29.9 kBSource Map (JSON)View Raw
2 "version": 3,
3 "file": "viewDirective.js",
4 "sourceRoot": "",
5 "sources": [
6 "@uirouter/angularjs/directives/viewDirective.ts"
7 ],
8 "names": [],
10 "sourcesContent": [
11 "/** @publicapi @module directives */ /** */\nimport {\n $QLike,\n ActiveUIView,\n extend,\n filter,\n HookRegOptions,\n isDefined,\n isFunction,\n isString,\n kebobString,\n noop,\n Obj,\n Param,\n parse,\n PathNode,\n ResolveContext,\n StateDeclaration,\n tail,\n trace,\n Transition,\n TransitionService,\n TypedMap,\n unnestR,\n ViewService,\n} from '@uirouter/core';\nimport { IAugmentedJQuery, IInterpolateService, IScope, ITranscludeFunction } from 'angular';\nimport { ng as angular } from '../angular';\nimport { Ng1Controller, Ng1StateDeclaration } from '../interface';\nimport { getLocals } from '../services';\nimport { Ng1ViewConfig } from '../statebuilders/views';\nimport { ng1_directive } from './stateDirectives';\n\n/** @hidden */\nexport type UIViewData = {\n $cfg: Ng1ViewConfig;\n $uiView: ActiveUIView;\n};\n\n/** @hidden */\nexport type UIViewAnimData = {\n $animEnter: Promise<any>;\n $animLeave: Promise<any>;\n $$animLeave: { resolve: () => any }; // \"deferred\"\n};\n\n/**\n * `ui-view`: A viewport directive which is filled in by a view from the active state.\n *\n * ### Attributes\n *\n * - `name`: (Optional) A view name.\n * The name should be unique amongst the other views in the same state.\n * You can have views of the same name that live in different states.\n * The ui-view can be targeted in a View using the name ([[Ng1StateDeclaration.views]]).\n *\n * - `autoscroll`: an expression. When it evaluates to true, the `ui-view` will be scrolled into view when it is activated.\n * Uses [[$uiViewScroll]] to do the scrolling.\n *\n * - `onload`: Expression to evaluate whenever the view updates.\n *\n * #### Example:\n * A view can be unnamed or named.\n * ```html\n * <!-- Unnamed -->\n * <div ui-view></div>\n *\n * <!-- Named -->\n * <div ui-view=\"viewName\"></div>\n *\n * <!-- Named (different style) -->\n * <ui-view name=\"viewName\"></ui-view>\n * ```\n *\n * You can only have one unnamed view within any template (or root html). If you are only using a\n * single view and it is unnamed then you can populate it like so:\n *\n * ```html\n * <div ui-view></div>\n * $stateProvider.state(\"home\", {\n * template: \"<h1>HELLO!</h1>\"\n * })\n * ```\n *\n * The above is a convenient shortcut equivalent to specifying your view explicitly with the\n * [[Ng1StateDeclaration.views]] config property, by name, in this case an empty name:\n *\n * ```js\n * $stateProvider.state(\"home\", {\n * views: {\n * \"\": {\n * template: \"<h1>HELLO!</h1>\"\n * }\n * }\n * })\n * ```\n *\n * But typically you'll only use the views property if you name your view or have more than one view\n * in the same template. There's not really a compelling reason to name a view if its the only one,\n * but you could if you wanted, like so:\n *\n * ```html\n * <div ui-view=\"main\"></div>\n * ```\n *\n * ```js\n * $stateProvider.state(\"home\", {\n * views: {\n * \"main\": {\n * template: \"<h1>HELLO!</h1>\"\n * }\n * }\n * })\n * ```\n *\n * Really though, you'll use views to set up multiple views:\n *\n * ```html\n * <div ui-view></div>\n * <div ui-view=\"chart\"></div>\n * <div ui-view=\"data\"></div>\n * ```\n *\n * ```js\n * $stateProvider.state(\"home\", {\n * views: {\n * \"\": {\n * template: \"<h1>HELLO!</h1>\"\n * },\n * \"chart\": {\n * template: \"<chart_thing/>\"\n * },\n * \"data\": {\n * template: \"<data_thing/>\"\n * }\n * }\n * })\n * ```\n *\n * #### Examples for `autoscroll`:\n * ```html\n * <!-- If autoscroll present with no expression,\n * then scroll ui-view into view -->\n * <ui-view autoscroll/>\n *\n * <!-- If autoscroll present with valid expression,\n * then scroll ui-view into view if expression evaluates to true -->\n * <ui-view autoscroll='true'/>\n * <ui-view autoscroll='false'/>\n * <ui-view autoscroll='scopeVariable'/>\n * ```\n *\n * Resolve data:\n *\n * The resolved data from the state's `resolve` block is placed on the scope as `$resolve` (this\n * can be customized using [[Ng1ViewDeclaration.resolveAs]]). This can be then accessed from the template.\n *\n * Note that when `controllerAs` is being used, `$resolve` is set on the controller instance *after* the\n * controller is instantiated. The `$onInit()` hook can be used to perform initialization code which\n * depends on `$resolve` data.\n *\n * #### Example:\n * ```js\n * $stateProvider.state('home', {\n * template: '<my-component user=\"$resolve.user\"></my-component>',\n * resolve: {\n * user: function(UserService) { return UserService.fetchUser(); }\n * }\n * });\n * ```\n */\nexport let uiView: ng1_directive;\n// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const\nuiView = [\n '$view',\n '$animate',\n '$uiViewScroll',\n '$interpolate',\n '$q',\n function $ViewDirective(\n $view: ViewService,\n $animate: any,\n $uiViewScroll: any,\n $interpolate: IInterpolateService,\n $q: $QLike\n ) {\n function getRenderer() {\n return {\n enter: function (element: JQuery, target: any, cb: Function) {\n if (angular.version.minor > 2) {\n $animate.enter(element, null, target).then(cb);\n } else {\n $animate.enter(element, null, target, cb);\n }\n },\n leave: function (element: JQuery, cb: Function) {\n if (angular.version.minor > 2) {\n $animate.leave(element).then(cb);\n } else {\n $animate.leave(element, cb);\n }\n },\n };\n }\n\n function configsEqual(config1: Ng1ViewConfig, config2: Ng1ViewConfig) {\n return config1 === config2;\n }\n\n const rootData = {\n $cfg: { viewDecl: { $context: $view._pluginapi._rootViewContext() } },\n $uiView: {},\n };\n\n const directive = {\n count: 0,\n restrict: 'ECA',\n terminal: true,\n priority: 400,\n transclude: 'element',\n compile: function (tElement: JQuery, tAttrs: Obj, $transclude: ITranscludeFunction) {\n return function (scope: IScope, $element: IAugmentedJQuery, attrs: Obj) {\n const onloadExp = attrs['onload'] || '',\n autoScrollExp = attrs['autoscroll'],\n renderer = getRenderer(),\n inherited = $element.inheritedData('$uiView') || rootData,\n name = $interpolate(attrs['uiView'] || attrs['name'] || '')(scope) || '$default';\n\n let previousEl: JQuery, currentEl: JQuery, currentScope: IScope, viewConfig: Ng1ViewConfig;\n\n const activeUIView: ActiveUIView = {\n $type: 'ng1',\n id: directive.count++, // Global sequential ID for ui-view tags added to DOM\n name: name, // ui-view name (<div ui-view=\"name\"></div>\n fqn: inherited.$uiView.fqn ? inherited.$uiView.fqn + '.' + name : name, // fully qualified name, describes location in DOM\n config: null, // The ViewConfig loaded (from a state.views definition)\n configUpdated: configUpdatedCallback, // Called when the matching ViewConfig changes\n get creationContext() {\n // The context in which this ui-view \"tag\" was created\n const fromParentTagConfig = parse('$cfg.viewDecl.$context')(inherited);\n // Allow <ui-view name=\"foo\"><ui-view name=\"bar\"></ui-view></ui-view>\n // See https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-router/issues/3355\n const fromParentTag = parse('$uiView.creationContext')(inherited);\n return fromParentTagConfig || fromParentTag;\n },\n };\n\n trace.traceUIViewEvent('Linking', activeUIView);\n\n function configUpdatedCallback(config?: Ng1ViewConfig) {\n if (config && !(config instanceof Ng1ViewConfig)) return;\n if (configsEqual(viewConfig, config)) return;\n trace.traceUIViewConfigUpdated(activeUIView, config && config.viewDecl && config.viewDecl.$context);\n\n viewConfig = config;\n updateView(config);\n }\n\n $element.data('$uiView', { $uiView: activeUIView });\n\n updateView();\n\n const unregister = $view.registerUIView(activeUIView);\n scope.$on('$destroy', function () {\n trace.traceUIViewEvent('Destroying/Unregistering', activeUIView);\n unregister();\n });\n\n function cleanupLastView() {\n if (previousEl) {\n trace.traceUIViewEvent('Removing (previous) el', previousEl.data('$uiView'));\n previousEl.remove();\n previousEl = null;\n }\n\n if (currentScope) {\n trace.traceUIViewEvent('Destroying scope', activeUIView);\n currentScope.$destroy();\n currentScope = null;\n }\n\n if (currentEl) {\n const _viewData = currentEl.data('$uiViewAnim');\n trace.traceUIViewEvent('Animate out', _viewData);\n renderer.leave(currentEl, function () {\n _viewData.$$animLeave.resolve();\n previousEl = null;\n });\n\n previousEl = currentEl;\n currentEl = null;\n }\n }\n\n function updateView(config?: Ng1ViewConfig) {\n const newScope = scope.$new();\n const animEnter = $q.defer(),\n animLeave = $q.defer();\n\n const $uiViewData: UIViewData = {\n $cfg: config,\n $uiView: activeUIView,\n };\n\n const $uiViewAnim: UIViewAnimData = {\n $animEnter: animEnter.promise,\n $animLeave: animLeave.promise,\n $$animLeave: animLeave,\n };\n\n /**\n * @ngdoc event\n * @name ui.router.state.directive:ui-view#$viewContentLoading\n * @eventOf ui.router.state.directive:ui-view\n * @eventType emits on ui-view directive scope\n * @description\n *\n * Fired once the view **begins loading**, *before* the DOM is rendered.\n *\n * @param {Object} event Event object.\n * @param {string} viewName Name of the view.\n */\n newScope.$emit('$viewContentLoading', name);\n\n const cloned = $transclude(newScope, function (clone) {\n clone.data('$uiViewAnim', $uiViewAnim);\n clone.data('$uiView', $uiViewData);\n renderer.enter(clone, $element, function onUIViewEnter() {\n animEnter.resolve();\n if (currentScope) currentScope.$emit('$viewContentAnimationEnded');\n\n if ((isDefined(autoScrollExp) && !autoScrollExp) || scope.$eval(autoScrollExp)) {\n $uiViewScroll(clone);\n }\n });\n\n cleanupLastView();\n });\n\n currentEl = cloned;\n currentScope = newScope;\n /**\n * @ngdoc event\n * @name ui.router.state.directive:ui-view#$viewContentLoaded\n * @eventOf ui.router.state.directive:ui-view\n * @eventType emits on ui-view directive scope\n * @description *\n * Fired once the view is **loaded**, *after* the DOM is rendered.\n *\n * @param {Object} event Event object.\n */\n currentScope.$emit('$viewContentLoaded', config || viewConfig);\n currentScope.$eval(onloadExp);\n }\n };\n },\n };\n\n return directive;\n },\n];\n\n$ViewDirectiveFill.$inject = ['$compile', '$controller', '$transitions', '$view', '$q'];\n\n/** @hidden */\nfunction $ViewDirectiveFill(\n $compile: angular.ICompileService,\n $controller: angular.IControllerService,\n $transitions: TransitionService,\n $view: ViewService,\n $q: angular.IQService\n) {\n const getControllerAs = parse('viewDecl.controllerAs');\n const getResolveAs = parse('viewDecl.resolveAs');\n\n return {\n restrict: 'ECA',\n priority: -400,\n compile: function (tElement: JQuery) {\n const initial = tElement.html();\n tElement.empty();\n\n return function (scope: IScope, $element: JQuery) {\n const data: UIViewData = $element.data('$uiView');\n if (!data) {\n $element.html(initial);\n $compile($element.contents() as any)(scope);\n return;\n }\n\n const cfg: Ng1ViewConfig = data.$cfg || <any>{ viewDecl: {}, getTemplate: noop };\n const resolveCtx: ResolveContext = cfg.path && new ResolveContext(cfg.path);\n $element.html(cfg.getTemplate($element, resolveCtx) || initial);\n trace.traceUIViewFill(data.$uiView, $element.html());\n\n const link = $compile($element.contents() as any);\n const controller = cfg.controller as angular.IControllerService;\n const controllerAs: string = getControllerAs(cfg);\n const resolveAs: string = getResolveAs(cfg);\n const locals = resolveCtx && getLocals(resolveCtx);\n\n scope[resolveAs] = locals;\n\n if (controller) {\n const controllerInstance = <Ng1Controller>(\n $controller(controller, extend({}, locals, { $scope: scope, $element: $element }))\n );\n if (controllerAs) {\n scope[controllerAs] = controllerInstance;\n scope[controllerAs][resolveAs] = locals;\n }\n\n // TODO: Use $view service as a central point for registering component-level hooks\n // Then, when a component is created, tell the $view service, so it can invoke hooks\n // $view.componentLoaded(controllerInstance, { $scope: scope, $element: $element });\n // scope.$on('$destroy', () => $view.componentUnloaded(controllerInstance, { $scope: scope, $element: $element }));\n\n $element.data('$ngControllerController', controllerInstance);\n $element.children().data('$ngControllerController', controllerInstance);\n\n registerControllerCallbacks($q, $transitions, controllerInstance, scope, cfg);\n }\n\n // Wait for the component to appear in the DOM\n if (isString(cfg.component)) {\n const kebobName = kebobString(cfg.component);\n const tagRegexp = new RegExp(`^(x-|data-)?${kebobName}$`, 'i');\n\n const getComponentController = () => {\n const directiveEl = [].slice\n .call($element[0].children)\n .filter((el: Element) => el && el.tagName && tagRegexp.exec(el.tagName));\n\n return directiveEl && angular.element(directiveEl).data(`$${cfg.component}Controller`);\n };\n\n const deregisterWatch = scope.$watch(getComponentController, function (ctrlInstance) {\n if (!ctrlInstance) return;\n registerControllerCallbacks($q, $transitions, ctrlInstance, scope, cfg);\n deregisterWatch();\n });\n }\n\n link(scope);\n };\n },\n };\n}\n\n/** @hidden */\nconst hasComponentImpl = typeof (angular as any).module('ui.router')['component'] === 'function';\n/** @hidden incrementing id */\nlet _uiCanExitId = 0;\n\n/** @hidden TODO: move these callbacks to $view and/or `/hooks/components.ts` or something */\nfunction registerControllerCallbacks(\n $q: angular.IQService,\n $transitions: TransitionService,\n controllerInstance: Ng1Controller,\n $scope: IScope,\n cfg: Ng1ViewConfig\n) {\n // Call $onInit() ASAP\n if (\n isFunction(controllerInstance.$onInit) &&\n !((cfg.viewDecl.component || cfg.viewDecl.componentProvider) && hasComponentImpl)\n ) {\n controllerInstance.$onInit();\n }\n\n const viewState: Ng1StateDeclaration = tail(cfg.path).state.self;\n\n const hookOptions: HookRegOptions = { bind: controllerInstance };\n // Add component-level hook for onUiParamsChanged\n if (isFunction(controllerInstance.uiOnParamsChanged)) {\n const resolveContext: ResolveContext = new ResolveContext(cfg.path);\n const viewCreationTrans = resolveContext.getResolvable('$transition$').data;\n\n // Fire callback on any successful transition\n const paramsUpdated = ($transition$: Transition) => {\n // Exit early if the $transition$ is the same as the view was created within.\n // Exit early if the $transition$ will exit the state the view is for.\n if ($transition$ === viewCreationTrans || $transition$.exiting().indexOf(viewState as StateDeclaration) !== -1)\n return;\n\n const toParams = $transition$.params('to') as TypedMap<any>;\n const fromParams = $transition$.params<TypedMap<any>>('from') as TypedMap<any>;\n const getNodeSchema = (node: PathNode) => node.paramSchema;\n const toSchema: Param[] = $transition$.treeChanges('to').map(getNodeSchema).reduce(unnestR, []);\n const fromSchema: Param[] = $transition$.treeChanges('from').map(getNodeSchema).reduce(unnestR, []);\n\n // Find the to params that have different values than the from params\n const changedToParams = toSchema.filter((param: Param) => {\n const idx = fromSchema.indexOf(param);\n return idx === -1 || !fromSchema[idx].type.equals(toParams[param.id], fromParams[param.id]);\n });\n\n // Only trigger callback if a to param has changed or is new\n if (changedToParams.length) {\n const changedKeys: string[] = changedToParams.map((x) => x.id);\n // Filter the params to only changed/new to params. `$transition$.params()` may be used to get all params.\n const newValues = filter(toParams, (val, key) => changedKeys.indexOf(key) !== -1);\n controllerInstance.uiOnParamsChanged(newValues, $transition$);\n }\n };\n $scope.$on('$destroy', <any>$transitions.onSuccess({}, paramsUpdated, hookOptions));\n }\n\n // Add component-level hook for uiCanExit\n if (isFunction(controllerInstance.uiCanExit)) {\n const id = _uiCanExitId++;\n const cacheProp = '_uiCanExitIds';\n\n // Returns true if a redirect transition already answered truthy\n const prevTruthyAnswer = (trans: Transition) =>\n !!trans && ((trans[cacheProp] && trans[cacheProp][id] === true) || prevTruthyAnswer(trans.redirectedFrom()));\n\n // If a user answered yes, but the transition was later redirected, don't also ask for the new redirect transition\n const wrappedHook = (trans: Transition) => {\n let promise;\n const ids = (trans[cacheProp] = trans[cacheProp] || {});\n\n if (!prevTruthyAnswer(trans)) {\n promise = $q.when(controllerInstance.uiCanExit(trans));\n promise.then((val) => (ids[id] = val !== false));\n }\n return promise;\n };\n\n const criteria = { exiting: viewState.name };\n $scope.$on('$destroy', <any>$transitions.onBefore(criteria, wrappedHook, hookOptions));\n }\n}\n\nangular.module('ui.router.state').directive('uiView', <any>uiView);\nangular.module('ui.router.state').directive('uiView', <any>$ViewDirectiveFill);\n"
12 ]
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