1 | ## API Report File for "@uifabric/utilities"
2 |
3 | > Do not edit this file. It is a report generated by [API Extractor](https://api-extractor.com/).
4 |
5 | ```ts
6 |
7 | import { DATA_PORTAL_ATTRIBUTE } from '@fluentui/dom-utilities';
8 | import { elementContains } from '@fluentui/dom-utilities';
9 | import { elementContainsAttribute } from '@fluentui/dom-utilities';
10 | import { findElementRecursive } from '@fluentui/dom-utilities';
11 | import { getChildren } from '@fluentui/dom-utilities';
12 | import { getParent } from '@fluentui/dom-utilities';
13 | import { getVirtualParent } from '@fluentui/dom-utilities';
14 | import { IProcessedStyleSet } from '@uifabric/merge-styles';
15 | import { IStyleFunction } from '@uifabric/merge-styles';
16 | import { IStyleFunctionOrObject } from '@uifabric/merge-styles';
17 | import { IStyleSet } from '@uifabric/merge-styles';
18 | import { isVirtualElement } from '@fluentui/dom-utilities';
19 | import { IVirtualElement } from '@fluentui/dom-utilities';
20 | import { Omit } from '@uifabric/merge-styles';
21 | import { portalContainsElement } from '@fluentui/dom-utilities';
22 | import * as React from 'react';
23 | import { setPortalAttribute } from '@fluentui/dom-utilities';
24 | import { setVirtualParent } from '@fluentui/dom-utilities';
25 |
26 | // @public
27 | export function addDirectionalKeyCode(which: number): void;
28 |
29 | // @public
30 | export function addElementAtIndex<T>(array: T[], index: number, itemToAdd: T): T[];
31 |
32 | // @public
33 | export const allowOverscrollOnElement: (element: HTMLElement | null, events: EventGroup) => void;
34 |
35 | // @public
36 | export const allowScrollOnElement: (element: HTMLElement | null, events: EventGroup) => void;
37 |
38 | // @public
39 | export const anchorProperties: Record<string, number>;
40 |
41 | // @public
42 | export function appendFunction(parent: any, ...functions: any[]): () => void;
43 |
44 | // @public
45 | export function arraysEqual<T>(array1: T[], array2: T[]): boolean;
46 |
47 | // @public
48 | export function asAsync<TProps>(options: IAsAsyncOptions<TProps>): React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<React.PropsWithoutRef<TProps & {
49 | asyncPlaceholder?: "symbol" | "object" | "text" | "table" | "ruby" | "small" | "input" | "progress" | "select" | "a" | "abbr" | "address" | "area" | "article" | "aside" | "audio" | "b" | "base" | "bdi" | "bdo" | "blockquote" | "body" | "br" | "button" | "canvas" | "caption" | "cite" | "code" | "col" | "colgroup" | "data" | "datalist" | "dd" | "del" | "details" | "dfn" | "dialog" | "div" | "dl" | "dt" | "em" | "embed" | "fieldset" | "figcaption" | "figure" | "footer" | "form" | "h1" | "h2" | "h3" | "h4" | "h5" | "h6" | "head" | "header" | "hgroup" | "hr" | "html" | "i" | "iframe" | "img" | "ins" | "kbd" | "label" | "legend" | "li" | "link" | "main" | "map" | "mark" | "menu" | "meta" | "meter" | "nav" | "noscript" | "ol" | "optgroup" | "option" | "output" | "p" | "param" | "picture" | "pre" | "q" | "rp" | "rt" | "s" | "samp" | "script" | "section" | "source" | "span" | "strong" | "style" | "sub" | "summary" | "sup" | "tbody" | "td" | "template" | "textarea" | "tfoot" | "th" | "thead" | "time" | "title" | "tr" | "track" | "u" | "ul" | "var" | "video" | "wbr" | "big" | React.ComponentClass<any, any> | React.FunctionComponent<any> | "keygen" | "menuitem" | "noindex" | "webview" | "svg" | "animate" | "animateMotion" | "animateTransform" | "circle" | "clipPath" | "defs" | "desc" | "ellipse" | "feBlend" | "feColorMatrix" | "feComponentTransfer" | "feComposite" | "feConvolveMatrix" | "feDiffuseLighting" | "feDisplacementMap" | "feDistantLight" | "feDropShadow" | "feFlood" | "feFuncA" | "feFuncB" | "feFuncG" | "feFuncR" | "feGaussianBlur" | "feImage" | "feMerge" | "feMergeNode" | "feMorphology" | "feOffset" | "fePointLight" | "feSpecularLighting" | "feSpotLight" | "feTile" | "feTurbulence" | "filter" | "foreignObject" | "g" | "image" | "line" | "linearGradient" | "marker" | "mask" | "metadata" | "mpath" | "path" | "pattern" | "polygon" | "polyline" | "radialGradient" | "rect" | "stop" | "switch" | "textPath" | "tspan" | "use" | "view" | undefined;
50 | }> & React.RefAttributes<React.ElementType<TProps>>>;
51 |
52 | // @public
53 | export function assertNever(x: never): never;
54 |
55 | // @public
56 | export function assign(target: any, ...args: any[]): any;
57 |
58 | // @public
59 | export class Async {
60 | constructor(parent?: object, onError?: (e: any) => void);
61 | // (undocumented)
62 | cancelAnimationFrame(id: number, targetElement?: Element | null): void;
63 | clearImmediate(id: number, targetElement?: Element | null): void;
64 | clearInterval(id: number): void;
65 | clearTimeout(id: number): void;
66 | debounce<T extends (...args: any[]) => any>(func: T, wait?: number, options?: {
67 | leading?: boolean;
68 | maxWait?: number;
69 | trailing?: boolean;
70 | }): ICancelable<T> & T;
71 | dispose(): void;
72 | // (undocumented)
73 | protected _logError(e: any): void;
74 | // (undocumented)
75 | requestAnimationFrame(callback: () => void, targetElement?: Element | null): number;
76 | setImmediate(callback: () => void, targetElement?: Element | null): number;
77 | setInterval(callback: () => void, duration: number): number;
78 | setTimeout(callback: () => void, duration: number): number;
79 | throttle<T extends (...args: any[]) => any>(func: T, wait?: number, options?: {
80 | leading?: boolean;
81 | trailing?: boolean;
82 | }): T;
83 | }
84 |
85 | // @public
86 | export const audioProperties: Record<string, number>;
87 |
88 | // @public
89 | export class AutoScroll {
90 | constructor(element: HTMLElement);
91 | // (undocumented)
92 | dispose(): void;
93 | }
94 |
95 | // @public @deprecated
96 | export class BaseComponent<TProps extends IBaseProps = {}, TState = {}> extends React.Component<TProps, TState> {
97 | constructor(props: TProps, context?: any);
98 | protected readonly _async: Async;
99 | readonly className: string;
100 | componentDidMount(): void;
101 | componentDidUpdate(prevProps: TProps, prevState: TState): void;
102 | componentWillUnmount(): void;
103 | protected readonly _disposables: IDisposable[];
104 | protected readonly _events: EventGroup;
105 | // @deprecated (undocumented)
106 | static onError: (errorMessage?: string, ex?: any) => void;
107 | // @deprecated
108 | protected _resolveRef(refName: string): (ref: React.ReactNode) => React.ReactNode;
109 | protected _skipComponentRefResolution: boolean;
110 | protected _updateComponentRef(currentProps: IBaseProps, newProps?: IBaseProps): void;
111 | protected _warnConditionallyRequiredProps(requiredProps: string[], conditionalPropName: string, condition: boolean): void;
112 | protected _warnDeprecations(deprecationMap: ISettingsMap<TProps>): void;
113 | protected _warnMutuallyExclusive(mutuallyExclusiveMap: ISettingsMap<TProps>): void;
114 | }
115 |
116 | // @public
117 | export const baseElementEvents: Record<string, number>;
118 |
119 | // @public
120 | export const baseElementProperties: Record<string, number>;
121 |
122 | // @public
123 | export const buttonProperties: Record<string, number>;
124 |
125 | // @public
126 | export function calculatePrecision(value: number | string): number;
127 |
128 | // @public
129 | export function classNamesFunction<TStyleProps extends {}, TStyleSet extends IStyleSet<TStyleSet>>(options?: IClassNamesFunctionOptions): (getStyles: IStyleFunctionOrObject<TStyleProps, TStyleSet> | undefined, styleProps?: TStyleProps) => IProcessedStyleSet<TStyleSet>;
130 |
131 | // @public (undocumented)
132 | export const colGroupProperties: Record<string, number>;
133 |
134 | // @public (undocumented)
135 | export const colProperties: Record<string, number>;
136 |
137 | // @public
138 | export function composeComponentAs<TProps>(outer: IComponentAs<TProps>, inner: IComponentAs<TProps>): IComponentAs<TProps>;
139 |
140 | // @public
141 | export function composeRenderFunction<TProps>(outer: IRenderFunction<TProps>, inner: IRenderFunction<TProps>): IRenderFunction<TProps>;
142 |
143 | // @public
144 | export function createArray<T>(size: number, getItem: (index: number) => T): T[];
145 |
146 | // @public
147 | export function createMemoizer<F extends (input: any) => any>(getValue: F): F;
148 |
149 | // @public
150 | export const createMergedRef: <TType, TValue = null>(value?: TValue | undefined) => (...newRefs: (((instance: TType | TValue | null) => void) | React.RefObject<TType | TValue | null> | null | undefined)[]) => (newValue: TType | TValue | null) => void;
151 |
152 | // Warning: (ae-incompatible-release-tags) The symbol "css" is marked as @public, but its signature references "ICssInput" which is marked as @internal
153 | //
154 | // @public
155 | export function css(...args: ICssInput[]): string;
156 |
157 | // @public (undocumented)
158 | export function customizable(scope: string, fields: string[], concatStyles?: boolean): <P>(ComposedComponent: React.ComponentType<P>) => any;
159 |
160 | // @public (undocumented)
161 | export class Customizations {
162 | static applyBatchedUpdates(code: () => void, suppressUpdate?: boolean): void;
163 | static applyScopedSettings(scopeName: string, settings: ISettings): void;
164 | static applySettings(settings: ISettings): void;
165 | // (undocumented)
166 | static getSettings(properties: string[], scopeName?: string, localSettings?: ICustomizations): any;
167 | // (undocumented)
168 | static observe(onChange: () => void): void;
169 | // (undocumented)
170 | static reset(): void;
171 | // (undocumented)
172 | static unobserve(onChange: () => void): void;
173 | }
174 |
175 | // @public
176 | export class Customizer extends React.Component<ICustomizerProps> {
177 | // (undocumented)
178 | componentDidMount(): void;
179 | // (undocumented)
180 | componentWillUnmount(): void;
181 | // (undocumented)
182 | render(): React.ReactElement<{}>;
183 | }
184 |
185 | // @public (undocumented)
186 | export const CustomizerContext: React.Context<ICustomizerContext>;
187 |
188 | // @public
189 | export const DATA_IS_SCROLLABLE_ATTRIBUTE = "data-is-scrollable";
190 |
191 | export { DATA_PORTAL_ATTRIBUTE }
192 |
193 | // Warning: (ae-incompatible-release-tags) The symbol "DelayedRender" is marked as @public, but its signature references "IDelayedRenderState" which is marked as @internal
194 | //
195 | // @public
196 | export class DelayedRender extends React.Component<IDelayedRenderProps, IDelayedRenderState> {
197 | constructor(props: IDelayedRenderProps);
198 | // (undocumented)
199 | componentDidMount(): void;
200 | // (undocumented)
201 | componentWillUnmount(): void;
202 | // (undocumented)
203 | static defaultProps: {
204 | delay: number;
205 | };
206 | // (undocumented)
207 | render(): React.ReactElement<{}> | null;
208 | }
209 |
210 | // @public
211 | export function disableBodyScroll(): void;
212 |
213 | // @public
214 | export const divProperties: Record<string, number>;
215 |
216 | // @public
217 | export function doesElementContainFocus(element: HTMLElement): boolean;
218 |
219 | export { elementContains }
220 |
221 | export { elementContainsAttribute }
222 |
223 | // @public
224 | export function enableBodyScroll(): void;
225 |
226 | // @public
227 | export class EventGroup {
228 | constructor(parent: any);
229 | declare(event: string | string[]): void;
230 | // (undocumented)
231 | dispose(): void;
232 | static isDeclared(target: any, eventName: string): boolean;
233 | // (undocumented)
234 | static isObserved(target: any, eventName: string): boolean;
235 | // (undocumented)
236 | off(target?: any, eventName?: string, callback?: (args?: any) => void, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions): void;
237 | on(target: any, eventName: string, callback: (args?: any) => void, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions): void;
238 | onAll(target: any, events: {
239 | [key: string]: (args?: any) => void;
240 | }, useCapture?: boolean): void;
241 | static raise(target: any, eventName: string, eventArgs?: any, bubbleEvent?: boolean): boolean | undefined;
242 | raise(eventName: string, eventArgs?: any, bubbleEvent?: boolean): boolean | undefined;
243 | // (undocumented)
244 | static stopPropagation(event: any): void;
245 | }
246 |
247 | // @public
248 | export function extendComponent<T extends React.Component>(parent: T, methods: {
249 | [key in keyof T]?: T[key];
250 | }): void;
251 |
252 | // @public
253 | export class FabricPerformance {
254 | static measure(name: string, func: () => void): void;
255 | // (undocumented)
256 | static reset(): void;
257 | // (undocumented)
258 | static setPeriodicReset(): void;
259 | // Warning: (ae-incompatible-release-tags) The symbol "summary" is marked as @public, but its signature references "IPerfSummary" which is marked as @internal
260 | //
261 | // (undocumented)
262 | static summary: IPerfSummary;
263 | }
264 |
265 | // @public
266 | export function filteredAssign(isAllowed: (propName: string) => boolean, target: any, ...args: any[]): any;
267 |
268 | // @public
269 | export function find<T>(array: T[], cb: (item: T, index: number) => boolean): T | undefined;
270 |
271 | export { findElementRecursive }
272 |
273 | // @public
274 | export function findIndex<T>(array: T[], cb: (item: T, index: number) => boolean, fromIndex?: number): number;
275 |
276 | // @public
277 | export function findScrollableParent(startingElement: HTMLElement | null): HTMLElement | Window | undefined | null;
278 |
279 | // @public
280 | export function fitContentToBounds(options: IFitContentToBoundsOptions): ISize;
281 |
282 | // @public
283 | export type FitMode = 'contain' | 'cover';
284 |
285 | // @public
286 | export function flatten<T>(array: (T | T[])[]): T[];
287 |
288 | // @public
289 | export function focusAsync(element: HTMLElement | {
290 | focus: () => void;
291 | } | undefined | null): void;
292 |
293 | // @public
294 | export function focusFirstChild(rootElement: HTMLElement): boolean;
295 |
296 | // @public
297 | export const FocusRects: React.FunctionComponent<{
298 | rootRef?: React.RefObject<HTMLElement>;
299 | }>;
300 |
301 | // @public
302 | export function format(s: string, ...values: any[]): string;
303 |
304 | // @public
305 | export const formProperties: Record<string, number>;
306 |
307 | export { getChildren }
308 |
309 | // @public
310 | export function getDistanceBetweenPoints(point1: Point, point2: Point): number;
311 |
312 | // @public
313 | export function getDocument(rootElement?: HTMLElement | null): Document | undefined;
314 |
315 | // @public
316 | export function getElementIndexPath(fromElement: HTMLElement, toElement: HTMLElement): number[];
317 |
318 | // @public
319 | export function getFirstFocusable(rootElement: HTMLElement, currentElement: HTMLElement, includeElementsInFocusZones?: boolean): HTMLElement | null;
320 |
321 | // @public
322 | export function getFirstTabbable(rootElement: HTMLElement, currentElement: HTMLElement, includeElementsInFocusZones?: boolean, checkNode?: boolean): HTMLElement | null;
323 |
324 | // @public
325 | export function getFocusableByIndexPath(parent: HTMLElement, path: number[]): HTMLElement | undefined;
326 |
327 | // @public
328 | export function getId(prefix?: string): string;
329 |
330 | // @public
331 | export function getInitials(displayName: string | undefined | null, isRtl: boolean, allowPhoneInitials?: boolean): string;
332 |
333 | // @public
334 | export function getLanguage(persistenceType?: 'localStorage' | 'sessionStorage' | 'none'): string | null;
335 |
336 | // @public
337 | export function getLastFocusable(rootElement: HTMLElement, currentElement: HTMLElement, includeElementsInFocusZones?: boolean): HTMLElement | null;
338 |
339 | // @public
340 | export function getLastTabbable(rootElement: HTMLElement, currentElement: HTMLElement, includeElementsInFocusZones?: boolean, checkNode?: boolean): HTMLElement | null;
341 |
342 | // @public
343 | export function getNativeElementProps<TAttributes extends React.HTMLAttributes<any>>(tagName: string, props: {}, excludedPropNames?: string[]): TAttributes;
344 |
345 | // @public
346 | export function getNativeProps<T extends Record<string, any>>(props: Record<string, any>, allowedPropNames: string[] | Record<string, number>, excludedPropNames?: string[]): T;
347 |
348 | // @public
349 | export function getNextElement(rootElement: HTMLElement, currentElement: HTMLElement | null, checkNode?: boolean, suppressParentTraversal?: boolean, suppressChildTraversal?: boolean, includeElementsInFocusZones?: boolean, allowFocusRoot?: boolean, tabbable?: boolean): HTMLElement | null;
350 |
351 | export { getParent }
352 |
353 | // @public
354 | export function getPreviousElement(rootElement: HTMLElement, currentElement: HTMLElement | null, checkNode?: boolean, suppressParentTraversal?: boolean, traverseChildren?: boolean, includeElementsInFocusZones?: boolean, allowFocusRoot?: boolean, tabbable?: boolean): HTMLElement | null;
355 |
356 | // @public
357 | export function getPropsWithDefaults<TProps extends {}>(defaultProps: Partial<TProps>, propsWithoutDefaults: TProps): TProps;
358 |
359 | // @public
360 | export function getRect(element: HTMLElement | Window | null): IRectangle | undefined;
361 |
362 | // @public
363 | export function getResourceUrl(url: string): string;
364 |
365 | // @public
366 | export function getRTL(theme?: {
367 | rtl?: boolean;
368 | }): boolean;
369 |
370 | // @public
371 | export function getRTLSafeKeyCode(key: number, theme?: {
372 | rtl?: boolean;
373 | }): number;
374 |
375 | // @public
376 | export function getScrollbarWidth(): number;
377 |
378 | export { getVirtualParent }
379 |
380 | // @public
381 | export function getWindow(rootElement?: Element | null): Window | undefined;
382 |
383 | // @public
384 | export class GlobalSettings {
385 | // (undocumented)
386 | static addChangeListener(cb: IChangeEventCallback): void;
387 | // (undocumented)
388 | static getValue<T>(key: string, defaultValue?: T | (() => T)): T;
389 | // (undocumented)
390 | static removeChangeListener(cb: IChangeEventCallback): void;
391 | // (undocumented)
392 | static setValue<T>(key: string, value: T): T;
393 | }
394 |
395 | // @public
396 | export function hasHorizontalOverflow(element: HTMLElement): boolean;
397 |
398 | // @public
399 | export function hasOverflow(element: HTMLElement): boolean;
400 |
401 | // @public
402 | export function hasVerticalOverflow(element: HTMLElement): boolean;
403 |
404 | // @public
405 | export function hoistMethods(destination: any, source: any, exclusions?: string[]): string[];
406 |
407 | // @public
408 | export function hoistStatics<TSource extends Object, TDest>(source: TSource, dest: TDest): TDest;
409 |
410 | // @public
411 | export const htmlElementProperties: Record<string, number>;
412 |
413 | // @public (undocumented)
414 | export interface IAsAsyncOptions<TProps> {
415 | load: () => Promise<React.ElementType<TProps>>;
416 | onError?: (error: Error) => void;
417 | onLoad?: () => void;
418 | }
419 |
420 | // @public
421 | export interface IBaseProps<T = any> {
422 | // (undocumented)
423 | componentRef?: IRefObject<T>;
424 | }
425 |
426 | // @public (undocumented)
427 | export type ICancelable<T extends (...args: any[]) => any> = {
428 | flush: () => ReturnType<T>;
429 | cancel: () => void;
430 | pending: () => boolean;
431 | };
432 |
433 | // @public
434 | export interface IChangeDescription {
435 | // (undocumented)
436 | key: string;
437 | // (undocumented)
438 | oldValue: any;
439 | // (undocumented)
440 | value: any;
441 | }
442 |
443 | // @public
444 | export interface IChangeEventCallback {
445 | // (undocumented)
446 | (changeDescription?: IChangeDescription): void;
447 | // (undocumented)
448 | __id__?: string;
449 | }
450 |
451 | // @public @deprecated (undocumented)
452 | export type IClassNames<T> = {
453 | [key in keyof T]: string;
454 | };
455 |
456 | // @public (undocumented)
457 | export interface IClassNamesFunctionOptions {
458 | cacheSize?: number;
459 | disableCaching?: boolean;
460 | useStaticStyles?: boolean;
461 | }
462 |
463 | // @public
464 | export type IComponentAs<T> = React.ComponentType<IComponentAsProps<T>>;
465 |
466 | // @public
467 | export type IComponentAsProps<T> = T & {
468 | defaultRender?: React.ComponentType<T>;
469 | };
470 |
471 | // Warning: (ae-internal-missing-underscore) The name "ICssInput" should be prefixed with an underscore because the declaration is marked as @internal
472 | //
473 | // @internal
474 | export type ICssInput = string | ISerializableObject | IDictionary | null | undefined | boolean;
475 |
476 | // @public (undocumented)
477 | export interface ICustomizableProps {
478 | fields?: string[];
479 | scope: string;
480 | }
481 |
482 | // @public (undocumented)
483 | export interface ICustomizations {
484 | // (undocumented)
485 | inCustomizerContext?: boolean;
486 | // (undocumented)
487 | scopedSettings: {
488 | [key: string]: ISettings;
489 | };
490 | // (undocumented)
491 | settings: ISettings;
492 | }
493 |
494 | // @public (undocumented)
495 | export interface ICustomizerContext {
496 | // (undocumented)
497 | customizations: ICustomizations;
498 | }
499 |
500 | // @public (undocumented)
501 | export type ICustomizerProps = IBaseProps & Partial<{
502 | settings: ISettings | ISettingsFunction;
503 | scopedSettings: ISettings | ISettingsFunction;
504 | }> & {
505 | contextTransform?: (context: Readonly<ICustomizerContext>) => ICustomizerContext;
506 | };
507 |
508 | // Warning: (ae-internal-missing-underscore) The name "IDeclaredEventsByName" should be prefixed with an underscore because the declaration is marked as @internal
509 | //
510 | // @internal (undocumented)
511 | export interface IDeclaredEventsByName {
512 | // (undocumented)
513 | [eventName: string]: boolean;
514 | }
515 |
516 | // @public
517 | export interface IDelayedRenderProps extends React.Props<{}> {
518 | delay?: number;
519 | }
520 |
521 | // Warning: (ae-internal-missing-underscore) The name "IDelayedRenderState" should be prefixed with an underscore because the declaration is marked as @internal
522 | //
523 | // @internal
524 | export interface IDelayedRenderState {
525 | isRendered: boolean;
526 | }
527 |
528 | // Warning: (ae-internal-missing-underscore) The name "IDictionary" should be prefixed with an underscore because the declaration is marked as @internal
529 | //
530 | // @internal
531 | export interface IDictionary {
532 | // (undocumented)
533 | [className: string]: boolean;
534 | }
535 |
536 | // @public
537 | export interface IDisposable {
538 | // (undocumented)
539 | dispose: () => void;
540 | }
541 |
542 | // Warning: (ae-internal-missing-underscore) The name "IEventRecord" should be prefixed with an underscore because the declaration is marked as @internal
543 | //
544 | // @internal (undocumented)
545 | export interface IEventRecord {
546 | // (undocumented)
547 | callback: (args?: any) => void;
548 | // (undocumented)
549 | elementCallback?: (...args: any[]) => void;
550 | // (undocumented)
551 | eventName: string;
552 | // (undocumented)
553 | objectCallback?: (args?: any) => void;
554 | // (undocumented)
555 | options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions;
556 | // (undocumented)
557 | parent: any;
558 | // (undocumented)
559 | target: any;
560 | }
561 |
562 | // Warning: (ae-internal-missing-underscore) The name "IEventRecordList" should be prefixed with an underscore because the declaration is marked as @internal
563 | //
564 | // @internal (undocumented)
565 | export interface IEventRecordList {
566 | // (undocumented)
567 | [id: string]: IEventRecord[] | number;
568 | // (undocumented)
569 | count: number;
570 | }
571 |
572 | // Warning: (ae-internal-missing-underscore) The name "IEventRecordsByName" should be prefixed with an underscore because the declaration is marked as @internal
573 | //
574 | // @internal (undocumented)
575 | export interface IEventRecordsByName {
576 | // (undocumented)
577 | [eventName: string]: IEventRecordList;
578 | }
579 |
580 | // @public
581 | export interface IFitContentToBoundsOptions {
582 | boundsSize: ISize;
583 | contentSize: ISize;
584 | maxScale?: number;
585 | mode: FitMode;
586 | }
587 |
588 | // @public
589 | export const iframeProperties: Record<string, number>;
590 |
591 | // @public @deprecated (undocumented)
592 | export const imageProperties: Record<string, number>;
593 |
594 | // @public
595 | export const imgProperties: Record<string, number>;
596 |
597 | // @public
598 | export function initializeComponentRef<TProps extends IBaseProps, TState>(obj: React.Component<TProps, TState>): void;
599 |
600 | // @public @deprecated
601 | export function initializeFocusRects(window?: Window): void;
602 |
603 | // @public
604 | export const inputProperties: Record<string, number>;
605 |
606 | // @public (undocumented)
607 | export interface IObjectWithKey {
608 | // (undocumented)
609 | key?: string | number;
610 | }
611 |
612 | // Warning: (ae-internal-missing-underscore) The name "IPerfData" should be prefixed with an underscore because the declaration is marked as @internal
613 | //
614 | // @internal
615 | export interface IPerfData {
616 | // (undocumented)
617 | duration: number;
618 | // (undocumented)
619 | timeStamp: number;
620 | }
621 |
622 | // Warning: (ae-internal-missing-underscore) The name "IPerfMeasurement" should be prefixed with an underscore because the declaration is marked as @internal
623 | //
624 | // @internal
625 | export interface IPerfMeasurement {
626 | // (undocumented)
627 | all: IPerfData[];
628 | // (undocumented)
629 | count: number;
630 | // (undocumented)
631 | totalDuration: number;
632 | }
633 |
634 | // Warning: (ae-internal-missing-underscore) The name "IPerfSummary" should be prefixed with an underscore because the declaration is marked as @internal
635 | //
636 | // @internal
637 | export interface IPerfSummary {
638 | // (undocumented)
639 | [key: string]: IPerfMeasurement;
640 | }
641 |
642 | // @public @deprecated
643 | export interface IPoint extends Point {
644 | }
645 |
646 | // @public (undocumented)
647 | export interface IPropsWithStyles<TStyleProps, TStyleSet extends IStyleSet<TStyleSet>> {
648 | // (undocumented)
649 | styles?: IStyleFunctionOrObject<TStyleProps, TStyleSet>;
650 | }
651 |
652 | // @public
653 | export interface IRectangle {
654 | // (undocumented)
655 | bottom?: number;
656 | // (undocumented)
657 | height: number;
658 | // (undocumented)
659 | left: number;
660 | // (undocumented)
661 | right?: number;
662 | // (undocumented)
663 | top: number;
664 | // (undocumented)
665 | width: number;
666 | }
667 |
668 | // @public (undocumented)
669 | export type IRefObject<T> = React.RefObject<T> | RefObject<T> | ((ref: T | null) => void);
670 |
671 | // @public
672 | export interface IRenderComponent<TProps> {
673 | children: (props: TProps) => JSX.Element;
674 | }
675 |
676 | // @public
677 | export interface IRenderFunction<P> {
678 | // (undocumented)
679 | (props?: P, defaultRender?: (props?: P) => JSX.Element | null): JSX.Element | null;
680 | }
681 |
682 | // @public
683 | export function isControlled<P>(props: P, valueProp: keyof P): boolean;
684 |
685 | // @public
686 | export function isDirectionalKeyCode(which: number): boolean;
687 |
688 | // @public (undocumented)
689 | export interface ISelection<TItem = IObjectWithKey> {
690 | // (undocumented)
691 | canSelectItem: (item: TItem, index?: number) => boolean;
692 | // (undocumented)
693 | count: number;
694 | // (undocumented)
695 | getItemIndex?(key: string): number;
696 | // (undocumented)
697 | getItems(): TItem[];
698 | // (undocumented)
699 | getSelectedCount(): number;
700 | // (undocumented)
701 | getSelectedIndices(): number[];
702 | // (undocumented)
703 | getSelection(): TItem[];
704 | // (undocumented)
705 | isAllSelected(): boolean;
706 | // (undocumented)
707 | isIndexSelected(index: number): boolean;
708 | // (undocumented)
709 | isKeySelected(key: string): boolean;
710 | // (undocumented)
711 | isModal?(): boolean;
712 | // (undocumented)
713 | isRangeSelected(fromIndex: number, count: number): boolean;
714 | // (undocumented)
715 | mode: SelectionMode;
716 | // (undocumented)
717 | selectToIndex(index: number, clearSelection?: boolean): void;
718 | // (undocumented)
719 | selectToKey(key: string, clearSelection?: boolean): void;
720 | // (undocumented)
721 | selectToRange?(index: number, count: number, clearSelection?: boolean): void;
722 | // (undocumented)
723 | setAllSelected(isAllSelected: boolean): void;
724 | // (undocumented)
725 | setChangeEvents(isEnabled: boolean, suppressChange?: boolean): void;
726 | // (undocumented)
727 | setIndexSelected(index: number, isSelected: boolean, shouldAnchor: boolean): void;
728 | // (undocumented)
729 | setItems(items: TItem[], shouldClear: boolean): void;
730 | // (undocumented)
731 | setKeySelected(key: string, isSelected: boolean, shouldAnchor: boolean): void;
732 | // (undocumented)
733 | setModal?(isModal: boolean): void;
734 | // (undocumented)
735 | setRangeSelected?(fromIndex: number, count: number, isSelected: boolean, shouldAnchor: boolean): void;
736 | // (undocumented)
737 | toggleAllSelected(): void;
738 | // (undocumented)
739 | toggleIndexSelected(index: number): void;
740 | // (undocumented)
741 | toggleKeySelected(key: string): void;
742 | // (undocumented)
743 | toggleRangeSelected(fromIndex: number, count: number): void;
744 | }
745 |
746 | // @public (undocumented)
747 | export interface ISelectionOptions<TItem = IObjectWithKey> {
748 | // (undocumented)
749 | canSelectItem?: (item: TItem, index?: number) => boolean;
750 | getKey?: (item: TItem, index?: number) => string | number;
751 | // (undocumented)
752 | items?: TItem[];
753 | // (undocumented)
754 | onItemsChanged?: () => void;
755 | // (undocumented)
756 | onSelectionChanged?: () => void;
757 | // (undocumented)
758 | selectionMode?: SelectionMode;
759 | }
760 |
761 | // @public
762 | export type ISelectionOptionsWithRequiredGetKey<TItem> = ISelectionOptions<TItem> & Required<Pick<ISelectionOptions<TItem>, 'getKey'>>;
763 |
764 | // @public
765 | export function isElementFocusSubZone(element?: HTMLElement): boolean;
766 |
767 | // @public
768 | export function isElementFocusZone(element?: HTMLElement): boolean;
769 |
770 | // @public
771 | export function isElementTabbable(element: HTMLElement, checkTabIndex?: boolean): boolean;
772 |
773 | // @public
774 | export function isElementVisible(element: HTMLElement | undefined | null): boolean;
775 |
776 | // Warning: (ae-internal-missing-underscore) The name "ISerializableObject" should be prefixed with an underscore because the declaration is marked as @internal
777 | //
778 | // @internal
779 | export interface ISerializableObject {
780 | // (undocumented)
781 | toString?: () => string;
782 | }
783 |
784 | // @public (undocumented)
785 | export type ISettings = {
786 | [key: string]: any;
787 | };
788 |
789 | // @public (undocumented)
790 | export type ISettingsFunction = (settings: ISettings) => ISettings;
791 |
792 | // @public (undocumented)
793 | export type ISettingsMap<T> = {
794 | [P in keyof T]?: string;
795 | };
796 |
797 | // @public (undocumented)
798 | export const IsFocusVisibleClassName = "ms-Fabric--isFocusVisible";
799 |
800 | // @public (undocumented)
801 | export const isIE11: () => boolean;
802 |
803 | // @public
804 | export const isIOS: () => boolean;
805 |
806 | // @public (undocumented)
807 | export interface ISize {
808 | // (undocumented)
809 | height: number;
810 | // (undocumented)
811 | width: number;
812 | }
813 |
814 | // @public
815 | export function isMac(reset?: boolean): boolean;
816 |
817 | export { IStyleFunction }
818 |
819 | export { IStyleFunctionOrObject }
820 |
821 | export { isVirtualElement }
822 |
823 | export { IVirtualElement }
824 |
825 | // @public (undocumented)
826 | export interface IWarnControlledUsageParams<P> {
827 | componentId: string;
828 | componentName: string;
829 | defaultValueProp: keyof P;
830 | oldProps?: P;
831 | onChangeProp: keyof P;
832 | props: P;
833 | readOnlyProp?: keyof P;
834 | valueProp: keyof P;
835 | }
836 |
837 | // @public
838 | export const KeyCodes: {
839 | backspace: 8;
840 | tab: 9;
841 | enter: 13;
842 | shift: 16;
843 | ctrl: 17;
844 | alt: 18;
845 | pauseBreak: 19;
846 | capslock: 20;
847 | escape: 27;
848 | space: 32;
849 | pageUp: 33;
850 | pageDown: 34;
851 | end: 35;
852 | home: 36;
853 | left: 37;
854 | up: 38;
855 | right: 39;
856 | down: 40;
857 | insert: 45;
858 | del: 46;
859 | zero: 48;
860 | one: 49;
861 | two: 50;
862 | three: 51;
863 | four: 52;
864 | five: 53;
865 | six: 54;
866 | seven: 55;
867 | eight: 56;
868 | nine: 57;
869 | a: 65;
870 | b: 66;
871 | c: 67;
872 | d: 68;
873 | e: 69;
874 | f: 70;
875 | g: 71;
876 | h: 72;
877 | i: 73;
878 | j: 74;
879 | k: 75;
880 | l: 76;
881 | m: 77;
882 | n: 78;
883 | o: 79;
884 | p: 80;
885 | q: 81;
886 | r: 82;
887 | s: 83;
888 | t: 84;
889 | u: 85;
890 | v: 86;
891 | w: 87;
892 | x: 88;
893 | y: 89;
894 | z: 90;
895 | leftWindow: 91;
896 | rightWindow: 92;
897 | select: 93;
898 | zero_numpad: 96;
899 | one_numpad: 97;
900 | two_numpad: 98;
901 | three_numpad: 99;
902 | four_numpad: 100;
903 | five_numpad: 101;
904 | six_numpad: 102;
905 | seven_numpad: 103;
906 | eight_numpad: 104;
907 | nine_numpad: 105;
908 | multiply: 106;
909 | add: 107;
910 | subtract: 109;
911 | decimalPoint: 110;
912 | divide: 111;
913 | f1: 112;
914 | f2: 113;
915 | f3: 114;
916 | f4: 115;
917 | f5: 116;
918 | f6: 117;
919 | f7: 118;
920 | f8: 119;
921 | f9: 120;
922 | f10: 121;
923 | f11: 122;
924 | f12: 123;
925 | numlock: 144;
926 | scrollLock: 145;
927 | semicolon: 186;
928 | equalSign: 187;
929 | comma: 188;
930 | dash: 189;
931 | period: 190;
932 | forwardSlash: 191;
933 | graveAccent: 192;
934 | openBracket: 219;
935 | backSlash: 220;
936 | closeBracket: 221;
937 | singleQuote: 222;
938 | };
939 |
940 | // @public (undocumented)
941 | export type KeyCodes = number;
942 |
943 | // @public
944 | export const labelProperties: Record<string, number>;
945 |
946 | // @public
947 | export const liProperties: Record<string, number>;
948 |
949 | // @public
950 | export function mapEnumByName<T>(theEnum: any, callback: (name?: string, value?: string | number) => T | undefined): (T | undefined)[] | undefined;
951 |
952 | // @public
953 | export function memoize<T extends Function>(target: any, key: string, descriptor: TypedPropertyDescriptor<T>): {
954 | configurable: boolean;
955 | get(): T;
956 | };
957 |
958 | // @public
959 | export function memoizeFunction<T extends (...args: any[]) => RetType, RetType>(cb: T, maxCacheSize?: number, ignoreNullOrUndefinedResult?: boolean): T;
960 |
961 | // @public
962 | export function merge<T = {}>(target: Partial<T>, ...args: (Partial<T> | null | undefined | false)[]): T;
963 |
964 | // @public
965 | export function mergeAriaAttributeValues(...ariaAttributes: (string | undefined | false)[]): string | undefined;
966 |
967 | // @public
968 | export function mergeCustomizations(props: ICustomizerProps, parentContext: ICustomizerContext): ICustomizerContext;
969 |
970 | // @public (undocumented)
971 | export function mergeScopedSettings(oldSettings?: ISettings, newSettings?: ISettings | ISettingsFunction): ISettings;
972 |
973 | // @public
974 | export function mergeSettings(oldSettings?: ISettings, newSettings?: ISettings | ISettingsFunction): ISettings;
975 |
976 | // @public
977 | export function modalize(target: HTMLElement): () => void;
978 |
979 | // @public
980 | export function nullRender(): JSX.Element | null;
981 |
982 | // @public
983 | export const olProperties: Record<string, number>;
984 |
985 | export { Omit }
986 |
987 | // @public
988 | export function omit<TObj extends Record<string, any>>(obj: TObj, exclusions: (keyof TObj)[]): TObj;
989 |
990 | // @public (undocumented)
991 | export function on(element: Element | Window | Document, eventName: string, callback: (ev: Event) => void, options?: boolean): () => void;
992 |
993 | // @public (undocumented)
994 | export const optionProperties: Record<string, number>;
995 |
996 | // @public
997 | export interface Point {
998 | // (undocumented)
999 | left?: number;
1000 | // (undocumented)
1001 | top?: number;
1002 | // @deprecated (undocumented)
1003 | x?: number;
1004 | // @deprecated (undocumented)
1005 | y?: number;
1006 | }
1007 |
1008 | export { portalContainsElement }
1009 |
1010 | // @public
1011 | export function precisionRound(value: number, precision: number, base?: number): number;
1012 |
1013 | // @public
1014 | export function raiseClick(target: Element): void;
1015 |
1016 | // @public
1017 | export class Rectangle {
1018 | constructor(left?: number, right?: number, top?: number, bottom?: number);
1019 | // (undocumented)
1020 | bottom: number;
1021 | equals(rect: Rectangle): boolean;
1022 | readonly height: number;
1023 | // (undocumented)
1024 | left: number;
1025 | // (undocumented)
1026 | right: number;
1027 | // (undocumented)
1028 | top: number;
1029 | readonly width: number;
1030 | }
1031 |
1032 | // @public (undocumented)
1033 | export type RefObject<T> = {
1034 | (component: T | null): void;
1035 | current: T | null;
1036 | };
1037 |
1038 | // @public
1039 | export function removeIndex<T>(array: T[], index: number): T[];
1040 |
1041 | // @public
1042 | export function replaceElement<T>(array: T[], newElement: T, index: number): T[];
1043 |
1044 | // @public
1045 | export function resetControlledWarnings(): void;
1046 |
1047 | // @public
1048 | export function resetIds(counter?: number): void;
1049 |
1050 | // @public
1051 | export function resetMemoizations(): void;
1052 |
1053 | // @public
1054 | export const safeRequestAnimationFrame: (component: React.Component<{}, {}, any>) => (cb: Function) => void;
1055 |
1056 | // @public
1057 | export const safeSetTimeout: (component: React.Component<{}, {}, any>) => (cb: Function, duration: number) => void;
1058 |
1059 | // @public (undocumented)
1060 | export class Selection<TItem = IObjectWithKey> implements ISelection<TItem> {
1061 | constructor(...options: TItem extends IObjectWithKey ? [] | [ISelectionOptions<TItem>] : [ISelectionOptionsWithRequiredGetKey<TItem>]);
1062 | // (undocumented)
1063 | canSelectItem(item: TItem, index?: number): boolean;
1064 | count: number;
1065 | // (undocumented)
1066 | getItemIndex(key: string): number;
1067 | // (undocumented)
1068 | getItems(): TItem[];
1069 | // (undocumented)
1070 | getKey(item: TItem, index?: number): string;
1071 | // (undocumented)
1072 | getSelectedCount(): number;
1073 | // (undocumented)
1074 | getSelectedIndices(): number[];
1075 | // (undocumented)
1076 | getSelection(): TItem[];
1077 | // (undocumented)
1078 | isAllSelected(): boolean;
1079 | // (undocumented)
1080 | isIndexSelected(index: number): boolean;
1081 | // (undocumented)
1082 | isKeySelected(key: string): boolean;
1083 | // (undocumented)
1084 | isModal(): boolean;
1085 | // (undocumented)
1086 | isRangeSelected(fromIndex: number, count: number): boolean;
1087 | // (undocumented)
1088 | readonly mode: SelectionMode;
1089 | // (undocumented)
1090 | selectToIndex(index: number, clearSelection?: boolean): void;
1091 | // (undocumented)
1092 | selectToKey(key: string, clearSelection?: boolean): void;
1093 | // (undocumented)
1094 | selectToRange(fromIndex: number, count: number, clearSelection?: boolean): void;
1095 | // (undocumented)
1096 | setAllSelected(isAllSelected: boolean): void;
1097 | // (undocumented)
1098 | setChangeEvents(isEnabled: boolean, suppressChange?: boolean): void;
1099 | // (undocumented)
1100 | setIndexSelected(index: number, isSelected: boolean, shouldAnchor: boolean): void;
1101 | setItems(items: TItem[], shouldClear?: boolean): void;
1102 | // (undocumented)
1103 | setKeySelected(key: string, isSelected: boolean, shouldAnchor: boolean): void;
1104 | // (undocumented)
1105 | setModal(isModal: boolean): void;
1106 | // (undocumented)
1107 | setRangeSelected(fromIndex: number, count: number, isSelected: boolean, shouldAnchor: boolean): void;
1108 | // (undocumented)
1109 | toggleAllSelected(): void;
1110 | // (undocumented)
1111 | toggleIndexSelected(index: number): void;
1112 | // (undocumented)
1113 | toggleKeySelected(key: string): void;
1114 | // (undocumented)
1115 | toggleRangeSelected(fromIndex: number, count: number): void;
1116 | }
1117 |
1118 | // @public (undocumented)
1119 | export const SELECTION_CHANGE = "change";
1120 |
1121 | // @public (undocumented)
1122 | export const SELECTION_ITEMS_CHANGE = "items-change";
1123 |
1124 | // @public (undocumented)
1125 | export enum SelectionDirection {
1126 | // (undocumented)
1127 | horizontal = 0,
1128 | // (undocumented)
1129 | vertical = 1
1130 | }
1131 |
1132 | // @public (undocumented)
1133 | export enum SelectionMode {
1134 | // (undocumented)
1135 | multiple = 2,
1136 | // (undocumented)
1137 | none = 0,
1138 | // (undocumented)
1139 | single = 1
1140 | }
1141 |
1142 | // @public
1143 | export const selectProperties: Record<string, number>;
1144 |
1145 | // @public
1146 | export function setBaseUrl(baseUrl: string): void;
1147 |
1148 | // @public
1149 | export function setFocusVisibility(enabled: boolean, target?: Element): void;
1150 |
1151 | // @public
1152 | export function setLanguage(language: string, persistenceType?: 'localStorage' | 'sessionStorage' | 'none'): void;
1153 |
1154 | // @public @deprecated
1155 | export function setLanguage(language: string, avoidPersisting?: boolean): void;
1156 |
1157 | // Warning: (ae-internal-missing-underscore) The name "setMemoizeWeakMap" should be prefixed with an underscore because the declaration is marked as @internal
1158 | //
1159 | // @internal
1160 | export function setMemoizeWeakMap(weakMap: any): void;
1161 |
1162 | export { setPortalAttribute }
1163 |
1164 | // @public
1165 | export function setRTL(isRTL: boolean, persistSetting?: boolean): void;
1166 |
1167 | // @public
1168 | export function setSSR(isEnabled: boolean): void;
1169 |
1170 | // @public @deprecated (undocumented)
1171 | export type Settings = ISettings;
1172 |
1173 | // @public @deprecated (undocumented)
1174 | export type SettingsFunction = ISettingsFunction;
1175 |
1176 | export { setVirtualParent }
1177 |
1178 | // @public
1179 | export function setWarningCallback(warningCallback?: (message: string) => void): void;
1180 |
1181 | // @public
1182 | export function shallowCompare<TA extends any, TB extends any>(a: TA, b: TB): boolean;
1183 |
1184 | // @public
1185 | export function shouldWrapFocus(element: HTMLElement, noWrapDataAttribute: 'data-no-vertical-wrap' | 'data-no-horizontal-wrap'): boolean;
1186 |
1187 | // @public
1188 | export function styled<TComponentProps extends IPropsWithStyles<TStyleProps, TStyleSet>, TStyleProps, TStyleSet extends IStyleSet<TStyleSet>>(Component: React.ComponentClass<TComponentProps> | React.FunctionComponent<TComponentProps>, baseStyles: IStyleFunctionOrObject<TStyleProps, TStyleSet>, getProps?: (props: TComponentProps) => Partial<TComponentProps>, customizable?: ICustomizableProps, pure?: boolean): React.FunctionComponent<TComponentProps>;
1189 |
1190 | // @public (undocumented)
1191 | export function styled<TComponentProps extends IPropsWithStyles<TStyleProps, TStyleSet> & React.RefAttributes<TRef>, TStyleProps, TStyleSet extends IStyleSet<TStyleSet>, TRef = unknown>(Component: React.ComponentClass<TComponentProps> | React.FunctionComponent<TComponentProps>, baseStyles: IStyleFunctionOrObject<TStyleProps, TStyleSet>, getProps?: (props: TComponentProps) => Partial<TComponentProps>, customizable?: ICustomizableProps, pure?: boolean): React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<React.PropsWithoutRef<TComponentProps> & React.RefAttributes<TRef>>;
1192 |
1193 | // @public (undocumented)
1194 | export type StyleFunction<TStyleProps, TStyleSet> = IStyleFunctionOrObject<TStyleProps, TStyleSet> & {
1195 | __cachedInputs__: (IStyleFunctionOrObject<TStyleProps, TStyleSet> | undefined)[];
1196 | __noStyleOverride__: boolean;
1197 | };
1198 |
1199 | // @public
1200 | export const tableProperties: Record<string, number>;
1201 |
1202 | // @public
1203 | export const tdProperties: Record<string, number>;
1204 |
1205 | // @public
1206 | export const textAreaProperties: Record<string, number>;
1207 |
1208 | // @public
1209 | export const thProperties: Record<string, number>;
1210 |
1211 | // @public
1212 | export function toMatrix<T>(items: T[], columnCount: number): T[][];
1213 |
1214 | // @public
1215 | export const trProperties: Record<string, number>;
1216 |
1217 | // @public
1218 | export function unhoistMethods(source: any, methodNames: string[]): void;
1219 |
1220 | // @public
1221 | export function useCustomizationSettings(properties: string[], scopeName?: string): ISettings;
1222 |
1223 | // @public
1224 | export function useFocusRects(rootRef?: React.RefObject<HTMLElement>): void;
1225 |
1226 | // @public
1227 | export function values<T>(obj: any): T[];
1228 |
1229 | // @public
1230 | export const videoProperties: Record<string, number>;
1231 |
1232 | // @public
1233 | export function warn(message: string): void;
1234 |
1235 | // @public
1236 | export function warnConditionallyRequiredProps<P>(componentName: string, props: P, requiredProps: string[], conditionalPropName: string, condition: boolean): void;
1237 |
1238 | // @public
1239 | export function warnControlledUsage<P>(params: IWarnControlledUsageParams<P>): void;
1240 |
1241 | // @public
1242 | export function warnDeprecations<P>(componentName: string, props: P, deprecationMap: ISettingsMap<P>): void;
1243 |
1244 | // @public
1245 | export function warnMutuallyExclusive<P>(componentName: string, props: P, exclusiveMap: ISettingsMap<P>): void;
1246 |
1247 |
1248 | // (No @packageDocumentation comment for this package)
1249 |
1250 | ```