12 kBSource Map (JSON)View Raw
2 "version": 3,
3 "file": "hof.js",
4 "sourceRoot": "",
5 "sources": [
6 "@uirouter/core/common/hof.ts"
7 ],
8 "names": [],
10 "sourcesContent": [
11 "/**\n * Higher order functions\n *\n * These utility functions are exported, but are subject to change without notice.\n *\n * @packageDocumentation\n */\n\nimport { Predicate } from './common';\n/**\n * Returns a new function for [Partial Application](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partial_application) of the original function.\n *\n * Given a function with N parameters, returns a new function that supports partial application.\n * The new function accepts anywhere from 1 to N parameters. When that function is called with M parameters,\n * where M is less than N, it returns a new function that accepts the remaining parameters. It continues to\n * accept more parameters until all N parameters have been supplied.\n *\n *\n * This contrived example uses a partially applied function as an predicate, which returns true\n * if an object is found in both arrays.\n * @example\n * ```\n * // returns true if an object is in both of the two arrays\n * function inBoth(array1, array2, object) {\n * return array1.indexOf(object) !== -1 &&\n * array2.indexOf(object) !== 1;\n * }\n * let obj1, obj2, obj3, obj4, obj5, obj6, obj7\n * let foos = [obj1, obj3]\n * let bars = [obj3, obj4, obj5]\n *\n * // A curried \"copy\" of inBoth\n * let curriedInBoth = curry(inBoth);\n * // Partially apply both the array1 and array2\n * let inFoosAndBars = curriedInBoth(foos, bars);\n *\n * // Supply the final argument; since all arguments are\n * // supplied, the original inBoth function is then called.\n * let obj1InBoth = inFoosAndBars(obj1); // false\n *\n * // Use the inFoosAndBars as a predicate.\n * // Filter, on each iteration, supplies the final argument\n * let allObjs = [ obj1, obj2, obj3, obj4, obj5, obj6, obj7 ];\n * let foundInBoth = allObjs.filter(inFoosAndBars); // [ obj3 ]\n *\n * ```\n *\n * @param fn\n * @returns {*|function(): (*|any)}\n */\nexport function curry(fn: Function): Function {\n return function curried() {\n if (arguments.length >= fn.length) {\n return fn.apply(this, arguments);\n }\n const args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);\n return curried.bind(this, ...args);\n };\n}\n\n/**\n * Given a varargs list of functions, returns a function that composes the argument functions, right-to-left\n * given: f(x), g(x), h(x)\n * let composed = compose(f,g,h)\n * then, composed is: f(g(h(x)))\n */\nexport function compose() {\n const args = arguments;\n const start = args.length - 1;\n return function () {\n let i = start,\n result = args[start].apply(this, arguments);\n while (i--) result = args[i].call(this, result);\n return result;\n };\n}\n\n/**\n * Given a varargs list of functions, returns a function that is composes the argument functions, left-to-right\n * given: f(x), g(x), h(x)\n * let piped = pipe(f,g,h);\n * then, piped is: h(g(f(x)))\n */\nexport function pipe(...funcs: Function[]): (obj: any) => any {\n return compose.apply(null, [].slice.call(arguments).reverse());\n}\n\n/**\n * Given a property name, returns a function that returns that property from an object\n * let obj = { foo: 1, name: \"blarg\" };\n * let getName = prop(\"name\");\n * getName(obj) === \"blarg\"\n */\nexport const prop = (name: string) => (obj: any) => obj && obj[name];\n\n/**\n * Given a property name and a value, returns a function that returns a boolean based on whether\n * the passed object has a property that matches the value\n * let obj = { foo: 1, name: \"blarg\" };\n * let getName = propEq(\"name\", \"blarg\");\n * getName(obj) === true\n */\nexport const propEq = curry((name: string, _val: any, obj: any) => obj && obj[name] === _val);\n\n/**\n * Given a dotted property name, returns a function that returns a nested property from an object, or undefined\n * let obj = { id: 1, nestedObj: { foo: 1, name: \"blarg\" }, };\n * let getName = prop(\"nestedObj.name\");\n * getName(obj) === \"blarg\"\n * let propNotFound = prop(\"this.property.doesnt.exist\");\n * propNotFound(obj) === undefined\n */\nexport const parse = (name: string) => pipe.apply(null, name.split('.').map(prop));\n\n/**\n * Given a function that returns a truthy or falsey value, returns a\n * function that returns the opposite (falsey or truthy) value given the same inputs\n */\nexport const not: (fn: Predicate<any>) => Predicate<any> = (fn: Predicate<any>) => (...args: any[]) =>\n !fn.apply(null, args);\n\n/**\n * Given two functions that return truthy or falsey values, returns a function that returns truthy\n * if both functions return truthy for the given arguments\n */\nexport function and(fn1: Predicate<any>, fn2: Predicate<any>): Predicate<any> {\n return (...args: any[]) => fn1.apply(null, args) && fn2.apply(null, args);\n}\n\n/**\n * Given two functions that return truthy or falsey values, returns a function that returns truthy\n * if at least one of the functions returns truthy for the given arguments\n */\nexport function or(fn1: Predicate<any>, fn2: Predicate<any>): Predicate<any> {\n return (...args: any[]) => fn1.apply(null, args) || fn2.apply(null, args);\n}\n\n/**\n * Check if all the elements of an array match a predicate function\n *\n * @param fn1 a predicate function `fn1`\n * @returns a function which takes an array and returns true if `fn1` is true for all elements of the array\n */\nexport const all = (fn1: Predicate<any>) => (arr: any[]) => arr.reduce((b, x) => b && !!fn1(x), true) as boolean;\n\n// tslint:disable-next-line:variable-name\nexport const any = (fn1: Predicate<any>) => (arr: any[]) => arr.reduce((b, x) => b || !!fn1(x), false) as boolean;\n\n/** Given a class, returns a Predicate function that returns true if the object is of that class */\nexport const is = <T>(ctor: { new (...args): T }) => (obj: any): obj is T =>\n (obj != null && obj.constructor === ctor) || obj instanceof ctor;\n\n/** Given a value, returns a Predicate function that returns true if another value is === equal to the original value */\nexport const eq: (comp: any) => Predicate<any> = (value: any) => (other: any) => value === other;\n\n/** Given a value, returns a function which returns the value */\nexport const val = <T>(v: T) => () => v;\n\nexport function invoke(fnName: string): Function;\nexport function invoke(fnName: string, args: any[]): Function;\nexport function invoke(fnName: string, args?: any[]): Function {\n return (obj: any) => obj[fnName].apply(obj, args);\n}\n\n/**\n * Sorta like Pattern Matching (a functional programming conditional construct)\n *\n * See http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?PatternMatching\n *\n * This is a conditional construct which allows a series of predicates and output functions\n * to be checked and then applied. Each predicate receives the input. If the predicate\n * returns truthy, then its matching output function (mapping function) is provided with\n * the input and, then the result is returned.\n *\n * Each combination (2-tuple) of predicate + output function should be placed in an array\n * of size 2: [ predicate, mapFn ]\n *\n * These 2-tuples should be put in an outer array.\n *\n * @example\n * ```\n *\n * // Here's a 2-tuple where the first element is the isString predicate\n * // and the second element is a function that returns a description of the input\n * let firstTuple = [ angular.isString, (input) => `Heres your string ${input}` ];\n *\n * // Second tuple: predicate \"isNumber\", mapfn returns a description\n * let secondTuple = [ angular.isNumber, (input) => `(${input}) That's a number!` ];\n *\n * let third = [ (input) => input === null, (input) => `Oh, null...` ];\n *\n * let fourth = [ (input) => input === undefined, (input) => `notdefined` ];\n *\n * let descriptionOf = pattern([ firstTuple, secondTuple, third, fourth ]);\n *\n * console.log(descriptionOf(undefined)); // 'notdefined'\n * console.log(descriptionOf(55)); // '(55) That's a number!'\n * console.log(descriptionOf(\"foo\")); // 'Here's your string foo'\n * ```\n *\n * @param struct A 2D array. Each element of the array should be an array, a 2-tuple,\n * with a Predicate and a mapping/output function\n * @returns {function(any): *}\n */\nexport function pattern(struct: Function[][]): Function {\n return function (x: any) {\n for (let i = 0; i < struct.length; i++) {\n if (struct[i][0](x)) return struct[i][1](x);\n }\n };\n}\n"
12 ]
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