1.74 kBSource Map (JSON)View Raw
2 "version": 3,
3 "file": "index.js",
4 "sourceRoot": "",
5 "sources": [
6 "@uirouter/core/state/index.ts"
7 ],
8 "names": [],
9 "mappings": ";;;;;;;;;;;;AAAA;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;GAmBG;AACH,8CAA4B;AAC5B,iDAA+B;AAC/B,gDAA8B;AAC9B,iDAA+B;AAC/B,sDAAoC;AACpC,kDAAgC;AAChC,iDAA+B;AAC/B,gDAA8B",
10 "sourcesContent": [
11 "/**\n * # The state subsystem\n *\n * This subsystem implements the ui-router state tree\n *\n * - The [[StateService]] has state-related service methods such as:\n * - [[StateService.get]]: Get a registered [[StateDeclaration]] object\n * - [[StateService.go]]: Transition from the current state to a new state\n * - [[StateService.reload]]: Reload the current state\n * - [[StateService.target]]: Get a [[TargetState]] (useful when redirecting from a Transition Hook)\n * - [[StateService.onInvalid]]: Register a callback for when a transition to an invalid state is started\n * - [[StateService.defaultErrorHandler]]: Register a global callback for when a transition errors\n * - The [[StateDeclaration]] interface defines the shape of a state declaration\n * - The [[StateRegistry]] contains all the registered states\n * - States can be added/removed using the [[StateRegistry.register]] and [[StateRegistry.deregister]]\n * - Note: Bootstrap state registration differs by front-end framework.\n * - Get notified of state registration/deregistration using [[StateRegistry.onStatesChanged]].\n *\n * @packageDocumentation\n */\nexport * from './interface';\nexport * from './stateBuilder';\nexport * from './stateObject';\nexport * from './stateMatcher';\nexport * from './stateQueueManager';\nexport * from './stateRegistry';\nexport * from './stateService';\nexport * from './targetState';\n"
12 ]
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