15.3 kBSource Map (JSON)View Raw
2 "version": 3,
3 "file": "resolveContext.js",
4 "sourceRoot": "",
5 "sources": [
6 "@uirouter/core/resolve/resolveContext.ts"
7 ],
8 "names": [],
10 "sourcesContent": [
11 "import { find, tail, uniqR, unnestR, inArray } from '../common/common';\nimport { propEq, not } from '../common/hof';\nimport { trace } from '../common/trace';\nimport { services, $InjectorLike } from '../common/coreservices';\nimport { resolvePolicies, PolicyWhen, ResolvePolicy } from './interface';\nimport { PathNode } from '../path/pathNode';\nimport { Resolvable } from './resolvable';\nimport { StateObject } from '../state/stateObject';\nimport { PathUtils } from '../path/pathUtils';\nimport { stringify } from '../common/strings';\nimport { Transition } from '../transition/transition';\nimport { UIInjector } from '../interface';\nimport { isUndefined } from '../common';\n\nconst whens = resolvePolicies.when;\nconst ALL_WHENS = [whens.EAGER, whens.LAZY];\nconst EAGER_WHENS = [whens.EAGER];\n\n// tslint:disable-next-line:no-inferrable-types\nexport const NATIVE_INJECTOR_TOKEN: string = 'Native Injector';\n\n/**\n * Encapsulates Dependency Injection for a path of nodes\n *\n * UI-Router states are organized as a tree.\n * A nested state has a path of ancestors to the root of the tree.\n * When a state is being activated, each element in the path is wrapped as a [[PathNode]].\n * A `PathNode` is a stateful object that holds things like parameters and resolvables for the state being activated.\n *\n * The ResolveContext closes over the [[PathNode]]s, and provides DI for the last node in the path.\n */\nexport class ResolveContext {\n _injector: UIInjector;\n\n constructor(private _path: PathNode[]) {}\n\n /** Gets all the tokens found in the resolve context, de-duplicated */\n getTokens(): any[] {\n return this._path.reduce((acc, node) => acc.concat(node.resolvables.map((r) => r.token)), []).reduce(uniqR, []);\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets the Resolvable that matches the token\n *\n * Gets the last Resolvable that matches the token in this context, or undefined.\n * Throws an error if it doesn't exist in the ResolveContext\n */\n getResolvable(token: any): Resolvable {\n const matching = this._path\n .map((node) => node.resolvables)\n .reduce(unnestR, [])\n .filter((r: Resolvable) => r.token === token);\n return tail(matching);\n }\n\n /** Returns the [[ResolvePolicy]] for the given [[Resolvable]] */\n getPolicy(resolvable: Resolvable): ResolvePolicy {\n const node = this.findNode(resolvable);\n return resolvable.getPolicy(node.state);\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns a ResolveContext that includes a portion of this one\n *\n * Given a state, this method creates a new ResolveContext from this one.\n * The new context starts at the first node (root) and stops at the node for the `state` parameter.\n *\n * #### Why\n *\n * When a transition is created, the nodes in the \"To Path\" are injected from a ResolveContext.\n * A ResolveContext closes over a path of [[PathNode]]s and processes the resolvables.\n * The \"To State\" can inject values from its own resolvables, as well as those from all its ancestor state's (node's).\n * This method is used to create a narrower context when injecting ancestor nodes.\n *\n * @example\n * `let ABCD = new ResolveContext([A, B, C, D]);`\n *\n * Given a path `[A, B, C, D]`, where `A`, `B`, `C` and `D` are nodes for states `a`, `b`, `c`, `d`:\n * When injecting `D`, `D` should have access to all resolvables from `A`, `B`, `C`, `D`.\n * However, `B` should only be able to access resolvables from `A`, `B`.\n *\n * When resolving for the `B` node, first take the full \"To Path\" Context `[A,B,C,D]` and limit to the subpath `[A,B]`.\n * `let AB = ABCD.subcontext(a)`\n */\n subContext(state: StateObject): ResolveContext {\n return new ResolveContext(PathUtils.subPath(this._path, (node) => node.state === state));\n }\n\n /**\n * Adds Resolvables to the node that matches the state\n *\n * This adds a [[Resolvable]] (generally one created on the fly; not declared on a [[StateDeclaration.resolve]] block).\n * The resolvable is added to the node matching the `state` parameter.\n *\n * These new resolvables are not automatically fetched.\n * The calling code should either fetch them, fetch something that depends on them,\n * or rely on [[resolvePath]] being called when some state is being entered.\n *\n * Note: each resolvable's [[ResolvePolicy]] is merged with the state's policy, and the global default.\n *\n * @param newResolvables the new Resolvables\n * @param state Used to find the node to put the resolvable on\n */\n addResolvables(newResolvables: Resolvable[], state: StateObject) {\n const node = <PathNode>find(this._path, propEq('state', state));\n const keys = newResolvables.map((r) => r.token);\n node.resolvables = node.resolvables.filter((r) => keys.indexOf(r.token) === -1).concat(newResolvables);\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns a promise for an array of resolved path Element promises\n *\n * @param when\n * @param trans\n * @returns {Promise<any>|any}\n */\n resolvePath(when: PolicyWhen = 'LAZY', trans?: Transition): Promise<{ token: any; value: any }[]> {\n // This option determines which 'when' policy Resolvables we are about to fetch.\n const whenOption: string = inArray(ALL_WHENS, when) ? when : 'LAZY';\n // If the caller specified EAGER, only the EAGER Resolvables are fetched.\n // if the caller specified LAZY, both EAGER and LAZY Resolvables are fetched.`\n const matchedWhens = whenOption === resolvePolicies.when.EAGER ? EAGER_WHENS : ALL_WHENS;\n\n // get the subpath to the state argument, if provided\n trace.traceResolvePath(this._path, when, trans);\n\n const matchesPolicy = (acceptedVals: string[], whenOrAsync: 'when' | 'async') => (resolvable: Resolvable) =>\n inArray(acceptedVals, this.getPolicy(resolvable)[whenOrAsync]);\n\n // Trigger all the (matching) Resolvables in the path\n // Reduce all the \"WAIT\" Resolvables into an array\n const promises: Promise<any>[] = this._path.reduce((acc, node) => {\n const nodeResolvables = node.resolvables.filter(matchesPolicy(matchedWhens, 'when'));\n const nowait = nodeResolvables.filter(matchesPolicy(['NOWAIT'], 'async'));\n const wait = nodeResolvables.filter(not(matchesPolicy(['NOWAIT'], 'async')));\n\n // For the matching Resolvables, start their async fetch process.\n const subContext = this.subContext(node.state);\n const getResult = (r: Resolvable) =>\n r\n .get(subContext, trans)\n // Return a tuple that includes the Resolvable's token\n .then((value) => ({ token: r.token, value: value }));\n nowait.forEach(getResult);\n return acc.concat(wait.map(getResult));\n }, []);\n\n // Wait for all the \"WAIT\" resolvables\n return services.$q.all(promises);\n }\n\n injector(): UIInjector {\n return this._injector || (this._injector = new UIInjectorImpl(this));\n }\n\n findNode(resolvable: Resolvable): PathNode {\n return find(this._path, (node: PathNode) => inArray(node.resolvables, resolvable));\n }\n\n /**\n * Gets the async dependencies of a Resolvable\n *\n * Given a Resolvable, returns its dependencies as a Resolvable[]\n */\n getDependencies(resolvable: Resolvable): Resolvable[] {\n const node = this.findNode(resolvable);\n // Find which other resolvables are \"visible\" to the `resolvable` argument\n // subpath stopping at resolvable's node, or the whole path (if the resolvable isn't in the path)\n const subPath: PathNode[] = PathUtils.subPath(this._path, (x) => x === node) || this._path;\n const availableResolvables: Resolvable[] = subPath\n .reduce((acc, _node) => acc.concat(_node.resolvables), []) // all of subpath's resolvables\n .filter((res) => res !== resolvable); // filter out the `resolvable` argument\n\n const getDependency = (token: any) => {\n const matching = availableResolvables.filter((r) => r.token === token);\n if (matching.length) return tail(matching);\n\n const fromInjector = this.injector().getNative(token);\n if (isUndefined(fromInjector)) {\n throw new Error('Could not find Dependency Injection token: ' + stringify(token));\n }\n\n return new Resolvable(token, () => fromInjector, [], fromInjector);\n };\n\n return resolvable.deps.map(getDependency);\n }\n}\n\n/** @internal */\nclass UIInjectorImpl implements UIInjector {\n native: $InjectorLike;\n\n constructor(public context: ResolveContext) {\n this.native = this.get(NATIVE_INJECTOR_TOKEN) || services.$injector;\n }\n\n get(token: any) {\n const resolvable = this.context.getResolvable(token);\n if (resolvable) {\n if (this.context.getPolicy(resolvable).async === 'NOWAIT') {\n return resolvable.get(this.context);\n }\n\n if (!resolvable.resolved) {\n throw new Error('Resolvable async .get() not complete:' + stringify(resolvable.token));\n }\n return resolvable.data;\n }\n\n return this.getNative(token);\n }\n\n getAsync(token: any) {\n const resolvable = this.context.getResolvable(token);\n if (resolvable) return resolvable.get(this.context);\n return services.$q.when(this.native.get(token));\n }\n\n getNative(token: any) {\n return this.native && this.native.get(token);\n }\n}\n"
12 ]
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