1 | {
2 | "version": 3,
3 | "file": "url.js",
4 | "sourceRoot": "",
5 | "sources": [
6 | "@uirouter/core/hooks/url.ts"
7 | ],
8 | "names": [],
10 | "sourcesContent": [
11 | "import { UrlRouter } from '../url/urlRouter';\nimport { StateService } from '../state/stateService';\nimport { Transition } from '../transition/transition';\nimport { TransitionHookFn } from '../transition/interface';\nimport { TransitionService } from '../transition/transitionService';\n\n/**\n * A [[TransitionHookFn]] which updates the URL after a successful transition\n *\n * Registered using `transitionService.onSuccess({}, updateUrl);`\n */\nconst updateUrl: TransitionHookFn = (transition: Transition) => {\n const options = transition.options();\n const $state: StateService = transition.router.stateService;\n const $urlRouter: UrlRouter = transition.router.urlRouter;\n\n // Dont update the url in these situations:\n // The transition was triggered by a URL sync (options.source === 'url')\n // The user doesn't want the url to update (options.location === false)\n // The destination state, and all parents have no navigable url\n if (options.source !== 'url' && options.location && $state.$current.navigable) {\n const urlOptions = { replace: options.location === 'replace' };\n $urlRouter.push($state.$current.navigable.url, $state.params, urlOptions);\n }\n\n $urlRouter.update(true);\n};\n\nexport const registerUpdateUrl = (transitionService: TransitionService) =>\n transitionService.onSuccess({}, updateUrl, { priority: 9999 });\n"
12 | ]
13 | } |
\ | No newline at end of file |