11 | "import { StateDeclaration } from '../state/interface';\nimport { PredicateBinary } from '../common/common';\n\nimport { Transition } from './transition';\nimport { StateObject } from '../state/stateObject';\nimport { PathNode } from '../path/pathNode';\nimport { TargetState } from '../state/targetState';\nimport { RegisteredHook } from './hookRegistry';\n\n/**\n * The TransitionOptions object can be used to change the behavior of a transition.\n *\n * It is passed as the third argument to [[StateService.go]], [[StateService.transitionTo]].\n * It can also be used with a `uiSref`.\n */\nexport interface TransitionOptions {\n /**\n * This option changes how the Transition interacts with the browser's location bar (URL).\n *\n * - If `true`, it will update the url in the location bar.\n * - If `false`, it will not update the url in the location bar.\n * - If it is the string `\"replace\"`, it will update the url and also replace the last history record.\n *\n * @default `true`\n */\n location?: boolean | 'replace';\n\n /**\n * When transitioning to relative path (e.g '`^`'), this option defines which state to be relative from.\n * @default `$state.current`\n */\n relative?: string | StateDeclaration | StateObject;\n\n /**\n * This option sets whether or not the transition's parameter values should be inherited from\n * the current parameter values.\n *\n * - If `true`, it will inherit parameter values from the current parameter values.\n * - If `false`, only the parameters which are provided to `transitionTo` will be used.\n *\n * @default `true`\n */\n inherit?: boolean;\n\n /**\n * @deprecated\n */\n notify?: boolean;\n\n /**\n * This option may be used to force states which are currently active to reload.\n *\n * During a normal transition, a state is \"retained\" if:\n * - It was previously active\n * - The state's parameter values have not changed\n * - All the parent states' parameter values have not changed\n *\n * Forcing a reload of a state will cause it to be exited and entered, which will:\n * - Refetch that state's resolve data\n * - Exit the state (onExit hook)\n * - Re-enter the state (onEnter hook)\n * - Re-render the views (controllers and templates)\n *\n * - When `true`, the destination state (and all parent states) will be reloaded.\n * - When it is a string and is the name of a state, or when it is a State object,\n * that state and any children states will be reloaded.\n *\n * @default `false`\n */\n reload?: boolean | string | StateDeclaration | StateObject;\n /**\n * You can define your own Transition Options inside this property and use them, e.g., from a Transition Hook\n */\n custom?: any;\n /**\n * This option may be used to cancel the active transition (if one is active) in favour of the this one.\n * This is the default behaviour or ui-router.\n *\n *\n * - When `true`, the active transition will be canceled and new transition will begin.\n * - when `false`, the transition will be canceled if a transition is already running. This can be useful in cases where\n * you only want to navigate to a different state if you are not already navigating somewhere.\n *\n * @default `true`\n */\n supercede?: boolean;\n /** @internal */\n reloadState?: StateObject;\n /** @internal\n * If this transition is a redirect, this property should be the original Transition (which was redirected to this one)\n */\n redirectedFrom?: Transition;\n /** @internal */\n current?: () => Transition;\n /** @internal */\n source?: 'sref' | 'url' | 'redirect' | 'otherwise' | 'unknown';\n}\n\nexport interface TransitionHookOptions {\n current?: () => Transition; // path?\n transition?: Transition;\n hookType?: string;\n target?: any;\n traceData?: any;\n bind?: any;\n stateHook?: boolean;\n}\n\n/**\n * TreeChanges encapsulates the various Paths that are involved in a Transition.\n *\n * Get a TreeChanges object using [[Transition.treeChanges]]\n *\n * A UI-Router Transition is from one Path in a State Tree to another Path. For a given Transition,\n * this object stores the \"to\" and \"from\" paths, as well as subsets of those: the \"retained\",\n * \"exiting\" and \"entering\" paths.\n *\n * Each path in TreeChanges is an array of [[PathNode]] objects. Each PathNode in the array corresponds to a portion\n * of a nested state.\n *\n * For example, if you had a nested state named `foo.bar.baz`, it would have three\n * portions, `foo, bar, baz`. If you transitioned **to** `foo.bar.baz` and inspected the [[TreeChanges.to]]\n * Path, you would find a node in the array for each portion: `foo`, `bar`, and `baz`.\n *\n * ---\n *\n * @todo show visual state tree\n */\nexport interface TreeChanges {\n /** @nodoc */\n [key: string]: PathNode[] | undefined;\n\n /** The path of nodes in the state tree that the transition is coming *from* */\n from: PathNode[];\n\n /** The path of nodes in the state tree that the transition is going *to* */\n to: PathNode[];\n\n /**\n * The path of active nodes that the transition is retaining.\n *\n * These nodes are neither exited, nor entered.\n * Before and after the transition is successful, these nodes are active.\n */\n retained: PathNode[];\n\n /**\n * The path of active nodes that the transition is retaining with updated \"to params\" applied.\n *\n * These nodes are neither exited, nor entered.\n * Before and after the transition is successful, these nodes are active.\n *\n * This is a shallow copy of [[retained]], but with new (dynamic) parameter values from [[to]] applied.\n */\n retainedWithToParams: PathNode[];\n\n /**\n * The path of previously active nodes that the transition is exiting.\n *\n * After the Transition is successful, these nodes are no longer active.\n *\n * Note that a state that is being reloaded (due to parameter values changing, or `reload: true`) may be in both the\n * `exiting` and `entering` paths.\n */\n exiting: PathNode[];\n\n /**\n * The path of nodes that the transition is entering.\n *\n * After the Transition is successful, these nodes will be active.\n * Because they are entering, they have their resolves fetched, `onEnter` hooks run, and their views\n * (component(s) or controller(s)+template(s)) refreshed.\n *\n * Note that a state that is reloaded (due to parameter values changing, or `reload: true`) may be in both the\n * `exiting` and `entering` paths.\n */\n entering: PathNode[];\n}\n\nexport type IHookRegistration = (\n matchCriteria: HookMatchCriteria,\n callback: HookFn,\n options?: HookRegOptions\n) => Function;\n\n/**\n * The signature for Transition Hooks.\n *\n * Transition hooks are callback functions that hook into the lifecycle of transitions.\n * As a transition runs, it reaches certain lifecycle events.\n * As each event occurs, the hooks which are registered for the event are called (in priority order).\n *\n * A transition hook may alter a Transition by returning a [[HookResult]].\n *\n * #### See:\n *\n * - [[IHookRegistry.onBefore]]\n * - [[IHookRegistry.onStart]]\n * - [[IHookRegistry.onFinish]]\n * - [[IHookRegistry.onSuccess]]\n * - [[IHookRegistry.onError]]\n *\n * @param transition the current [[Transition]]\n * @param injector (for ng1 or ng2 only) the injector service\n *\n * @returns a [[HookResult]] which may alter the transition\n *\n */\nexport interface TransitionHookFn {\n (transition: Transition): HookResult;\n}\n\n/**\n * The signature for Transition State Hooks.\n *\n * A function which hooks into a lifecycle event for a specific state.\n *\n * Transition State Hooks are callback functions that hook into the lifecycle events of specific states during a transition.\n * As a transition runs, it may exit some states, retain (keep) states, and enter states.\n * As each lifecycle event occurs, the hooks which are registered for the event and that state are called (in priority order).\n *\n * #### See:\n *\n * - [[IHookRegistry.onExit]]\n * - [[IHookRegistry.onRetain]]\n * - [[IHookRegistry.onEnter]]\n *\n * @param transition the current [[Transition]]\n * @param state the [[StateObject]] that the hook is bound to\n * @param injector (for ng1 or ng2 only) the injector service\n *\n * @returns a [[HookResult]] which may alter the transition\n */\nexport interface TransitionStateHookFn {\n (transition: Transition, state: StateDeclaration): HookResult;\n}\n\n/**\n * The signature for Transition onCreate Hooks.\n *\n * Transition onCreate Hooks are callbacks that allow customization or preprocessing of\n * a Transition before it is returned from [[TransitionService.create]]\n *\n * @param transition the [[Transition]] that was just created\n * @return a [[Transition]] which will then be returned from [[TransitionService.create]]\n */\nexport interface TransitionCreateHookFn {\n (transition: Transition): void;\n}\n\nexport type HookFn = TransitionHookFn | TransitionStateHookFn | TransitionCreateHookFn;\n\n/**\n * The return value of a [[TransitionHookFn]] or [[TransitionStateHookFn]]\n *\n * When returned from a [[TransitionHookFn]] or [[TransitionStateHookFn]], these values alter the running [[Transition]]:\n *\n * - `false`: the transition will be cancelled.\n * - [[TargetState]]: the transition will be redirected to the new target state (see: [[StateService.target]])\n * - `Promise`: the transition will wait for the promise to resolve or reject\n * - If the promise is rejected (or resolves to `false`), the transition will be cancelled\n * - If the promise resolves to a [[TargetState]], the transition will be redirected\n * - If the promise resolves to anything else, the transition will resume\n * - Anything else: the transition will resume\n */\nexport type HookResult = boolean | TargetState | void | Promise<boolean | TargetState | void>;\n\n/**\n * These options may be provided when registering a Transition Hook (such as `onStart`)\n */\nexport interface HookRegOptions {\n /**\n * Sets the priority of the registered hook\n *\n * Hooks of the same type (onBefore, onStart, etc) are invoked in priority order. A hook with a higher priority\n * is invoked before a hook with a lower priority.\n *\n * The default hook priority is 0\n */\n priority?: number;\n\n /**\n * Specifies what `this` is bound to during hook invocation.\n */\n bind?: any;\n\n /**\n * Limits the number of times that the hook will be invoked.\n * Once the hook has been invoked this many times, it is automatically deregistered.\n */\n invokeLimit?: number;\n}\n\n/**\n * This interface specifies the api for registering Transition Hooks. Both the\n * [[TransitionService]] and also the [[Transition]] object itself implement this interface.\n * Note: the Transition object only allows hooks to be registered before the Transition is started.\n */\nexport interface IHookRegistry {\n /** @internal place to store the hooks */\n _registeredHooks: { [key: string]: RegisteredHook[] };\n\n /**\n * Registers a [[TransitionHookFn]], called *before a transition starts*.\n *\n * Registers a transition lifecycle hook, which is invoked before a transition even begins.\n * This hook can be useful to implement logic which prevents a transition from even starting, such\n * as authentication, redirection\n *\n * See [[TransitionHookFn]] for the signature of the function.\n *\n * The [[HookMatchCriteria]] is used to determine which Transitions the hook should be invoked for.\n * To match all Transitions, use an empty criteria object `{}`.\n *\n * ### Lifecycle\n *\n * `onBefore` hooks are invoked *before a Transition starts*.\n * No resolves have been fetched yet.\n * Each `onBefore` hook is invoked synchronously, in the same call stack as [[StateService.transitionTo]].\n * The registered `onBefore` hooks are invoked in priority order.\n *\n * Note: during the `onBefore` phase, additional hooks can be added to the specific [[Transition]] instance.\n * These \"on-the-fly\" hooks only affect the currently running transition..\n *\n * ### Return value\n *\n * The hook's return value can be used to pause, cancel, or redirect the current Transition.\n * See [[HookResult]] for more information.\n *\n * If any hook modifies the transition *synchronously* (by throwing, returning `false`, or returning\n * a [[TargetState]]), the remainder of the hooks are skipped.\n * If a hook returns a promise, the remainder of the `onBefore` hooks are still invoked synchronously.\n * All promises are resolved, and processed asynchronously before the `onStart` phase of the Transition.\n *\n * ### Examples\n *\n * #### Default Substate\n *\n * This example redirects any transition from 'home' to 'home.dashboard'. This is commonly referred to as a\n * \"default substate\".\n *\n * @example\n * ```js\n * // ng2\n * transitionService.onBefore({ to: 'home' }, (trans: Transition) =>\n * trans.router.stateService.target(\"home.dashboard\"));\n * ```\n *\n * #### Data Driven Default Substate\n *\n * This example provides data-driven default substate functionality. It matches on a transition to any state\n * which has `defaultSubstate: \"some.sub.state\"` defined. See: [[Transition.to]] which returns the \"to state\"\n * definition.\n *\n * @example\n * ```js\n * // ng1\n * // state declaration\n * {\n * name: 'home',\n * template: '<div ui-view/>',\n * defaultSubstate: 'home.dashboard'\n * }\n *\n * var criteria = {\n * to: function(state) {\n * return state.defaultSubstate != null;\n * }\n * }\n *\n * $transitions.onBefore(criteria, function(trans: Transition) {\n * var substate = trans.to().defaultSubstate;\n * return trans.router.stateService.target(substate);\n * });\n * ```\n *\n *\n * #### Require authentication\n *\n * This example cancels a transition to a state which requires authentication, if the user is not currently authenticated.\n *\n * This example assumes a state tree where all states which require authentication are children of a parent `'requireauth'` state.\n * This example assumes `MyAuthService` synchronously returns a boolean from `isAuthenticated()`.\n *\n * #### Example:\n * ```js\n * // ng1\n * $transitions.onBefore( { to: 'requireauth.**' }, function(trans) {\n * var myAuthService = trans.injector().get('MyAuthService');\n * // If isAuthenticated returns false, the transition is cancelled.\n * return myAuthService.isAuthenticated();\n * });\n * ```\n *\n * @param matchCriteria defines which Transitions the Hook should be invoked for.\n * @param callback the hook function which will be invoked.\n * @returns a function which deregisters the hook.\n */\n onBefore(matchCriteria: HookMatchCriteria, callback: TransitionHookFn, options?: HookRegOptions): Function;\n\n /**\n * Registers a [[TransitionHookFn]], called when a transition starts.\n *\n * Registers a transition lifecycle hook, which is invoked as a transition starts running.\n * This hook can be useful to perform some asynchronous action before completing a transition.\n *\n * See [[TransitionHookFn]] for the signature of the function.\n *\n * The [[HookMatchCriteria]] is used to determine which Transitions the hook should be invoked for.\n * To match all Transitions, use an empty criteria object `{}`.\n *\n * ### Lifecycle\n *\n * `onStart` hooks are invoked asynchronously when the Transition starts running.\n * This happens after the `onBefore` phase is complete.\n * At this point, the Transition has not yet exited nor entered any states.\n * The registered `onStart` hooks are invoked in priority order.\n *\n * Note: A built-in `onStart` hook with high priority is used to fetch any eager resolve data.\n *\n * ### Return value\n *\n * The hook's return value can be used to pause, cancel, or redirect the current Transition.\n * See [[HookResult]] for more information.\n *\n * ### Example\n *\n * #### Login during transition\n *\n * This example intercepts any transition to a state which requires authentication, when the user is\n * not currently authenticated. It allows the user to authenticate asynchronously, then resumes the\n * transition. If the user did not authenticate successfully, it redirects to the \"guest\" state, which\n * does not require authentication.\n *\n * This example assumes:\n * - a state tree where all states which require authentication are children of a parent `'auth'` state.\n * - `MyAuthService.isAuthenticated()` synchronously returns a boolean.\n * - `MyAuthService.authenticate()` presents a login dialog, and returns a promise which is resolved\n * or rejected, whether or not the login attempt was successful.\n *\n * #### Example:\n * ```js\n * // ng1\n * $transitions.onStart( { to: 'auth.**' }, function(trans) {\n * var $state = trans.router.stateService;\n * var MyAuthService = trans.injector().get('MyAuthService');\n *\n * // If the user is not authenticated\n * if (!MyAuthService.isAuthenticated()) {\n *\n * // Then return a promise for a successful login.\n * // The transition will wait for this promise to settle\n *\n * return MyAuthService.authenticate().catch(function() {\n *\n * // If the authenticate() method failed for whatever reason,\n * // redirect to a 'guest' state which doesn't require auth.\n * return $state.target(\"guest\");\n * });\n * }\n * });\n * ```\n *\n * @param matchCriteria defines which Transitions the Hook should be invoked for.\n * @param callback the hook function which will be injected and invoked.\n * @returns a function which deregisters the hook.\n */\n onStart(matchCriteria: HookMatchCriteria, callback: TransitionHookFn, options?: HookRegOptions): Function;\n\n /**\n * Registers a [[TransitionStateHookFn]], called when a specific state is entered.\n *\n * Registers a lifecycle hook, which is invoked (during a transition) when a specific state is being entered.\n *\n * Since this hook is run only when the specific state is being *entered*, it can be useful for\n * performing tasks when entering a submodule/feature area such as initializing a stateful service,\n * or for guarding access to a submodule/feature area.\n *\n * See [[TransitionStateHookFn]] for the signature of the function.\n *\n * The [[HookMatchCriteria]] is used to determine which Transitions the hook should be invoked for.\n * `onEnter` hooks generally specify `{ entering: 'somestate' }`.\n * To match all Transitions, use an empty criteria object `{}`.\n *\n * ### Lifecycle\n *\n * `onEnter` hooks are invoked when the Transition is entering a state.\n * States are entered after the `onRetain` phase is complete.\n * If more than one state is being entered, the parent state is entered first.\n * The registered `onEnter` hooks for a state are invoked in priority order.\n *\n * Note: A built-in `onEnter` hook with high priority is used to fetch lazy resolve data for states being entered.\n *\n * ### Return value\n *\n * The hook's return value can be used to pause, cancel, or redirect the current Transition.\n * See [[HookResult]] for more information.\n *\n * ### Inside a state declaration\n *\n * Instead of registering `onEnter` hooks using the [[TransitionService]], you may define an `onEnter` hook\n * directly on a state declaration (see: [[StateDeclaration.onEnter]]).\n *\n *\n * ### Examples\n *\n * #### Audit Log\n *\n * This example uses a service to log that a user has entered the admin section of an app.\n * This assumes that there are substates of the \"admin\" state, such as \"admin.users\", \"admin.pages\", etc.\n * @example\n * ```\n *\n * $transitions.onEnter({ entering: 'admin' }, function(transition, state) {\n * var AuditService = trans.injector().get('AuditService');\n * AuditService.log(\"Entered \" + state.name + \" module while transitioning to \" + transition.to().name);\n * }\n * ```\n *\n * #### Audit Log (inside a state declaration)\n *\n * The `onEnter` inside this state declaration is syntactic sugar for the previous Audit Log example.\n * ```\n * {\n * name: 'admin',\n * component: 'admin',\n * onEnter: function($transition$, $state$) {\n * var AuditService = $transition$.injector().get('AuditService');\n * AuditService.log(\"Entered \" + state.name + \" module while transitioning to \" + transition.to().name);\n * }\n * }\n * ```\n *\n * Note: A state declaration's `onEnter` function is injected for Angular 1 only.\n *\n * @param matchCriteria defines which Transitions the Hook should be invoked for.\n * @param callback the hook function which will be injected and invoked.\n * @returns a function which deregisters the hook.\n */\n onEnter(matchCriteria: HookMatchCriteria, callback: TransitionStateHookFn, options?: HookRegOptions): Function;\n\n /**\n * Registers a [[TransitionStateHookFn]], called when a specific state is retained/kept.\n *\n * Registers a lifecycle hook, which is invoked (during a transition) for\n * a specific state that was previously active will remain active (is not being entered nor exited).\n *\n * This hook is invoked when a state is \"retained\" or \"kept\".\n * It means the transition is coming *from* a substate of the retained state *to* a substate of the retained state.\n * This hook can be used to perform actions when the user moves from one substate to another, such as between steps in a wizard.\n *\n * The [[HookMatchCriteria]] is used to determine which Transitions the hook should be invoked for.\n * `onRetain` hooks generally specify `{ retained: 'somestate' }`.\n * To match all Transitions, use an empty criteria object `{}`.\n *\n * ### Lifecycle\n *\n * `onRetain` hooks are invoked after any `onExit` hooks have been fired.\n * If more than one state is retained, the child states' `onRetain` hooks are invoked first.\n * The registered `onRetain` hooks for a state are invoked in priority order.\n *\n * ### Return value\n *\n * The hook's return value can be used to pause, cancel, or redirect the current Transition.\n * See [[HookResult]] for more information.\n *\n * ### Inside a state declaration\n *\n * Instead of registering `onRetain` hooks using the [[TransitionService]], you may define an `onRetain` hook\n * directly on a state declaration (see: [[StateDeclaration.onRetain]]).\n *\n * Note: A state declaration's `onRetain` function is injected for Angular 1 only.\n *\n * @param matchCriteria defines which Transitions the Hook should be invoked for.\n * @param callback the hook function which will be injected and invoked.\n * @returns a function which deregisters the hook.\n */\n onRetain(matchCriteria: HookMatchCriteria, callback: TransitionStateHookFn, options?: HookRegOptions): Function;\n\n /**\n * Registers a [[TransitionStateHookFn]], called when a specific state is exited.\n *\n * Registers a lifecycle hook, which is invoked (during a transition) when a specific state is being exited.\n *\n * Since this hook is run only when the specific state is being *exited*, it can be useful for\n * performing tasks when leaving a submodule/feature area such as cleaning up a stateful service,\n * or for preventing the user from leaving a state or submodule until some criteria is satisfied.\n *\n * See [[TransitionStateHookFn]] for the signature of the function.\n *\n * The [[HookMatchCriteria]] is used to determine which Transitions the hook should be invoked for.\n * `onExit` hooks generally specify `{ exiting: 'somestate' }`.\n * To match all Transitions, use an empty criteria object `{}`.\n *\n * ### Lifecycle\n *\n * `onExit` hooks are invoked when the Transition is exiting a state.\n * States are exited after any `onStart` phase is complete.\n * If more than one state is being exited, the child states are exited first.\n * The registered `onExit` hooks for a state are invoked in priority order.\n *\n * ### Return value\n *\n * The hook's return value can be used to pause, cancel, or redirect the current Transition.\n * See [[HookResult]] for more information.\n *\n * ### Inside a state declaration\n *\n * Instead of registering `onExit` hooks using the [[TransitionService]], you may define an `onExit` hook\n * directly on a state declaration (see: [[StateDeclaration.onExit]]).\n *\n * Note: A state declaration's `onExit` function is injected for Angular 1 only.\n *\n * @param matchCriteria defines which Transitions the Hook should be invoked for.\n * @param callback the hook function which will be injected and invoked.\n * @returns a function which deregisters the hook.\n */\n onExit(matchCriteria: HookMatchCriteria, callback: TransitionStateHookFn, options?: HookRegOptions): Function;\n\n /**\n * Registers a [[TransitionHookFn]], called *just before a transition finishes*.\n *\n * Registers a transition lifecycle hook, which is invoked just before a transition finishes.\n * This hook is a last chance to cancel or redirect a transition.\n *\n * See [[TransitionHookFn]] for the signature of the function.\n *\n * The [[HookMatchCriteria]] is used to determine which Transitions the hook should be invoked for.\n * To match all Transitions, use an empty criteria object `{}`.\n *\n * ### Lifecycle\n *\n * `onFinish` hooks are invoked after the `onEnter` phase is complete.\n * These hooks are invoked just before the transition is \"committed\".\n * Each hook is invoked in priority order.\n *\n * ### Return value\n *\n * The hook's return value can be used to pause, cancel, or redirect the current Transition.\n * See [[HookResult]] for more information.\n *\n * @param matchCriteria defines which Transitions the Hook should be invoked for.\n * @param callback the hook function which will be injected and invoked.\n * @returns a function which deregisters the hook.\n */\n onFinish(matchCriteria: HookMatchCriteria, callback: TransitionHookFn, options?: HookRegOptions): Function;\n\n /**\n * Registers a [[TransitionHookFn]], called after a successful transition completed.\n *\n * Registers a transition lifecycle hook, which is invoked after a transition successfully completes.\n *\n * See [[TransitionHookFn]] for the signature of the function.\n *\n * The [[HookMatchCriteria]] is used to determine which Transitions the hook should be invoked for.\n * To match all Transitions, use an empty criteria object `{}`.\n *\n * ### Lifecycle\n *\n * `onSuccess` hooks are chained off the Transition's promise (see [[Transition.promise]]).\n * If the Transition is successful and its promise is resolved, then the `onSuccess` hooks are invoked.\n * Since these hooks are run after the transition is over, their return value is ignored.\n * The `onSuccess` hooks are invoked in priority order.\n *\n * ### Return value\n *\n * Since the Transition is already completed, the hook's return value is ignored\n *\n * @param matchCriteria defines which Transitions the Hook should be invoked for.\n * @param callback the hook function which will be injected and invoked.\n * @returns a function which deregisters the hook.\n */\n onSuccess(matchCriteria: HookMatchCriteria, callback: TransitionHookFn, options?: HookRegOptions): Function;\n\n /**\n * Registers a [[TransitionHookFn]], called after a transition has errored.\n *\n * Registers a transition lifecycle hook, which is invoked after a transition has been rejected for any reason.\n *\n * See [[TransitionHookFn]] for the signature of the function.\n *\n * The [[HookMatchCriteria]] is used to determine which Transitions the hook should be invoked for.\n * To match all Transitions, use an empty criteria object `{}`.\n *\n * ### Lifecycle\n *\n * The `onError` hooks are chained off the Transition's promise (see [[Transition.promise]]).\n * If a Transition fails, its promise is rejected and the `onError` hooks are invoked.\n * The `onError` hooks are invoked in priority order.\n *\n * Since these hooks are run after the transition is over, their return value is ignored.\n *\n * A transition \"errors\" if it was started, but failed to complete (for any reason).\n * A *non-exhaustive list* of reasons a transition can error:\n *\n * - A transition was cancelled because a new transition started while it was still running (`Transition superseded`)\n * - A transition was cancelled by a Transition Hook returning false\n * - A transition was redirected by a Transition Hook returning a [[TargetState]]\n * - A Transition Hook or resolve function threw an error\n * - A Transition Hook returned a rejected promise\n * - A resolve function returned a rejected promise\n *\n * To check the failure reason, inspect the return value of [[Transition.error]].\n *\n * Note: `onError` should be used for targeted error handling, or error recovery.\n * For simple catch-all error reporting, use [[StateService.defaultErrorHandler]].\n *\n * ### Return value\n *\n * Since the Transition is already completed, the hook's return value is ignored\n *\n * @param matchCriteria defines which Transitions the Hook should be invoked for.\n * @param callback the hook function which will be injected and invoked.\n * @returns a function which deregisters the hook.\n */\n onError(matchCriteria: HookMatchCriteria, callback: TransitionHookFn, options?: HookRegOptions): Function;\n\n /**\n * Returns all the registered hooks of a given `hookName` type\n *\n * #### Example:\n * ```\n * $transitions.getHooks(\"onEnter\")\n * ```\n */\n getHooks(hookName: string): RegisteredHook[];\n}\n\n/** A predicate type which tests if a [[StateObject]] and [[Transition]] passes some test. Returns a boolean. */\nexport type IStateMatch = PredicateBinary<StateObject, Transition>;\n\n/**\n * This object is used to configure whether or not a Transition Hook is invoked for a particular transition,\n * based on the Transition's \"to state\" and \"from state\".\n *\n * Each property (`to`, `from`, `exiting`, `retained`, and `entering`) can be a state [[Glob]] string,\n * a boolean, or a function that takes a state and returns a boolean (see [[HookMatchCriterion]])\n *\n * All properties are optional. If any property is omitted, it is replaced with the value `true`, and always matches.\n * To match any transition, use an empty criteria object `{}`.\n *\n * #### Example:\n * ```js\n * // This matches a transition coming from the `parent` state and going to the `parent.child` state.\n * var match = {\n * to: 'parent',\n * from: 'parent.child'\n * }\n * ```\n *\n * #### Example:\n * ```js\n * // This matches a transition coming from any substate of `parent` and going directly to the `parent` state.\n * var match = {\n * to: 'parent',\n * from: 'parent.**'\n * }\n * ```\n *\n * #### Example:\n * ```js\n * // This matches a transition coming from any state and going to any substate of `mymodule`\n * var match = {\n * to: 'mymodule.**'\n * }\n * ```\n *\n * #### Example:\n * ```js\n * // This matches a transition coming from any state and going to any state that has `data.authRequired`\n * // set to a truthy value.\n * var match = {\n * to: function(state) {\n * return state.data != null && state.data.authRequired === true;\n * }\n * }\n * ```\n * #### Example:\n * ```js\n * // This will match when route is just entered (initial load) or when the state is hard-refreshed\n * // by specifying `{refresh: true}` as transition options.\n * var match = {\n * from: (state, transition) => state.self.name === '' || transition.options().reload\n * }\n * ```\n *\n * #### Example:\n * ```js\n * // This matches a transition that is exiting `parent.child`\n * var match = {\n * exiting: 'parent.child'\n * }\n * ```\n */\nexport interface HookMatchCriteria {\n [key: string]: HookMatchCriterion | undefined;\n\n /** A [[HookMatchCriterion]] to match the destination state */\n to?: HookMatchCriterion;\n /** A [[HookMatchCriterion]] to match the original (from) state */\n from?: HookMatchCriterion;\n /** A [[HookMatchCriterion]] to match any state that would be exiting */\n exiting?: HookMatchCriterion;\n /** A [[HookMatchCriterion]] to match any state that would be retained */\n retained?: HookMatchCriterion;\n /** A [[HookMatchCriterion]] to match any state that would be entering */\n entering?: HookMatchCriterion;\n}\n\nexport interface IMatchingNodes {\n [key: string]: PathNode[];\n\n to: PathNode[];\n from: PathNode[];\n exiting: PathNode[];\n retained: PathNode[];\n entering: PathNode[];\n}\n\n/** @internal */\nexport interface RegisteredHooks {\n [key: string]: RegisteredHook[];\n}\n\n/** @internal */\nexport interface PathTypes {\n [key: string]: PathType;\n\n to: PathType;\n from: PathType;\n exiting: PathType;\n retained: PathType;\n entering: PathType;\n}\n\n/** @internal */\nexport interface PathType {\n name: string;\n scope: TransitionHookScope;\n}\n\n/**\n * Hook Criterion used to match a transition.\n *\n * A [[Glob]] string that matches the name of a state.\n *\n * Or, a function with the signature `function(state, transition) { return matches; }`\n * which should return a boolean to indicate if a state matches.\n *\n * Or, `true` to always match\n */\nexport type HookMatchCriterion = string | IStateMatch | boolean;\n\nenum TransitionHookPhase {\n CREATE,\n BEFORE,\n RUN,\n SUCCESS,\n ERROR,\n}\nenum TransitionHookScope {\n TRANSITION,\n STATE,\n}\n\nexport { TransitionHookPhase, TransitionHookScope };\n"