1 | type Wrap = (text: string) => string;
2 |
3 | /**
4 | * Wrap lines until column `stop`. If a word is longer than `stop` characters
5 | * it will overflow.
6 | */
7 | declare function wordwrap(stop: number, params?: { mode?: wordwrap.Mode | undefined }): Wrap;
8 |
9 | /**
10 | * Pad out lines with spaces out to column `start` and then wrap until column
11 | * `stop`. If a word is longer than `stop - start` characters it will overflow.
12 | */
13 | declare function wordwrap(start: number, stop: number, params?: { mode?: wordwrap.Mode | undefined }): Wrap;
14 |
15 | /**
16 | * Pad out lines with spaces out to column `start` and then wrap until column
17 | * `stop`. If a word is longer than `stop - start` characters it will overflow.
18 | */
19 | declare function wordwrap(params: wordwrap.Options): Wrap;
20 |
21 | declare namespace wordwrap {
22 | interface Options {
23 | stop: number;
24 | start: number;
25 | mode?: Mode | undefined;
26 | }
27 |
28 | /**
29 | * Wrap lines until column `stop`. Break up chunks longer than `stop`.
30 | */
31 | function hard(stop: number): Wrap;
32 |
33 | /**
34 | * Wrap lines until column `stop`. Break up chunks longer than `stop - start`.
35 | */
36 | function hard(start: number, stop: number): Wrap; // tslint:disable-line:unified-signatures
37 |
38 | /**
39 | * In "soft" mode, split chunks by `/(\S+\s+/` and don't break up chunks
40 | * which are longer than `stop - start`, in "hard" mode, split chunks with
41 | * `/\b/` and break up chunks longer than `stop - start`.
42 | */
43 | type Mode = "soft" | "hard";
44 | }
45 |
46 | export = wordwrap;