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1// Type definitions for webpack (module API) 1.16
2// Project: https://github.com/webpack/webpack
3// Definitions by: use-strict <https://github.com/use-strict>
4// rhonsby <https://github.com/rhonsby>
5// Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped
6// TypeScript Version: 2.1
9 * Webpack module API - variables and global functions available inside modules
10 */
12declare namespace __WebpackModuleApi {
13 interface RequireResolve {
14 (id: string): string | number;
15 }
17 interface RequireContext {
18 keys(): string[];
19 (id: string): any;
20 <T>(id: string): T;
21 resolve(id: string): string;
22 /** The module id of the context module. This may be useful for module.hot.accept. */
23 id: string;
24 }
26 interface RequireFunction {
27 /**
28 * Returns the exports from a dependency. The call is sync. No request to the server is fired. The compiler ensures that the dependency is available.
29 */
30 (path: string): any;
31 <T>(path: string): T;
32 /**
33 * Behaves similar to require.ensure, but the callback is called with the exports of each dependency in the paths array. There is no option to provide a chunk name.
34 */
35 (paths: string[], callback: (...modules: any[]) => void): void;
36 /**
37 * Download additional dependencies on demand. The paths array lists modules that should be available. When they are, callback is called. If the callback is a function expression, dependencies in that source part are extracted and also loaded on demand. A single request is fired to the server, except if all modules are already available.
38 *
39 * This creates a chunk. The chunk can be named. If a chunk with this name already exists, the dependencies are merged into that chunk and that chunk is used.
40 */
41 ensure(paths: string[], callback: (require: NodeRequire) => void, chunkName?: string): void;
42 ensure(paths: string[], callback: (require: NodeRequire) => void, errorCallback?: (error: any) => void, chunkName?: string): void;
43 context(path: string, deep?: boolean, filter?: RegExp, mode?: "sync" | "eager" | "weak" | "lazy" | "lazy-once"): RequireContext;
44 /**
45 * Returns the module id of a dependency. The call is sync. No request to the server is fired. The compiler ensures that the dependency is available.
46 *
47 * The module id is a number in webpack (in contrast to node.js where it is a string, the filename).
48 */
49 resolve: NodeJS.RequireResolve;
50 /**
51 * Like require.resolve, but doesn’t include the module into the bundle. It’s a weak dependency.
52 */
53 resolveWeak(path: string): number | string;
54 /**
55 * Ensures that the dependency is available, but don’t execute it. This can be use for optimizing the position of a module in the chunks.
56 */
57 include(path: string): void;
58 /**
59 * Multiple requires to the same module result in only one module execution and only one export. Therefore a cache in the runtime exists. Removing values from this cache cause new module execution and a new export. This is only needed in rare cases (for compatibility!).
60 */
61 cache: {
62 [id: string]: NodeModule | undefined;
63 }
64 }
66 interface Module {
67 exports: any;
68 id: string;
69 filename: string;
70 loaded: boolean;
71 parent: NodeModule | null | undefined;
72 children: NodeModule[];
73 hot?: Hot | undefined;
74 }
75 type ModuleId = string|number;
77 interface HotNotifierInfo {
78 type:
79 | 'self-declined'
80 | 'declined'
81 | 'unaccepted'
82 | 'accepted'
83 | 'disposed'
84 | 'accept-errored'
85 | 'self-accept-errored'
86 | 'self-accept-error-handler-errored';
87 /**
88 * The module in question.
89 */
90 moduleId: number;
91 /**
92 * For errors: the module id owning the accept handler.
93 */
94 dependencyId?: number | undefined;
95 /**
96 * For declined/accepted/unaccepted: the chain from where the update was propagated.
97 */
98 chain?: number[] | undefined;
99 /**
100 * For declined: the module id of the declining parent
101 */
102 parentId?: number | undefined;
103 /**
104 * For accepted: the modules that are outdated and will be disposed
105 */
106 outdatedModules?: number[] | undefined;
107 /**
108 * For accepted: The location of accept handlers that will handle the update
109 */
110 outdatedDependencies?: {
111 [dependencyId: number]: number[];
112 } | undefined;
113 /**
114 * For errors: the thrown error
115 */
116 error?: Error | undefined;
117 /**
118 * For self-accept-error-handler-errored: the error thrown by the module
119 * before the error handler tried to handle it.
120 */
121 originalError?: Error | undefined;
122 }
124 interface Hot {
125 /**
126 * Accept code updates for the specified dependencies. The callback is called when dependencies were replaced.
127 * @param dependencies
128 * @param callback
129 * @param errorHandler
130 */
131 accept(dependencies: string[], callback?: (updatedDependencies: ModuleId[]) => void, errorHandler?: (err: Error) => void): void;
132 /**
133 * Accept code updates for the specified dependencies. The callback is called when dependencies were replaced.
134 * @param dependency
135 * @param callback
136 * @param errorHandler
137 */
138 accept(dependency: string, callback?: () => void, errorHandler?: (err: Error) => void): void;
139 /**
140 * Accept code updates for this module without notification of parents.
141 * This should only be used if the module doesn’t export anything.
142 * The errHandler can be used to handle errors that occur while loading the updated module.
143 * @param errHandler
144 */
145 accept(errHandler?: (err: Error) => void): void;
146 /**
147 * Do not accept updates for the specified dependencies. If any dependencies is updated, the code update fails with code "decline".
148 */
149 decline(dependencies: string[]): void;
150 /**
151 * Do not accept updates for the specified dependencies. If any dependencies is updated, the code update fails with code "decline".
152 */
153 decline(dependency: string): void;
154 /**
155 * Flag the current module as not update-able. If updated the update code would fail with code "decline".
156 */
157 decline(): void;
158 /**
159 * Add a one time handler, which is executed when the current module code is replaced.
160 * Here you should destroy/remove any persistent resource you have claimed/created.
161 * If you want to transfer state to the new module, add it to data object.
162 * The data will be available at module.hot.data on the new module.
163 * @param callback
164 */
165 dispose(callback: (data: any) => void): void;
166 dispose(callback: <T>(data: T) => void): void;
167 /**
168 * Add a one time handler, which is executed when the current module code is replaced.
169 * Here you should destroy/remove any persistent resource you have claimed/created.
170 * If you want to transfer state to the new module, add it to data object.
171 * The data will be available at module.hot.data on the new module.
172 * @param callback
173 */
174 addDisposeHandler(callback: (data: any) => void): void;
175 addDisposeHandler<T>(callback: (data: T) => void): void;
176 /**
177 * Remove a handler.
178 * This can useful to add a temporary dispose handler. You could i. e. replace code while in the middle of a multi-step async function.
179 * @param callback
180 */
181 removeDisposeHandler(callback: (data: any) => void): void;
182 removeDisposeHandler<T>(callback: (data: T) => void): void;
183 /**
184 * Throws an exceptions if status() is not idle.
185 * Check all currently loaded modules for updates and apply updates if found.
186 * If no update was found, the callback is called with null.
187 * If autoApply is truthy the callback will be called with all modules that were disposed.
188 * apply() is automatically called with autoApply as options parameter.
189 * If autoApply is not set the callback will be called with all modules that will be disposed on apply().
190 * @param autoApply
191 * @param callback
192 */
193 check(autoApply: boolean, callback: (err: Error, outdatedModules: ModuleId[]) => void): void;
194 /**
195 * Throws an exceptions if status() is not idle.
196 * Check all currently loaded modules for updates and apply updates if found.
197 * If no update was found, the callback is called with null.
198 * The callback will be called with all modules that will be disposed on apply().
199 * @param callback
200 */
201 check(callback: (err: Error, outdatedModules: ModuleId[]) => void): void;
202 /**
203 * If status() != "ready" it throws an error.
204 * Continue the update process.
205 * @param options
206 * @param callback
207 */
208 apply(options: AcceptOptions, callback: (err: Error, outdatedModules: ModuleId[]) => void): void;
209 /**
210 * If status() != "ready" it throws an error.
211 * Continue the update process.
212 * @param callback
213 */
214 apply(callback: (err: Error, outdatedModules: ModuleId[]) => void): void;
215 /**
216 * Return one of idle, check, watch, watch-delay, prepare, ready, dispose, apply, abort or fail.
217 */
218 status(): string;
219 /** Register a callback on status change. */
220 status(callback: (status: string) => void): void;
221 /** Register a callback on status change. */
222 addStatusHandler(callback: (status: string) => void): void;
223 /**
224 * Remove a registered status change handler.
225 * @param callback
226 */
227 removeStatusHandler(callback: (status: string) => void): void;
229 active: boolean;
230 data: any;
231 }
233 interface AcceptOptions {
234 /**
235 * If true the update process continues even if some modules are not accepted (and would bubble to the entry point).
236 */
237 ignoreUnaccepted?: boolean | undefined;
238 /**
239 * Ignore changes made to declined modules.
240 */
241 ignoreDeclined?: boolean | undefined;
242 /**
243 * Ignore errors throw in accept handlers, error handlers and while reevaluating module.
244 */
245 ignoreErrored?: boolean | undefined;
246 /**
247 * Notifier for declined modules.
248 */
249 onDeclined?: ((info: HotNotifierInfo) => void) | undefined;
250 /**
251 * Notifier for unaccepted modules.
252 */
253 onUnaccepted?: ((info: HotNotifierInfo) => void) | undefined;
254 /**
255 * Notifier for accepted modules.
256 */
257 onAccepted?: ((info: HotNotifierInfo) => void) | undefined;
258 /**
259 * Notifier for disposed modules.
260 */
261 onDisposed?: ((info: HotNotifierInfo) => void) | undefined;
262 /**
263 * Notifier for errors.
264 */
265 onErrored?: ((info: HotNotifierInfo) => void) | undefined;
266 /**
267 * Indicates that apply() is automatically called by check function
268 */
269 autoApply?: boolean | undefined;
270 }
271 /**
272 * Inside env you can pass any variable
273 */
274 interface NodeProcess {
275 env?: any;
276 }
278 type __Require1 = (id: string) => any;
279 type __Require2 = <T>(id: string) => T;
280 type RequireLambda = __Require1 & __Require2;
283interface NodeRequire extends NodeJS.Require {}
285declare var require: NodeRequire;
288 * The resource query of the current module.
289 *
290 * e.g. __resourceQuery === "?test" // Inside "file.js?test"
291 */
292declare var __resourceQuery: string;
295 * Equals the config options output.publicPath.
296 */
297declare var __webpack_public_path__: string;
300 * The raw require function. This expression isn’t parsed by the Parser for dependencies.
301 */
302declare var __webpack_require__: any;
305 * The internal chunk loading function
306 *
307 * @param chunkId The id for the chunk to load.
308 * @param callback A callback function called once the chunk is loaded.
309 */
310declare var __webpack_chunk_load__: (chunkId: any, callback: (require: __WebpackModuleApi.RequireLambda) => void) => void;
313 * Access to the internal object of all modules.
314 */
315declare var __webpack_modules__: any[];
318 * Access to the hash of the compilation.
319 *
320 * Only available with the HotModuleReplacementPlugin or the ExtendedAPIPlugin
321 */
322declare var __webpack_hash__: any;
325 * Generates a require function that is not parsed by webpack. Can be used to do cool stuff with a global require function if available.
326 */
327declare var __non_webpack_require__: any;
330 * Adds nonce to all scripts that webpack loads.
331 *
332 * To activate the feature a __webpack_nonce__ variable needs to be set in your entry script.
333 */
334declare var __webpack_nonce__: string;
337 * Equals the config option debug
338 */
339declare var DEBUG: boolean;
341interface ImportMeta {
342 /**
343 * `import.meta.webpackHot` is an alias for` module.hot` which is also available in strict ESM
344 */
345 webpackHot?: __WebpackModuleApi.Hot | undefined;
346 /**
347 * `import.meta.webpack` is the webpack major version as number
348 */
349 webpack: number;
350 /**
351 * `import.meta.url` is the `file:` url of the current file (similar to `__filename` but as file url)
352 */
353 url: string;
356interface NodeModule extends NodeJS.Module {}
358declare var module: NodeModule;
361* Declare process variable
363declare namespace NodeJS {
364 interface Process extends __WebpackModuleApi.NodeProcess {}
365 interface RequireResolve extends __WebpackModuleApi.RequireResolve {}
366 interface Module extends __WebpackModuleApi.Module {}
367 interface Require extends __WebpackModuleApi.RequireFunction {}
369declare var process: NodeJS.Process;