1 | ;
2 | Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3 | exports.BaseUrlRule = exports.UrlRuleFactory = void 0;
4 | var urlMatcher_1 = require("./urlMatcher");
5 | var predicates_1 = require("../common/predicates");
6 | var common_1 = require("../common/common");
7 | var hof_1 = require("../common/hof");
8 | var stateObject_1 = require("../state/stateObject");
9 | /**
10 | * Creates a [[UrlRule]]
11 | *
12 | * Creates a [[UrlRule]] from a:
13 | *
14 | * - `string`
15 | * - [[UrlMatcher]]
16 | * - `RegExp`
17 | * - [[StateObject]]
18 | */
19 | var UrlRuleFactory = /** @class */ (function () {
20 | function UrlRuleFactory(router) {
21 | this.router = router;
22 | }
23 | UrlRuleFactory.prototype.compile = function (str) {
24 | return this.router.urlMatcherFactory.compile(str);
25 | };
26 | UrlRuleFactory.prototype.create = function (what, handler) {
27 | var _this = this;
28 | var isState = stateObject_1.StateObject.isState, isStateDeclaration = stateObject_1.StateObject.isStateDeclaration;
29 | var makeRule = hof_1.pattern([
30 | [predicates_1.isString, function (_what) { return makeRule(_this.compile(_what)); }],
31 | [hof_1.is(urlMatcher_1.UrlMatcher), function (_what) { return _this.fromUrlMatcher(_what, handler); }],
32 | [hof_1.or(isState, isStateDeclaration), function (_what) { return _this.fromState(_what, _this.router); }],
33 | [hof_1.is(RegExp), function (_what) { return _this.fromRegExp(_what, handler); }],
34 | [predicates_1.isFunction, function (_what) { return new BaseUrlRule(_what, handler); }],
35 | ]);
36 | var rule = makeRule(what);
37 | if (!rule)
38 | throw new Error("invalid 'what' in when()");
39 | return rule;
40 | };
41 | /**
42 | * A UrlRule which matches based on a UrlMatcher
43 | *
44 | * The `handler` may be either a `string`, a [[UrlRuleHandlerFn]] or another [[UrlMatcher]]
45 | *
46 | * ## Handler as a function
47 | *
48 | * If `handler` is a function, the function is invoked with:
49 | *
50 | * - matched parameter values ([[RawParams]] from [[UrlMatcher.exec]])
51 | * - url: the current Url ([[UrlParts]])
52 | * - router: the router object ([[UIRouter]])
53 | *
54 | * #### Example:
55 | * ```js
56 | * var urlMatcher = $umf.compile("/foo/:fooId/:barId");
57 | * var rule = factory.fromUrlMatcher(urlMatcher, match => "/home/" + match.fooId + "/" + match.barId);
58 | * var match = rule.match('/foo/123/456'); // results in { fooId: '123', barId: '456' }
59 | * var result = rule.handler(match); // '/home/123/456'
60 | * ```
61 | *
62 | * ## Handler as UrlMatcher
63 | *
64 | * If `handler` is a UrlMatcher, the handler matcher is used to create the new url.
65 | * The `handler` UrlMatcher is formatted using the matched param from the first matcher.
66 | * The url is replaced with the result.
67 | *
68 | * #### Example:
69 | * ```js
70 | * var urlMatcher = $umf.compile("/foo/:fooId/:barId");
71 | * var handler = $umf.compile("/home/:fooId/:barId");
72 | * var rule = factory.fromUrlMatcher(urlMatcher, handler);
73 | * var match = rule.match('/foo/123/456'); // results in { fooId: '123', barId: '456' }
74 | * var result = rule.handler(match); // '/home/123/456'
75 | * ```
76 | */
77 | UrlRuleFactory.prototype.fromUrlMatcher = function (urlMatcher, handler) {
78 | var _handler = handler;
79 | if (predicates_1.isString(handler))
80 | handler = this.router.urlMatcherFactory.compile(handler);
81 | if (hof_1.is(urlMatcher_1.UrlMatcher)(handler))
82 | _handler = function (match) { return handler.format(match); };
83 | function matchUrlParamters(url) {
84 | var params = urlMatcher.exec(url.path, url.search, url.hash);
85 | return urlMatcher.validates(params) && params;
86 | }
87 | // Prioritize URLs, lowest to highest:
88 | // - Some optional URL parameters, but none matched
89 | // - No optional parameters in URL
90 | // - Some optional parameters, some matched
91 | // - Some optional parameters, all matched
92 | function matchPriority(params) {
93 | var optional = urlMatcher.parameters().filter(function (param) { return param.isOptional; });
94 | if (!optional.length)
95 | return 0.000001;
96 | var matched = optional.filter(function (param) { return params[param.id]; });
97 | return matched.length / optional.length;
98 | }
99 | var details = { urlMatcher: urlMatcher, matchPriority: matchPriority, type: 'URLMATCHER' };
100 | return common_1.extend(new BaseUrlRule(matchUrlParamters, _handler), details);
101 | };
102 | /**
103 | * A UrlRule which matches a state by its url
104 | *
105 | * #### Example:
106 | * ```js
107 | * var rule = factory.fromState($state.get('foo'), router);
108 | * var match = rule.match('/foo/123/456'); // results in { fooId: '123', barId: '456' }
109 | * var result = rule.handler(match);
110 | * // Starts a transition to 'foo' with params: { fooId: '123', barId: '456' }
111 | * ```
112 | */
113 | UrlRuleFactory.prototype.fromState = function (stateOrDecl, router) {
114 | var state = stateObject_1.StateObject.isStateDeclaration(stateOrDecl) ? stateOrDecl.$$state() : stateOrDecl;
115 | /**
116 | * Handles match by transitioning to matched state
117 | *
118 | * First checks if the router should start a new transition.
119 | * A new transition is not required if the current state's URL
120 | * and the new URL are already identical
121 | */
122 | var handler = function (match) {
123 | var $state = router.stateService;
124 | var globals = router.globals;
125 | if ($state.href(state, match) !== $state.href(globals.current, globals.params)) {
126 | $state.transitionTo(state, match, { inherit: true, source: 'url' });
127 | }
128 | };
129 | var details = { state: state, type: 'STATE' };
130 | return common_1.extend(this.fromUrlMatcher(state.url, handler), details);
131 | };
132 | /**
133 | * A UrlRule which matches based on a regular expression
134 | *
135 | * The `handler` may be either a [[UrlRuleHandlerFn]] or a string.
136 | *
137 | * ## Handler as a function
138 | *
139 | * If `handler` is a function, the function is invoked with:
140 | *
141 | * - regexp match array (from `regexp`)
142 | * - url: the current Url ([[UrlParts]])
143 | * - router: the router object ([[UIRouter]])
144 | *
145 | * #### Example:
146 | * ```js
147 | * var rule = factory.fromRegExp(/^\/foo\/(bar|baz)$/, match => "/home/" + match[1])
148 | * var match = rule.match('/foo/bar'); // results in [ '/foo/bar', 'bar' ]
149 | * var result = rule.handler(match); // '/home/bar'
150 | * ```
151 | *
152 | * ## Handler as string
153 | *
154 | * If `handler` is a string, the url is *replaced by the string* when the Rule is invoked.
155 | * The string is first interpolated using `string.replace()` style pattern.
156 | *
157 | * #### Example:
158 | * ```js
159 | * var rule = factory.fromRegExp(/^\/foo\/(bar|baz)$/, "/home/$1")
160 | * var match = rule.match('/foo/bar'); // results in [ '/foo/bar', 'bar' ]
161 | * var result = rule.handler(match); // '/home/bar'
162 | * ```
163 | */
164 | UrlRuleFactory.prototype.fromRegExp = function (regexp, handler) {
165 | if (regexp.global || regexp.sticky)
166 | throw new Error('Rule RegExp must not be global or sticky');
167 | /**
168 | * If handler is a string, the url will be replaced by the string.
169 | * If the string has any String.replace() style variables in it (like `$2`),
170 | * they will be replaced by the captures from [[match]]
171 | */
172 | var redirectUrlTo = function (match) {
173 | // Interpolates matched values into $1 $2, etc using a String.replace()-style pattern
174 | return handler.replace(/\$(\$|\d{1,2})/, function (m, what) { return match[what === '$' ? 0 : Number(what)]; });
175 | };
176 | var _handler = predicates_1.isString(handler) ? redirectUrlTo : handler;
177 | var matchParamsFromRegexp = function (url) { return regexp.exec(url.path); };
178 | var details = { regexp: regexp, type: 'REGEXP' };
179 | return common_1.extend(new BaseUrlRule(matchParamsFromRegexp, _handler), details);
180 | };
181 | UrlRuleFactory.isUrlRule = function (obj) { return obj && ['type', 'match', 'handler'].every(function (key) { return predicates_1.isDefined(obj[key]); }); };
182 | return UrlRuleFactory;
183 | }());
184 | exports.UrlRuleFactory = UrlRuleFactory;
185 | /**
186 | * A base rule which calls `match`
187 | *
188 | * The value from the `match` function is passed through to the `handler`.
189 | * @internal
190 | */
191 | var BaseUrlRule = /** @class */ (function () {
192 | function BaseUrlRule(match, handler) {
193 | var _this = this;
194 | this.match = match;
195 | this.type = 'RAW';
196 | this.matchPriority = function (match) { return 0 - _this.$id; };
197 | this.handler = handler || common_1.identity;
198 | }
199 | return BaseUrlRule;
200 | }());
201 | exports.BaseUrlRule = BaseUrlRule;
202 | //# sourceMappingURL=urlRule.js.map |
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