5.62 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1/// <reference types="node" />
3import assert = require("assert");
5declare module "assert" {
6 /**
7 * Assert that a file exists or that each files in the array exists
8 * @param path path to a file or an array of paths to files
9 * @example
10 * assert.file('templates/user.hbs');
11 * assert.noFile(['templates/user.hbs', 'templates/user/edit.hbs']);
12 */
13 function file(path: string | string[]): void;
15 /**
16 * Assert that a file doesn't exist
17 * @param file path to a file
18 * @example
19 * assert.noFile('templates/user.hbs');
20 * assert.noFile(['templates/user.hbs', 'templates/user/edit.hbs']);
21 */
22 function noFile(file: string | string[]): void;
24 /**
25 * Assert that a file's content matches a regex or string
26 * @param file path to a file
27 * @param reg regex / string that will be used to search the file
28 * @example
29 * assert.fileContent('models/user.js', /App\.User = DS\.Model\.extend/);
30 * assert.fileContent('models/user.js', 'App.User = DS.Model.extend');
31 */
32 function fileContent(file: string | string[], reg: string | RegExp): void;
34 /**
35 * Assert that each file in an array of file-regex pairs matches its corresponding regex
36 * @param pairs an array of arrays, where each subarray is a [String, RegExp] pair
37 * @example
38 * var arg = [
39 * [ 'models/user.js', /App\.User = DS\.Model\.extend/ ],
40 * [ 'controllers/user.js', /App\.UserController = Ember\.ObjectController\.extend/ ]
41 * ]
42 * assert.fileContent(arg);
43 */
44 function fileContent(pairs: Array<[string, RegExp]>): void;
46 /**
47 * Assert that a file's content is the same as the given string
48 * @param file path to a file
49 * @param expectedContent the expected content of the file
50 * @example
51 * assert.equalsFileContent(
52 * 'data.js',
53 * 'const greeting = "Hello";\nexport default { greeting }'
54 * );
55 */
56 function equalsFileContent(file: string, expectedContent: string): void;
58 /**
59 * Assert that each file in an array of file-string pairs equals its corresponding string
60 * @param pairs an array of arrays, where each subarray is a [String, String] pair
61 * @example
62 * assert.equalsFileContent([
63 * ['data.js', 'const greeting = "Hello";\nexport default { greeting }'],
64 * ['user.js', 'export default {\n name: 'Coleman',\n age: 0\n}']
65 * ]);
66 */
67 function equalsFileContent(pairs: Array<[string, string]>): void;
69 /**
70 * Assert that a file's content does not match a regex / string
71 * @param file path to a file
72 * @param reg regex / string that will be used to search the file
73 * @example
74 * assert.noFileContent('models/user.js', /App\.User = DS\.Model\.extend/);
75 * assert.noFileContent('models/user.js', 'App.User = DS.Model.extend');
76 */
77 function noFileContent(file: string | string[], reg: RegExp | string): void;
79 /**
80 * Assert that each file in an array of file-regex pairs does not match its corresponding regex
81 * @param pairs an array of arrays, where each subarray is a [String, RegExp] pair
82 * var arg = [
83 * [ 'models/user.js', /App\.User \ DS\.Model\.extend/ ],
84 * [ 'controllers/user.js', /App\.UserController = Ember\.ObjectController\.extend/ ]
85 * ]
86 * assert.noFileContent(arg);
87 */
88 function noFileContent(pairs: Array<[string, RegExp]>): void;
90 /**
91 * Assert that two strings are equal after standardization of newlines
92 * @param value a string
93 * @param expected the expected value of the string
94 * @example
95 * assert.textEqual('I have a yellow cat', 'I have a yellow cat');
96 */
97 function textEqual(value: string, expected: string): void;
99 /**
100 * Assert an Object implements an interface
101 * @param subject subject implementing the façade
102 * @param methods a façace, hash or array of keys to be implemented
103 */
104 function implement(subject: object, methods: object | string[]): void;
106 /**
107 * Assert an Object doesn't implements any method of an interface
108 * @param subject subject not implementing the methods
109 * @param methods hash or array of method names to be implemented
110 */
111 function notImplement(subject: object, methods: object | string[]): void;
113 /**
114 * Assert an object contains the provided keys
115 * @param obj Object that should match the given pattern
116 * @param content An object of key/values the object should contains
117 */
118 function objectContent(obj: object, content: object): void;
120 /**
121 * Assert an object does not contain the provided keys
122 * @param obj Object that should not match the given pattern
123 * @param content An object of key/values the object should not contain
124 */
125 function noObjectContent(obj: object, content: object): void;
127 /**
128 * Assert a JSON file contains the provided keys
129 * @param filename
130 * @param content An object of key/values the file should contains
131 */
132 function JSONFileContent(filename: string, content: object): void;
134 /**
135 * @see JSONFileContent
136 */
137 function jsonFileContent(filename: string, content: object): void;
139 /**
140 * Assert a JSON file does not contain the provided keys
141 * @param filename
142 * @param content An object of key/values the file should not contain
143 */
144 function noJSONFileContent(filename: string, content: object): void;
146 /**
147 * @see noJSONFileContent
148 */
149 function noJsonFileContent(filename: string, content: object): void;
152export = assert;