4.53 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2// Your use of the content in the files referenced here is subject to the terms of the license at https://aka.ms/fluentui-assets-license
3Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
4var styling_1 = require("@uifabric/styling");
5function initializeIcons(baseUrl, options) {
6 if (baseUrl === void 0) { baseUrl = ''; }
7 var subset = {
8 style: {
9 MozOsxFontSmoothing: 'grayscale',
10 WebkitFontSmoothing: 'antialiased',
11 fontStyle: 'normal',
12 fontWeight: 'normal',
13 speak: 'none'
14 },
15 fontFace: {
16 fontFamily: "\"FabricMDL2Icons-5\"",
17 src: "url('" + baseUrl + "fabric-icons-5-f95ba260.woff') format('woff')"
18 },
19 icons: {
20 'Certificate': '\uEB95',
21 'FastForward': '\uEB9D',
22 'Rewind': '\uEB9E',
23 'Photo2': '\uEB9F',
24 'OpenSource': '\uEBC2',
25 'Movers': '\uEBCD',
26 'CloudDownload': '\uEBD3',
27 'Family': '\uEBDA',
28 'WindDirection': '\uEBE6',
29 'Bug': '\uEBE8',
30 'SiteScan': '\uEBEC',
31 'BrowserScreenShot': '\uEBED',
32 'F12DevTools': '\uEBEE',
33 'CSS': '\uEBEF',
34 'JS': '\uEBF0',
35 'DeliveryTruck': '\uEBF4',
36 'ReminderPerson': '\uEBF7',
37 'ReminderGroup': '\uEBF8',
38 'ReminderTime': '\uEBF9',
39 'TabletMode': '\uEBFC',
40 'Umbrella': '\uEC04',
41 'NetworkTower': '\uEC05',
42 'CityNext': '\uEC06',
43 'CityNext2': '\uEC07',
44 'Section': '\uEC0C',
45 'OneNoteLogoInverse': '\uEC0D',
46 'ToggleFilled': '\uEC11',
47 'ToggleBorder': '\uEC12',
48 'SliderThumb': '\uEC13',
49 'ToggleThumb': '\uEC14',
50 'Documentation': '\uEC17',
51 'Badge': '\uEC1B',
52 'Giftbox': '\uEC1F',
53 'VisualStudioLogo': '\uEC22',
54 'HomeGroup': '\uEC26',
55 'ExcelLogoInverse': '\uEC28',
56 'WordLogoInverse': '\uEC29',
57 'PowerPointLogoInverse': '\uEC2A',
58 'Cafe': '\uEC32',
59 'SpeedHigh': '\uEC4A',
60 'Commitments': '\uEC4D',
61 'ThisPC': '\uEC4E',
62 'MusicNote': '\uEC4F',
63 'MicOff': '\uEC54',
64 'PlaybackRate1x': '\uEC57',
65 'EdgeLogo': '\uEC60',
66 'CompletedSolid': '\uEC61',
67 'AlbumRemove': '\uEC62',
68 'MessageFill': '\uEC70',
69 'TabletSelected': '\uEC74',
70 'MobileSelected': '\uEC75',
71 'LaptopSelected': '\uEC76',
72 'TVMonitorSelected': '\uEC77',
73 'DeveloperTools': '\uEC7A',
74 'Shapes': '\uEC7C',
75 'InsertTextBox': '\uEC7D',
76 'LowerBrightness': '\uEC8A',
77 'WebComponents': '\uEC8B',
78 'OfflineStorage': '\uEC8C',
79 'DOM': '\uEC8D',
80 'CloudUpload': '\uEC8E',
81 'ScrollUpDown': '\uEC8F',
82 'DateTime': '\uEC92',
83 'Event': '\uECA3',
84 'Cake': '\uECA4',
85 'Org': '\uECA6',
86 'PartyLeader': '\uECA7',
87 'DRM': '\uECA8',
88 'CloudAdd': '\uECA9',
89 'AppIconDefault': '\uECAA',
90 'Photo2Add': '\uECAB',
91 'Photo2Remove': '\uECAC',
92 'Calories': '\uECAD',
93 'POI': '\uECAF',
94 'AddTo': '\uECC8',
95 'RadioBtnOff': '\uECCA',
96 'RadioBtnOn': '\uECCB',
97 'ExploreContent': '\uECCD',
98 'Product': '\uECDC',
99 'ProgressLoopInner': '\uECDE',
100 'ProgressLoopOuter': '\uECDF',
101 'Blocked2': '\uECE4',
102 'FangBody': '\uECEB',
103 'Toolbox': '\uECED',
104 'PageHeader': '\uECEE',
105 'ChatInviteFriend': '\uECFE',
106 'Brush': '\uECFF',
107 'Shirt': '\uED00',
108 'Crown': '\uED01',
109 'Diamond': '\uED02',
110 'ScaleUp': '\uED09',
111 'QRCode': '\uED14',
112 'Feedback': '\uED15',
113 'SharepointLogoInverse': '\uED18',
114 'YammerLogo': '\uED19',
115 'Hide': '\uED1A',
116 'Uneditable': '\uED1D',
117 'ReturnToSession': '\uED24',
118 'OpenFolderHorizontal': '\uED25',
119 'CalendarMirrored': '\uED28'
120 }
121 };
122 styling_1.registerIcons(subset, options);
124exports.initializeIcons = initializeIcons;
125//# sourceMappingURL=fabric-icons-5.js.map
\No newline at end of file