9.61 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import { __extends } from "tslib";
2import * as React from 'react';
3import { Async } from './Async';
4import { EventGroup } from './EventGroup';
5import { warnConditionallyRequiredProps } from './warn/warnConditionallyRequiredProps';
6import { warnMutuallyExclusive } from './warn/warnMutuallyExclusive';
7import { warnDeprecations } from './warn/warnDeprecations';
9 * BaseComponent class, which provides basic helpers for all components.
10 *
11 * @public
12 * {@docCategory BaseComponent}
13 *
14 * @deprecated Do not use. We are moving away from class component.
15 */
16var BaseComponent = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
17 __extends(BaseComponent, _super);
18 /**
19 * BaseComponent constructor
20 * @param props - The props for the component.
21 * @param context - The context for the component.
22 */
23 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
24 function BaseComponent(props, context) {
25 var _this = _super.call(this, props, context) || this;
26 // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation
27 _makeAllSafe(_this, BaseComponent.prototype, [
28 'componentDidMount',
29 'shouldComponentUpdate',
30 'getSnapshotBeforeUpdate',
31 'render',
32 'componentDidUpdate',
33 'componentWillUnmount',
34 ]);
35 return _this;
36 }
37 /**
38 * When the component receives props, make sure the componentRef is updated.
39 */
40 BaseComponent.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function (prevProps, prevState) {
41 this._updateComponentRef(prevProps, this.props);
42 };
43 /**
44 * When the component has mounted, update the componentRef.
45 */
46 BaseComponent.prototype.componentDidMount = function () {
47 this._setComponentRef(this.props.componentRef, this);
48 };
49 /**
50 * If we have disposables, dispose them automatically on unmount.
51 */
52 BaseComponent.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function () {
53 this._setComponentRef(this.props.componentRef, null);
54 if (this.__disposables) {
55 for (var i = 0, len = this._disposables.length; i < len; i++) {
56 var disposable = this.__disposables[i];
57 if (disposable.dispose) {
58 disposable.dispose();
59 }
60 }
61 this.__disposables = null;
62 }
63 };
64 Object.defineProperty(BaseComponent.prototype, "className", {
65 /**
66 * Gets the object's class name.
67 */
68 get: function () {
69 if (!this.__className) {
70 var funcNameRegex = /function (.{1,})\(/;
71 var results = funcNameRegex.exec(this.constructor.toString());
72 this.__className = results && results.length > 1 ? results[1] : '';
73 }
74 return this.__className;
75 },
76 enumerable: true,
77 configurable: true
78 });
79 Object.defineProperty(BaseComponent.prototype, "_disposables", {
80 /**
81 * Allows subclasses to push things to this._disposables to be auto disposed.
82 */
83 get: function () {
84 if (!this.__disposables) {
85 this.__disposables = [];
86 }
87 return this.__disposables;
88 },
89 enumerable: true,
90 configurable: true
91 });
92 Object.defineProperty(BaseComponent.prototype, "_async", {
93 /**
94 * Gets the async instance associated with the component, created on demand. The async instance gives
95 * subclasses a way to execute setTimeout/setInterval async calls safely, where the callbacks
96 * will be cleared/ignored automatically after unmounting. The helpers within the async object also
97 * preserve the this pointer so that you don't need to "bind" the callbacks.
98 */
99 get: function () {
100 if (!this.__async) {
101 this.__async = new Async(this);
102 this._disposables.push(this.__async);
103 }
104 return this.__async;
105 },
106 enumerable: true,
107 configurable: true
108 });
109 Object.defineProperty(BaseComponent.prototype, "_events", {
110 /**
111 * Gets the event group instance assocaited with the component, created on demand. The event instance
112 * provides on/off methods for listening to DOM (or regular javascript object) events. The event callbacks
113 * will be automatically disconnected after unmounting. The helpers within the events object also
114 * preserve the this reference so that you don't need to "bind" the callbacks.
115 */
116 get: function () {
117 if (!this.__events) {
118 this.__events = new EventGroup(this);
119 this._disposables.push(this.__events);
120 }
121 return this.__events;
122 },
123 enumerable: true,
124 configurable: true
125 });
126 /**
127 * Helper to return a memoized ref resolver function.
128 * @param refName - Name of the member to assign the ref to.
129 * @returns A function instance keyed from the given refname.
130 * @deprecated Use `createRef` from React.createRef.
131 */
132 BaseComponent.prototype._resolveRef = function (refName) {
133 var _this = this;
134 if (!this.__resolves) {
135 this.__resolves = {};
136 }
137 if (!this.__resolves[refName]) {
138 this.__resolves[refName] = function (ref) {
139 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
140 return (_this[refName] = ref);
141 };
142 }
143 return this.__resolves[refName];
144 };
145 /**
146 * Updates the componentRef (by calling it with "this" when necessary.)
147 */
148 BaseComponent.prototype._updateComponentRef = function (currentProps, newProps) {
149 if (newProps === void 0) { newProps = {}; }
150 // currentProps *should* always be defined, but verify that just in case a subclass is manually
151 // calling a lifecycle method with no parameters (which has happened) or other odd usage.
152 if (currentProps && newProps && currentProps.componentRef !== newProps.componentRef) {
153 this._setComponentRef(currentProps.componentRef, null);
154 this._setComponentRef(newProps.componentRef, this);
155 }
156 };
157 /**
158 * Warns when a deprecated props are being used.
159 *
160 * @param deprecationMap - The map of deprecations, where key is the prop name and the value is
161 * either null or a replacement prop name.
162 */
163 BaseComponent.prototype._warnDeprecations = function (deprecationMap) {
164 warnDeprecations(this.className, this.props, deprecationMap);
165 };
166 /**
167 * Warns when props which are mutually exclusive with each other are both used.
168 *
169 * @param mutuallyExclusiveMap - The map of mutually exclusive props.
170 */
171 BaseComponent.prototype._warnMutuallyExclusive = function (mutuallyExclusiveMap) {
172 warnMutuallyExclusive(this.className, this.props, mutuallyExclusiveMap);
173 };
174 /**
175 * Warns when props are required if a condition is met.
176 *
177 * @param requiredProps - The name of the props that are required when the condition is met.
178 * @param conditionalPropName - The name of the prop that the condition is based on.
179 * @param condition - Whether the condition is met.
180 */
181 BaseComponent.prototype._warnConditionallyRequiredProps = function (requiredProps, conditionalPropName, condition) {
182 warnConditionallyRequiredProps(this.className, this.props, requiredProps, conditionalPropName, condition);
183 };
184 BaseComponent.prototype._setComponentRef = function (ref, value) {
185 if (!this._skipComponentRefResolution && ref) {
186 if (typeof ref === 'function') {
187 ref(value);
188 }
189 if (typeof ref === 'object') {
190 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
191 ref.current = value;
192 }
193 }
194 };
195 return BaseComponent;
197export { BaseComponent };
199 * Helper to override a given method with a wrapper method that can try/catch the original, but also
200 * ensures that the BaseComponent's methods are called before the subclass's. This ensures that
201 * componentWillUnmount in the base is called and that things in the _disposables array are disposed.
202 */
203// eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation
204function _makeAllSafe(obj, prototype, methodNames) {
205 for (var i = 0, len = methodNames.length; i < len; i++) {
206 _makeSafe(obj, prototype, methodNames[i]);
207 }
209// eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation
210function _makeSafe(obj, prototype, methodName) {
211 /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
212 var classMethod = obj[methodName];
213 var prototypeMethod = prototype[methodName];
214 if (classMethod || prototypeMethod) {
215 obj[methodName] = function () {
216 var args = [];
217 for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
218 args[_i] = arguments[_i];
219 }
220 /* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
221 var retVal;
222 if (prototypeMethod) {
223 retVal = prototypeMethod.apply(this, args);
224 }
225 if (classMethod !== prototypeMethod) {
226 retVal = classMethod.apply(this, args);
227 }
228 return retVal;
229 };
230 }
233 * Simple constant function for returning null, used to render empty templates in JSX.
234 *
235 * @public
236 */
237export function nullRender() {
238 return null;
240//# sourceMappingURL=BaseComponent.js.map
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