6.34 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1/// <reference types="node" />
3declare global {
4 namespace NodeJS {
5 interface WritableStream {
6 write(buffer: any, /* Vinyl.File */ cb?: (err?: Error | null) => void): boolean;
7 }
8 }
11import * as _events from "events";
12import * as globStream from "glob-stream";
13import * as File from "vinyl";
15export interface SrcOptions extends globStream.Options {
16 /**
17 * Setting this to false will make file.contents a paused stream
18 * If true it will buffer the file contents
19 * Default: true
20 */
21 buffer?: boolean | ((file: File) => boolean) | undefined;
23 /**
24 * Setting this to false will ignore the contents of the file and disable
25 * writing to disk to speed up operations
26 * Default: true
27 */
28 read?: boolean | ((file: File) => boolean) | undefined;
30 /** Only find files that have been modified since the time specified */
31 since?: Date | number | ((file: File) => Date | number) | undefined;
33 /**
34 * Causes the BOM to be removed on UTF-8 encoded files. Set to false if you need the BOM for some reason.
35 * Default: true
36 */
37 removeBOM?: boolean | ((file: File) => boolean) | undefined;
39 /** Optionally transcode from the given encoding. The default is 'utf8'. */
40 encoding?: string | false | ((file: File) => string | false) | undefined;
42 /**
43 * Setting this to true will enable sourcemaps.
44 * Default: false
45 */
46 sourcemaps?: boolean | ((file: File) => boolean) | undefined;
48 /**
49 * Whether or not to recursively resolve symlinks to their targets. Setting to false to
50 * preserve them as symlinks and make file.symlink equal the original symlink's target path.
51 * Default: false
52 */
53 resolveSymlinks?: boolean | ((file: File) => boolean) | undefined;
56export interface DestOptions {
57 /**
58 * Specify the working directory the folder is relative to
59 * Default is process.cwd()
60 */
61 cwd?: string | ((file: File) => string) | undefined;
63 /**
64 * Specify the mode the files should be created with
65 * Default is the mode of the input file (file.stat.mode)
66 * or the process mode if the input file has no mode property
67 */
68 mode?: number | ((file: File) => number) | undefined;
70 /** Specify the mode the directory should be created with. Default is the process mode */
71 dirMode?: number | ((file: File) => number) | undefined;
73 /** Specify if existing files with the same path should be overwritten or not. Default is true, to always overwrite existing files */
74 overwrite?: boolean | ((file: File) => boolean) | undefined;
76 /** Whether or not new data should be appended after existing file contents (if any). Default is false, to always replace existing contents */
77 append?: boolean | ((file: File) => boolean) | undefined;
79 /** Optionally transcode to the given encoding. The default is 'utf8'. */
80 encoding?: string | false | ((file: File) => string | false) | undefined;
82 /**
83 * Enables sourcemap support on files passed through the stream. Will write inline soucemaps if
84 * specified as true. Specifying a string path will write external sourcemaps at the given path.
85 */
86 sourcemaps?: boolean | string | ((file: File) => string | false | undefined) | undefined;
88 /**
89 * When creating a symlink, whether or not the created symlink should be relative. If false,
90 * the symlink will be absolute. Note: This option will be ignored if a junction is being created.
91 */
92 relativeSymlinks?: boolean | ((file: File) => boolean) | undefined;
94 /* When creating a symlink, whether or not a directory symlink should be created as a junction. */
95 useJunctions?: boolean | ((file: File) => boolean) | undefined;
99 * Gets files that match the glob and converts them into the vinyl format
100 * @param globs Takes a glob string or an array of glob strings as the first argument
101 * Globs are executed in order, so negations should follow positive globs
102 * fs.src(['!b*.js', '*.js']) would not exclude any files, but this would: fs.src(['*.js', '!b*.js'])
103 * @param opt Options Vinyl source options, changes the way the files are read, found, or stored in the vinyl stream
104 */
105export function src(globs: string | string[], opt?: SrcOptions): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream;
108 * On write the stream will save the vinyl File to disk at the folder/cwd specified.
109 * After writing the file to disk, it will be emitted from the stream so you can keep piping these around.
110 * The file will be modified after being written to this stream:
111 * cwd, base, and path will be overwritten to match the folder
112 * stat.mode will be overwritten if you used a mode parameter
113 * contents will have it's position reset to the beginning if it is a stream
114 * @param folder destination folder or a function that takes in a file and returns a folder path
115 */
116export function dest(folder: string | ((file: File) => string), opt?: DestOptions): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream;
119 * On write the stream will create a symbolic link (i.e. symlink) on disk at the folder/cwd specified.
120 * After creating the symbolic link, it will be emitted from the stream so you can keep piping these around.
121 * The file will be modified after being written to this stream:
122 * cwd, base, and path will be overwritten to match the folder
123 */
124export function symlink(folder: string | ((File: File) => string), opts?: {
125 /**
126 * Specify the working directory the folder is relative to
127 * Default is process.cwd()
128 */
129 cwd?: string | ((file: File) => string) | undefined;
131 /**
132 * Specify the mode the directory should be created with
133 * Default is the process mode
134 */
135 dirMode?: number | ((file: File) => number) | undefined;
137 /** Specify if existing files with the same path should be overwritten or not. Default is true, to always overwrite existing files */
138 overwrite?: boolean | ((file: File) => boolean) | undefined;
140 /**
141 * Specify whether the symlink should be relative or absolute.
142 * Default is false.
143 */
144 relativeSymlinks?: boolean | ((file: File) => boolean) | undefined;
146 /* When creating a symlink, whether or not a directory symlink should be created as a junction. */
147 useJunctions?: boolean | ((file: File) => boolean) | undefined;
148}): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream;
\No newline at end of file