2.62 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * Matches state names using glob-like pattern strings.
3 *
4 * Globs can be used in specific APIs including:
5 *
6 * - [[StateService.is]]
7 * - [[StateService.includes]]
8 * - The first argument to Hook Registration functions like [[TransitionService.onStart]]
9 * - [[HookMatchCriteria]] and [[HookMatchCriterion]]
10 *
11 * A `Glob` string is a pattern which matches state names.
12 * Nested state names are split into segments (separated by a dot) when processing.
13 * The state named `foo.bar.baz` is split into three segments ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
14 *
15 * Globs work according to the following rules:
16 *
17 * ### Exact match:
18 *
19 * The glob `'A.B'` matches the state named exactly `'A.B'`.
20 *
21 * | Glob |Matches states named|Does not match state named|
22 * |:------------|:--------------------|:---------------------|
23 * | `'A'` | `'A'` | `'B'` , `'A.C'` |
24 * | `'A.B'` | `'A.B'` | `'A'` , `'A.B.C'` |
25 * | `'foo'` | `'foo'` | `'FOO'` , `'foo.bar'`|
26 *
27 * ### Single star (`*`)
28 *
29 * A single star (`*`) is a wildcard that matches exactly one segment.
30 *
31 * | Glob |Matches states named |Does not match state named |
32 * |:------------|:---------------------|:--------------------------|
33 * | `'*'` | `'A'` , `'Z'` | `'A.B'` , `'Z.Y.X'` |
34 * | `'A.*'` | `'A.B'` , `'A.C'` | `'A'` , `'A.B.C'` |
35 * | `'A.*.*'` | `'A.B.C'` , `'A.X.Y'`| `'A'`, `'A.B'` , `'Z.Y.X'`|
36 *
37 * ### Double star (`**`)
38 *
39 * A double star (`'**'`) is a wildcard that matches *zero or more segments*
40 *
41 * | Glob |Matches states named |Does not match state named |
42 * |:------------|:----------------------------------------------|:----------------------------------|
43 * | `'**'` | `'A'` , `'A.B'`, `'Z.Y.X'` | (matches all states) |
44 * | `'A.**'` | `'A'` , `'A.B'` , `'A.C.X'` | `'Z.Y.X'` |
45 * | `'**.X'` | `'X'` , `'A.X'` , `'Z.Y.X'` | `'A'` , `'A.login.Z'` |
46 * | `'A.**.X'` | `'A.X'` , `'A.B.X'` , `'A.B.C.X'` | `'A'` , `'A.B.C'` |
47 *
48 * @packageDocumentation
49 */
50export declare class Glob {
51 text: string;
52 glob: Array<string>;
53 regexp: RegExp;
54 /** Returns true if the string has glob-like characters in it */
55 static is(text: string): boolean;
56 /** Returns a glob from the string, or null if the string isn't Glob-like */
57 static fromString(text: string): Glob;
58 constructor(text: string);
59 matches(name: string): boolean;