26.9 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface */
2/* eslint-disable prefer-const */
4 * # Angular 1 Directives
5 *
6 * These are the directives included in UI-Router for Angular 1.
7 * These directives are used in templates to create viewports and link/navigate to states.
8 *
9 * @preferred @publicapi @module directives
10 */ /** */
11import { ng as angular } from '../angular';
12import { extend, forEach, tail, isString, isObject, isArray, parse, noop, unnestR, identity, uniqR, inArray, removeFrom, } from '@uirouter/core';
13/** @hidden */
14function parseStateRef(ref) {
15 var paramsOnly = ref.match(/^\s*({[^}]*})\s*$/);
16 if (paramsOnly)
17 ref = '(' + paramsOnly[1] + ')';
18 var parsed = ref.replace(/\n/g, ' ').match(/^\s*([^(]*?)\s*(\((.*)\))?\s*$/);
19 if (!parsed || parsed.length !== 4)
20 throw new Error("Invalid state ref '" + ref + "'");
21 return { state: parsed[1] || null, paramExpr: parsed[3] || null };
23/** @hidden */
24function stateContext(el) {
25 var $uiView = el.parent().inheritedData('$uiView');
26 var path = parse('$cfg.path')($uiView);
27 return path ? tail(path).state.name : undefined;
29/** @hidden */
30function processedDef($state, $element, def) {
31 var uiState = def.uiState || $state.current.name;
32 var uiStateOpts = extend(defaultOpts($element, $state), def.uiStateOpts || {});
33 var href = $state.href(uiState, def.uiStateParams, uiStateOpts);
34 return { uiState: uiState, uiStateParams: def.uiStateParams, uiStateOpts: uiStateOpts, href: href };
36/** @hidden */
37function getTypeInfo(el) {
38 // SVGAElement does not use the href attribute, but rather the 'xlinkHref' attribute.
39 var isSvg = Object.prototype.toString.call(el.prop('href')) === '[object SVGAnimatedString]';
40 var isForm = el[0].nodeName === 'FORM';
41 return {
42 attr: isForm ? 'action' : isSvg ? 'xlink:href' : 'href',
43 isAnchor: el.prop('tagName').toUpperCase() === 'A',
44 clickable: !isForm,
45 };
47/** @hidden */
48function clickHook(el, $state, $timeout, type, getDef) {
49 return function (e) {
50 var button = e.which || e.button, target = getDef();
51 if (!(button > 1 || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey || e.shiftKey || e.altKey || el.attr('target'))) {
52 // HACK: This is to allow ng-clicks to be processed before the transition is initiated:
53 var transition_1 = $timeout(function () {
54 if (!el.attr('disabled')) {
55 $state.go(target.uiState, target.uiStateParams, target.uiStateOpts);
56 }
57 });
58 e.preventDefault();
59 // if the state has no URL, ignore one preventDefault from the <a> directive.
60 var ignorePreventDefaultCount_1 = type.isAnchor && !target.href ? 1 : 0;
61 e.preventDefault = function () {
62 if (ignorePreventDefaultCount_1-- <= 0)
63 $timeout.cancel(transition_1);
64 };
65 }
66 };
68/** @hidden */
69function defaultOpts(el, $state) {
70 return {
71 relative: stateContext(el) || $state.$current,
72 inherit: true,
73 source: 'sref',
74 };
76/** @hidden */
77function bindEvents(element, scope, hookFn, uiStateOpts) {
78 var events;
79 if (uiStateOpts) {
80 events = uiStateOpts.events;
81 }
82 if (!isArray(events)) {
83 events = ['click'];
84 }
85 var on = element.on ? 'on' : 'bind';
86 for (var _i = 0, events_1 = events; _i < events_1.length; _i++) {
87 var event_1 = events_1[_i];
88 element[on](event_1, hookFn);
89 }
90 scope.$on('$destroy', function () {
91 var off = element.off ? 'off' : 'unbind';
92 for (var _i = 0, events_2 = events; _i < events_2.length; _i++) {
93 var event_2 = events_2[_i];
94 element[off](event_2, hookFn);
95 }
96 });
99 * `ui-sref`: A directive for linking to a state
100 *
101 * A directive which links to a state (and optionally, parameters).
102 * When clicked, this directive activates the linked state with the supplied parameter values.
103 *
104 * ### Linked State
105 * The attribute value of the `ui-sref` is the name of the state to link to.
106 *
107 * #### Example:
108 * This will activate the `home` state when the link is clicked.
109 * ```html
110 * <a ui-sref="home">Home</a>
111 * ```
112 *
113 * ### Relative Links
114 * You can also use relative state paths within `ui-sref`, just like a relative path passed to `$state.go()` ([[StateService.go]]).
115 * You just need to be aware that the path is relative to the state that *created* the link.
116 * This allows a state to create a relative `ui-sref` which always targets the same destination.
117 *
118 * #### Example:
119 * Both these links are relative to the parent state, even when a child state is currently active.
120 * ```html
121 * <a ui-sref=".child1">child 1 state</a>
122 * <a ui-sref=".child2">child 2 state</a>
123 * ```
124 *
125 * This link activates the parent state.
126 * ```html
127 * <a ui-sref="^">Return</a>
128 * ```
129 *
130 * ### hrefs
131 * If the linked state has a URL, the directive will automatically generate and
132 * update the `href` attribute (using the [[StateService.href]] method).
133 *
134 * #### Example:
135 * Assuming the `users` state has a url of `/users/`
136 * ```html
137 * <a ui-sref="users" href="/users/">Users</a>
138 * ```
139 *
140 * ### Parameter Values
141 * In addition to the state name, a `ui-sref` can include parameter values which are applied when activating the state.
142 * Param values can be provided in the `ui-sref` value after the state name, enclosed by parentheses.
143 * The content inside the parentheses is an expression, evaluated to the parameter values.
144 *
145 * #### Example:
146 * This example renders a list of links to users.
147 * The state's `userId` parameter value comes from each user's `user.id` property.
148 * ```html
149 * <li ng-repeat="user in users">
150 * <a ui-sref="users.detail({ userId: user.id })">{{ user.displayName }}</a>
151 * </li>
152 * ```
153 *
154 * Note:
155 * The parameter values expression is `$watch`ed for updates.
156 *
157 * ### Transition Options
158 * You can specify [[TransitionOptions]] to pass to [[StateService.go]] by using the `ui-sref-opts` attribute.
159 * Options are restricted to `location`, `inherit`, and `reload`.
160 *
161 * #### Example:
162 * ```html
163 * <a ui-sref="home" ui-sref-opts="{ reload: true }">Home</a>
164 * ```
165 *
166 * ### Other DOM Events
167 *
168 * You can also customize which DOM events to respond to (instead of `click`) by
169 * providing an `events` array in the `ui-sref-opts` attribute.
170 *
171 * #### Example:
172 * ```html
173 * <input type="text" ui-sref="contacts" ui-sref-opts="{ events: ['change', 'blur'] }">
174 * ```
175 *
176 * ### Highlighting the active link
177 * This directive can be used in conjunction with [[uiSrefActive]] to highlight the active link.
178 *
179 * ### Examples
180 * If you have the following template:
181 *
182 * ```html
183 * <a ui-sref="home">Home</a>
184 * <a ui-sref="about">About</a>
185 * <a ui-sref="{page: 2}">Next page</a>
186 *
187 * <ul>
188 * <li ng-repeat="contact in contacts">
189 * <a ui-sref="contacts.detail({ id: contact.id })">{{ contact.name }}</a>
190 * </li>
191 * </ul>
192 * ```
193 *
194 * Then (assuming the current state is `contacts`) the rendered html including hrefs would be:
195 *
196 * ```html
197 * <a href="#/home" ui-sref="home">Home</a>
198 * <a href="#/about" ui-sref="about">About</a>
199 * <a href="#/contacts?page=2" ui-sref="{page: 2}">Next page</a>
200 *
201 * <ul>
202 * <li ng-repeat="contact in contacts">
203 * <a href="#/contacts/1" ui-sref="contacts.detail({ id: contact.id })">Joe</a>
204 * </li>
205 * <li ng-repeat="contact in contacts">
206 * <a href="#/contacts/2" ui-sref="contacts.detail({ id: contact.id })">Alice</a>
207 * </li>
208 * <li ng-repeat="contact in contacts">
209 * <a href="#/contacts/3" ui-sref="contacts.detail({ id: contact.id })">Bob</a>
210 * </li>
211 * </ul>
212 *
213 * <a href="#/home" ui-sref="home" ui-sref-opts="{reload: true}">Home</a>
214 * ```
215 *
216 * ### Notes
217 *
218 * - You can use `ui-sref` to change **only the parameter values** by omitting the state name and parentheses.
219 * #### Example:
220 * Sets the `lang` parameter to `en` and remains on the same state.
221 *
222 * ```html
223 * <a ui-sref="{ lang: 'en' }">English</a>
224 * ```
225 *
226 * - A middle-click, right-click, or ctrl-click is handled (natively) by the browser to open the href in a new window, for example.
227 *
228 * - Unlike the parameter values expression, the state name is not `$watch`ed (for performance reasons).
229 * If you need to dynamically update the state being linked to, use the fully dynamic [[uiState]] directive.
230 */
231var uiSrefDirective;
232uiSrefDirective = [
233 '$uiRouter',
234 '$timeout',
235 function $StateRefDirective($uiRouter, $timeout) {
236 var $state = $uiRouter.stateService;
237 return {
238 restrict: 'A',
239 require: ['?^uiSrefActive', '?^uiSrefActiveEq'],
240 link: function (scope, element, attrs, uiSrefActive) {
241 var type = getTypeInfo(element);
242 var active = uiSrefActive[1] || uiSrefActive[0];
243 var unlinkInfoFn = null;
244 var rawDef = {};
245 var getDef = function () { return processedDef($state, element, rawDef); };
246 var ref = parseStateRef(attrs.uiSref);
247 rawDef.uiState = ref.state;
248 rawDef.uiStateOpts = attrs.uiSrefOpts ? scope.$eval(attrs.uiSrefOpts) : {};
249 function update() {
250 var def = getDef();
251 if (unlinkInfoFn)
252 unlinkInfoFn();
253 if (active)
254 unlinkInfoFn = active.$$addStateInfo(def.uiState, def.uiStateParams);
255 if (def.href != null)
256 attrs.$set(type.attr, def.href);
257 }
258 if (ref.paramExpr) {
259 scope.$watch(ref.paramExpr, function (val) {
260 rawDef.uiStateParams = extend({}, val);
261 update();
262 }, true);
263 rawDef.uiStateParams = extend({}, scope.$eval(ref.paramExpr));
264 }
265 update();
266 scope.$on('$destroy', $uiRouter.stateRegistry.onStatesChanged(update));
267 scope.$on('$destroy', $uiRouter.transitionService.onSuccess({}, update));
268 if (!type.clickable)
269 return;
270 var hookFn = clickHook(element, $state, $timeout, type, getDef);
271 bindEvents(element, scope, hookFn, rawDef.uiStateOpts);
272 },
273 };
274 },
277 * `ui-state`: A fully dynamic directive for linking to a state
278 *
279 * A directive which links to a state (and optionally, parameters).
280 * When clicked, this directive activates the linked state with the supplied parameter values.
281 *
282 * **This directive is very similar to [[uiSref]], but it `$observe`s and `$watch`es/evaluates all its inputs.**
283 *
284 * A directive which links to a state (and optionally, parameters).
285 * When clicked, this directive activates the linked state with the supplied parameter values.
286 *
287 * ### Linked State
288 * The attribute value of `ui-state` is an expression which is `$watch`ed and evaluated as the state to link to.
289 * **This is in contrast with `ui-sref`, which takes a state name as a string literal.**
290 *
291 * #### Example:
292 * Create a list of links.
293 * ```html
294 * <li ng-repeat="link in navlinks">
295 * <a ui-state="link.state">{{ link.displayName }}</a>
296 * </li>
297 * ```
298 *
299 * ### Relative Links
300 * If the expression evaluates to a relative path, it is processed like [[uiSref]].
301 * You just need to be aware that the path is relative to the state that *created* the link.
302 * This allows a state to create relative `ui-state` which always targets the same destination.
303 *
304 * ### hrefs
305 * If the linked state has a URL, the directive will automatically generate and
306 * update the `href` attribute (using the [[StateService.href]] method).
307 *
308 * ### Parameter Values
309 * In addition to the state name expression, a `ui-state` can include parameter values which are applied when activating the state.
310 * Param values should be provided using the `ui-state-params` attribute.
311 * The `ui-state-params` attribute value is `$watch`ed and evaluated as an expression.
312 *
313 * #### Example:
314 * This example renders a list of links with param values.
315 * The state's `userId` parameter value comes from each user's `user.id` property.
316 * ```html
317 * <li ng-repeat="link in navlinks">
318 * <a ui-state="link.state" ui-state-params="link.params">{{ link.displayName }}</a>
319 * </li>
320 * ```
321 *
322 * ### Transition Options
323 * You can specify [[TransitionOptions]] to pass to [[StateService.go]] by using the `ui-state-opts` attribute.
324 * Options are restricted to `location`, `inherit`, and `reload`.
325 * The value of the `ui-state-opts` is `$watch`ed and evaluated as an expression.
326 *
327 * #### Example:
328 * ```html
329 * <a ui-state="returnto.state" ui-state-opts="{ reload: true }">Home</a>
330 * ```
331 *
332 * ### Other DOM Events
333 *
334 * You can also customize which DOM events to respond to (instead of `click`) by
335 * providing an `events` array in the `ui-state-opts` attribute.
336 *
337 * #### Example:
338 * ```html
339 * <input type="text" ui-state="contacts" ui-state-opts="{ events: ['change', 'blur'] }">
340 * ```
341 *
342 * ### Highlighting the active link
343 * This directive can be used in conjunction with [[uiSrefActive]] to highlight the active link.
344 *
345 * ### Notes
346 *
347 * - You can use `ui-params` to change **only the parameter values** by omitting the state name and supplying only `ui-state-params`.
348 * However, it might be simpler to use [[uiSref]] parameter-only links.
349 *
350 * #### Example:
351 * Sets the `lang` parameter to `en` and remains on the same state.
352 *
353 * ```html
354 * <a ui-state="" ui-state-params="{ lang: 'en' }">English</a>
355 * ```
356 *
357 * - A middle-click, right-click, or ctrl-click is handled (natively) by the browser to open the href in a new window, for example.
358 * ```
359 */
360var uiStateDirective;
361uiStateDirective = [
362 '$uiRouter',
363 '$timeout',
364 function $StateRefDynamicDirective($uiRouter, $timeout) {
365 var $state = $uiRouter.stateService;
366 return {
367 restrict: 'A',
368 require: ['?^uiSrefActive', '?^uiSrefActiveEq'],
369 link: function (scope, element, attrs, uiSrefActive) {
370 var type = getTypeInfo(element);
371 var active = uiSrefActive[1] || uiSrefActive[0];
372 var unlinkInfoFn = null;
373 var hookFn;
374 var rawDef = {};
375 var getDef = function () { return processedDef($state, element, rawDef); };
376 var inputAttrs = ['uiState', 'uiStateParams', 'uiStateOpts'];
377 var watchDeregFns = inputAttrs.reduce(function (acc, attr) { return ((acc[attr] = noop), acc); }, {});
378 function update() {
379 var def = getDef();
380 if (unlinkInfoFn)
381 unlinkInfoFn();
382 if (active)
383 unlinkInfoFn = active.$$addStateInfo(def.uiState, def.uiStateParams);
384 if (def.href != null)
385 attrs.$set(type.attr, def.href);
386 }
387 inputAttrs.forEach(function (field) {
388 rawDef[field] = attrs[field] ? scope.$eval(attrs[field]) : null;
389 attrs.$observe(field, function (expr) {
390 watchDeregFns[field]();
391 watchDeregFns[field] = scope.$watch(expr, function (newval) {
392 rawDef[field] = newval;
393 update();
394 }, true);
395 });
396 });
397 update();
398 scope.$on('$destroy', $uiRouter.stateRegistry.onStatesChanged(update));
399 scope.$on('$destroy', $uiRouter.transitionService.onSuccess({}, update));
400 if (!type.clickable)
401 return;
402 hookFn = clickHook(element, $state, $timeout, type, getDef);
403 bindEvents(element, scope, hookFn, rawDef.uiStateOpts);
404 },
405 };
406 },
409 * `ui-sref-active` and `ui-sref-active-eq`: A directive that adds a CSS class when a `ui-sref` is active
410 *
411 * A directive working alongside [[uiSref]] and [[uiState]] to add classes to an element when the
412 * related directive's state is active (and remove them when it is inactive).
413 *
414 * The primary use-case is to highlight the active link in navigation menus,
415 * distinguishing it from the inactive menu items.
416 *
417 * ### Linking to a `ui-sref` or `ui-state`
418 * `ui-sref-active` can live on the same element as `ui-sref`/`ui-state`, or it can be on a parent element.
419 * If a `ui-sref-active` is a parent to more than one `ui-sref`/`ui-state`, it will apply the CSS class when **any of the links are active**.
420 *
421 * ### Matching
422 *
423 * The `ui-sref-active` directive applies the CSS class when the `ui-sref`/`ui-state`'s target state **or any child state is active**.
424 * This is a "fuzzy match" which uses [[StateService.includes]].
425 *
426 * The `ui-sref-active-eq` directive applies the CSS class when the `ui-sref`/`ui-state`'s target state is directly active (not when child states are active).
427 * This is an "exact match" which uses [[StateService.is]].
428 *
429 * ### Parameter values
430 * If the `ui-sref`/`ui-state` includes parameter values, the current parameter values must match the link's values for the link to be highlighted.
431 * This allows a list of links to the same state with different parameters to be rendered, and the correct one highlighted.
432 *
433 * #### Example:
434 * ```html
435 * <li ng-repeat="user in users" ui-sref-active="active">
436 * <a ui-sref="user.details({ userId: user.id })">{{ user.lastName }}</a>
437 * </li>
438 * ```
439 *
440 * ### Examples
441 *
442 * Given the following template:
443 * #### Example:
444 * ```html
445 * <ul>
446 * <li ui-sref-active="active" class="item">
447 * <a href ui-sref="app.user({user: 'bilbobaggins'})">@bilbobaggins</a>
448 * </li>
449 * </ul>
450 * ```
451 *
452 * When the app state is `app.user` (or any child state),
453 * and contains the state parameter "user" with value "bilbobaggins",
454 * the resulting HTML will appear as (note the 'active' class):
455 *
456 * ```html
457 * <ul>
458 * <li ui-sref-active="active" class="item active">
459 * <a ui-sref="app.user({user: 'bilbobaggins'})" href="/users/bilbobaggins">@bilbobaggins</a>
460 * </li>
461 * </ul>
462 * ```
463 *
464 * ### Glob mode
465 *
466 * It is possible to pass `ui-sref-active` an expression that evaluates to an object.
467 * The objects keys represent active class names and values represent the respective state names/globs.
468 * `ui-sref-active` will match if the current active state **includes** any of
469 * the specified state names/globs, even the abstract ones.
470 *
471 * #### Example:
472 * Given the following template, with "admin" being an abstract state:
473 * ```html
474 * <div ui-sref-active="{'active': 'admin.**'}">
475 * <a ui-sref-active="active" ui-sref="admin.roles">Roles</a>
476 * </div>
477 * ```
478 *
479 * Arrays are also supported as values in the `ngClass`-like interface.
480 * This allows multiple states to add `active` class.
481 *
482 * #### Example:
483 * Given the following template, with "admin.roles" being the current state, the class will be added too:
484 * ```html
485 * <div ui-sref-active="{'active': ['owner.**', 'admin.**']}">
486 * <a ui-sref-active="active" ui-sref="admin.roles">Roles</a>
487 * </div>
488 * ```
489 *
490 * When the current state is "admin.roles" the "active" class will be applied to both the `<div>` and `<a>` elements.
491 * It is important to note that the state names/globs passed to `ui-sref-active` override any state provided by a linked `ui-sref`.
492 *
493 * ### Notes:
494 *
495 * - The class name is interpolated **once** during the directives link time (any further changes to the
496 * interpolated value are ignored).
497 *
498 * - Multiple classes may be specified in a space-separated format: `ui-sref-active='class1 class2 class3'`
499 */
500var uiSrefActiveDirective;
501uiSrefActiveDirective = [
502 '$state',
503 '$stateParams',
504 '$interpolate',
505 '$uiRouter',
506 function $StateRefActiveDirective($state, $stateParams, $interpolate, $uiRouter) {
507 return {
508 restrict: 'A',
509 controller: [
510 '$scope',
511 '$element',
512 '$attrs',
513 function ($scope, $element, $attrs) {
514 var states = [];
515 var activeEqClass;
516 var uiSrefActive;
517 // There probably isn't much point in $observing this
518 // uiSrefActive and uiSrefActiveEq share the same directive object with some
519 // slight difference in logic routing
520 activeEqClass = $interpolate($attrs.uiSrefActiveEq || '', false)($scope);
521 try {
522 uiSrefActive = $scope.$eval($attrs.uiSrefActive);
523 }
524 catch (e) {
525 // Do nothing. uiSrefActive is not a valid expression.
526 // Fall back to using $interpolate below
527 }
528 uiSrefActive = uiSrefActive || $interpolate($attrs.uiSrefActive || '', false)($scope);
529 setStatesFromDefinitionObject(uiSrefActive);
530 // Allow uiSref to communicate with uiSrefActive[Equals]
531 this.$$addStateInfo = function (newState, newParams) {
532 // we already got an explicit state provided by ui-sref-active, so we
533 // shadow the one that comes from ui-sref
534 if (isObject(uiSrefActive) && states.length > 0) {
535 return;
536 }
537 var deregister = addState(newState, newParams, uiSrefActive);
538 update();
539 return deregister;
540 };
541 function updateAfterTransition(trans) {
542 trans.promise.then(update, noop);
543 }
544 $scope.$on('$destroy', setupEventListeners());
545 if ($uiRouter.globals.transition) {
546 updateAfterTransition($uiRouter.globals.transition);
547 }
548 function setupEventListeners() {
549 var deregisterStatesChangedListener = $uiRouter.stateRegistry.onStatesChanged(handleStatesChanged);
550 var deregisterOnStartListener = $uiRouter.transitionService.onStart({}, updateAfterTransition);
551 var deregisterStateChangeSuccessListener = $scope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess', update);
552 return function cleanUp() {
553 deregisterStatesChangedListener();
554 deregisterOnStartListener();
555 deregisterStateChangeSuccessListener();
556 };
557 }
558 function handleStatesChanged() {
559 setStatesFromDefinitionObject(uiSrefActive);
560 }
561 function setStatesFromDefinitionObject(statesDefinition) {
562 if (isObject(statesDefinition)) {
563 states = [];
564 forEach(statesDefinition, function (stateOrName, activeClass) {
565 // Helper function to abstract adding state.
566 var addStateForClass = function (stateOrName, activeClass) {
567 var ref = parseStateRef(stateOrName);
568 addState(ref.state, $scope.$eval(ref.paramExpr), activeClass);
569 };
570 if (isString(stateOrName)) {
571 // If state is string, just add it.
572 addStateForClass(stateOrName, activeClass);
573 }
574 else if (isArray(stateOrName)) {
575 // If state is an array, iterate over it and add each array item individually.
576 forEach(stateOrName, function (stateOrName) {
577 addStateForClass(stateOrName, activeClass);
578 });
579 }
580 });
581 }
582 }
583 function addState(stateName, stateParams, activeClass) {
584 var state = $state.get(stateName, stateContext($element));
585 var stateInfo = {
586 state: state || { name: stateName },
587 params: stateParams,
588 activeClass: activeClass,
589 };
590 states.push(stateInfo);
591 return function removeState() {
592 removeFrom(states)(stateInfo);
593 };
594 }
595 // Update route state
596 function update() {
597 var splitClasses = function (str) { return str.split(/\s/).filter(identity); };
598 var getClasses = function (stateList) {
599 return stateList
600 .map(function (x) { return x.activeClass; })
601 .map(splitClasses)
602 .reduce(unnestR, []);
603 };
604 var allClasses = getClasses(states).concat(splitClasses(activeEqClass)).reduce(uniqR, []);
605 var fuzzyClasses = getClasses(states.filter(function (x) { return $state.includes(x.state.name, x.params); }));
606 var exactlyMatchesAny = !!states.filter(function (x) { return $state.is(x.state.name, x.params); }).length;
607 var exactClasses = exactlyMatchesAny ? splitClasses(activeEqClass) : [];
608 var addClasses = fuzzyClasses.concat(exactClasses).reduce(uniqR, []);
609 var removeClasses = allClasses.filter(function (cls) { return !inArray(addClasses, cls); });
610 $scope.$evalAsync(function () {
611 addClasses.forEach(function (className) { return $element.addClass(className); });
612 removeClasses.forEach(function (className) { return $element.removeClass(className); });
613 });
614 }
615 update();
616 },
617 ],
618 };
619 },
622 .module('ui.router.state')
623 .directive('uiSref', uiSrefDirective)
624 .directive('uiSrefActive', uiSrefActiveDirective)
625 .directive('uiSrefActiveEq', uiSrefActiveDirective)
626 .directive('uiState', uiStateDirective);
627//# sourceMappingURL=stateDirectives.js.map
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