601 BTypeScriptView Raw
1/** @publicapi @module ng1 */ /** */
2import { StateObject, TransitionStateHookFn } from '@uirouter/core';
4 * This is a [[StateBuilder.builder]] function for angular1 `onEnter`, `onExit`,
5 * `onRetain` callback hooks on a [[Ng1StateDeclaration]].
6 *
7 * When the [[StateBuilder]] builds a [[StateObject]] object from a raw [[StateDeclaration]], this builder
8 * ensures that those hooks are injectable for @uirouter/angularjs (ng1).
9 *
10 * @internalapi
11 */
12export declare const getStateHookBuilder: (hookName: 'onEnter' | 'onExit' | 'onRetain') => (stateObject: StateObject) => TransitionStateHookFn;