15.7 kBSource Map (JSON)View Raw
2 "version": 3,
3 "file": "trace.js",
4 "sourceRoot": "",
5 "sources": [
6 "@uirouter/core/common/trace.ts"
7 ],
8 "names": [],
10 "sourcesContent": [
11 "/**\n * # Transition tracing (debug)\n *\n * Enable transition tracing to print transition information to the console,\n * in order to help debug your application.\n * Tracing logs detailed information about each Transition to your console.\n *\n * To enable tracing, import the [[Trace]] singleton and enable one or more categories.\n *\n * ### ES6\n * ```js\n * import {trace} from \"@uirouter/core\";\n * trace.enable(1, 5); // TRANSITION and VIEWCONFIG\n * ```\n *\n * ### CJS\n * ```js\n * let trace = require(\"@uirouter/core\").trace;\n * trace.enable(\"TRANSITION\", \"VIEWCONFIG\");\n * ```\n *\n * ### Globals\n * ```js\n * let trace = window[\"@uirouter/core\"].trace;\n * trace.enable(); // Trace everything (very verbose)\n * ```\n *\n * ### Angular 1:\n * ```js\n * app.run($trace => $trace.enable());\n * ```\n *\n * @packageDocumentation\n */\nimport { parse } from '../common/hof';\nimport { isNumber } from '../common/predicates';\nimport { Transition } from '../transition/transition';\nimport { ViewTuple } from '../view';\nimport { ActiveUIView, ViewConfig, ViewContext } from '../view/interface';\nimport { stringify, functionToString, maxLength, padString } from './strings';\nimport { safeConsole } from './safeConsole';\nimport { Resolvable } from '../resolve/resolvable';\nimport { PathNode } from '../path/pathNode';\nimport { PolicyWhen } from '../resolve/interface';\nimport { TransitionHook } from '../transition/transitionHook';\nimport { HookResult } from '../transition/interface';\nimport { StateObject } from '../state/stateObject';\n\nfunction uiViewString(uiview: ActiveUIView) {\n if (!uiview) return 'ui-view (defunct)';\n const state = uiview.creationContext ? uiview.creationContext.name || '(root)' : '(none)';\n return `[ui-view#${uiview.id} ${uiview.$type}:${uiview.fqn} (${uiview.name}@${state})]`;\n}\n\nconst viewConfigString = (viewConfig: ViewConfig) => {\n const view = viewConfig.viewDecl;\n const state = view.$context.name || '(root)';\n return `[View#${viewConfig.$id} from '${state}' state]: target ui-view: '${view.$uiViewName}@${view.$uiViewContextAnchor}'`;\n};\n\nfunction normalizedCat(input: Category | string): string {\n return isNumber(input) ? Category[input] : Category[Category[input]];\n}\n\n/**\n * Trace categories Enum\n *\n * Enable or disable a category using [[Trace.enable]] or [[Trace.disable]]\n *\n * `trace.enable(Category.TRANSITION)`\n *\n * These can also be provided using a matching string, or position ordinal\n *\n * `trace.enable(\"TRANSITION\")`\n *\n * `trace.enable(1)`\n */\nenum Category {\n RESOLVE,\n TRANSITION,\n HOOK,\n UIVIEW,\n VIEWCONFIG,\n}\n\nexport { Category };\n\nconst _tid = parse('$id');\nconst _rid = parse('router.$id');\n\nconst transLbl = (trans) => `Transition #${_tid(trans)}-${_rid(trans)}`;\n\n/**\n * Prints UI-Router Transition trace information to the console.\n */\nexport class Trace {\n /** @internal */\n approximateDigests: number;\n\n /** @internal */\n private _enabled: { [key: string]: boolean } = {};\n\n /** @internal */\n constructor() {\n this.approximateDigests = 0;\n }\n\n /** @internal */\n private _set(enabled: boolean, categories: Category[]) {\n if (!categories.length) {\n categories = <any>Object.keys(Category)\n .map((k) => parseInt(k, 10))\n .filter((k) => !isNaN(k))\n .map((key) => Category[key]);\n }\n categories.map(normalizedCat).forEach((category) => (this._enabled[category] = enabled));\n }\n\n /**\n * Enables a trace [[Category]]\n *\n * ```js\n * trace.enable(\"TRANSITION\");\n * ```\n *\n * @param categories categories to enable. If `categories` is omitted, all categories are enabled.\n * Also takes strings (category name) or ordinal (category position)\n */\n enable(...categories: (Category | string | number)[]);\n enable(...categories: any[]) {\n this._set(true, categories);\n }\n /**\n * Disables a trace [[Category]]\n *\n * ```js\n * trace.disable(\"VIEWCONFIG\");\n * ```\n *\n * @param categories categories to disable. If `categories` is omitted, all categories are disabled.\n * Also takes strings (category name) or ordinal (category position)\n */\n disable(...categories: (Category | string | number)[]);\n disable(...categories: any[]) {\n this._set(false, categories);\n }\n\n /**\n * Retrieves the enabled stateus of a [[Category]]\n *\n * ```js\n * trace.enabled(\"VIEWCONFIG\"); // true or false\n * ```\n *\n * @returns boolean true if the category is enabled\n */\n enabled(category: Category | string | number): boolean {\n return !!this._enabled[normalizedCat(category)];\n }\n\n /** @internal called by ui-router code */\n traceTransitionStart(trans: Transition) {\n if (!this.enabled(Category.TRANSITION)) return;\n safeConsole.log(`${transLbl(trans)}: Started -> ${stringify(trans)}`);\n }\n\n /** @internal called by ui-router code */\n traceTransitionIgnored(trans: Transition) {\n if (!this.enabled(Category.TRANSITION)) return;\n safeConsole.log(`${transLbl(trans)}: Ignored <> ${stringify(trans)}`);\n }\n\n /** @internal called by ui-router code */\n traceHookInvocation(step: TransitionHook, trans: Transition, options: any) {\n if (!this.enabled(Category.HOOK)) return;\n const event = parse('traceData.hookType')(options) || 'internal',\n context = parse('traceData.context.state.name')(options) || parse('traceData.context')(options) || 'unknown',\n name = functionToString((step as any).registeredHook.callback);\n safeConsole.log(`${transLbl(trans)}: Hook -> ${event} context: ${context}, ${maxLength(200, name)}`);\n }\n\n /** @internal called by ui-router code */\n traceHookResult(hookResult: HookResult, trans: Transition, transitionOptions: any) {\n if (!this.enabled(Category.HOOK)) return;\n safeConsole.log(`${transLbl(trans)}: <- Hook returned: ${maxLength(200, stringify(hookResult))}`);\n }\n\n /** @internal called by ui-router code */\n traceResolvePath(path: PathNode[], when: PolicyWhen, trans?: Transition) {\n if (!this.enabled(Category.RESOLVE)) return;\n safeConsole.log(`${transLbl(trans)}: Resolving ${path} (${when})`);\n }\n\n /** @internal called by ui-router code */\n traceResolvableResolved(resolvable: Resolvable, trans?: Transition) {\n if (!this.enabled(Category.RESOLVE)) return;\n safeConsole.log(\n `${transLbl(trans)}: <- Resolved ${resolvable} to: ${maxLength(200, stringify(resolvable.data))}`\n );\n }\n\n /** @internal called by ui-router code */\n traceError(reason: any, trans: Transition) {\n if (!this.enabled(Category.TRANSITION)) return;\n safeConsole.log(`${transLbl(trans)}: <- Rejected ${stringify(trans)}, reason: ${reason}`);\n }\n\n /** @internal called by ui-router code */\n traceSuccess(finalState: StateObject, trans: Transition) {\n if (!this.enabled(Category.TRANSITION)) return;\n safeConsole.log(`${transLbl(trans)}: <- Success ${stringify(trans)}, final state: ${finalState.name}`);\n }\n\n /** @internal called by ui-router code */\n traceUIViewEvent(event: string, viewData: ActiveUIView, extra = '') {\n if (!this.enabled(Category.UIVIEW)) return;\n safeConsole.log(`ui-view: ${padString(30, event)} ${uiViewString(viewData)}${extra}`);\n }\n\n /** @internal called by ui-router code */\n traceUIViewConfigUpdated(viewData: ActiveUIView, context: ViewContext) {\n if (!this.enabled(Category.UIVIEW)) return;\n this.traceUIViewEvent('Updating', viewData, ` with ViewConfig from context='${context}'`);\n }\n\n /** @internal called by ui-router code */\n traceUIViewFill(viewData: ActiveUIView, html: string) {\n if (!this.enabled(Category.UIVIEW)) return;\n this.traceUIViewEvent('Fill', viewData, ` with: ${maxLength(200, html)}`);\n }\n\n /** @internal called by ui-router code */\n traceViewSync(pairs: ViewTuple[]) {\n if (!this.enabled(Category.VIEWCONFIG)) return;\n const uivheader = 'uiview component fqn';\n const cfgheader = 'view config state (view name)';\n const mapping = pairs\n .map(({ uiView, viewConfig }) => {\n const uiv = uiView && uiView.fqn;\n const cfg = viewConfig && `${viewConfig.viewDecl.$context.name}: (${viewConfig.viewDecl.$name})`;\n return { [uivheader]: uiv, [cfgheader]: cfg };\n })\n .sort((a, b) => (a[uivheader] || '').localeCompare(b[uivheader] || ''));\n\n safeConsole.table(mapping);\n }\n\n /** @internal called by ui-router code */\n traceViewServiceEvent(event: string, viewConfig: ViewConfig) {\n if (!this.enabled(Category.VIEWCONFIG)) return;\n safeConsole.log(`VIEWCONFIG: ${event} ${viewConfigString(viewConfig)}`);\n }\n\n /** @internal called by ui-router code */\n traceViewServiceUIViewEvent(event: string, viewData: ActiveUIView) {\n if (!this.enabled(Category.VIEWCONFIG)) return;\n safeConsole.log(`VIEWCONFIG: ${event} ${uiViewString(viewData)}`);\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * The [[Trace]] singleton\n *\n * #### Example:\n * ```js\n * import {trace} from \"@uirouter/core\";\n * trace.enable(1, 5);\n * ```\n */\nconst trace = new Trace();\nexport { trace };\n"
12 ]
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