_hyphen?: boolean | undefined;
758 | }
759 |
760 | /**
761 | * Check if the string is an [ISSN](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Standard_Serial_Number).
762 | *
763 | * @param [options] - Options
764 | */
765 | export function isISSN(str: string, options?: IsISSNOptions): boolean;
766 |
767 | export const isISO4217: typeof _isISO4217.default;
768 |
769 | /**
770 | * Check if the string is a [ISRC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Standard_Recording_Code).
771 | */
772 | export function isISRC(str: string): boolean;
773 |
774 | /**
775 | * Check if the string is a valid [RFC 3339](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3339) date.
776 | */
777 | export function isRFC3339(str: string): boolean;
778 |
779 | /**
780 | * Check if the string is valid JSON (note: uses `JSON.parse`).
781 | */
782 | export function isJSON(str: string): boolean;
783 |
784 | /**
785 | * Check if the string is valid JWT token.
786 | */
787 | export function isJWT(str: string): boolean;
788 |
789 | /**
790 | * Check if the string is a valid latitude-longitude coordinate in the format:
791 | *
792 | * `lat,long` or `lat, long`.
793 | */
794 | export function isLatLong(str: string): boolean;
795 |
796 | export interface IsLengthOptions {
797 | /**
798 | * @default 0
799 | */
800 | min?: number | undefined;
801 | /**
802 | * @default undefined
803 | */
804 | max?: number | undefined;
805 | }
806 |
807 | /**
808 | * Check if the string's length falls in a range.
809 | *
810 | * Note: this export function takes into account surrogate pairs.
811 | *
812 | * @param [options] - Options
813 | */
814 | export function isLength(str: string, options?: IsLengthOptions): boolean;
815 |
816 | export type LicensePlateLocale =
817 | | "cs-CZ"
818 | | "de-DE"
819 | | "de-LI"
820 | | "en-IN"
821 | | "es-AR"
822 | | "hu-HU"
823 | | "pt-BR"
824 | | "pt-PT"
825 | | "sq-AL"
826 | | "sv-SE"
827 | | "en-PK"
828 | | "any";
829 |
830 | /**
831 | * Check if the string matches the format of a country's license plate.
832 | */
833 | export function isLicensePlate(str: string, locale: LicensePlateLocale): boolean;
834 | export function isLicensePlate(str: string, locale: string): unknown;
835 |
836 | /**
837 | * Check if the string is a locale.
838 | */
839 | export function isLocale(str: string): boolean;
840 |
841 | /**
842 | * Check if the string is lowercase.
843 | */
844 | export function isLowercase(str: string): boolean;
845 |
846 | export interface IsMACAddressOptions {
847 | /**
848 | * If `no_colons` is `true`, the validator will allow MAC addresses without the colons.
849 | * Also, it allows the use of hyphens or spaces.
850 | *
851 | * e.g. `01 02 03 04 05 ab` or `01-02-03-04-05-ab`.
852 | *
853 | * @default false
854 | * @deprecated use no_separators instead
855 | */
856 | no_colons?: boolean | undefined;
857 | /**
858 | * If `no_separators` is `true`, the validator will allow MAC addresses without the colons.
859 | * Also, it allows the use of hyphens or spaces.
860 | *
861 | * e.g. `01 02 03 04 05 ab` or `01-02-03-04-05-ab`.
862 | *
863 | * @default false
864 | */
865 | no_separators?: boolean | undefined;
866 | /**
867 | * Setting `eui` allows for validation against EUI-48 or EUI-64 instead of both.
868 | */
869 | eui?: "48" | "64" | undefined;
870 | }
871 |
872 | /**
873 | * Check if the string passes the [Luhn algorithm check](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luhn_algorithm).
874 | */
875 | export function isLuhnNumber(str: string): boolean;
876 |
877 | /**
878 | * Check if the string is a MAC address.
879 | *
880 | * @param [options] - Options
881 | */
882 | export function isMACAddress(str: string, options?: IsMACAddressOptions): boolean;
883 |
884 | /**
885 | * Check if the string is a [magnet uri format](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnet_URI_scheme).
886 | */
887 | export function isMagnetURI(str: string): boolean;
888 |
889 | /**
890 | * Check if the string is a MD5 hash.
891 | */
892 | export function isMD5(str: string): boolean;
893 |
894 | /**
895 | * Check if the string matches to a valid [MIME export type](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_export type) format.
896 | */
897 | export function isMimeType(str: string): boolean;
898 |
899 | export type MobilePhoneLocale = PhoneLocale | PhoneLocaleAlias;
900 | export type PhoneLocale =
901 | | "am-AM"
902 | | "ar-AE"
903 | | "ar-BH"
904 | | "ar-DZ"
905 | | "ar-LB"
906 | | "ar-EG"
907 | | "ar-IQ"
908 | | "ar-JO"
909 | | "ar-KW"
910 | | "ar-LY"
911 | | "ar-MA"
912 | | "ar-OM"
913 | | "ar-SA"
914 | | "ar-SY"
915 | | "ar-TN"
916 | | "az-AZ"
917 | | "bs-BA"
918 | | "be-BY"
919 | | "bg-BG"
920 | | "bn-BD"
921 | | "ca-AD"
922 | | "cs-CZ"
923 | | "da-DK"
924 | | "de-DE"
925 | | "de-AT"
926 | | "de-CH"
927 | | "de-LU"
928 | | "el-GR"
929 | | "en-AU"
930 | | "en-GB"
931 | | "en-GG"
932 | | "en-GH"
933 | | "en-HK"
934 | | "en-MO"
935 | | "en-IE"
936 | | "en-IN"
937 | | "en-KE"
938 | | "en-MT"
939 | | "en-MU"
940 | | "en-NG"
941 | | "en-NZ"
942 | | "en-PK"
943 | | "en-PH"
944 | | "en-RW"
945 | | "en-SG"
946 | | "en-SL"
947 | | "en-TZ"
948 | | "en-UG"
949 | | "en-US"
950 | | "en-ZA"
951 | | "en-ZM"
952 | | "en-ZW"
953 | | "es-AR"
954 | | "es-BO"
955 | | "es-CO"
956 | | "es-CL"
957 | | "es-CR"
958 | | "es-DO"
959 | | "es-HN"
960 | | "es-EC"
961 | | "es-ES"
962 | | "es-PE"
963 | | "es-MX"
964 | | "es-PA"
965 | | "es-PY"
966 | | "es-UY"
967 | | "es-VE"
968 | | "et-EE"
969 | | "fa-IR"
970 | | "fi-FI"
971 | | "fj-FJ"
972 | | "fo-FO"
973 | | "fr-FR"
974 | | "fr-GF"
975 | | "fr-GP"
976 | | "fr-MQ"
977 | | "fr-RE"
978 | | "he-IL"
979 | | "hu-HU"
980 | | "id-ID"
981 | | "it-IT"
982 | | "it-SM"
983 | | "ja-JP"
984 | | "ka-GE"
985 | | "kk-KZ"
986 | | "kl-GL"
987 | | "ko-KR"
988 | | "lt-LT"
989 | | "lv-LV"
990 | | "ms-MY"
991 | | "mz-MZ"
992 | | "nb-NO"
993 | | "ne-NP"
994 | | "nl-BE"
995 | | "nl-NL"
996 | | "nn-NO"
997 | | "pl-PL"
998 | | "pt-BR"
999 | | "pt-PT"
1000 | | "pt-AO"
1001 | | "ro-RO"
1002 | | "ru-RU"
1003 | | "si-LK"
1004 | | "sl-SI"
1005 | | "sk-SK"
1006 | | "sq-AL"
1007 | | "sr-RS"
1008 | | "sv-SE"
1009 | | "th-TH"
1010 | | "tr-TR"
1011 | | "uk-UA"
1012 | | "uz-UZ"
1013 | | "vi-VN"
1014 | | "zh-CN"
1015 | | "zh-TW";
1016 | export type PhoneLocaleAlias = "en-CA" | "fr-CA" | "fr-BE" | "zh-HK" | "zh-MO" | "ga-IE" | "fr-CH" | "it-CH";
1017 |
1018 | export const isMobilePhoneLocales: MobilePhoneLocale[];
1019 |
1020 | export interface IsMobilePhoneOptions {
1021 | /**
1022 | * If this is set to `true`, the mobile phone number must be supplied with the country code and therefore must start with `+`.
1023 | *
1024 | * @default false
1025 | */
1026 | strictMode?: boolean | undefined;
1027 | }
1028 |
1029 | /**
1030 | * Check if the string is a mobile phone number.
1031 | *
1032 | * @param [locale] - MobilePhoneLocale(s)
1033 | * @param [options] - Options
1034 | */
1035 | export function isMobilePhone(
1036 | str: string,
1037 | locale?: "any" | MobilePhoneLocale | MobilePhoneLocale[],
1038 | options?: IsMobilePhoneOptions,
1039 | ): boolean;
1040 |
1041 | /**
1042 | * Check if the string is a valid hex-encoded representation of a [MongoDB ObjectId](http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/object-id/).
1043 | */
1044 | export function isMongoId(str: string): boolean;
1045 |
1046 | /**
1047 | * Check if the string contains one or more multibyte chars.
1048 | */
1049 | export function isMultibyte(str: string): boolean;
1050 |
1051 | export interface IsNumericOptions {
1052 | /**
1053 | * If `no_symbols` is true, the validator will reject numeric strings that feature a symbol (e.g. `+`, `-`, or `.`).
1054 | *
1055 | * @default false
1056 | */
1057 | no_symbols?: boolean | undefined;
1058 | locale?: AlphaLocale | undefined;
1059 | }
1060 |
1061 | /**
1062 | * Check if the string contains only numbers.
1063 | *
1064 | * @param [options] - Options
1065 | */
1066 | export function isNumeric(str: string, options?: IsNumericOptions): boolean;
1067 |
1068 | /**
1069 | * Check if the string is a valid octal number.
1070 | */
1071 | export function isOctal(str: string): boolean;
1072 |
1073 | /**
1074 | * Check if the string is a valid passport number relative to a specific country code.
1075 | *
1076 | * @param [countryCode] - Country code
1077 | */
1078 | export function isPassportNumber(str: string, countryCode?: string): boolean;
1079 |
1080 | /**
1081 | * Check if the string is a valid port number.
1082 | */
1083 | export function isPort(str: string): boolean;
1084 |
1085 | export type PostalCodeLocale =
1086 | | "AD"
1087 | | "AT"
1088 | | "AU"
1089 | | "BE"
1090 | | "BG"
1091 | | "BR"
1092 | | "CA"
1093 | | "CH"
1094 | | "CN"
1095 | | "CZ"
1096 | | "DE"
1097 | | "DK"
1098 | | "DZ"
1099 | | "EE"
1100 | | "ES"
1101 | | "FI"
1102 | | "FR"
1103 | | "GB"
1104 | | "GR"
1105 | | "HR"
1106 | | "HU"
1107 | | "ID"
1108 | | "IE"
1109 | | "IL"
1110 | | "IN"
1111 | | "IR"
1112 | | "IS"
1113 | | "IT"
1114 | | "JP"
1115 | | "KE"
1116 | | "KR"
1117 | | "LI"
1118 | | "LT"
1119 | | "LU"
1120 | | "LV"
1121 | | "MX"
1122 | | "MT"
1123 | | "NL"
1124 | | "NO"
1125 | | "NZ"
1126 | | "PL"
1127 | | "PR"
1128 | | "PT"
1129 | | "RO"
1130 | | "RU"
1131 | | "SA"
1132 | | "SE"
1133 | | "SI"
1134 | | "SK"
1135 | | "TN"
1136 | | "TW"
1137 | | "UA"
1138 | | "US"
1139 | | "ZA"
1140 | | "ZM";
1141 |
1142 | export const isPostalCodeLocales: PostalCodeLocale[];
1143 |
1144 | /**
1145 | * Check if the string is a postal code
1146 | *
1147 | * @param locale - PostalCodeLocale
1148 | */
1149 | export function isPostalCode(str: string, locale: "any" | PostalCodeLocale): boolean;
1150 |
1151 | /**
1152 | * Check if the string is a Semantic Versioning Specification (SemVer).
1153 | */
1154 | export function isSemVer(str: string): boolean;
1155 |
1156 | /**
1157 | * Check if string is considered a strong password. Allows options to be added
1158 | */
1159 |
1160 | export interface StrongPasswordOptions {
1161 | minLength?: number | undefined;
1162 | minLowercase?: number | undefined;
1163 | minUppercase?: number | undefined;
1164 | minNumbers?: number | undefined;
1165 | minSymbols?: number | undefined;
1166 | returnScore?: boolean | undefined;
1167 | pointsPerUnique?: number | undefined;
1168 | pointsPerRepeat?: number | undefined;
1169 | pointsForContainingLower?: number | undefined;
1170 | pointsForContainingUpper?: number | undefined;
1171 | pointsForContainingNumber?: number | undefined;
1172 | pointsForContainingSymbol?: number | undefined;
1173 | }
1174 |
1175 | export function isStrongPassword(
1176 | str: string,
1177 | options?: StrongPasswordOptions & { returnScore?: false | undefined },
1178 | ): boolean;
1179 | export function isStrongPassword(str: string, options: StrongPasswordOptions & { returnScore: true }): number;
1180 |
1181 | /**
1182 | * Check if the string contains any surrogate pairs chars.
1183 | */
1184 | export function isSurrogatePair(str: string): boolean;
1185 |
1186 | export interface IsTimeOptions {
1187 | /**
1188 | * 'hour24' will validate hours in 24 format and 'hour12' will validate hours in 12 format.
1189 | * @default 'hour24'
1190 | */
1191 | hourFormat?: "hour12" | "hour24";
1192 | /**
1193 | * 'default' will validate HH:MM format, 'withSeconds' will validate the HH:MM:SS format
1194 | *
1195 | * @default 'default'
1196 | */
1197 | mode?: "default" | "withSeconds";
1198 | }
1199 |
1200 | /**
1201 | * Check if the string is a valid time.
1202 | */
1203 | export function isTime(str: string, options?: IsTimeOptions): boolean;
1204 |
1205 | export const isURL: typeof _isURL.default;
1206 | export type IsURLOptions = _isURL.IsURLOptions;
1207 |
1208 | export const isTaxID: typeof _isTaxID.default;
1209 |
1210 | /**
1211 | * Check if the string is uppercase.
1212 | */
1213 | export function isUppercase(str: string): boolean;
1214 |
1215 | export type UUIDVersion = "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "7" | "all" | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 7;
1216 | /**
1217 | * Check if the string is a UUID (version 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 7).
1218 | *
1219 | * @param [version="all"] - UUID version
1220 | */
1221 | export function isUUID(str: string, version?: UUIDVersion): boolean;
1222 |
1223 | /**
1224 | * Check if the string contains a mixture of full and half-width chars.
1225 | */
1226 | export function isVariableWidth(str: string): boolean;
1227 |
1228 | /**
1229 | * Checks that the string is a [valid VAT number
1230 | */
1231 | export function isVAT(str: string, countryCode: string): boolean;
1232 |
1233 | /**
1234 | * Checks characters if they appear in the whitelist.
1235 | *
1236 | * @param chars - whitelist
1237 | */
1238 | export function isWhitelisted(str: string, chars: string | string[]): boolean;
1239 |
1240 | /**
1241 | * Check if string matches the pattern.
1242 | *
1243 | * @param pattern - `/foo/i`
1244 | */
1245 | export function matches(str: string, pattern: RegExp): boolean;
1246 | /**
1247 | * Check if string matches the pattern.
1248 | *
1249 | * @param pattern - `'foo'`
1250 | * @param [modifiers] - `'i'`
1251 | */
1252 | export function matches(str: string, pattern: string, modifiers?: string): boolean;
1253 |
1254 | /**
1255 | * Check if the string is of export type slug.
1256 | */
1257 | export function isSlug(str: string): boolean;
1258 |
1259 | /******************
1260 | *** Sanitizers ***
1261 | ******************/
1262 |
1263 | /**
1264 | * Remove characters that appear in the blacklist.
1265 | *
1266 | * @param chars - The characters are used in a `RegExp` and so you will need to escape some chars, e.g. `blacklist(input, '\\[\\]')`.
1267 | */
1268 | export function blacklist(input: string, chars: string): string;
1269 |
1270 | /**
1271 | * Replace `<`, `>`, `&`, `'`, `"` and `/` with HTML entities.
1272 | */
1273 | export function escape(input: string): string;
1274 |
1275 | /**
1276 | * Replaces HTML encoded entities with `<`, `>`, `&`, `'`, `"` and `/`.
1277 | */
1278 | export function unescape(input: string): string;
1279 |
1280 | /**
1281 | * Trim characters from the left-side of the input.
1282 | *
1283 | * @param [chars] - characters (defaults to whitespace)
1284 | */
1285 | export function ltrim(input: string, chars?: string): string;
1286 |
1287 | export interface NormalizeEmailOptions {
1288 | /**
1289 | * Transforms the local part (before the @ symbol) of all email addresses to lowercase.
1290 | * Please note that this may violate RFC 5321, which gives providers the possibility
1291 | * to treat the local part of email addresses in a case sensitive way
1292 | * (although in practice most - yet not all - providers don't).
1293 | * The domain part of the email address is always lowercased, as it's case insensitive per RFC 1035.
1294 | *
1295 | * @default true
1296 | */
1297 | all_lowercase?: boolean | undefined;
1298 | /**
1299 | * GMail addresses are known to be case-insensitive, so this switch allows lowercasing them even when `all_lowercase` is set to `false`.
1300 | * Please note that when `all_lowercase` is `true`, GMail addresses are lowercased regardless of the value of this setting.
1301 | *
1302 | * @default true
1303 | */
1304 | gmail_lowercase?: boolean | undefined;
1305 | /**
1306 | * Removes dots from the local part of the email address, as GMail ignores them
1307 | * (e.g. `"john.doe"` and `"johndoe"` are considered equal).
1308 | *
1309 | * @default true
1310 | */
1311 | gmail_remove_dots?: boolean | undefined;
1312 | /**
1313 | * Normalizes addresses by removing "sub-addresses", which is the part following a `"+"` sign
1314 | * (e.g. `"foo+bar@gmail.com"` becomes `"foo@gmail.com"`).
1315 | *
1316 | * @default true
1317 | */
1318 | gmail_remove_subaddress?: boolean | undefined;
1319 | /**
1320 | * Converts addresses with domain `@googlemail.com` to `@gmail.com`, as they're equivalent.
1321 | *
1322 | * @default true
1323 | */
1324 | gmail_convert_googlemaildotcom?: boolean | undefined;
1325 | /**
1326 | * Outlook.com addresses (including Windows Live and Hotmail) are known to be case-insensitive, so this switch allows lowercasing them even when `all_lowercase` is set to `false`.
1327 | * Please note that when `all_lowercase` is `true`, Outlook.com addresses are lowercased regardless of the value of this setting.
1328 | *
1329 | * @default true
1330 | */
1331 | outlookdotcom_lowercase?: boolean | undefined;
1332 | /**
1333 | * Normalizes addresses by removing "sub-addresses", which is the part following a `"+"` sign
1334 | * (e.g. `"foo+bar@outlook.com"` becomes `"foo@outlook.com"`).
1335 | *
1336 | * @default true
1337 | */
1338 | outlookdotcom_remove_subaddress?: boolean | undefined;
1339 | /**
1340 | * Yahoo Mail addresses are known to be case-insensitive, so this switch allows lowercasing them even when `all_lowercase` is set to `false`.
1341 | * Please note that when `all_lowercase` is `true`, Yahoo Mail addresses are lowercased regardless of the value of this setting.
1342 | *
1343 | * @default true
1344 | */
1345 | yahoo_lowercase?: boolean | undefined;
1346 | /**
1347 | * Normalizes addresses by removing "sub-addresses", which is the part following a `"-"` sign
1348 | * (e.g. `"foo-bar@yahoo.com"` becomes `"foo@yahoo.com"`).
1349 | *
1350 | * @default true
1351 | */
1352 | yahoo_remove_subaddress?: boolean | undefined;
1353 | /**
1354 | * iCloud addresses (including MobileMe) are known to be case-insensitive, so this switch allows lowercasing them even when `all_lowercase` is set to `false`.
1355 | * Please note that when `all_lowercase` is `true`, iCloud addresses are lowercased regardless of the value of this setting.
1356 | *
1357 | * @default true
1358 | */
1359 | icloud_lowercase?: boolean | undefined;
1360 | /**
1361 | * Normalizes addresses by removing "sub-addresses", which is the part following a `"+"` sign
1362 | * (e.g. `"foo+bar@icloud.com"` becomes `"foo@icloud.com"`).
1363 | *
1364 | * @default true
1365 | */
1366 | icloud_remove_subaddress?: boolean | undefined;
1367 | }
1368 |
1369 | /**
1370 | * Canonicalizes an email address. (This doesn't validate that the input is an email, if you want to validate the email use `isEmail` beforehand)
1371 | *
1372 | * @param [options] - Options
1373 | */
1374 | export function normalizeEmail(email: string, options?: NormalizeEmailOptions): string | false;
1375 |
1376 | /**
1377 | * Trim characters from the right-side of the input.
1378 | *
1379 | * @param [chars] - characters (defaults to whitespace)
1380 | */
1381 | export function rtrim(input: string, chars?: string): string;
1382 |
1383 | /**
1384 | * Remove characters with a numerical value < `32` and `127`, mostly control characters.
1385 | * Unicode-safe in JavaScript.
1386 | *
1387 | * @param [keep_new_lines=false] - if `true`, newline characters are preserved (`\n` and `\r`, hex `0xA` and `0xD`).
1388 | */
1389 | export function stripLow(input: string, keep_new_lines?: boolean): string;
1390 |
1391 | /**
1392 | * Convert the input string to a boolean.
1393 | * Everything except for `'0'`, `'false'` and `''` returns `true`.
1394 | *
1395 | * @param [strict=false] - in `strict` mode, only `'1'` and `'true'` return `true`.
1396 | */
1397 | export function toBoolean(input: string, strict?: boolean): boolean;
1398 |
1399 | /**
1400 | * Convert the input string to a `Date`, or `null` if the input is not a date.
1401 | */
1402 | export function toDate(input: string): Date | null;
1403 |
1404 | /**
1405 | * Convert the input string to a float, or `NaN` if the input is not a float.
1406 | */
1407 | export function toFloat(input: string): number;
1408 |
1409 | /**
1410 | * Convert the input string to an integer, or `NaN` if the input is not an integer.
1411 | *
1412 | * @param [radix=10] - radix or base (defaults to 10)
1413 | */
1414 | export function toInt(input: string, radix?: number): number;
1415 |
1416 | /**
1417 | * Trim characters from both sides of the input.
1418 | *
1419 | * @param [chars] - characters (defaults to whitespace)
1420 | */
1421 | export function trim(input: string, chars?: string): string;
1422 |
1423 | /**
1424 | * Remove characters that do not appear in the whitelist.
1425 | *
1426 | * @param chars - The characters are used in a `RegExp` and so you will need to escape some chars, e.g. `whitelist(input, '\\[\\]')`.
1427 | */
1428 | export function whitelist(input: string, chars: string): string;
1429 |
1430 | /**
1431 | * Converts to string.
1432 | */
1433 | export function toString(input: any): string;
1434 |
1435 | export const _default: typeof validator;
1436 |
1437 | export { _default as default };
1438 | }
1439 |
1440 | // eslint-disable-next-line @definitelytyped/export-just-namespace
1441 | export = validator;
1442 |
1443 | export as namespace validator;