5.3 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1// Your use of the content in the files referenced here is subject to the terms of the license at https://aka.ms/fluentui-assets-license
2define(["require", "exports", "@uifabric/styling"], function (require, exports, styling_1) {
3 "use strict";
4 Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
5 function initializeIcons(baseUrl, options) {
6 if (baseUrl === void 0) { baseUrl = ''; }
7 var subset = {
8 style: {
9 MozOsxFontSmoothing: 'grayscale',
10 WebkitFontSmoothing: 'antialiased',
11 fontStyle: 'normal',
12 fontWeight: 'normal',
13 speak: 'none'
14 },
15 fontFace: {
16 fontFamily: "\"FabricMDL2Icons-10\"",
17 src: "url('" + baseUrl + "fabric-icons-10-c4ded8e4.woff') format('woff')"
18 },
19 icons: {
20 'ViewListGroup': '\uF248',
21 'ViewListTree': '\uF249',
22 'TriggerAuto': '\uF24A',
23 'TriggerUser': '\uF24B',
24 'PivotChart': '\uF24C',
25 'StackedBarChart': '\uF24D',
26 'StackedLineChart': '\uF24E',
27 'BuildQueue': '\uF24F',
28 'BuildQueueNew': '\uF250',
29 'UserFollowed': '\uF25C',
30 'ContactLink': '\uF25F',
31 'Stack': '\uF26F',
32 'Bullseye': '\uF272',
33 'VennDiagram': '\uF273',
34 'FiveTileGrid': '\uF274',
35 'FocalPoint': '\uF277',
36 'Insert': '\uF278',
37 'RingerRemove': '\uF279',
38 'TeamsLogoInverse': '\uF27A',
39 'TeamsLogo': '\uF27B',
40 'TeamsLogoFill': '\uF27C',
41 'SkypeForBusinessLogoFill': '\uF27D',
42 'SharepointLogo': '\uF27E',
43 'SharepointLogoFill': '\uF27F',
44 'DelveLogo': '\uF280',
45 'DelveLogoFill': '\uF281',
46 'OfficeVideoLogo': '\uF282',
47 'OfficeVideoLogoFill': '\uF283',
48 'ExchangeLogo': '\uF284',
49 'ExchangeLogoFill': '\uF285',
50 'Signin': '\uF286',
51 'DocumentApproval': '\uF28B',
52 'CloneToDesktop': '\uF28C',
53 'InstallToDrive': '\uF28D',
54 'Blur': '\uF28E',
55 'Build': '\uF28F',
56 'ProcessMetaTask': '\uF290',
57 'BranchFork2': '\uF291',
58 'BranchLocked': '\uF292',
59 'BranchCommit': '\uF293',
60 'BranchCompare': '\uF294',
61 'BranchMerge': '\uF295',
62 'BranchPullRequest': '\uF296',
63 'BranchSearch': '\uF297',
64 'BranchShelveset': '\uF298',
65 'RawSource': '\uF299',
66 'MergeDuplicate': '\uF29A',
67 'RowsGroup': '\uF29B',
68 'RowsChild': '\uF29C',
69 'Deploy': '\uF29D',
70 'Redeploy': '\uF29E',
71 'ServerEnviroment': '\uF29F',
72 'VisioDiagram': '\uF2A0',
73 'HighlightMappedShapes': '\uF2A1',
74 'TextCallout': '\uF2A2',
75 'IconSetsFlag': '\uF2A4',
76 'VisioLogo': '\uF2A7',
77 'VisioLogoFill': '\uF2A8',
78 'VisioDocument': '\uF2A9',
79 'TimelineProgress': '\uF2AA',
80 'TimelineDelivery': '\uF2AB',
81 'Backlog': '\uF2AC',
82 'TeamFavorite': '\uF2AD',
83 'TaskGroup': '\uF2AE',
84 'TaskGroupMirrored': '\uF2AF',
85 'ScopeTemplate': '\uF2B0',
86 'AssessmentGroupTemplate': '\uF2B1',
87 'NewTeamProject': '\uF2B2',
88 'CommentAdd': '\uF2B3',
89 'CommentNext': '\uF2B4',
90 'CommentPrevious': '\uF2B5',
91 'ShopServer': '\uF2B6',
92 'LocaleLanguage': '\uF2B7',
93 'QueryList': '\uF2B8',
94 'UserSync': '\uF2B9',
95 'UserPause': '\uF2BA',
96 'StreamingOff': '\uF2BB',
97 'ArrowTallUpLeft': '\uF2BD',
98 'ArrowTallUpRight': '\uF2BE',
99 'ArrowTallDownLeft': '\uF2BF',
100 'ArrowTallDownRight': '\uF2C0',
101 'FieldEmpty': '\uF2C1',
102 'FieldFilled': '\uF2C2',
103 'FieldChanged': '\uF2C3',
104 'FieldNotChanged': '\uF2C4',
105 'RingerOff': '\uF2C5',
106 'PlayResume': '\uF2C6',
107 'BulletedList2': '\uF2C7',
108 'BulletedList2Mirrored': '\uF2C8',
109 'ImageCrosshair': '\uF2C9',
110 'GitGraph': '\uF2CA',
111 'Repo': '\uF2CB',
112 'RepoSolid': '\uF2CC',
113 'FolderQuery': '\uF2CD',
114 'FolderList': '\uF2CE',
115 'FolderListMirrored': '\uF2CF',
116 'LocationOutline': '\uF2D0',
117 'POISolid': '\uF2D1',
118 'CalculatorNotEqualTo': '\uF2D2',
119 'BoxSubtractSolid': '\uF2D3'
120 }
121 };
122 styling_1.registerIcons(subset, options);
123 }
124 exports.initializeIcons = initializeIcons;
126//# sourceMappingURL=fabric-icons-10.js.map
\No newline at end of file